117 research outputs found

    Elucidating and Expanding the Restorative Theory Framework to Comprehend Influential Factors Supporting Ageing-in-Place:A Scoping Review

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    Exposure to stress and attention fatigue resulting from changes in capabilities and residing in environments that do not align with individual needs can adversely impact older adults’ mental health and complicate ageing-in-place. Research into the psychological restoration process can help assist in alleviating these issues. Existing research on restoration perspectives has predominantly centred on university students and lacks comprehensive insights into older adults. Consequently, this study seeks to acquire a deeper understanding of the restorative theory framework within the context of ageing populations. We identified and analysed thirty-nine papers on the restoration process of older adults employing the scoping review method. Our findings indicate that adjustments to the general restorative theory framework are imperative for ageing populations. By incorporating additional features—such as being with and familiarity—the framework can more effectively support the development of age-inclusive neighbourhoods that enhance the mental health of the older population and facilitate healthy ageing-in-place. While more in-depth research is required on the restoration process of older adults, this research marks the initial in adapting the general framework to ageing populations. Furthermore, insight is given into how the adapted framework can contribute to help address the challenges of global ageing and support ageing-in-place

    Supporting dementia care by monitoring indoor environmental quality in a nursing home

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    The indoor environment quality in care facilities impacts residents’ daily lives. Sensor technology has been proven useful in evaluating the indoor environment of buildings, but the process of using this information to improve residents’ comfort, specifically in the context of nursing homes, is still underdeveloped. Thus, this study focuses on monitoring indoor environmental quality in a nursing home in the Netherlands, supported by professional caregivers’ insights. A campaign was conducted for one year to monitor eight rooms, and a mixed-method approach was used to collect and analyse the data on local weather, building facility operation and proxies’ responses to residents’ comfort. Seventeen care professionals and twenty-two guardians (visitors) answered questions based on their opinions and observation. The results show that the low indoor humidity during heating seasons and high CO2 concentration at night were the main factors leading to environment-related symptoms of residents and care professionals, such as dry eyes. Furthermore, we found that data outliers can help to reveal residents’ occupancy, ventilation habits and activity time, thus showing the application value of environmental sensors in dementia care. We also recommend using non-intrusive sensors for nursing home residents and taking into account room layouts and occupants’ conditions before installing sensors

    In Vivo Evolution of Bacterial Resistance in Two Cases of Enterobacter aerogenes Infections during Treatment with Imipenem

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    International audienceInfections caused by multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria are a major concern worldwide. Changes in membrane permeability, including decreased influx and/or increased efflux of antibiotics, are known as key contributors of bacterial MDR. Therefore, it is of critical importance to understand molecular mechanisms that link membrane permeability to MDR in order to design new antimicrobial strategies. In this work, we describe genotype-phenotype correlations in Enterobacter aerogenes, a clinically problematic and antibiotic resistant bacterium. To do this, series of clinical isolates have been periodically collected from two patients during chemotherapy with imipenem. The isolates exhibited different levels of resistance towards multiple classes of antibiotics, consistently with the presence or the absence of porins and efflux pumps. Transport assays were used to characterize membrane permeability defects. Simultaneous genome-wide analysis allowed the identification of putative mutations responsible for MDR. The genome of the imipenem-susceptible isolate G7 was sequenced to closure and used as a reference for comparative genomics. This approach uncovered several loci that were specifically mutated in MDR isolates and whose products are known to control membrane permeability. These were omp35 and omp36, encoding the two major porins; rob, encoding a global AraC-type transcriptional activator; cpxA, phoQ and pmrB, encoding sensor kinases of the CpxRA, PhoPQ and PmrAB two-component regulatory systems, respectively. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of membrane alterations relative to mutational steps in the evolution of MDR of a recognized nosocomial pathogen

    Monitoring the performance of a Passivhaus care home: lessons for user-centric design

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    The paper presents the results of monitoring a Passivhaus care home regarding the effect of design intentions, occupancy practices and user preferences, on building energy and indoor environmental quality performance through a mixed methods approach. The results of the thermal comfort assessment showed that the staff is uncomfortable, while the residents are comfortable. Warm temperatures are preferred by the residents. The staff understands the needs of the residents and acknowledge the fact that their discomfort assures the comfort of the residents. Energy usage is higher than expected. None of the daily routines required in a care home were considered in the energy calculations. The calculations were made by a team of designers, who did not know well the activities carried out in the care home. As a result, the expected performance of the building was unrealistic in terms of energy use. The results point at the importance of taking into account the user during the design process: even though the actual needs and preferences of the occupants were not considered in the energy calculations, they were considered in the design of the building’s installations. This allowed the staff to air the rooms daily without compromising the comfort of the residents

