61 research outputs found

    Exciton self-trapping causes picoseconds recombination in metal-organic chalcogenides hybrid quantum wells

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    Metal-organic species can be designed to self-assemble in large-scale, atomically defined, supramolecular architectures. Hybrid quantum wells, where inorganic two-dimensional (2D) planes are separated by organic ligands, are a particular example. The ligands effectively provide an intralayer confinement for charge carriers resulting in a 2D electronic structure, even in multilayered assemblies. Air-stable metal organic chalcogenides hybrid quantum wells have recently been found to host tightly bound 2D excitons with strong optical anisotropy in a bulk matrix. Here, we investigate the excited carrier dynamics in the prototypical metal organic chalcogenide [AgSePh], disentangling three excitonic resonances by low temperature transient absorption spectroscopy. Our analysis suggests a complex relaxation cascade comprising ultrafast screening and renormalization, inter-exciton relaxation, and self-trapping of excitons within few picoseconds. The ps-decay provided by the self-trapping mechanism may be leveraged to unlock the material's potential for ultrafast optoelectronic applications

    Radiation Hardness and Defects Activity in PEA2PbBr4 Single Crystals

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    Metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are low-temperature processable hybrid semiconductor materials with exceptional performances that are revolutionizing the field of optoelectronic devices. Despite their great potential, commercial deployment is hindered by MHPs lack of stability and durability, mainly attributed to ions migration and chemical interactions with the device electrodes. To address these issues, 2D layered MHPs have been investigated as possible device interlayers or active material substitutes to reduce ion migration and improve stability. Here we consider the 2D perovskite PEA2PbBr4 that was recently discussed as very promising candidate for X-ray direct detection. While the increased resilience of PEA2PbBr4 detectors have already been reported, the physical mechanisms responsible for such improvement compared to the standard "3D" perovskites are not still fully understood. To unravel the charge transport process in PEA2PbBr4 crystals thought to underly the device better performance, we adapted an investigation technique previously used on highly resistive inorganic semiconductors, called photo induced current transient spectroscopy (PICTS). We demonstrate that PICTS can detect three distinct trap states (T1, T2, and T3) with different activation energies, and that the trap states evolution upon X-ray exposure can explain PEA2PbBr4 superior radiation tolerance and reduced aging effects. Overall, our results provide essential insights into the stability and electrical characteristics of 2D perovskites and their potential application as reliable and direct X-ray detectors

    Stable and Solution-Processable Cumulenic sp-Carbon Wires: A New Paradigm for Organic Electronics

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    [EN] Solution-processed, large-area, and flexible electronics largely relies on the excellent electronic properties of sp(2)-hybridized carbon molecules, either in the form of pi-conjugated small molecules and polymers or graphene and carbon nanotubes. Carbon with sp-hybridization, the foundation of the elusive allotrope carbyne, offers vast opportunities for functionalized molecules in the form of linear carbon atomic wires (CAWs), with intriguing and even superior predicted electronic properties. While CAWs represent a vibrant field of research, to date, they have only been applied sparingly to molecular devices. The recent observation of the field-effect in microcrystalline cumulenes suggests their potential applications in solution-processed thin-film transistors but concerns surrounding the stability and electronic performance have precluded developments in this direction. In the present study, ideal field-effect characteristics are demonstrated for solution-processed thin films of tetraphenyl[3]cumulene, the shortest semiconducting CAW. Films are deposited through a scalable, large-area, meniscus-coating technique, providing transistors with hole mobilities in excess of 0.1 cm(2 )V(-1 )s(-1), as well as promising operational stability under dark conditions. These results offer a solid foundation for the exploitation of a vast class of molecular semiconductors for organic electronics based on sp-hybridized carbon systems and create a previously unexplored paradigm.E.G.F. acknowledges the support through the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, H2020-FETOPEN-01-2018-2020 (FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking), "LION-HEARTED", grant agreement no. 828984. C.S.C. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program ERC-Consolidator Grant (ERC CoG 2016 EspLORE grant agreement no. 724610, website: ). R.R.T. acknowledges funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). This work was partially supported by the European Union's H2020-EU.4.b. - Twinning of research institutions "GREENELIT", grant agreement number 951747. GIWAXS experiments were performed at BL11 NCD-SWEET beamline at ALBA Synchrotron (Spain) with the collaboration of ALBA staff. This work was in part carried out at Polifab, the micro- and nanotechnology centre of the Politecnico di Milano. Open access funding provided by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia within the CRUI-CARE Agreement

    Gate-Controlled Ionization and Screening of Cobalt Adatoms on a Graphene Surface

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    We describe scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements performed on individual cobalt (Co) atoms deposited onto backgated graphene devices. We find that Co adatoms on graphene can be ionized by either the application of a global backgate voltage or by the application of a local electric field from a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip. Large screening clouds are observed to form around Co adatoms ionized in this way, and we observe that some intrinsic graphene defects display a similar behavior. Our results provide new insight into charged impurity scattering in graphene, as well as the possibility of using graphene devices as chemical sensors.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure


