47 research outputs found

    Evaluation of game templates to support programming activities in schools

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    Game creation challenges in schools potentially provide engaging, goal-oriented, and interactive experiences in classes; thereby supporting the transfer of knowledge for learning in a fun and pedagogic manner. A key element of the ongoing European project No One Left Behind (NOLB) is to integrate a game-making teaching framework (GMTF) into the educational app Pocket Code. Pocket Code allows learners to create programs in a visual Lego®-style way to facilitate learning how to code at secondary high schools. The concept of the NOLB GMTF is based on principles of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model. Its focus lies on three pillars of learning: the what, how, and why. Thereby, the NOLB GMTF is a common set of concepts, practices, pedagogy, and methods. This framework provides a coherent approach to learning and teaching by integrating leisure oriented gaming methods into multi-discipline curricula. One output of this framework is the integration of game-based methods via game templates that refer to didactical scenarios that include a refined set of genres, assets, rules, challenges, and strategies. These templates allows: 1) teachers to start with a well-structured program, and 2) pupils to add content and adjust the code to integrate their own ideas. During the project game genres such as adventure, action, and quiz, as well as rewards or victory point mechanisms, have been embedded into different subjects, e.g., science, mathematics, and arts. The insights gained during the class hours were used to generate 13 game templates, which are integrated in Create@School (a new version of the Pocket Code app which targets schools). To test the efficiency of these templates, user experience (UX) tests were conducted during classes to compare games created by pupils who used templates and those who started to create a game from scratch. Preliminary results showed that these templates allow learners to focus on subject-relevant problem solving activities rather than on understanding the functionality of the app. This directly leads to more time to express their creativity in different levels and more time for extra tasks

    Interleukin-18 gene polymorphism in pregnancy With premature rupture of membranes: A case-control study

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    Background. Imbalanced pro- and anti-inflammatory systems can unfavourably condition carrying of pregnancy and provoke gestation complications, such as premature rupture of membranes.Objectives. Assessing the contribution of SNP variants -137G>C (rs187238), -607G>T (rs1946518) and -656A>C (rs5744228) of the IL-18 gene promoter to the incidence of extremely preterm premature rupture of membranes.Methods. A case-control study enrolled 120 pregnant women managed at the Perinatal Centre. The women were divided in two cohorts. The study cohort comprised 80 women with premature rupture of membranes at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation hospitalised in a high-risk pregnancy unit, a control cohort consisted of 40 women with physiological pregnancy at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation following outpatient counselling. The cohorts had comparable obstetric and gynaecological histories. The study exclusion criteria were: multiple gestation, foetal chromosomal anomalies, congenital foetal malformations, pregnancy due to assisted reproduction. Genotyping was performed at positions -137G>C, -607G>T and -656A>C of the IL-18 gene promoter with determining a peripheral blood IL-18 level in cohorts.Results. The premature rupture of membranes cohort had a statistically higher serum interleukin-18 concentration compared to control (p = 0.001). Genotyping of the IL-18 gene promoter revealed a statistically higher rate of homozygous -137G>C mutation (CC genotype) in the premature rupture of membranes cohort at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ term (p <0.001), 67 vs. 27% in control.Conclusion. A homozygous IL-18 -137G>C polymorphic variant associated with elevated blood IL-18 levels is statistically more common in pregnant women having premature rupture of membranes at 22–27 weeks 6 days’ gestation

    Genotypic variability of Pinus sylvestris L. on the drought-resistance attribute

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    There was an increase and intensification of droughts in connection with global climate change in recent decades. Not all plant organisms are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, the question of stressresistant (drought-resistant) genotypes selection for breeding is quite urgent. This problem also concerns forest tree plants, including Scots pine, which is one of the main foresters in the Voronezh region. The results of vegetative and generative sphere analysis of individual Scotch pine trees with the help of biotechnology, molecular-genetic and cytogenetic method are given in this study. The possibility of applying the tissue culture method in vitro for testing initial plants for stress resistance, including drought resistance, is explained by the interconnection of cells, tissues and the whole plant properties. It is shown that the cytogenetic characteristics of the seed progeny and the indicators of callusogenic reactions do not always coincide in different genotypes: in some cases energy resources are spent on ontogeny protection, while, in other cases, to reproductive function maintain. There are trees, in which the state the generative sphere in arid years is at the level of optimal years, and their callus cultures reaction remains unchanged even under simulated conditions of drought. Based on the results obtained for the selection of Scots pine drought-resistant genotypes we suggest applying a system of criteria characterizing both the ability of the vegetative sphere to survive in drought conditions on the basis of the tissue culture method in vitro (callus tissue formation speed, its viability, frequency of callusogenesis), and the state of the generative sphere with the help of cytogenetic analysis of seed progeny (frequency of mitosis pathologies, the proportion of cells with micronuclei, mitotic activity). The expediency of applying the biotechnological approach was proved by analysis of the gene expression level of stress proteins: the level of AbaH gene expression correlates greatly with the indicator of the viability of callus cultures, including ones on a nutrient medium with an additional stress agent (NaCl). Trees that can be assigned to drought-resistant ones, according to the results of the analysis, should be recommended for use in breeding


