359 research outputs found

    Historia y arquitectura de la iglesia parroquial de Vilanova i la Geltrú

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    El siguiente Proyecto Final de Carrera se ha llevado a término con el objetivo de catalogar históricamente y gráficamente la Iglesia parroquial de Sant Antoni Abat de Vilanova y la Geltrú (Barcelona) complementando y ampliando así la documentación sobre las Iglesias de Catalunya que ya dispone el Taller de Patrimonio Arquitectónico de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Edificación de Barcelona. Este trabajo busca conocer de forma integral y exhaustiva el edificio, no exclusivamente su levantamiento arquitectónico, sino que también, el papel que ha desarrollado a lo largo de su extensa historia, ya que la iglesia está catalogada como un edificio de interés histórico de la ciudad, siendo uno de los monumentos más significativos de Vilanova i la Geltrú. Nuestro conocimiento sobre el templo, pretendemos que sea lo más profundo posible, si queremos que cualquier intervención que sobre él se realice sea eficaz y garantice todos los valores históricos del edificio. El método de trabajo que hemos utilizado durante estos últimos meses lo podemos dividir en cuatro pasos bien diferenciados. El primero de todos fue conocer el edificio que íbamos a levantar intentado identificar su época, estilo, elementos característicos, etc.. Para llevar a cabo dicho estudio visitamos las diferentes bibliotecas de la población y el archivo histórico de la comarca donde encontramos mucha y diversa información tanto histórica como gráfica del edificio. En segundo lugar realizamos la toma de datos in situ del edificio como croquis, fotografías y mediciones. El tercer paso fue la elaboración de los planos y el cuarto y último paso fue cuadrar el edificio y hacer los detalles de los elementos más característicos. Como resultado hemos obtenido por un lado los planos del estado actual del edificio y por otro un documento donde identificamos y localizamos el edificio, describiendo su tipología, uso, estilo, etc.. Además de una extensa documentación fotográfica y una recopilación de información histórica. Gracias a la realización de este Proyecto Final de Carrera, nos hemos profundizado sobre nuestros conocimientos constructivos relacionados con la arquitectura histórica y eclesiástica, permitiéndonos conocer las técnicas y sistemas que se utilizaban por aquel entonces en la construcción de edificios de este tipo. Concienciándonos sobre el patrimonio arquitectónico que nos rodea y la importancia que tiene su conservación. En resumen, se ha elaborado un estudio histórico y gráfico para poder realizar en un futuro actuaciones como reformas, rehabilitaciones y mantenimiento en el edificio