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    Background: A minority of patients fails to eliminate HCV and resistance-associated substitutions (RASs) are commonly detected at failure of interferon-free DAA regimens . Methods: Within the Italian network VIRONET-C, the prevalence of NS3/NS5A/NS5B RASs was retrospectively evaluated in patients who failed an EASL recommended DAA-regimen in 2015-2018 . The geno2pheno system and Sorbo MC et al. Drug Resistance Updates 2018 were used to infer HCV- genotype/subtype and predict drug resistance . The changes in prevalence of RASs over time were evaluated by chi-square test for trend, predictors of RASs at failure were analysed by logistic regression . Results: We included 386 HCV infected patients: 75% males, median age was 56 years (IQR 52-61), metavir fibrosis stage F4 in 76%; 106 (28%) were treatment- experienced: 91 (86%) with IFN-based treatments, 26 (25%) with DAAs. Patients with HIV and HBV coinfection were 10% (33/317) and 8% (6/72), respectively. HCV genotype was 1b in 122 pts (32%), 3 in 109 (28%), 1a in 97 (25%), 4 in 37 (10%), 2 in 21 (5%). DAA regimens were: LDV/SOF in 115 (30%), DCV/SOF in 103 (27%), 3D in 83 (21%), EBR/GRZ in 32 (8%), VEL/SOF in 29 (7%), GLE/PIB in 18 (5%) and 2D in 6 (2%); ribavirin was administered in 123 (32%) . The NS5A fasta-sequence was available for all patients, NS5B for 361 (94%), NS3 for 365 (95%) . According to the DAA failed the prevalence of any RASs was 90%, namely 80/135 (59%) in NS3, 313/359 (87%) in NS5A, 114/286 (40%) in NS5B . The prevalence of any RASs significantly declined from 2015 to 2018 (93% vs 70%, p=0.004): NS5A RASs from 90% to 72% (p=0 .29), NS3 RASs from 74% to 18% (p<0 .001), while NS5B RASs remained stable . Independent predictors of any RASs included advanced fibrosis (AOR 6.1, CI 95% 1.8-20.3, p=0 .004) and genotype (G2 vs G1a AOR 0 .03, CI 95% 0 .002- 0 .31, p=0 .004; G3 vs G1a AOR 0 .08, CI 95% 0 .01-0 .62, p=0 .02; G4 vs G1a AOR 0 .05, CI 95% 0 .006-0 .46, p=0 .008), after adjusting for age, previous HCV treatment and year of genotype . Notably, full activity was predicted for GLE/PIB in 75% of cases and for at least two components of VEL/SOF/VOX in 53% of cases, no case with full-resistance to either regimen was found . Conclusion: Despite decreasing prevalence over the years, RASs remain common at virological failure of DAA treatment, particularly in patients with the highest grade of liver fibrosis. The identification of RASs after failure could play a crucial role in optimizing retreatment strategies

    Lack of SARS-CoV-2 RNA environmental contamination in a tertiary referral hospital for infectious diseases in Northern Italy

