17 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Penerapan Konsep Diversi terhadap Anak yang Berhadapan dengan Hukum dalam Perspektif Sistem Peradilan Pidana. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis tipe penelitian, yaitu penelitian hukum normatif dan penelitian hukum empirik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pelaksanaan diversi didasari keinginan menghindari efek negetaif terhadap jiwa dan perkembangan anak oleh keterlibatannya dengan sistem peradilan pidana. Pelaksanaan diversi oleh aparat penegak hukum didasari oleh kewenangan aparat penegak hukum yang disebut discretion atau diskresi.  Faktor-faktor yang menghambat penerapan diversi terkhusus di Kota Baubau adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Substansi Hukum. Diversi sudah diterapkan dalam beberapa bagian sistem hukum di Indonesia, namun terhambat oleh lemahnya implementasi dan penegakan hukum. Kelemahan yang terkandung dalam peraturan-peraturan yang terkait dengan penanganan ABH; (2) Struktur Hukum.  Kelemahan dari peraturan yang ada bisa teratasi apabila ada kepedulian dan sensivitas dari aparat penegak hukum dalam penanganan ABH. Hal ini terjadi karena mereka mempunyai diskresi untuk memberikan alternatif yang lebih baik daripada penjara untuk melindungi kepentingan masa depan anak; (3) Kultur Hukum/Partisipasi Masyarakat. Salah satu kendala terhambatnya penerapan diversi di Kota BauBau adalah paradigma masyarakat yang beranggapan bahwa setiap tindak kejahatan yang dilakukan ada balasannya (restributif justice)

    Juridical Review of The Application of Digital Mapping (Plotting) of Land Ownership Rights in The Prevention of Multiple Certificates

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    The implementation of land registration aims to create an accurate information center regarding land ownership. To ensure that land registration administration runs effectively, the Computerization of Land Activities (KKP) policy is implemented gradually and thoroughly. Even so, the application of a computerized system that is so sophisticated, still finds overlapping ownership of land titles. Overlapping the certificate will result in legal uncertainty for the certificate holder, because the main purpose listed is to get the certificate as valid evidence.. Sampling in this study was carried out purposively with a non-random sampling technique that focused only on land that had multiple certificates. The data analysis pattern in this study is based on qualitative methods. The findings of this study are thatThe implementation of Computerization of Land Activities (KKP) at BPN City of Baubau in preventing the occurrence of double certificates is carried out with all processes from the beginning of land registration to issuance of certificates and stored digitally.The factors that result in the occurrence of a double certificate can be seen from 2 (two) things, namely first, when viewed from the factor of the Community. Second, if it is seen from the human resource factor of the Land Officedue to carelessness and carelessness of the land officers

    Effectiveness to the reversal of the burden proof system in handling corruption case

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    Corruption is an act that can harm State finances and cause losses to the people's economy. This study aims to determine the arrangement of the burden of proof reversals system of corruption according to the applicable provisions and the proper regulation in implementing the system of reversing the burden of proof to be done optimally. This study uses a normative juridical research methodology with a statute approach. This research's data analysis method is descriptive qualitative by describing the problems and facts in writing from the literature. The study indicates that the burden of proof reversal system concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes contained in Law no. 20 of 2001 is limited only to the offense of gratification regulated in Article 12 B paragraph (1) letter a. The withdrawal presumption proof can also be extended to the defendant's property, which is claimed to be connected to the accused's case (Article 37 A) and the property of the defendant (who has not been charged) which is not accused of corruption as a result of a criminal act (Article 38 B). Reversal of the burden of proof in the law of corruption is a reversal of the burden of proof impartial public prosecutor and the defendant alike must prove but / the same element proved different


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    This community service aims to provide knowledge and understanding of Intellectual Property Rights for UMKM actors in Buton Regency. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) have a very important role in encouraging the increase in the pace of the creative economy in the real sector of a nation, and are able to increase income for the community. Moreover, if it is added to the UMKM products, they already have intellectual property rights legally in their protection. The benefits of the role of Intellectual Property by business actors for UMKM products in Buton Regency so far have not been maximized, this is due to a lack of understanding in the community that the importance of Intellectual Property Rights as a form of legal protection from business competition over copyright claims so that there are still many UMKM products not yet available. registered as an example of a woven sarong product in the district of Wabula, Buton Regency. So in this service the need for socialization. In this socialization, several UMKM in traditional weaving sarongs were involved in Buton Regenc

    Perampasan Aset Korupsi Dalam Upaya Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Menurut Hukum Pidana Indonesia

