247 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Albanian Banking System

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    When I chose to analyze the evolution of the Albanian banking system I had in mind the economic development of Albania today. Albanian being one of the poorest countries in Europe and a country with a developing economy became a topic of interest since the banking system is a major influence in a country’s economy. Analyzing the evolution of the Albanian banking system will not only provide a historic view on Albania and its banking system but will also provide the necessary knowledge and historical background to be able to conclude why is the banking system in Albania shaped this way and why is the economy behaving in such a way. This study in itself will examine the evolution of the Albanian Banking System and the path it followed based on the historical background of Albania. It will lay out the historical facts that shaped the way the Albanian Banking System has changed through time. The study is organized in six different stages. This organization is done with the purpose to recognize the different paths that the Albanian Banking System followed in certain periods of time and to distinguish one from another based on historical and economical factors. During the analysis of the banking system importance was given to the ownership of the banks, the type of business these banks engaged and the role they played in the economy. A great emphasis was put on the Albanian central bank and its evolution since it was the most important player in the Albanian banking system for a significant amount of time. The central banks monetary policies throughout the years and its role in the economy are discussed and analyzed. The evolution of the Albanian Banking System is important to study because it does not only provide a historical view of the banks in Albania it also provides the necessary historical background that shaped the image of the Albania banking system. Also when this analysis is put in the context of today’s banking system in Albania and its economy it becomes easier for an outsider to really understand why Albania is a developing country, and what the economic situation really is in Albania. Albania being a developing country brings up the idea that it is a good place of investment. Foreign investors who in the future might want to invest in Albania will need to have an understanding of its economy and banking system. Therefore a further research might analyze only the present status of the Albanian banking system and the economic stability in Albania. Having a clear understanding of the historical facts about the Albanian banking system one can see that the Albanian market has always been open to foreign investors and even though there were a lot of set backs, Albania is once again open to foreign investment. Therefore a more extensive research on the future of the banking system in Albania and its growth might be the next step to analyzing the potential investment opportunities in Albania. And a healthy economic and banking outlook might be the first step to attracting foreign investors in Albania. Once again, this thesis only analyzes the evolution of the Albanian banking system. However the knowledge gathered can help understand better the banking system in Albania and maybe conduct a further analysis of Albania’s economy

    Kronisk njursjukdom hos typ 1 diabetiker utan albuminuri

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    Inledning Diabetisk nefropati är den mest fruktade diabeteskomplikationen. Utvecklingen av nefropati har redan länge undersökts genom mätning av mängden albuminutsöndring i urinen. Nyligen har man upptäckt att njurfunktionen kan vara nedsatt oberoende av albuminuri. Mål Att undersöka prevalensen samt associationer av kronisk njursvikt utan albuminuri (nonalbuminuric renal disease eller NARD) hos typ 1 diabetiker. Betydelsen av blodtrycksmedicinering, speciellt ACE-/AT2-inhibitorer, behandlas också. Material och metoder Studien ingår i den nationella multicenterstudien FinnDiane. En population på ca. 4000 typ 1 diabetiker har analyserats. Patienter med nefropati utan albuminuri identifierades. Statistiska analyser gjordes med SPSS 19.0. Njurfunktionen (eGFR) estimerades med CKD-EPI ekvationen. Resultat Prevalensen av NARD inom den normoalbuminura gruppen var 3,5%, prevalensen hos män 1,0% samt hos kvinnor 5,4%. Sammanlagt 79 patienter med NARD (12 män och 67 kvinnor) identifierades. ACE-/AT2-inhibitorer kan påverka prevalensen av NARD men inte statistiskt signifikant (p=0,067). Risken för progression av NARD till mikroalbuminuri var betydligt större hos denna grupp (p=0,006) i jämförelse med den normoalbuminura gruppen med normal njurfunktion. I en överlevnadsanalys framkom att mortaliteten var högre inom mikroalbuminuri-gruppen än inom NARD-gruppen (p<0,001, ålders- samt könskorrigerat). Diskussion Prevalensen av NARD var lägre än i motsvarande studier utomlands på typ 2 diabetiker. NARD patienterna hade en ökad risk för progression till mikroalbuminuri men inte en ökad mortalitet. ACE-/AT2-inhibitorerna kan delvis förklara NARD fenomenet. Nya studier med ett större antal NARD patienter behövs för en noggrannare utredning

    Tax Shelters Sound Strategy Or Dangerous Game?

