9,534 research outputs found

    INTEGRAL and Swift/XRT observations of IGR J19405-3016

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    IGR J19405-3016 is reported in the 3rd IBIS catalog as being one of its lowest significance sources (~4.6 sigma under an exposure of about 371 ks). This leads to a caveat in multi-wavelength study although the source was identified in optical as a Seyfert 1. The currently increased INTEGRAL data stimulate us to investigate the reality of this source. We analyze all available observations carried out by INTEGRAL and Swift on IGR J19405-3016. We find that IGR J19405-3016 has a detection significance of ~ 9.4 sigma in the 20-60 keV band during the observational period between March 2003 and March 2008. Thus confirms a real source detection reported previously. The source position and error location are therefore updated. The source is found to be constant over years at the hard X-rays. Over the three XRT observations, the source flux varied by up to 39% from the average, and the spectrum is generally soft. The combined XRT/ISGRI spectrum is well fitted with a simple power law model (photon index 2.11+-0.03). Such a photon index is well consistent with the mean value 1.98 (dispersion 0.27) as obtained from Swift/BAT AGN samples at 14-195 keV. The spectral slope of IGR J19405-3016 is larger than the average spectral slope found by Molina et al. (2009). A similar discrepancy is found with the results of Beckmann et al. (2009) regarding Seyfert 1 AGNs. A possible explanation of this simple spectral description may be that the low level of the column density allows for the `true' spectrum to appear at soft X-rays as well.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    The Near Infrared and Multiwavelength Afterglow of GRB 000301c

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    We present near-infrared observations of the counterpart of GRB 000301c. The K' filter (2.1 micron) light curve shows a well-sampled break in the decay slope at t=3.5 days post-burst. The early time slope is very shallow (~ -0.1), while the late time slope is steep (-2.2). Comparison with the optical (R band) light curve shows marginally significant differences, especially in the early time decay slope (which is steeper in the optical) and the break time (which occurs later in the optical). This is contrary to the general expectation that light curve breaks should either be achromatic (e.g., for breaks due to collimation effects) or should occur later at longer wavelengths (for most other breaks). The observed color variations might be intrinsic to the afterglow, or might indicate systematic errors of > 0.08 magnitude in all fluxes. Even if the break is achromatic, we argue that its sharpness poses difficulties for explanations that depend on collimated ejecta. The R light curve shows further signs of fairly rapid variability (a bump, steep drop, and plateau) that are not apparent in the K' light curve. In addition, by combining the IR-optical-UV data with millimeter and radio fluxes, we are able to constrain the locations of the self-absorption break and cooling break and to infer the location of the spectral peak at t=3 days: f_nu = 3.4 mJy at nu=1e12 Hz. Using the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution, we are able to constrain the blast wave energy, which was E > 3e53 erg if the explosion was isotropic. This implies a maximum gamma ray production efficiency of ~ 0.15 for GRB 000301C.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal. 24 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; uses AASTeX 5 macros. This version includes a new figure (R-K' color vs. time), a better sampled R band light curve, and more extensive discussion of the optical data and error analysi

    The prompt optical/near-infrared flare of GRB 050904: the most luminous transient ever detected

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    With a redshift of z=6.295, GRB 050904 is the most distant gamma-ray burst ever discovered. It was an energetic event at all wavelengths and the afterglow was observed in detail in the near-infrared bands. We gathered all available optical and NIR afterglow photometry of this GRB to construct a composite NIR light curve spanning several decades in time and flux density. Transforming the NIR light curve into the optical, we find that the afterglow of GRB 050904 was more luminous at early times than any other GRB afterglow in the pre-\emph{Swift} era, making it at these wavelengths the most luminous transient ever detected. Given the intrinsic properties of GRB 050904 and its afterglow, we discuss if this burst is markedly different from other GRBs at lower redshifts.Comment: The Astronomical Journal, in press; revised version, including the comments of the referee (one figure added, text restructured, all conclusions unchanged), 7 pages, 3 figure