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    In the present study, we have examined association between different polymorphic variants of metalloproteinases genes and clinical manifestations of bronchial asthma in children. We observed 103 patients including 42 children with an established diagnosis of asthma. Moreover, 61 persons were examined in the control group. All patients underwent genetic testing by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. In particular, 320A>C polymorphic locus of ММР20 gene; Val275Ala ММР20, and -8202A>G gene ММР9 were analyzed.We have found that 30 patients (71.4% of total) had bronchial asthma of mild severity, 9 children (21.4%) exhibited moderate degree, and 3 patients (7%) had severe-grade disease. Homozygous C/C variant of the polymorphic ММР20 gene, 320A>C heterozygous variant of the ММР20 Val275Ala polymorphism, and heterozygous locus of -8202A>G ММР9 gene were found to be most frequent among the children with asthma. Generally, we have observed that the frequencies of the studied alleles and genotypes did not significantly differ berween the asthma patients and children from the control group (p < 0.05). However, in patients with GGgenotype of -8202A>G ММР9 polymorphism combined with homozygosity for the C allele of ММР20 320A>C, a more severe disease was observed, being combined with polyvalent sensitization and high total IgE levels in blood serum.In conclusion, frequencies of alleles and genotypes among patients with asthma did not show any statistically significant differences from the group of healthy children. The patients homozygous for G allele of ММР9 -8202A>G polymorphism gene and for the C allele ММР20 gene (320A>C) seem to be predisposed for a more severe clinical course of the disease

    Роль мутаций генов металлопротеиназ и рецептора эпителиального фактора роста в патогенезе бронхиальной астмы у детей

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    The pathogenesis of bronchial asthma (BA) is based on chronic allergic inflammation of bronchi, which affects not only microcirculation disorders, activation of lipid peroxidation, but also tissue remodeling. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and epithelial growth factor (EGF) play a significant role in bronchial remodelling processes. This paper attempts to investigate the effect of gene mutations ММР and EGFR on the development of BA as well as evaluate the role of intergenic interaction. Methods. Polymorphic variants were studied in BA patients and control group patients by allelspecific polymerase chain reaction (using SNP-express reagent kits). 2073A>T gene EGFR, 320A>C gene MMP20, 837Т>C gene MMP20 и -8202A>G gene MMP9. Results. The analysis of the genetic study results showed statistically significant differences in the frequency of alleles and genotypes in polymorphism. 2073A>T gene EGFR among BA patients and control group children (p < 0.05). Significantly increased allel frequency is registered. 2073T gene EGFR in the group of BA patients (82.5%) compared to the control group (55.8%) (p = 0.003). In the study of genes polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinases no statistically significant differences were revealed. However, the analysis of intergenic interaction shows that polymorphisms -8202A>G gene MMP9 and 2073A>T gene EGFR have a synergistic effect on each other, increasing the risk of developing BA in children. Conclusion. According to the results of studies it was found that the risk of BA development is significantly increased in homozygotes on T-allel polymorphic variant 2073A>T gene EGFR, with the frequency of occurrence of genotypes and alleles of this polymorphism statistically significantly different from the control group (p < 0.05).В основе патогенеза бронхиальной астмы (БА) лежит хроническое аллергическое воспаление бронхов, которое затрагивает процессы не только нарушения микроциркуляции, активации перекисного окисления липидов, но и ремоделирования тканей. Матриксные металлопротеиназы (Matrix metalloproteinases – ММР) и эпителиальный фактор роста (Epidermal Growth Factor – EGF) играют значимую роль в процессах ремоделирования бронхов. В данной работе предпринята попытка исследовать влияние мутаций генов ММР и EGFR на развитие БА, а также оценить роль межгенного взаимодействия. Материалы и методы. У больных, страдающих БА, и пациентов контрольной группы методом аллель-специфичной полимеразной цепной реакции (с использованием наборов реагентов SNP-экспресс) исследованы полиморфные варианты 2073A>T гена EGFR, 320A>C гена MMP20, 837Т>C гена MMP20 и -8202A>G гена MMP9. Результаты. По результатам анализа генетического исследования показано наличие статистически значимых отличий по частоте встречаемости аллелей и генотипов по полиморфизму 2073A>T гена EGFR среди больных БА и детей контрольной группы (р < 0,05). Зарегистрирована значимо повышенная частота аллеля 2073Т гена EGFR в группе больных БА (82,5 %) по сравнению с группой контроля (55,8 %) (р = 0,003). При исследовании полиморфизмов генов матриксных металлопротеиназ у обследованных статистически значимых различий не выявлено. Однако при анализе межгенного взаимодействия показано, что полиморфизмы -8202A>G гена MMP9 и 2073A>T гена EGFR оказывают синергичное влияние друг на друга, повышая риск развития БА у детей. Заключение. По результатам исследований установлено, что риск развития БА значительно повышен у гомозигот по Т-аллели полиморфного варианта 2073A>T гена EGFR, при этом частота встречаемости генотипов и аллелей данного полиморфизма статистически значимо отличается от таковой в группе контроля (р < 0,05)