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji pengaturan perampasan asset korupsi dalam upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi menurut hukum pidana Indonesia, diatur di dalam Pasal 18 Undang Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Norma hokum perampasan asset korupsi merupakan upaya hokum yang paling bersifat strategis, karena apabila ketentuan mengenai sanksi pidana perampasan asset korupsi dapat diterapkan secara efektif, maka upaya pengembalian kerugian Negara akibat tindak pidana korupsi, akan mencapai hasilnya secara optimal. Namun  demikian,  ketentuan  mengenai  sanksi  pidana  perampasan  asset korupsi  tersebut,  sulit  untuk  dapat  diterapkan  secara  efektif,  karena  terdapat  sejumlah kelemahan yang menjadi  faktor penghambat penerapannya  sehingga diperlukan kebijakan hukum  pidana  yang  sebaiknya  dinormakan  di  dalam  Undang-Undang  Pemberantasan Tindak  Pidana  Korupsi  mengenai    norma  hukum  yang  mengatur  secara  jelas  dan  tegas, tentang  kedudukan  pidana  perampasan  aset  korupsi  sebagai  bagian  dari  pidana  pokok, standar  atau  perhitungan  kerugian  negara  dan  instansi  yang  berwenang  menetapkan kerugian negara akibat  tindak pidana korupsi,  dan percepatan  penyitaan harta benda milik tersangka korupsi. The purpose of this research is to examine the regulation on the seizure of corruption assets in the effort to eradicate corruption in accordance with Indonesian criminal law, regulated in Article 18 of the Corruption Eradication Act. The legal norm of appropriation of corruption assets is the most strategic legal effort, because if the provisions concerning criminal sanctions of deprivation of corruption assets can be applied effectively, then efforts to recover state losses due to corruption, will achieve optimal results. However, the provisions regarding criminal sanctions for depriving corruption assets are difficult to implement effectively, because there are a number of weaknesses that become obstacles to their implementation so that a criminal law policy should be normalized in the Corruption Eradication Act concerning the legal norms governing clearly and unequivocally, regarding the position of criminal confiscation of corruption assets as part of the principal crime, standards or calculation of state losses and the authorities authorized to determine state losses due to criminal acts of corruption, and the acceleration of confiscation of assets belonging to corruption suspects

    Juridical Review of the Application of Digital Mapping (Plotting) of Land Ownership Rights in the Prevention of Multiple Certificates

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    The implementation of land registration aims to create an accurate information center regarding land ownership. To ensure that land registration administration runs effectively, the Computerization of Land Activities (KKP) policy is implemented gradually and thoroughly. Even so, the application of a computerized system that is so sophisticated, still finds overlapping ownership of land titles. Overlapping the certificate will result in legal uncertainty for the certificate holder, because the main purpose listed is to get the certificate as valid evidence.. Sampling in this study was carried out purposively with a non-random sampling technique that focused only on land that had multiple certificates. The data analysis pattern in this study is based on qualitative methods. The findings of this study are thatThe implementation of Computerization of Land Activities (KKP) at BPN City of Baubau in preventing the occurrence of double certificates is carried out with all processes from the beginning of land registration to issuance of certificates and stored digitally.The factors that result in the occurrence of a double certificate can be seen from 2 (two) things, namely first, when viewed from the factor of the Community. Second, if it is seen from the human resource factor of the Land Officedue to carelessness and carelessness of the land officers

    An Effort For Formul Justice Criminal Law Enforcement

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    In criminal law enforcement, legally formally it will lead to administrative issues. Where in the exercise of power related to examination matters at the level of the police, prosecutor's office to the judiciary, it must be able to provide certainty that there is no abuse of power. Not infrequently in a criminal incident, many suspects are involved in it and other actions. The contribution of everyone who commits an act in the same event must be rewarded with appropriate sanctions and may not exceed what has been determined in the laws and regulations (lex scripta). Therefore, in the prosecution process, the prosecutor is obliged to understand the construction of a criminal event, so that each perpetrator of the crime gets a reward for their respective contributions. Separation of case files legally has been regulated in article 142 of the Criminal Procedure Code. known as splitsing or a split trial. Doctrinal research using the statue approach was carried out to answer the normative question whether this splitsing could cause a violation ofOn the other hand, the principle of non-self-incrimination can positive law enforcement be able to achieve justice in la

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pekerja Sektor Informal di Kota Baubau: Indonesia

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    Negara memberikan jaminan atas hak, kesempatan, dan memberikan perlindungan bagi setiap warga negara tanpa diskriminasi untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Namun, pertumbuhan lapangan kerja tidak sejalan dengan perluasan angkatan kerja, yang mengakibatkan munculnya wirausaha mandiri yang tidak terorganisir, khususnya di sektor informal. Tujuan perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja di sektor informal adalah untuk memastikan bahwa urgnsi Peraturan Daerah Ketenagakerjaan mengatur perlindungan para pekerja informal serta memastikan pemetaan jenis aktifitas jasa dan usaha dari para pekerja di sector informal di Kota Baubau melalui kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah. Pekerja informal kota baubau, kota baubau memiliki jumlah usaha sebesar 2450 usaha yang tersebar, yang memiliki izin usaha sebanyak 1805 usaha dan yang tidak memiliki izin sebanyak 653 usaha. Sektor pekerja informal dari segi Pengusaha Informal kota baubau, jumlah Pengusaha Informal kota baubau yang terdaftar terdapat 436 dan hanya 58 perusahaan yang mendaftarkan pekerjanya. Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Pekerja Sektor Informal di Kota Baubau yang di butuhkan, Diperlukan sarana Peraturan Daerah yang fokus pada sektor ketenagakerjaan, untuk itu skema yang akan mengarah pada bentuk perlindungan hukum yang di maksud dalam penelitian ini harus memiliki sasaran pengaturan berupa Peraturan Daerah yang jelas seperti subjek hukum itu sendiri, yakni para pekerja sector informal dan para pemberi kerja