514 research outputs found

    Forest fire spreading: a nonlinear stochastic model continuous in space and time

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    Forest fire spreading is a complex phenomenon characterized by a stochastic behavior. Nowadays, the enormous quantity of georeferenced data and the availability of powerful techniques for their analysis can provide a very careful picture of forest fires opening the way to more realistic models. We propose a stochastic spreading model continuous in space and time that is able to use such data in their full power. The state of the forest fire is described by the subprobability densities of the green trees and of the trees on fire that can be estimated thanks to data coming from satellites and earth detectors. The fire dynamics is encoded into a density probability kernel which can take into account wind conditions, land slope, spotting phenomena and so on, bringing to a system of integro-differential equations for the probability densities. Existence and uniqueness of the solutions is proved by using Banach's fixed point theorem. The asymptotic behavior of the model is analyzed as well. Stochastic models based on cellular automata can be considered as particular cases of the present model from which they can be derived by space and/or time discretization. Suggesting a particular structure for the kernel, we obtain numerical simulations of the fire spreading under different conditions. For example, in the case of a forest fire evolving towards a river, the simulations show that the probability density of the trees on fire is different from zero beyond the river due to the spotting phenomenon. Firefighters interventions and weather changes can be easily introduced into the model.Comment: 25 pages, 27 figure

    Hydrodynamic subband model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle

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    A hydrodynamic subband model for semiconductors is formulated by closing the moment system derived from the Schr¨odinger-Poisson-Boltzmann equations on the basis the maximum entropy principle. Explicit closure relations for fluxes and production terms are obtained taking into account scattering of electrons with acoustic and nonpolar optical phonons and surface scattering

    3D-full wave and kinetics numerical modelling of electron cyclotron resonance ion sources plasma: Steps towards self-consistency

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    Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) ion Sources are the most performing machines for the production of intense beams of multi-charged ions in fundamental science, applied physics and industry. Investigation of plasma dynamics in ECRIS still remains a challenge. A better comprehension of electron heating, ionization and diffusion processes, ion confinement and ion beam formation is mandatory in order to increase ECRIS performances both in terms of output beams currents, charge states, beam quality (emittance minimization, beam halos suppression, etc.). Numerical solution of Vlasov equation via kinetic codes coupled to FEM solvers is ongoing at INFN-LNS, based on a PIC strategy. Preliminary results of the modeling will be shown about wave-plasma interaction and electron-ion confinement: the obtained results are very helpful to better understand the influence of the different parameters (especially RF frequency and power) on the ion beam formation mechanism

    The first measurement of plasma density in an ECRIS-like device by means of a frequency-sweep microwave interferometer

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    The note presents the first plasma density measurements collected by a novel microwave interferometer in a compact Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS). The developed K-band (18.5 ÷ 26.5 GHz) microwave interferometry, based on the Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave method, has been able to discriminate the plasma signal from the spurious components due to the reflections at the plasma chamber walls, when working in the extreme unfavorable condition λp≃ Lp≃ Lc(λp, Lp, and Lcbeing the probing signal wavelength, the plasma dimension and the plasma chamber length, respectively). The note describes the experimental procedure when probing a high density plasma (ne> 1 · 1018cm-3) produced by an ECRIS prototype operating at 3.75 GHz

    Electron cyclotron resonance ion source plasma characterization by X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray imaging

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    An experimental campaign aiming to investigate electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma X-ray emission has been recently carried out at the ECRISs - Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources laboratory of Atomki based on a collaboration between the Debrecen and Catania ECR teams. In a first series, the X-ray spectroscopy was performed through silicon drift detectors and high purity germanium detectors, characterizing the volumetric plasma emission. The on-purpose developed collimation system was suitable for direct plasma density evaluation, performed "on-line" during beam extraction and charge state distribution characterization. A campaign for correlating the plasma density and temperature with the output charge states and the beam intensity for different pumping wave frequencies, different magnetic field profiles, and single-gas/gas-mixing configurations was carried out. The results reveal a surprisingly very good agreement between warm-electron density fluctuations, output beam currents, and the calculated electromagnetic modal density of the plasma chamber. A charge-coupled device camera coupled to a small pin-hole allowing X-ray imaging was installed and numerous X-ray photos were taken in order to study the peculiarities of the ECRIS plasma structure

    SEC v. Levine: Determining the Fate of Disgorged Assets Obtained in Settlement

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