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    Tax shelters, once thought to be extinct due to the at-risk and passive activity loss rules, continue to appeal to corporations and wealthy individuals.  While some legal activities such as owning your own business, home ownership, retirement plans, and like-kind or section 1031 exchanges may allow you to “shelter” income, some individuals and organizations continue to invest in schemes that the Internal Revenue Service finds unacceptable.  Known as abusive tax shelters, the IRS issued a new set of regulations on February 28, 2003 in an attempt to identify these transactions, and ultimately, end their use by taxpayers.  This article provides an overview of tax shelters, highlights some of the more famous tax shelter scandals, and provides guidance on the rules surrounding the use of tax shelters

    Comparison Between Fractionated and Single Bolus Dose of Local Anaesthetic (Bupivacaine 0.5% Heavy) in Elective Lower Segment Caeserean Section

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    Context : &nbsp;Fractionated dose of local anaesthetic in spinal anaesthesia has been compared with single bolus dose in terms of hemodynamic stability. Aims: Comparison of fractionated dose versus&nbsp; single bolus dose injection of local anaesthetic&nbsp; in spinal anaesthesia for patients undergoing elective&nbsp;&nbsp; caesarean section. Go to:Settings and Design: This prospective comparative study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in central India. Methods and material: 200 healthy female parturients who were scheduled for elective caesarean section were allocated randomly into two groups- one that received fractionated dose and another that received single bolus dose of bupivacaine heavy (0.5%). With patient in sitting position subarachnoid block was established using dose according to height of the patient(0.07mg/cm height of patient). The single bolus group B recieved bupivacaine in single bolus over 10s. In Fractionated dose group F, patients recieved 2/3rd of the total calculated dose given initially followed by 1/3rd dose after 90s,both at a rate 0.2ml/s. After injection of initial 2/3rd dose, the syringe was kept attached to the spinal needle for the remaining 90s, after which remaining one third dose was administered. Data assessed were the number of hypotensive episodes and number of times vasopressors had to be given. Statistical Analysis: The data was collected using Microsoft excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SSPS ver. 21). Results: There was statistically significant difference between the hemodynamic stability for the two groups.Conclusion:&nbsp; Fractionated dose of local anaesthetic was found to be hemodynamically more stable than single bolus dose. &nbsp;Keywords: hypotension,singlebolusdose,fractionated dose, hemodynamic stability

    Implementation Of Regional Regulation No. 3 Of 2022 Regarding Child Friendly District In Langkat District Viewed From The Perspective Of Fiqh Siyasah

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    Child Friendly District (KLA) is a program that guarantees and protects children's rights so that they can live, grow, develop and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity and dignity and avoid violence and discrimination. In Indonesia, violations of children's rights are increasingly common. Therefore, by enacting local regulations regarding child-friendly districts in Langkat Regency, in this case, the aim is to uphold children's rights. This study describes the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2022 concerning KLA through 5 Clusters. There are still unfulfilled children's rights, such as low school participation, inadequate health insurance, limited infrastructure for children, and cases of child abuse. The results of the implementation of the KLA policy experienced obstacles in several factors, to be precise, the number and quality of human resources had to be expanded, correspondence and collaboration between policy implementers had not yet taken root so that the satisfaction of children's freedom was not optimal and furthermore the local community's understanding of KLA still did not exist. The KLA policy is in accordance with the principles of fiqh siyasa because it can provide benefits to people's lives, especially children

    Effects of preoperative gabapentin on postoperative relief of pain in patients scheduled for surgery under general anaesthesia

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    Background: To evaluate the effects of preoperative Gabapentin on postoperative relief of pain in patients scheduled for surgery under general anaesthesia. Post-operative ward and OT Department of Anaesthesia, JAH, GR Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.Methods: The sixty patients subjected to ASA grade I and II posted for elective surgeries under general anaesthesia were randomized into 2 groups. One and half hour before surgery, Gabapentin 600 mg and placebo was given blindly to selected patients for the study. The postoperative pain was assessed with visual analogue score. Pain and side effects assessment were performed.Results: Total 60 patients of ASA grade I and II posted for elective surgeries under GA were randomized into 2 groups. One and half hour before surgery, the drug selected for the study was given blindly with a sip of water. The mean (±SD) of VAS score was 5.86±0.34 in Group B and 5.10±0.84 in Group A. VAS score was significantly lower in Group A. With oral Gabapentin time required for rescue analgesia is delayed as compared to control group. The mean (±SD) TRA-1 was 38.40±24.61 in Group B and 44.03±8.94 in Group A.Conclusions: Preoperative oral Gabapentin significantly decreases the severity of pain postoperatively as compared to placebo in patients posted for surgery. Time for analgesic requirement is more with oral Gabapentin. The VAS score was lower in Gabapentin group

