632 research outputs found

    Multialgebraic Systems in Information Granulation

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    In different fields a conception of granules is applied both as a group of elements defined by internal properties and as something inseparable whole reflecting external properties. Granular computing may be interpreted in terms of abstraction, generalization, clustering, levels of abstraction, levels of detail, and so on. We have proposed to use multialgebraic systems as a mathematical tool for synthesis and analysis of granules and granule structures. The theorem of necessary and sufficient conditions for multialgebraic systems existence has been proved

    Distance Matrix Approach to Content Image Retrieval

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    As the volume of image data and the need of using it in various applications is growing significantly in the last days it brings a necessity of retrieval efficiency and effectiveness. Unfortunately, existing indexing methods are not applicable to a wide range of problem-oriented fields due to their operating time limitations and strong dependency on the traditional descriptors extracted from the image. To meet higher requirements, a novel distance-based indexing method for region-based image retrieval has been proposed and investigated. The method creates premises for considering embedded partitions of images to carry out the search with different refinement or roughening level and so to seek the image meaningful content

    The role of the neural crest in the normal and abnormal heart development

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    The data about participation of the neural crest in the normal and abnormal cardiogenesis are summarized in the review. The main morphological phenomena which accompany the interaction of the neural crest cells and embryonic heart are the migration of the dense mesenchyme originated from neural crest from pharyngeal arches to the trunk of heart as well as apoptotic processes. After chemical teratogens treatment such as retinoic acid and ethyl alcohol the distant relationship between neural crest and heart and also the migration of neural crest cells to the heart were changed. The decrease of inten-sity of the apoptotic processes in the heart, the delay of reduction of the conotruncal and atrioventricular myocardium and lesion of mesenchyme structures were determined morphologically. The ethanol and retinoic acid treatment cause also the abnormalities in the interventricular foramen closure, in the development of conductive system, and heart valves. We suggest that these abnormalities are mediated by the neural crest cells

    Image Quotient Set Transforms in Segmentation Problems

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    Image content interpretation is much dependent on segmentations efficiency. Requirements for the image recognition applications lead to a nessesity to create models of new type, which will provide some adaptation between law-level image processing, when images are segmented into disjoint regions and features are extracted from each region, and high-level analysis, using obtained set of all features for making decisions. Such analysis requires some a priori information, measurable region properties, heuristics, and plausibility of computational inference. Sometimes to produce reliable true conclusion simultaneous processing of several partitions is desired. In this paper a set of operations with obtained image segmentation and a nested partitions metric are introduced

    Engineers military objects in the Development of military-historical museum

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    This research investigates the problem of adapting engineering military installations to the conditions of their use for certain utilitarian function in modern society. An analysis and shows the importance and influence of functioning of the engineering military installations of the museum demonstration at the military historical museums.В роботі досліджено проблему пристосування інженерних військових об’єктів до умов використання їх для певних утилітарних функцій в сучасному суспільстві. Проведено аналіз та показано велике значення і вплив функціонування інженерних військових споруд музейного показу на роботу військово-історичних музеїв.В работе исследована проблема приспособления инженерных военных объектов к условиям использования их для определенных утилитарных функций в современном обществе. Проведен анализ и показано большое значение и влияние функционирования инженерных военных сооружений музейного показа на работу военно-исторических музеев

    Military history museums of Ukraine: historical and statistical aspects

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    In the article the results of military-historical museums Ukraine through characterization of their foundations and excursion work.У статті висвітлено результати діяльності військово-історичних музеїв України через характеристику їх фондів та екскурсійну роботу.В статье освещены результаты деятельности военно-исторических музеев Украины через характеристику их фондов та экскурсионную работу

    История создания и развития базы ремонта подводных лодок в Балаклаве

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    В статті висвітлюється історія створення та розвитку протиатомного підземного комплексу по ремонту підводних човнів у Балаклаві.This article covers the history of creation and development of the against atom underground complex repair of submarines in Balaklava.В статье освещается история создания и развития противоатомного подземного комплекса по ремонту подводных лодок в Балаклаве