    Simultaneous Heavy Ion Dissociation at Ultrarelativistic Energies

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    We study the simultaneous dissociation of heavy ultrarelativistic nuclei followed by the forward-backward neutron emission in peripheral collisions at colliders. The main contribution to this particular heavy-ion dissociation process, which can be used as a beam luminosity monitor, is expected to be due to the electromagnetic interaction. The Weizsacker-Williams method is extended to the case of simultaneous excitation of collision partners which is simulated by the RELDIS code. A contribution to the dissociation cross section due to grazing nuclear interactions is estimated within the abrasion model and found to be relatively small.Comment: Talk given at Bologna 2000 Conference - Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, May 29 - June 3, 2000, 4 pages, 2 figure

    GRB Afterglows from Anisotropic Jets

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    Some progenitor models of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) (e.g., collapsars) may produce anisotropic jets in which the energy per unit solid angle is a power-law function of the angle (θk\propto\theta^{-k}). We calculate light curves and spectra for GRB afterglows when such jets expand either in the interstellar medium or in the wind medium. In particular, we take into account two kinds of wind: one (nr3/2n\propto r^{-3/2}) possibly from a typical red supergiant star and another (nr2n\propto r^{-2}) possibly from a Wolf-Rayet star. We find that in each type of medium, one break appears in the late-time afterglow light curve for small kk but becomes weaker and smoother as kk increases. When k2k\ge 2, the break seems to disappear but the afterglow decays rapidly. Thus, one expects that the emission from expanding, highly anisotropic jets provides a plausible explanation for some rapidly fading afteglows whose light curves have no break. We also present good fits to the optical afterglow light curve of GRB 991208. Finally, we argue that this burst might arise from a highly anisotropic jet expanding in the wind (nr3/2n\propto r^{-3/2}) from a red supergiant to interpret the observed radio-to-optical-band afterglow data (spectrum and light curve).Comment: 12 pages + 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    IGR J11215-5952: a hard X-ray transient displaying recurrent outbursts

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    The hard X-ray source IGRJ11215-5952 has been discovered with INTEGRAL during a short outburst in 2005 and proposed as a new member of the class of supergiant fast X-ray transients. We analysed INTEGRAL public observations of the source field in order to search for previous outbursts from this transient, not reported in literature.Our results are based on a systematic re-analysis of INTEGRAL archival observations, using the latest analysis software and instrument calibrations. We report the discovery of two previously unnoticed outbursts, spaced by intervals of ~330 days, that occurred in July 2003 and May 2004. The 5-100keV spectrum is well described by a cut-off power law, with a photon index of 0.5, and a cut-off energy ~15-20keV, typical of High Mass X-ray Binaries hosting a neutron star. A 5-100keV luminosity of 3E36 erg/s has been derived (assuming 6.2kpc, the distance of the likely optical counterpart). The 5-100keV spectral properties, the recurrent nature of the outbursts,together with the reduced error region containing the blue supergiant star HD306414,support the hypothesis that IGRJ11215-5952 is a member of the class of the Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    INTEGRAL/IBIS nine-year Galactic Hard X-Ray Survey

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    Context. The INTEGRAL observatory operating in a hard X-ray/gamma domain has gathered a large observational data set over nine years starting in 2003. Most of the observing time was dedicated to the Galactic source population study, making possible the deepest Galactic survey in hard X-rays ever compiled. Aims. We aim to perform a Galactic survey that can be used as the basis of Galactic source population studies, and perform mapping of the Milky Way in hard X-rays over the maximum exposure available at |b|<17.5 deg. Methods. We used sky reconstruction algorithms especially developed for the high quality imaging of INTEGRAL/IBIS data. Results. We present sky images, sensitivity maps, and catalogs of detected sources in the three energy bands 17-60, 17-35, and 35-80 keV in the Galactic plane at |b|<17.5 deg. The total number of sources in the reference 17-60 keV band includes 402 objects exceeding a 4.7 sigma detection threshold on the nine-year time-averaged map. Among the identified sources with known and tentatively identified natures, 253 are Galactic objects (108 low-mass X-ray binaries, 82 high-mass X-ray binaries, 36 cataclysmic variables, and 27 are of other types), and 115 are extragalactic objects, including 112 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and 3 galaxy clusters. The sample of Galactic sources with S/N>4.7 sigma has an identification completeness of ~92%, which is valuable for population studies. Since the survey is based on the nine-year sky maps, it is optimized for persistent sources and may be biased against finding transients.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, long table, Astronomy and Astrophysics 545, A2