    Multiclassification of license plate based on deep convolution neural networks

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    In the classification of license plate there are some challenges such that the different sizes of plate numbers, the plates' background, and the number of the dataset of the plates. In this paper, a multiclass classification model established using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify the license plate for three countries (Armenia, Belarus, Hungary) with the dataset of 600 images as 200 images for each class (160 for training and 40 for validation sets). Because of the small numbers of datasets, a preprocessing on the dataset is performed using pixel normalization and image data augmentation techniques (rotation, horizontal flip, zoom range) to increase the number of datasets. After that, we feed the augmented images into the convolution layer model, which consists of four blocks of convolution layer. For calculating and optimizing the efficiency of the classification model, a categorical cross-entropy and Adam optimizer used with a learning rate was 0.0001. The model's performance showed 99.17% and 97.50% of the training and validation sets accuracies sequentially, with total accuracy of classification is 96.66%. The time of training is lasting for 12 minutes. An anaconda python 3.7 and Keras Tensor flow backend are used

    Albanie, la Renaissance manquée

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    Ruumiin ja sukupuolen representaatio peruskoulun vuosiluokkien 3–6 äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden Huima-oppikirjasarjassa

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    Tutkielma käsittelee ruumiin ja sukupuolen representoimista perusopetuksen vuosiluokkien 3–6 äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden Huima-oppikirjasarjassa. Tavoitteena on lisäksi osoittaa, missä määrin oppikirjat vastaavat Opetushallituksen oppikirjojen laadintaa sekä opetusta koskevien ohjeistusten tavoitteita yhdenvertaisuuden ja sukupuolen moninaisuuden toteutumisesta. Aineistona ovat painetut Huima 3–6 -oppikirjat, niiden kuvat ja tekstit sekä tehtävänannot niiltä osin, kun ne laajentavat kuvitusta ja tekstejä ruumiin ja sukupuolen moninaisuuden näkökulmasta. Analyysissä keskitytään erityisesti oppikirjojen lainaamiin kertomuskatkelmiin lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuudesta. Oppikirjojen esittelyn ja analyysin tukena ovat myös Huima 3, 4, 5 ja 6 Opettajan oppaat. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu Judith Butlerin ja Sara Ahmedin sukupuolikäsityksistä ja teorioista sukupuolen performatiivisuudesta, ruumiiden toimintamahdollisuuksista sekä käsityksistä norminmukaisen ja -vastaisen ruumiin kokemuksesta maailmassa. Nämä yhteiskuntatutkimuksen teoriat syventävät metodia, jossa feministinen ja multimodaalinen lähiluenta kietoutuvat yhteen oppikirjatutkimuksen kanssa. Tutkielman kuvakirjatutkimuksellisen teoriapohjan muodostavat Kai Mikkosen ja Sirke Happosen kuvakirjatutkimuksen perusteet. Tutkielma etenee keskeisten käsitteiden kuten representaation, ruumiin, sukupuolen ja normin määrittelystä sekä tutkimusmetodin esittelystä kohdeteosteni tarkempaan analyysiin ruumiin ja sukupuolen representaatiosta. Analyysissä tarkastellaan aineistoesimerkein sekä oppikirjasarjan normatiivisia käsityksiä purkavia että toistavia esityksiä. Huomio kiinnittyy ruumiin representaation osalta etnisyyden sekä norminvastaisten ja -mukaisten ruumiiden esittämiseen. Sukupuolen representaatiota analysoidaan erilaisten sukupuolittavien piirteiden, sukupuolen performoinnin ja toimintamahdollisuuksien näkökulmista. Lisäksi analysoidaan antropomorfisten eläinhahmojen sukupuolen ilmenemistä sekä seksuaalisuuden representaatiota Huima-oppikirjoissa. Tutkielmassa keskeinen päätelmä on, että representaatio Huima-oppikirjasarjassa on kauttaaltaan melko normatiivista ja sukupuolen esitys binääristä. Oppikirjat päätyvät toistamaan ruumiiseen, sukupuoleen ja seksuaalisuuteen liitettyjä yhteiskunnallisia ja kulttuurisia normeja tekstivalinnoilla ja kuvituksilla. Oppikirjojen hahmot usein toistavat toiminnallaan stereotyyppistä esitystä sukupuolestaan ja ohjaavat tekemään sukupuolta tämän mukaisesti. Lisäksi heteroseksuaalisuus on ainoa seksuaalisuuden muoto, jota oppikirjoissa ilmenee. Toinen keskeinen johtopäätös on, että Opetushallituksen tavoitteet ruumiin yhdenvertaisuuden ja sukupuolen moninaisuuden edistämisestä eivät täysin tyydyttävästi toteudu normatiivisen kuvaston ja representaation vuoksi. Huima-sarjan opettajan oppaat eivät eksplisiittisesti ohjaa tai anna vinkkejä keskusteluun, jolla olisi mahdollista laajentaa käsityksiä sukupuolesta ja sen moninaisuudesta. On opettajan pedagogisesta osaamisesta ja näkemyksestä kiinni, miten näitä teemoja opetuksessa edistetään ja nostetaan keskusteluun