    Regulation of BAP1 tumor suppressor complex by post-translational modifications

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    Le régulateur transcriptionnel BAP1 est une déubiquitinase nucléaire (DUB) dont le substrat est l’histone H2A modifiée par monoubiquitination au niveau des residus lysines 118 et 119 (K118/K119). Depuis les dernières années, BAP1 emerge comme un gene suppresseur de tumeur majeur. En effet, BAP1 est inactivé dans un plethore de maladies humaines héréditaires et sporadiques. Cependant, malgré l’accumulation significative des connaissances concernant l’occurrence, la pénétrance et l’impact des défauts de BAP1 sur le développement de cancers, ses mécanismes d’action et de régulation restent très peu compris. Cette étude est dédiée à la caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle du complexe multi-protéique de BAP1 et se présente parmi les premiers travaux décrivant sa régulation par des modifications post-traductionnelles. D’abord, nous avons défini la composition du corps du complexe BAP1 ainsi que ses principaux partenaires d’interaction. Ensuite, nous nous sommes spécifiquement intéressés a investiguer d’avantage deux principaux aspects de la régulation de BAP1. Nous avons d’abord décrit l’inter-régulation entre deux composantes majeures du complexe BAP1, soit HCF-1 et OGT. D’une manière très intéressante, nous avons trouvé que le cofacteur HCF-1 est un important régulateur des niveaux protéiques d’OGT. En retour, OGT est requise pour la maturation protéolytique de HCF-1 en promouvant sa protéolyse par O-GlcNAcylation, un processus de régulation très important pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1. D’autre part, nous avons découvert un mécanisme unique de régulation de BAP1 médiée par l’ubiquitine ligase atypique UBE2O. en effet, UBE2O se caractérise par le fait qu’il s’agit aussi bien d’une ubiquitine conjuratrice et d’une ubiquitine ligase. UBE2O, multi-monoubiquitine BAP1 au niveau de son domaine NLS et promeut son exclusion du noyau, le séquestrant ainsi dans le cytoplasme. De façon importante, nos travaux ont permis de mettre de l’emphase sur le rôle de l’activité auto-catalytique de chacune de ces enzymes, soit l’activité d’auto-déubiquitination de BAP1 qui est requise pour la maintenance de sa localisation nucléaire ainsi que l’activité d’auto-ubiquitination d’UBE2O impliquée dans son transport nucléo-cytoplasmique. De manière significative, nous avons trouvé que des défauts au niveau de l’auto-déubiquitination de BAP1 due à des mutations associées à certains cancers indiquent l’importance d’une propre regulation de cette déubiquitinase pour les processus associés à la suppression de tumeurs.BAP1 is a nuclear deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) that acts as a transcription regulator and a DUB of nucleosomal histone H2AK119. In the recent years, it has become clear that BAP1 is a major tumor suppressor, inactivated in a plethora of hereditary and sporadic human malignancies. Although, we now accumulated a significant body of knowledge in respect to the occurrence, penetrance and impact of BAP1 disruption in cancer, its mechanism of action and regulation remained poorly defined. This work is dedicated to the biochemical and functional characterization of the BAP1 multiprotein complex and presents one of the first cases regarding its regulation by post-translational modifications. First, we defined the initial composition of the BAP1 complex and its main interacting components. Second, we specifically focused on two aspects of BAP1 regulation. We described the cross regulation between the two major components of the complex namely HCF-1 and OGT. We found that HCF-1 is important for the maintenance of the cellular levels of OGT. OGT, in turn, is required for the proper maturation of HCF-1 by promoting O-GlcNAcylation-mediated limited proteolysis of its precursor. Third, we discovered an intricate regulatory mechanism of BAP1 mediated by the atypical ubiquitin ligase UBE2O. UBE2O multi-monoubiquitinates BAP1 on its NLS and promotes its exclusion from the nucleus. Importantly, our work emphasises the role of the autocatalytic activity of both enzymes namely the auto-deubiquitination activity of BAP1, required for the maintenance of nuclear BAP1 and the auto-ubiquitination of UBE2O implicated in its nucleocytoplasmic transport. Significantly, we found that auto-deubiquitination of BAP1 is disrupted by cancer-associated mutations, indicating the involvement of this process in tumor suppression

    Chemistry of two-dimensional transition metal carbides (MXenes)

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    With consumer trends pushing toward smaller, faster, more flexible, multitasking devices, researchers striving to meet these needs have targeted two-dimensional (2D) materials – and graphene in particular – as holding the most promise for use in advanced applications. But in 2011, a significant interest has been triggered by a newly discovered family of novel 2D materials – layered transitional metal carbides and carbonitrides, named MXenes. Those compounds were of general formula Mn+1XnTx, where M stands for metal atom, X is C and/or N, n = 1, 2 or 3, and Tx represents surface groups. Being initially suggested as a material for electrical energy storage systems, MXenes’ properties and their potential applications have not been explored. This work is the first complete study of MXenes’ chemistry that sheds light on the chemical composition, structure and properties of these novel materials and possible routes of its modification. The research was focused on 2D titanium carbide, Ti3C2Tx, chosen as the representative of the MXene family. The kinetic study of Ti3C2Tx synthesis discovered the main synthesis parameters, viz. temperature, time and particle size, that affect the etching process and define the quality of final product. MXenes were found to be able to spontaneously accommodate various ions and small organic molecules between the layers leading to preopening of the structure. A major challenge of large scale production of delaminated, atomically thin 2D MXene layers was solved with two delamination techniques involving dimethyl sulfoxide and isopropyl amine pre-intercalation followed by sonication in water. Ti3C2Tx was also found to possess adsorptive and photocatalytic properties, revealing its potential for environmental applications. It also showed limited stability in water and in the presence of oxygen, providing important practical information on proper handling and storage of MXene materials. Completion of this work allowed the performance of energy storage devices to be improved significantly, viz. Li-ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors, and gave rise to many other potential applications such as MXene-polymer composites, sorption, and catalysis. More importantly, it opened a path to the large-scale synthesis of thin, single-layer MXene sheets and led to establishing MXenes as fully-fledged members of the growing family of 2D materials.Ph.D., Materials Science -- Drexel University, 201