    Co-design of a neurodevelopment assessment scale : a study protocol

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    Neurodevelopmental disorders are a heterogeneous group of conditions with overlapping symptomatology and fluctuating developmental trajectories that transcend current diagnostic categorisation. There is a need for validated screening instruments which dimensionally assess symptomatology from a holistic, transdiagnostic perspective. The primary aim is to co-design a Neurodevelopment Assessment Scale (NAS), a user-friendly transdiagnostic assessment inventory that systematically screens for all signs and symptoms commonly encountered in neurodevelopmental disorders. Our first objective is to undertake development of this tool, utilising co-design principles in partnership with stakeholders, including both those with lived experience of neurodevelopmental disorders and service providers. Our second objective is to evaluate the face validity, as well as the perceived utility, user-friendliness, suitability, and acceptability (i.e., ‘social validity’), of the NAS from the perspective of parents/caregivers and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, clinicians, and service providers. Our third objective is to ascertain the psychometric properties of the NAS, including content validity and convergent validity. The NAS will provide an efficient transdiagnostic tool for evaluating all relevant signs, symptoms, and the dimensional constructs that underpin neurodevelopmental presentations. It is anticipated that this will maximise outcomes by enabling the delivery of personalised care tailored to an individual’s unique profile in a holistic and efficient manner

    Folding and trimerization of signal sequence-less mature TolC in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli

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    TolC is a multifunctional outer-membrane protein (OMP) of Escherichia coli that folds into a unique α/β-barrel structure. Previous studies have shown that unlike the biogenesis of β-barrel OMPs, such as porins, TolC assembles independently from known periplasmic folding factors. Yet, the assembly of TolC, like that of β-barrel OMPs, is dependent on BamA and BamD, two essential components of the β-barrel OMP assembly machinery. We have investigated the folding properties and cellular trafficking of a TolC derivative that lacks the entire signal sequence (TolCΔ2–22). A significant amount of TolCΔ2–22 was found to be soluble in the cytoplasm, and a fraction of it folded and trimerized into a conformation similar to that of the normal outer membrane-localized TolC protein. Some TolCΔ2–22 was found to associate with membranes, but failed to assume a wild-type-like folded conformation. The null phenotype of TolCΔ2–22 was exploited to isolate suppressor mutations, the majority of which mapped in secY. In the secY suppressor background, TolCΔ2–22 resumed normal function and folded like wild-type TolC. Proper membrane insertion could not be achieved upon in vitro incubation of cytoplasmically folded TolCΔ2–22 with purified outer membrane vesicles, showing that even though TolC is intrinsically capable of folding and trimerization, for successful integration into the outer membrane these events need to be tightly coupled to the insertion process, which is mediated by the Bam machinery. Genetic and biochemical data attribute the unique folding and assembly pathways of TolC to its large soluble α-helical domain

    Study protocol for the Australian autism biobank: an international resource to advance autism discovery research

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    BACKGROUND: The phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents considerable challenges in understanding etiological pathways, selecting effective therapies, providing genetic counselling, and predicting clinical outcomes. With advances in genetic and biological research alongside rapid-pace technological innovations, there is an increasing imperative to access large, representative, and diverse cohorts to advance knowledge of ASD. To date, there has not been any single collective effort towards a similar resource in Australia, which has its own unique ethnic and cultural diversity. The Australian Autism Biobank was initiated by the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism (Autism CRC) to establish a large-scale repository of biological samples and detailed clinical information about children diagnosed with ASD to facilitate future discovery research. METHODS: The primary group of participants were children with a confirmed diagnosis of ASD, aged between 2 and 17 years, recruited through four sites in Australia. No exclusion criteria regarding language level, cognitive ability, or comorbid conditions were applied to ensure a representative cohort was recruited. Both biological parents and siblings were invited to participate, along with children without a diagnosis of ASD, and children who had been queried for an ASD diagnosis but did not meet diagnostic criteria. All children completed cognitive assessments, with probands and parents completing additional assessments measuring ASD symptomatology. Parents completed questionnaires about their child's medical history and early development. Physical measurements and biological samples (blood, stool, urine, and hair) were collected from children, and physical measurements and blood samples were collected from parents. Samples were sent to a central processing site and placed into long-term storage. DISCUSSION: The establishment of this biobank is a valuable international resource incorporating detailed clinical and biological information that will help accelerate the pace of ASD discovery research. Recruitment into this study has also supported the feasibility of large-scale biological sample collection in children diagnosed with ASD with comprehensive phenotyping across a wide range of ages, intellectual abilities, and levels of adaptive functioning. This biological and clinical resource will be open to data access requests from national and international researchers to support future discovery research that will benefit the autistic community

    ACROBAT -- a multi-stain breast cancer histological whole-slide-image data set from routine diagnostics for computational pathology

