1,447 research outputs found

    Damage scenario of the earthquake on 23 July 1930 in Melfi: the contribution of technical documentation

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    As regards the 1930 Irpinia earthquake a detailed research both on the institutional response to the seismic event in Vulture area and reconstruction of the damage scenario for the town of Melfi has been performed. This study was carried out by an analysis of coeval dossiers drawn up by the Special Office of Civil Engineers, which was set up after the earthquake. The research brought to light the typologies and the modalities of the institutional actions taken during the post-seismic period. In general, these territorial interventions had a notable effect on urban systems, especially those involving both the partial shifting of urban areas and the construction of earthquake-proof buildings. The research also identified the damage pattern in Melfi by a deeper study on about 2400 archive files. A preliminary analysis of the damage pattern indicates probable seismic amplification phenomena due to the lithological and geomorphological features of the site. Moreover, the analysis of time-dependent activities of reconstruction has shown that almost all the buildings of the town (90%) were repaired or reconstructed within five years after the seismic disaster

    Le pain de l\u27enfant : romance

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    Beau lutin rose à tê te folle,pourquoi, cher enfant, dans vos jeuxain si perdre au vent qui s\u27envole ce pain qui ferait tant d\u27heureux? Oh! non, non, n\u27émiettez pasle pain sur vos pas, mon ange!Et de peur que Dieu ne se venge,et de peur que Dieu ne se vengesi vous en avez trop pensez... pensezà ceux qui n\u27en ont pas assez! Parcourez le val solitairelà, mon trésor, bien des paleursvous diront à quel prix la terrele vend aux bras des laboureurs ...Oh! ... Il est encor, de par la vie,des indigents autour de nous...plus d\u27un vous voit qui porte envieà l\u27oiseau quêtant après vous!..Oh! ... Puis la fortune est infidèle,vous le saurez, mes blonds amours...souvent le pain fuit avec elle,et la faim revient tous les jours!..Oh! ..

    Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous : romance

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    Oui je doutais de l\u27espérance,et du bonheur,et de l\u27amour!et ce doute, affruese souffrance,était mon mal de chaque jour!c\u27est qu\u27alors j\u27ignorais qu\u27un Ange pouvait descendre parmi nous;maintenant, je le vois,tout change..... maintenant,je le vois, tout change..... Et je crois a l\u27espoir: Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous!et je crois a l\u27espoir: Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous.Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous! Hélas! dans mes longs jours d\u27alarmes,que j\u27ai versé d\u27amères pleurs:au jourd\u27hui, ces pleurs ont des charmes;je suis heureux de mes douleurs!oui, pour moi, quand je vous écoute,du Ciel s\u27apaise le courroux;c\u27est un blasphême que le doute,c\u27est un blasphême que le doute..... Et je crois au bonheur:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous!et je crois au bonheur:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous,Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous! Et moi, dont l\u27âme était flétrie, qui ne croyais jamais aimer:si vous saviez, lorsque je prie,quel nom, tout bas, j\u27aime à nommer!à Dieu seul dans mon trouble extrême,je redis ce nom à genoux;prier, c\u27est dire que l\u27on aime, prier c\u27est dire que l\u27on aime!.... Et je crois a l\u27amour:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous!et je crois à l\u27amour:Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous,Dieu m\u27a conduit vers vous

    Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas : romance

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    Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas; je t\u27en prie à genoux,O toi, mon Dieu, qui connais mes a larmes;Son regard si touchant,Son langage si doux,M\u27apportent du bonheur; et je verse des larmes!...Oh! par pitié, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas!Oh! par pitié, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas! Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas; car, moi, je l\u27aimerais,De cet amour qui rend triste et charmé;Un jour, s\u27il m\u27aimait moins, tu le sais, j\u27en mourrais,Ce n\u27est plus vivre, hélas! que d\u27être moins aimée!...Oh! par pitié, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas!Oh! par pitié, mon Dieu, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas, fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas! Fais qu\u27il ne m\u27aime pas; j\u27implore ton secours;Et de ses veux, dérobe moi la plainte!...Ici, j\u27aimerai sans crainte!...Fais ici bas, mon Dieu, que je ne l\u27aime pas!Fais par pitié, mon Dieu, que je ne l\u27aime pas, que je ne l\u27aime pas