    Kultura otkaza i baština iz perspektive proširenja EU-a na Jugoistočnu Europu

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    The economic, social and political importance of the European Union (EU) and the expected enlargement of the EU to Southeast Europe has led to the need for an informed understanding of the reception of modern social movements in the European hemisphere. In this context, this article discusses differences in the intensity of the social reception of “cancel culture” between the North American and European hemispheres that became visible through social movements in 2020. The article is a descriptive analysis carried out using the desk research method. Castell’s concept of the internet society paradigmatically frames the article as it justifies a simultaneous analysis and description of the intensity of new social movements in two hemispheres. Differences were found in the reception of new social movements in the European and North American hemispheres through an analysis of the demolition of statues of Christopher Columbus, while the situation in Southeast Europe was analysed in order to find the territorial limits of the reception of new social movements. Christopher Columbus was chosen as a relevant historic figure because he connects the North American and European hemispheres through the collective memory concept, while Southeast Europe was relevant for the analysis because of the expected enlargement of the EU to that region. The analysis corroborated the differences in the collective memory related to the historic figure of Christopher Columbus in the two hemispheres, as well as the limited reach of the new social movements in Southeast Europe. The obvious differences in the reception of new social movements in continental Europe give rise to some particular questions related to heritage protection policies in the EU and Southeast Europe. Furthermore, the examples of anomic heritage protection in Croatia, and controversies related to heritage production in North Macedonia suggest the emergence of a cultural parallax in the European hemisphere. The article suggests that this cultural parallax has implications for the credibility of the Treaty on European Union and the application of the Copenhagen criteria. In conclusion, it is argued that heritage protection policies should become mandatory in accession negotiations in future cycles of EU enlargement.Zbog ekonomskog, društvenog i političkog značaja Europske unije (EU) i njezinog očekivanog proširenja na Jugoistočnu Europu, važno je znati kakva je recepcija suvremenih društvenih pokreta u europskoj hemisferi. U tom kontekstu rad raspravlja o razlici u društvenoj recepciji “kulture otkaza” u sjevernoameričkoj i europskoj hemisferi vidljivoj kroz intenzitet novih društvenih pokreta koji su se pojavili 2020. godine. Rad je deskriptivna analiza provedena metodom istraživanja za stolom. Castellsov koncept internetskog društva, koji istovremenu analizu i opis intenziteta novih društvenih pokreta u dvije hemisfere čini teorijski utemeljenima, čini paradigmatski okvir rada. Razlike u recepciji novih društvenih pokreta u europskoj u odnosu na sjevernoameričku hemisferu utvrđene su uz pomoć usporedne analize rušenja spomenika posvećenih Kristoforu Kolumbu, a prepoznavanje granica recepcije novih društvenih pokreta utvrđeno je analizom situacije u Jugoistočnoj Europi. Kristofor Kolumbo odabran je zato što kao povijesna osoba povezuje sjevernoameričku i europsku hemisferu kroz koncept kolektivne memorije. Jugoistočna Europa relevantna je za analizu dosega novih društvenih pokreta radi namjeravanog proširenja EU-a na tu regiju. Analiza je ukazala na razlike u kolektivnoj memoriji vezanoj za značaj povijesne ličnosti Kristofora Kolumba u dvije hemisfere te na ograničen doseg novih društvenih pokreta u Jugoistočnoj Europi. Očite razlike u recepciji novih društvenih pokreta u kontinentalnoj Europi, otvaraju singularna pitanja povezana s politikama zaštite kulturne baštine u Europskoj uniji i specifično u Jugoistočnoj Europi. Također, primjeri anomične zaštite u Hrvatskoj, odnosno kontroverzne proizvodnje baštine u Sjevernoj Makedoniji, ukazuju na pojavu kulturne paralakse u europskoj hemisferi. U radu se upozorava da pojava kulturne paralakse ima implikacije u odnosu na vjerodostojnost Ugovora o Europskoj uniji i primjenu kopenhaških kriterija. Zaključno se ističe da bi politike zaštite kulturne baštine trebale postati sastavni dio pregovora o pristupanju u sljedećim ciklusima proširenja EU

    Antennas for Small Mobile Terminals

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    Estudi de la implantació de IPv6 a la xarxa guifi.net

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    En aquest treball s'explicarà com funciona la xarxa guifi.net IPv4 i es far a una proposta de com podria ser la xarxa amb IPv6. Finalment, es realitzarà una prova per verificar la proposta

    Assajos fisicoquímics en el laboratori de grau mitjà de química

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    En aquest article es descriu i es reflexiona sobre la planificació i la realització d'un crèdit d'assajos físics i fisicoquímics del cicle formatiu de grau mitjà de laboratori. Es descriuen els assajos i es comenten els resultats obtinguts pels alumnes i les seves dificultats. S'explica com la metodologia utilitzada en el desenvolupament de la part experimental permet assolir els continguts procedimentals del crèdit. Es fan servir metodologies basades en la construcció de coneixement de manera guiada, juntament amb el treball per experts i el treball cooperatiu. Es presenta la planificació del crèdit, inclosa la proposta d'avaluació.This paper describes and discusses the planning and execution of a physical and physicochemical credit testing of an intermediate laboratory VET course. We describe the tests and discuss the results obtained by the students and the difficulties encountered. We also explain how the methodology used in developing the experimental procedures achieves the contents of the credit. Methodologies for constructing knowledge are used in guidance of experts and cooperative work. The planning is also presented, including the credit assessment proposal

    Quantile Encoder: Tackling High Cardinality Categorical Features in Regression Problems