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    The analysis of FFPE tissue sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) or immunohistochemistry (IHC) is an essential part of the pathologic assessment of surgically resected breast cancer specimens. IHC staining has been broadly adopted into diagnostic guidelines and routine workflows to manually assess status and scoring of several established biomarkers, including ER, PGR, HER2 and KI67. However, this is a task that can also be facilitated by computational pathology image analysis methods. The research in computational pathology has recently made numerous substantial advances, often based on publicly available whole slide image (WSI) data sets. However, the field is still considerably limited by the sparsity of public data sets. In particular, there are no large, high quality publicly available data sets with WSIs of matching IHC and H&E-stained tissue sections. Here, we publish the currently largest publicly available data set of WSIs of tissue sections from surgical resection specimens from female primary breast cancer patients with matched WSIs of corresponding H&E and IHC-stained tissue, consisting of 4,212 WSIs from 1,153 patients. The primary purpose of the data set was to facilitate the ACROBAT WSI registration challenge, aiming at accurately aligning H&E and IHC images. For research in the area of image registration, automatic quantitative feedback on registration algorithm performance remains available through the ACROBAT challenge website, based on more than 37,000 manually annotated landmark pairs from 13 annotators. Beyond registration, this data set has the potential to enable many different avenues of computational pathology research, including stain-guided learning, virtual staining, unsupervised pre-training, artefact detection and stain-independent models

    Identification of the calcitonin receptor in osteoarthritic chondrocytes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Preclinical and clinical studies have shown that salmon calcitonin has cartilage protective effects in joint degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA). However, the presence of the calcitonin receptor (CTR) in articular cartilage chondrocytes is yet to be identified. In this study, we sought to further investigate the expression of the CTR in naïve human OA articular chondrocytes to gain further confirmation of the existents of the CTR in articular cartilage.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Total RNA was purified from primary chondrocytes from articular cartilage biopsies from four OA patients undergoing total knee replacement. High quality cDNA was produced using a dedicated reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) protocol. From this a nested PCR assay amplifying the full coding region of the CTR mRNA was completed. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry were used to characterize CTR protein on protein level in chondrocytes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The full coding transcript of the CTR isoform 2 was identified in all four individuals. DNA sequencing revealed a number of allelic variants of the gene including two potentially novel polymorphisms: a frame shift mutation, +473del, producing a shorter form of the receptor protein, and a single nucleotide polymorphism in the 3' non coding region of the transcript, +1443 C>T. A 53 kDa protein band, consistent with non-glycosylated CTR isoform 2, was detected in chondrocytes with a similar size to that expressed in osteoclasts. Moreover the CTR was identified in the plasma membrane and the chondrocyte lacuna of both primary chondrocytes and OA cartilage section.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Human OA articular cartilage chondrocytes do indeed express the CTR, which makes the articular a pharmacological target of salmon calcitonin. In addition, the results support previous findings suggesting that calcitonin has a direct anabolic effect on articular cartilage.</p

    "Watch Me Grow- Electronic (WMG-E)" surveillance approach to identify and address child development, parental mental health, and psychosocial needs : study protocol

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic and the associated economic recession has increased parental psychosocial stress and mental health challenges. This has adversely impacted child development and wellbeing, particularly for children from priority populations (culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and rural/regional communities) who are at an already increased risk of health inequality. The increased mental health and psychosocial needs were compounded by the closure of in-person preventive and health promotion programs resulting in health organisations embracing technology and online services. Watch Me Grow- Electronic (WMG-E) – developmental surveillance platform- exemplifies one such service. WMG-E was developed to monitor child development and guide parents towards more detailed assessments when risk is identified. This Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) aims to expand WMG-E as a digital navigation tool by also incorporating parents’ mental health and psychosocial needs. Children and families needing additional assessments and supports will be electronically directed to relevant resources in the ‘care-as-usual’ group. In contrast, the intervention group will receive continuity of care, with additional in-person assessment and ‘warm hand over’ by a ‘service navigator’ to ensure their needs are met. Methods: Using an RCT we will determine: (1) parental engagement with developmental surveillance; (2) access to services for those with mental health and social care needs; and (3) uptake of service recommendations. Three hundred parents/carers of children aged 6 months to 3 years (recruited from a culturally diverse, or rural/regional site) will be randomly allocated to the ‘care-as-usual’ or ‘intervention’ group. A mixed methods implementation evaluation will be completed, with semi-structured interviews to ascertain the acceptability, feasibility and impact of the WMG-E platform and service navigator. Conclusions: Using WMG-E is expected to: normalise and de-stigmatise mental health and psychosocial screening; increase parental engagement and service use; and result in the early identification and management of child developmental needs, parental mental health, and family psychosocial needs. If effective, digital solutions such as WMG-E to engage and empower parents alongside a service navigator for vulnerable families needing additional support, will have significant practice and policy implications in the pandemic/post pandemic period. Trial registration: The trial (Protocol No. 1.0, Version 3.1) was registered with ANZCTR (registration number: ACTRN12621000766819) on July 21st, 2021 and reporting of the trial results will be according to recommendations in the CONSORT Statement