    Анализ ассоциации полиморфных вариантов генов факторов роста с риском развития бронхиальной астмы у детей

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    The aim of this study was to assess growth factor genes involvement in the pathogenesis of asthma. Methods. Associations between Arg25Pro polymorphic loci of transforming growth factor β growth (TGF β1) gene, A2073T epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene, C634G vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA) gene and a risk of bronchial asthma development were analyzed. DNA samples were isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes of 30 children with asthma and 27 healthy subjects. Gene polymorphisms were determined by the allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. Results. The study revealed an association between Arg25Pro polymorphism of TGF β1 gene, C634G polymorphism of VEGFA gene and increased risk of asthma in children. The majority of patients were homozygous for 2073T allele of EGFR gene or carriers of ArgArg genotype of TGFβ1 gene. Frequencies of C634G polymorphism of VEGFA gene did not differed significantly between healthy children and asthma patients. Conclusion. The results of this study could help to select patients predisposed to asthma and to develop preventive measures taking into account individual characteristics of each patient.Целью данного исследования явилась оценка вовлеченности генов факторов роста в патогенез бронхиальной астмы (БА). Для этого проведен анализ ассоциации полиморфных локусов Arg25Pro гена трансформирующего фактора роста-β1 (TGF-β1), A2073T гена рецептора эпидермального фактора роста (EGFR) и C634G гена фактора роста эндотелия сосудов (VEGFA) с риском развития заболевания у детей. Материалы и методы. Из лейкоцитов периферической крови детей, страдающих БА (n = 30), и здоровых (n = 27), сопоставимых по полу и возрасту, выделены образцы ДНК. Верификация диагноза у детей с БА проводилась в соответствии с Национальной программой «Бронхиальная астма у детей. Стратегия лечения и профилактика» (2016). Определение полиморфных вариантов исследуемых генов проводилось методом аллель-специфичной полимеразной цепной реакции с использованием наборов реагентов SNP-экспресс. Результаты. В исследовании выявлена ассоциация полиморфизмов Arg25Pro гена TGFβ1 и полиморфизма C634G гена VEGFA с повышенным риском развития БА у детей. Установлено, что большинство больных являются гомозиготами по аллели 2073Т гена EGFR и носителями ArgArg генотипа гена TGFβ1, а риск развития БА значительно повышен у детей, являющихся носителями ArgArg генотипа гена TGFβ1 и гомозиготами по аллели634Cили гетерозиготами C634G гена VEGFA. Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют не только диагностировать предрасположенность к БА, но и разработать комплекс профилактических мероприятий с учетом индивидуальных особенностей каждого больного

    Testing of triploid poplar hybrids in Voronezh region

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    The paper presents new data on 28-30-year-olds testing of triploid poplar hybrids (2n = 3x = 57), obtained using in hybridization artificially obtained unreduced diploid (2n) pollen (induced by high temperature or colchicines treatment) in Voronezh region. The growth dynamics, preservation and timber productivity of 26 triploid and diploid (2n = 2x = 38) clones of Populus alba L., P. balsamifera L., P. nigra L. and intersectional hybrids (Populus deltoides Marsh. × P. balsamifera L.) were studied. It was revealed that a preservation of triploid hybrids of white poplar at 28-year-old age was higher than diploid hybrids. The greatest loss of plants of white poplar was observed during the first three years after planting of cutting seedlings in the nursery. In comparison, major loss of plants of P. balsamifera L., P. nigra L. and intersectional hybrids (P. deltoides Marsh. × P. balsamifera L.) was observed after the 2010 drought. Especially high plant mortality was observed in P. balsamifera clone (preservation of 40 %) and to a lesser extent in poplar «Robusta-236» (preservation of 60 %). There were no statistically significant differences in growth between groups of diploid and triploid white poplar clones. Only part of the artificially produced autotriploid hybrids (40 %) were characterized by fast growth and productivity. It is suggested that the heterosis effect in triploids associated with participation of high heterozygous 2n gametes in hybridization. Such were formed on the basis of a synapsis of chromosomes and loss of the I-st meiotic division. Six best triploid and diploid poplar hybrids have been selected as promising for Voronezh region


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    The competitiveness of the country in the modern world mainly depends on the ability of the national education system to provide training for the professional elite, to involve the broad strata of society in the process of lifelong learning and to create conditions to meet the various cultural and socioeconomic needs of the population. The Chinese dominant national idea − the revival of greater China − in the most important documents is supplemented recently by new content: “the creation a powerful country with a strong education.” Education in China’s strategy is considered as a main factor of social stability and internal ethnic integration, and at the same time as an engine of innovative development. China provides the world with an example of how to increase the potential of human capital in a country where illiteracy and poverty reigned 30 years ago. The Chinese higher education system not only demonstrates its ability to compete with the world’s leading universities, but also promotes its technologies, standards and values in the global educational space, first of all, strengthening its influence on the countries included in the “One Road ̃ One Road” project