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    A large-sized species of Parasorex is common in the MN 13 mammal assemblages from the uppermost Messinian sandy-marly fissure fillings within the Gessoso Solfifera Formation at Brisighella (Northern Apennine). This erinaceid has been classified as Galerix sp. in the first papers on the Brisighella fauna. Later, it was described in detail in an unpublished Ph.D. dissertation by Fanfani (1999), who referred it to Galerix depereti. Van den Hoek Ostende (2001) included G. depereti in the genus Parasorex, Parasorex depereti has been described by Crochet (1986) on scarce material from a few Early Pliocene (MN 14–15) localities of southern France and Spain. Parasorex cf. depereti has been reported from the Early Pliocene fauna of Capo Mannu (Mandriola, Sardinia; Furió and Angelone 2010). The species seems actually distributed in south-western Europe, where it represents the youngest occurrence of the genus Parasorex. The very abundant sample of P. depereti from fissure filling BRS 25 enables a more accurate and comprehensive description of the species. It also permits inspection of the mesial elements of the dentition, which were lacking in the material examined by Crochet (1986). The systematic position of the species has been revisited and compared with those of other Galericini of the Parasorex group

    Reappraisal of some species of the giant galericine Deinogalerix (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Erinaceomorpha, Erinaceidae) from the Miocene of south-eastern Italy, with a review of the genus

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    A revision of the remains of Deinogalerix from the Terre Rosse of Gargano, stored at the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence, improved our knowledge of the genus. The goals of this study are to clear the taxonomic status of the specimens and to tackle several issues connected with the evolutionary relationships of the different species. The sample of dental remains of Deinogalerix freudenthali provides new information, which confirms that this species belongs to the most primitive members of the genus, alongside D. masinii. It is now clear that D. freudenthali is very close to the hypothetical ancestor of all other Gargano species, except D. masinii. Nonetheless, the oldest fissures of the Gargano Terre Rosse contain also primitive species of unsettled taxonomic and phylogenetic position. The present analysis shows the systematic validity of D. minor and D. intermedius, whose status was debated. Moreover, the study verifies the consistency of the two phyletic lineages Deinogalerix minor–D. brevirostris and Deinogalerix intermedius–D. koenigswaldi, as well as the co-occurrence of members of the two lines at least in the most recent Terre Rosse fissures. The enhanced information contributes to our understanding of the genus Deinogalerix and especially of the most ancient phases of colonisation of the Apulia Platform. Nonetheless, the fossil record of the genus remains imperfect, with many gaps blurring the origins of its various evolutionary lines

    Google earth engine as multi-sensor open-source tool for supporting the preservation of archaeological areas: The case study of flood and fire mapping in metaponto, italy

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    In recent years, the impact of Climate change, anthropogenic and natural hazards (such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, tsunamis, fires) has dramatically increased and adversely affected modern and past human buildings including outstanding cultural properties and UNESCO heritage sites. Research about protection/monitoring of cultural heritage is crucial to preserve our cultural properties and (with them also) our history and identity. This paper is focused on the use of the open-source Google Earth Engine tool herein used to analyze flood and fire events which affected the area of Metaponto (southern Italy), near the homonymous Greek-Roman archaeological site. The use of the Google Earth Engine has allowed the supervised and unsupervised classification of areas affected by flooding (2013–2020) and fire (2017) in the past years, obtaining remarkable results and useful information for setting up strategies to mitigate damage and support the preservation of areas and landscape rich in cultural and natural heritage
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