22 research outputs found

    Sexual behavior, psychosocial and knowledge differences between consistent, inconsistent and non-users of condoms: a study of female bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Tanzania.

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    Understanding psychosocial, sexual behavior and knowledge differences between never, inconsistent and consistent condom users can improve interventions to increase condom use in resource-poor countries, but they have not been adequately studied. We examined these differences in a cohort of 961 female hotel and bar workers in Moshi, Tanzania. Forty-nine percent of women reported no condom use; 39% reported inconsistent use, and 12% reported consistent use. Women with multiple sexual partners in the past five years were less likely to be consistent rather than inconsistent users as were women who had ever exchanged sex for gifts or money. Inconsistent users had higher condom knowledge and higher perceived acceptability of condom use than did never users, but they did not differ from consistent users by these factors. There are important differences between women by level of condom use. These findings can help inform interventions to increase condom use

    Skin flora: Differences Between People Affected by Albinism and Those with Normally Pigmented Skin in Northern Tanzania - Cross Sectional Study.

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    Skin flora varies from one site of the body to another. Individual's health, age and gender determine the type and the density of skin flora. A 1  cm² of the skin on the sternum was rubbed with sterile cotton swab socked in 0.9% normal saline and plated on blood agar. This was cultured at 35 °C. The bacteria were identified by culturing on MacConkey agar, coagulase test, catalase test and gram staining. Swabs were obtained from 66 individuals affected by albinism and 31 individuals with normal skin pigmentation. Those with normal skin were either relatives or staying with the individuals affected by albinism who were recruited for the study. The mean age of the 97 recruited individuals was 30.6 (SD ± 14.9) years. The mean of the colony forming units was 1580.5 per cm2. Those affected by albinism had a significantly higher mean colony forming units (1680  CFU per cm²) as compared with 453.5  CFU per cm² in those with normally pigmented skin (p = 0.023). The skin type and the severity of sun- damaged skin was significantly associated with a higher number of colony forming units (p = 0.038). Individuals affected by albinism have a higher number of colony forming units which is associated with sun- damaged skin

    Position Statement on Atopic Dermatitis in Sub-Saharan Africa:current status and roadmap

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    The first International Society of Atopic Dermatitis (ISAD) global meeting dedicated to atopic dermatitis (AD) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was held in Geneva, Switzerland in April 2019. A total of 30 participants were present at the meeting, including those from 17 SSA countries, representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Foundation for Dermatology (IFD) (a committee of the International League of Dermatological Societies, ILDS www.ilds.org), the Fondation pour la Dermatite Atopique, as well as specialists in telemedicine, artificial intelligence and therapeutic patient education (TPE)

    Onder vuur in Tanzania

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    Dermatopathology in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic 5-year analysis of all histopathological diagnoses from the Regional Dermatology Training Centre (RDTC) in Moshi, Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND Proper diagnosis of skin diseases relies on dermatopathology, the most important diagnostic technique in dermatology. Unfortunately, there are few dermatopathology institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, where little is known about the spectrum of histopathological features observed. OBJECTIVES To investigate the spectrum of dermatopathological diagnoses made in a sub-Saharan African reference centre of a large, mainly rural area. PATIENTS/METHODS To retrospectively evaluate all dermatopathological diagnoses made over a period of 5 years at the Regional Dermatology Training Centre (RDTC) in Moshi, Tanzania. RESULTS There were a total of 1554 skin biopsy specimens. In 45% of cases, there were inflammatory diseases, most frequently lichenoid conditions. Cutaneous neoplasms represented 30.4% of all diagnoses, with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and, less frequently, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) being the two most common neoplastic conditions. The latter also reflected the intensive management of persons with albinism in the RDTC. The distribution of histological diagnoses seemed to correlate with the overall clinical spectrum of cutaneous diseases managed in the RDTC. CONCLUSIONS In this African study inflammatory conditions are the main burden of skin diseases leading to a diagnostic biopsy. Our findings provide further evidence that KS, primarily related to the high prevalence of HIV infection is an epidemiological problem. Both SCC and basal cell carcinoma represent another relatively common malignant cutaneous neoplasms, reflecting the presence of specific populations at risk. The challenging spectrum of histological diagnoses observed in this specific African setting with basic working conditions shows that development of laboratory services of good standards and specific training in dermatopathology are urgently needed

    Butterfly Abundance and Diversity in Different Habitat Types in the Usangu Area, Ruaha National Park

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    Insects are key fauna species that respond quickly to disturbances and environmental changes. They act as good indicators of habitat, community, or ecosystem quality. Among the great diversity of insects, butterflies stand as ideal bio-indicators for ecosystem function and are sensitive to changes in habitat composition and structure. This study was carried out to examine the diversity and abundance of butterflies across the restored habitats in Usangu area part of Ruaha National Park (RUNAPA) from May 2022 to June 2022 using the walking transect method supplemented by sweep nets and butterfly baited traps. A total of six transects of 1 km in length were laid in the four main habitat types selected in Usangu area including grassland, Miombo woodland, Vachellia/Commiphora woodland, and riverine forest. Searches were conducted in the morning and evening. The Miombo woodland and riverine forest habitats exhibited relatively higher species diversity, richness, evenness, abundance, and a higher number of habitat-restricted species, while Vachellia/Commiphora woodland and grassland habitats recorded the lowest diversity and abundance as well as the lowest number of habitat-restricted species. Family Nymphalidae was the most dominant followed by Pieridae while Papilionidae and Hesperiidae were scarce in the study area. This study clearly shows the importance of Miombo woodland and riverine forest habitats in sustaining rich butterfly diversity and abundance in Usangu area. The two habitats must be effectively managed and conserved for sustaining ecological health and integrity of Usangu area. The Usangu area’s Miombo woodland and riverine forest habitats have immense potential for butterfly tourism and they can offer an excellent opportunity to promote conservation efforts and raise public awareness. However, it is crucial to monitor these habitats closely as any environmental changes that may occur could harm the butterfly diversity and abundance in the area. Preserving this wilderness to maintain a thriving butterfly population is of utmost importance

    Herpes simplex virus type 2 infection among bar and hotel workers in northern Tanzania: prevalence and risk factors.

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    BACKGROUND: Type-specific serological tests have allowed for a better understanding of the epidemiology of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection in Africa. GOAL: The goal was to determine risk factors for HSV-2 among bar and hotel workers in Moshi, Tanzania. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 515 workers in randomly selected bars and hotels in Moshi. RESULTS: The seroprevalence of HSV-2 was 43.5%. Women were more likely to be HSV-2-seropositive than men (age-adjusted OR = 3.8; 95% CI = 2.5-5.8). In multivariate analyses, age was positively associated with HSV-2 in both women and men. HIV-1-seropositive women had a significantly increased risk of HSV-2 infection (adjusted OR = 2.8; 95% CI = 1.5-5.1). Other predictors of HSV-2 were religion and sexual behavior for women and level of education, frequency of alcohol use, and concurrent partners for men. CONCLUSION: The most common genital infection was that with HSV-2. Control of HSV-2 might be an important strategy for HIV-1 infection prevention in this population