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    none140noNAnoneColaneri M.; Seminari E.; Piralla A.; Zuccaro V.; Di Filippo A.; Baldanti F.; Bruno R.; Mondelli M.U.; Brunetti E.; Di Matteo A.; Maiocchi L.; Pagnucco L.; Mariani B.; Ludovisi S.; Lissandrin R.; Parisi A.; Sacchi P.; Patruno S.F.A.; Michelone G.; Gulminetti R.; Zanaboni D.; Novati S.; Maserati R.; Orsolini P.; Vecchia M.; Sciarra M.; Asperges E.; Sambo M.; Biscarini S.; Lupi M.; Roda S.; Chiara Pieri T.; Gallazzi I.; Sachs M.; Valsecchi P.; Perlini S.; Alfano C.; Bonzano M.; Briganti F.; Crescenzi G.; Giulia Falchi A.; Guarnone R.; Guglielmana B.; Maggi E.; Martino I.; Pettenazza P.; Pioli di Marco S.; Quaglia F.; Sabena A.; Salinaro F.; Speciale F.; Zunino I.; De Lorenzo M.; Secco G.; Dimitry L.; Cappa G.; Maisak I.; Chiodi B.; Sciarrini M.; Barcella B.; Resta F.; Moroni L.; Vezzoni G.; Scattaglia L.; Boscolo E.; Zattera C.; Michele Fidel T.; Vincenzo C.; Vignaroli D.; Bazzini M.; Iotti G.; Mojoli F.; Belliato M.; Perotti L.; Mongodi S.; Tavazzi G.; Marseglia G.; Licari A.; Brambilla I.; Daniela B.; Antonella B.; Patrizia C.; Giulia C.; Giuditta C.; Marta C.; Rossana D.; Milena F.; Bianca M.; Roberta M.; Enza M.; Stefania P.; Maurizio P.; Elena P.; Antonio P.; Francesca R.; Antonella S.; Maurizio Z.; Guy A.; Laura B.; Ermanna C.; Giuliana C.; Luca D.; Gabriella F.; Gabriella G.; Alessia G.; Viviana L.; Claudia L.; Valentina M.; Simona P.; Marta P.; Alice B.; Giacomo C.; Irene C.; Alfonso C.; Di Martino R.; Di Napoli A.; Alessandro F.; Guglielmo F.; Loretta F.; Federica G.; Alessandra M.; Federica N.; Giacomo R.; Beatrice R.; Maria S.I.; Monica T.; Nepita Edoardo V.; Calvi M.; Tizzoni M.; Nicora C.; Triarico A.; Petronella V.; Marena C.; Muzzi A.; Lago P.; Comandatore F.; Bissignandi G.; Gaiarsa S.; Rettani M.; Bandi C.Colaneri, M.; Seminari, E.; Piralla, A.; Zuccaro, V.; Di Filippo, A.; Baldanti, F.; Bruno, R.; Mondelli, M. U.; Brunetti, E.; Di Matteo, A.; Maiocchi, L.; Pagnucco, L.; Mariani, B.; Ludovisi, S.; Lissandrin, R.; Parisi, A.; Sacchi, P.; Patruno, S. F. A.; Michelone, G.; Gulminetti, R.; Zanaboni, D.; Novati, S.; Maserati, R.; Orsolini, P.; Vecchia, M.; Sciarra, M.; Asperges, E.; Sambo, M.; Biscarini, S.; Lupi, M.; Roda, S.; Chiara Pieri, T.; Gallazzi, I.; Sachs, M.; Valsecchi, P.; Perlini, S.; Alfano, C.; Bonzano, M.; Briganti, F.; Crescenzi, G.; Giulia Falchi, A.; Guarnone, R.; Guglielmana, B.; Maggi, E.; Martino, I.; Pettenazza, P.; Pioli di Marco, S.; Quaglia, F.; Sabena, A.; Salinaro, F.; Speciale, F.; Zunino, I.; De Lorenzo, M.; Secco, G.; Dimitry, L.; Cappa, G.; Maisak, I.; Chiodi, B.; Sciarrini, M.; Barcella, B.; Resta, F.; Moroni, L.; Vezzoni, G.; Scattaglia, L.; Boscolo, E.; Zattera, C.; Michele Fidel, T.; Vincenzo, C.; Vignaroli, D.; Bazzini, M.; Iotti, G.; Mojoli, F.; Belliato, M.; Perotti, L.; Mongodi, S.; Tavazzi, G.; Marseglia, G.; Licari, A.; Brambilla, I.; Daniela, B.; Antonella, B.; Patrizia, C.; Giulia, C.; Giuditta, C.; Marta, C.; D'Alterio, Rossana; Milena, F.; Bianca, M.; Roberta, M.; Enza, M.; Stefania, P.; Maurizio, P.; Elena, P.; Antonio, P.; Francesca, R.; Antonella, S.; Maurizio, Z.; Guy, A.; Laura, B.; Ermanna, C.; Giuliana, C.; Luca, D.; Gabriella, F.; Gabriella, G.; Alessia, G.; Viviana, L.; Meisina, Claudia; Valentina, M.; Simona, P.; Marta, P.; Alice, B.; Giacomo, C.; Irene, C.; Alfonso, C.; Di Martino, R.; Di Napoli, A.; Alessandro, F.; Guglielmo, F.; Loretta, F.; Federica, G.; Albertini, Alessandra; Federica, N.; Giacomo, R.; Beatrice, R.; Maria, S. I.; Monica, T.; Nepita Edoardo, V.; Calvi, M.; Tizzoni, M.; Nicora, C.; Triarico, A.; Petronella, V.; Marena, C.; Muzzi, A.; Lago, P.; Comandatore, F.; Bissignandi, G.; Gaiarsa, S.; Rettani, M.; Bandi, C

    Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) early findings from a teaching hospital in Pavia, North Italy, 21 to 28 February 2020

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    We describe clinical characteristics, treatments and outcomes of 44 Caucasian patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a single hospital in Pavia, Italy, from 21\u201328 February 2020, at the beginning of the outbreak in Europe. Seventeen patients developed severe disease, two died. After a median of 6 days, 14 patients were discharged from hospital. Predictors of lower odds of discharge were age>65 years, antiviral treatment and for severe disease, lactate dehydrogenase >300 mg/dL
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