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    Regression problems have been widely studied in machinelearning literature resulting in a plethora of regression models and performance measures. However, there are few techniques specially dedicated to solve the problem of how to incorporate categorical features to regression problems. Usually, categorical feature encoders are general enough to cover both classification and regression problems. This lack of specificity results in underperforming regression models. In this paper,we provide an in-depth analysis of how to tackle high cardinality categor-ical features with the quantile. Our proposal outperforms state-of-the-encoders, including the traditional statistical mean target encoder, when considering the Mean Absolute Error, especially in the presence of long-tailed or skewed distributions. Besides, to deal with possible overfitting when there are categories with small support, our encoder benefits from additive smoothing. Finally, we describe how to expand the encoded values by creating a set of features with different quantiles. This expanded encoder provides a more informative output about the categorical feature in question, further boosting the performance of the regression model.Comment: Accepted at The 18th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI

    An edge-based strategy for smart advertising

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    Smart advertising creates awareness about some offer with a more direct, personalized and interactive focus. In this area, AROUND is a social network aimed at providing smart advertising to suggest appealing business to their customers and friends. The AROUND system is supported by a sophisticated recommender system, which considers not only the customers historical behaviours, but also their current mood and accurate location. In such smart recommendation systems, the response time for the personalized advertising is critical for a successful users’ quality of experience. In this research work we first evaluate the current performance of the AROUND system in terms of processing and communication times considering that, nowadays, this social network has more than 3 million users. The current implementation of the system relies on the deployment of a network of beacons, and uses a domestic cloud provider as the main infrastructure. We show that when the number of concurrent requests becomes too high, the response time faces some limitations. In order to address this issue, we discuss several alternatives, and propose the use of an edge-based strategy as a solution for fast response time. In the experimental section, we measure the performance of the AROUND system, both in our current infrastructure at the cloud and with an edge-based approach, and show the additional advantages of leveraging the edge-based strategy even in the case of overloading the cloud capacity.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under contract RTI2018-094532-B-I00.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Essentiality of managing the resource information in the coordinated fog-to-cloud paradigm

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Sengupta, S, Garcia, J, Masip‐Bruin, X. Essentiality of managing the resource information in the coordinated fog‐to‐cloud paradigm. Int J Commun Syst. 2019, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.4286. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Fog-to-cloud (F2C) computing is an emerging computational platform. By combing the cloud, fog, and IoT, it provides an excellent framework for managing and coordinating the resources in any smart computing domain. Efficient management of these kinds of diverse resources is one of the critical tasks in the F2C system. Also, it must be considered that different types of services are offered by any smart system. So, before managing these resources and enabling the various types of services, it is essential to have some comprehensive informational catalogue of resources and services. Hence, after identifying the resource and service-task taxonomy, our main aim in this paper is finding out a solution for properly organizing this information over the F2C system. For that purpose, we are proposing a modified F2C framework where all the information is distributively stored near to the edge of the network. Finally, by presenting some experimental results, we evaluate and validate the performance of our proposing framework.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under contract RTI2018-094532-B-I00 and by the H2020 European Union mF2C project with reference 730929.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    SFDDM: a secure distributed database management in combined fog-to-cloud systems

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Technological revolutions have greatly increased the use of IoT devices for our daily life. Driving the fact that everything surrounding us is getting connected what turns into an unstoppable increase in the amount of data produced. This data represents the state of diverse environmental events and helps to control a large set of distinct activities. So, accurate and secure management of this data is essential for any computing platform. Moreover, in order to provide real-time services in a distributed system (i.e., smart city), the data should be properly and securely managed. It is well known that shifting these tasks to the edge (i.e., near to the end users), highly facilitates these two objectives. The recently proposed Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) model is intended to enable data processing near to the edge, which helps to get better latency-sensitive services. However, some challenges remain to accurately and securely manage this data over the system, mainly due to the distributed F2C nature. Thus, considering these facts and challenges, in this paper we propose an architectural solution aimed at building a secure distributed database for F2C systems. Then, considering a real-case scenario, we perform some tests to measure the performance of our proposing schema. Finally, by comparing the performance between traditional cloud, fog/edge based execution model and our proposing SFDDM, we validate the effectiveness of our proposing schema.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under contract RTI2018- 094532-B-I00, and by the H2020 European Union mF2C project with reference 730929.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft