93 research outputs found

    Architecture Students Build House on 18-Foot Trailer

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    This introduction engages with recent scholarship on what has been dubbed ‘lived’ forms of nonreligion. It aims to profile the anthropology of the secular and nonreligion, no longer treating it as a subdiscipline or ‘emerging trend’ but as a substantial contribution to general debates in anthropology. Drawing on the ethnographic contributions to this special issue, we explore how novel approaches to embodiment, materiality, moral sensibilities, conceptual distinctions, and everyday practices signal new pathways for an anthropology of nonreligion that can lead beyond hitherto dominant concerns with the political governance of religion(s). Critically engaging with the notion of ‘lived’ nonreligion, we highlight the potential of ethnographic approaches to provide a uniquely anthropological perspective on secularism, irreligion, atheism, skepticism, and related phenomena

    The role of B cell antigen receptors in mantle cell lymphoma

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is characterized by an aggressive clinical course and secondary resistance to currently available therapies in most cases. Therefore, despite recent advances in the treatment of this disease, it is still considered to be incurable in the majority of cases. MCL B cells retain their B cell antigen receptor (BCR) expression during and after neoplastic transformation. BCRs in MCL show distinct patterns of antigen selection and ongoing BCR signaling. However, little is known about the involved antigens and the mechanisms leading to lymphomagenesis and lymphoma progression in MCL. Recent preclinical and clinical studies have established a crucial role of the BCR and the potential of inhibiting its signaling in this disease. This has established the B cell antigen receptor signaling cascade as a very promising therapeutic target to improve outcome in MCL alone or in combination with chemo-immunotherapy in recent years

    Spatial allocation effects within a potentization basic research model – evidence for field-like effects of homeopathic preparations?

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    Background: The mode of action of ultramolecular homeopathic preparations is still unknown. Interactions between objects or entities can be grouped in four main general scientific categories: material, force-/field-like, entanglement-like or informational. Should homeopathic preparations have a field-like mode of action, there is greater probability of cross-contamination as long as the means to "shield" objects from each other is unknown. A field-like interaction would also lead to treatment at a distance effects that are distance-dependent. Aims: We analysed a set of experiments with Arsenicum album 45x treated wheat seedlings regarding a possible distance-dependent cross-contamination. Materials and Methods: We performed an a posteriori analysis of a set of 17 independent experiments [1,2] with wheat seedlings pre-treated with 1‰ arsenic. Three treatments were applied (Arsenicum album 45x, water 45x, or unpotentized water) with 150 seedlings in each treatment group per experiment. Seedlings were arranged in hanging plastic bags side-by-side in identically treated blocks of 10 seedlings. The 3x15 blocks were coded and randomly allocated to the three treatments. Wheat shoot length was measured after 7 days. Treatment effects were analysed as function of the position (1–10) within the blocks of 10 seedlings. Results: Analyzing all data, Arsenicum album 45x exerted an inhibiting effect (–3.2%, p=0.01) compared to both water and water 45x. When restricting the analysis to the outermost seedlings of all subgroups (pos. 1, 10), the treatment effect vanished (0.3%, p=0.92). In contrast, the innermost seedlings of all subgroups (pos. 5, 6) showed a treatment effect of –5.6% (p=0.02). Intermediate pairs of positions (pos. 2–4, 7–9) showed intermediate effects. Regarding shoot length, dependency on spatial position was observed for the plants of the water control groups, but not for the plants treated with Arsenicum album 45x. Conclusions: Whilst the effect of Arsenicum album 45x on wheat-shoot growth was not dependent on the spatial position within the subgroup, the water-control plants became smaller the closer they were to Arsenicum album 45x-treated seedlings. This observation is compatible with the existence of a field-like effect of homeopathic dilutions. Another possible explanation that cannot be ruled out by the present experiments, is contamination through the gas-phase. Future investigations of ultramolecular homeopathic preparations should control any such effects since they may mask treatment effects, leading to false-negative results. Closer investigation of the nature of this distance-dependent effect might contribute to identification of the mode of action of ultramolecular homeopathic preparations

    Unterhaltungsqualität und Public Value

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    Gebühren finanzierte TV Sender haben die Aufgabe Public Value zu schaffen. In der Regel umfasst der Leistungsauftrag dabei sowohl Information und Bildung als auch Unterhaltung. Während sich für informierende und bildende Inhalte relativ leicht feststellen lässt, worin der Nutzen für die Öffentlichkeit besteht, ist dies für die Unterhaltung weniger eindeutig. An dieser Stelle setzt der Beitrag an. Es wird argumentiert, dass der Public Value von Unterhaltung von der Qualität der Unterhaltung abhängt. Hierfür muss zunächst geklärt werden, an welchen Kriterien sich die Qualität von Unterhaltung festmachen lässt. Die Qualität stellt sich vielschichtig dar, es müssen unterschiedliche Perspektiven z.B. von Rezipienten, Produzenten und Regulierern berücksichtigt werden. Auf Basis einer Messung von Qualität wird in einen zweiten Schritt diskutiert, welche Unterhaltungsangebote einen Public Value aufweisen und welchen dieser fehlt, so dass sie nicht zu den Aufgaben eines Service Public Senders zu zählen sind. Dabei zeigt sich, dass eine absolute Bewertung nicht gerechtfertigt ist, sondern jeweils die Kontextbedingungen eines Medienmarkts berücksichtigt werden müssen. Anhand von konkreten Unterhaltungsangeboten von europäischen Service Public Anbietern wird die Messung von Qualität illustriert und mit den Kontextbedingungen in Bezug gesetzt

    Mental health in Germany in the first weeks of the Russo-Ukrainian war

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    Background In the connected world, although societies are not directly involved in a military conflict, they are exposed to media reports of violence. Aims We assessed the effects of such exposures on mental health in Germany during the military conflict in Ukraine. Method We used the German population-based cohort for digital health research, DigiHero, launching a survey on the eighth day of the Russo-Ukrainian war. Of the 27 509 cohort participants from the general population, 19 444 (70.7%) responded within 17 days. We measured mental health and fear of the impact of war compared with other fears (natural disasters or health-related). Results In a subsample of 4441 participants assessed twice, anxiety in the population (measured by the Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 screener) was higher in the first weeks of war than during the strongest COVID-19 restrictions. Anxiety was elevated across the whole age spectrum, and the mean was above the cut-off for mild anxiety. Over 95% of participants expressed various degrees of fear of the impact of war, whereas the percentage for other investigated fears was 0.47–0.82. A one-point difference in the fear of the impact of war was associated with a 2.5 point (95% CI 2.42–2.58) increase in anxiety (11.9% of the maximum anxiety score). For emotional distress, the increase was 0.67 points (0.66–0.68) (16.75% of the maximum score). Conclusions The population in Germany reacted to the Russo-Ukrainian war with substantial distress, exceeding reactions during the strongest restrictions in the COVID-19 pandemic. Fear of the impact of war was associated with worse mental health
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