    GRB Energetics and the GRB Hubble Diagram: Promises and Limitations

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    We present a complete sample of 29 GRBs for which it has been possible to determine temporal breaks (or limits) from their afterglow light curves. We interpret these breaks within the framework of the uniform conical jet model, incorporating realistic estimates of the ambient density and propagating error estimates on the measured quantities. In agreement with our previous analysis of a smaller sample, the derived jet opening angles of those 16 bursts with redshifts result in a narrow clustering of geometrically-corrected gamma-ray energies about E_gamma = 1.33e51 erg; the burst-to-burst variance about this value is a factor of 2.2. Despite this rather small scatter, we demonstrate in a series of GRB Hubble diagrams, that the current sample cannot place meaningful constraints upon the fundamental parameters of the Universe. Indeed for GRBs to ever be useful in cosmographic measurements we argue the necessity of two directions. First, GRB Hubble diagrams should be based upon fundamental physical quantities such as energy, rather than empirically-derived and physically ill-understood distance indicators. Second, a more homogeneous set should be constructed by culling sub-classes from the larger sample. These sub-classes, though now first recognizable by deviant energies, ultimately must be identifiable by properties other than those directly related to energy. We identify a new sub-class of GRBs (``f-GRBs'') which appear both underluminous by factors of at least 10 and exhibit a rapid fading at early times. About 10-20% of observed long-duration bursts appear to be f-GRBs.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal (20 May 2003). 19 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    X-ray, optical and infrared investigation of the candidate Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient IGR J18462-0223

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    We report on a broad-band X-ray study (0.5-60 keV) of the poorly known candidate Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient (SFXT) IGR J18462-0223, and on optical and near-infrared (NIR) followup observations of field objects. The out-of-outburst X-ray state has been investigated for the first time with archival INTEGRAL/IBIS, ASCA, Chandra and Swift/XRT observations. This allowed us to place stringent 3 sigma upper limits on the soft (0.5-10 keV) and hard (18-60 keV) X-ray emission of 2.9x10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1 and 8x10^-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1, respectively; the source was also detected during an intermediate soft X-ray state with flux equal to 1.6x10^-11 erg cm^-2 s^-1 (0.5-10 keV). In addition, we report on the INTEGRAL/IBIS discovery of three fast hard X-ray flares (18-60 keV) having a duration in the range 1-12 hours: the flaring behavior was also investigated in soft X-rays (3-10 keV) with archival INTEGRAL/JEM-X observations. The duty cycle (1.2%) and the dynamic ranges (> 1,380 and > 190 in the energy bands 0.5-10 keV and 18-60 keV, respectively) were measured for the first time. Archival UKIDSS JHK NIR data, together with our deep R-band imaging of the field, unveiled a single, very red object inside the intersection of the Swift/XRT and XMM-Newton error circles: this source has optical/NIR photometric properties compatible with a very heavily absorbed blue supergiant located at about 11 kpc, thus being a strong candidate counterpart for IGR J18462-0223. NIR spectroscopy is advised to confirm the association. Finally, a hint of a possible orbital period was found at about 2.13 days. If confirmed by further studies, this would make IGR J18462-0223 the SFXT with the shortest orbital period among the currently known systems.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Unveiling the nature of the unidentified gamma-ray sources III: gamma-ray blazar-like counterparts at low radio frequencies

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    About one third of the gamma-ray sources listed in the second Fermi LAT catalog (2FGL) have no firmly established counterpart at lower energies so being classified as unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs). Here we propose a new approach to find candidate counterparts for the UGSs based on the 325 MHz radio survey performed with Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the northern hemisphere. First we investigate the low-frequency radio properties of blazars, the largest known population of gamma-ray sources; then we search for sources with similar radio properties combining the information derived from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) with those of the NRAO VLA Sky survey (NVSS). We present a list of candidate counterparts for 32 UGSs with at least one counterpart in the WENSS. We also performed an extensive research in literature to look for infrared and optical counterparts of the gamma-ray blazar candidates selected with the low-frequency radio observations to confirm their nature. On the basis of our multifrequency research we identify 23 new gamma-ray blazar candidates out of 32 UGSs investigated. Comparison with previous results on the UGSs are also presented. Finally, we speculate on the advantages on the use of the low-frequency radio observations to associate UGSs and to search for gamma-ray pulsar candidates.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, ApJS accepted for publication (version pre-proof corrections