74 research outputs found

    Quantitative evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 inactivation using a deep ultraviolet light-emitting diode

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    Inactivation technology for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is certainly a critical measure to mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A deep ultraviolet light-emitting diode (DUV-LED) would be a promising candidate to inactivate SARS-CoV-2, based on the well-known antiviral effects of DUV on microorganisms and viruses. However, due to variations in the inactivation effects across different viruses, quantitative evaluations of the inactivation profile of SARS-CoV-2 by DUV-LED irradiation need to be performed. In the present study, we quantify the irradiation dose of DUV-LED necessary to inactivate SARS-CoV-2. For this purpose, we determined the culture media suitable for the irradiation of SARS-CoV-2 and optimized the irradiation apparatus using commercially available DUV-LEDs that operate at a center wavelength of 265, 280, or 300 nm. Under these conditions, we successfully analyzed the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and the irradiation dose of the DUV-LEDs at each wavelength without irrelevant biological effects. In conclusion, total doses of 1.8 mJ/cm2 for 265 nm, 3.0 mJ/cm2 for 280 nm, and 23 mJ/cm2 for 300 nm are required to inactivate 99.9% of SARS-CoV-2. Our results provide quantitative antiviral effects of DUV irradiation on SARS-CoV-2, serving as basic knowledge of inactivation technologies against SARS-CoV-2

    フランス ニ オケル リンパドレナージユ ノ ジヨウキヨウ : リガクリヨウホウシ ヘ ノインタビユー ヨリ

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    フランスにおいて、リンパドレナージュの経験のある理学療法士にインタビューを行い、以下のことがわかった。1.フランスにおいてリンパドレナージュは、国家資格である理学療法士が施術していた。2.理学療法士の基礎教育のカリキュラムには、リンパのみのドレナージュと静脈に働きかけるドレナージュが組み込まれていた。3.理学療法士は基礎教育終了後に、現任教育として、リンパドレナージュを専門的に学ぶ機会が用意されていた。4.基礎教育において習得したリンパドレナージュを土台にDVTM(Dynamisationvaaculo-tissulaire manuelle)、ツボや整体の理論を取り入れオリジナルの施術を実施していた。5.理学療法士は、医師の処方箋をもとにリンパドレナージュを実施していた。6.DVTM を受講した理学療法士は外科医にリストが送られ、外科医からDVTM が必要な患者が紹介されていた。7.リンパドレナージュは浮腫に対して実施され、がんの術後の浮腫だけでなく妊産褥婦の浮腫にも実施されていた。8.リンパドレナージュの禁忌として、発熱と炎症が挙げられていた。しかし、妊婦やがん患者への実施については、意見が分かれていた。We have found out following facts in France by the interview with a physical therapist who has experiences of lymphatic drainage.1. In France, physical therapists who has national qualifications practice lymphatic drainage.2. The fundamental program for physical therapists has both lymphatic drainage method and intravenous drainage method.3. Opportunities to study lymphatic drainage professionally are prepared for physical therapists as continuing education after fundamental program.4. They practice DVTM which they learned during fundamental program, and they also practice original therapy which they take in theory from pressure point and bodywork.5. Physical therapists practice lymphatic drainage based on the prescription of a physician.6. A list of physical therapists who learned DVTM is sent to surgeons and surgeons refer patients who needs DVTM to physiotherapists.7. Lymphatic drainage therapy applies to edema, postoperative edema caused by surgery of cancer, and edema of prenatal and postnatal women.8. We included fever and inflammation, and however, about the contraindication of the lymph drainage, an opinion was divided about the enforcement to a pregnant woman and patients

    イギリス ニ オケル コドモ ノ リンパドレナージ ノ ジョウキョウ / イシ ト リンパドレナージ シジュツシャ ヘノ インタビュー ケッカ カラ

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    イギリスにおける子どものリンパドレナージの状況について、医師とリンパドレナージ施術者にインタビューを行った結果、以下のことがわかった。1 イギリスにおいては、子どものリンパ浮腫の症例が少ないが、頭部・体幹は圧迫療法を用いることが出来ないことや、嫌がって外すなどの子ども特有の理由で、徒手リンパドレナージ[Manual Lymphatic Drainage:以降、MLDとする。]が選択されていた。2 MLDの効果については、子どものリンパ浮腫の症例が少ないことや、16歳以下の医療目的以外の施術は認められていないこともあり、手技、利用方法、頻度などについて明らかではなかった。]3 リンパドレナージの施術資格は、フランスでは基本的に国家資格をもつ理学療法士であるのに対して、イギリスでは各リンパドレナージの協会から認定を受けた者であるという違いが見られた。4 イギリスにおいてリンパドレナージは、リンパ浮腫といった医療以外にも利用されており、その範囲はリラクゼーションや健康の維持増進もあった。The present study has been described that the following things after interviewing doctorsand enforcers in the UK regarding the situation of lymphatic drainage for children.1 In that country, there are few case child patients of lymphedema, but the ManualLymphatic Drainage (hereinafter called MLD) was adopted for them because the treatment cannot be given a compression therapy in head or trunk, due to children\u27s unwillingness for this process and they tend to detach medical instrumennts.2 The practical effect of MLD had not been clear in its procedures, uses, and frequency. Because this method is not approved for a non-medical purpose for children aged 16 and under, also it is hard to identify young patients with lymphatic disease. 3 It was seen the difference about the license for a massage practitioner between the two countries; essentially in France, national qualified physiotherapists are responsible for working on the special treatment. In contrast, in the UK those who are certified by various lymphatic drainage associations can handle the drainage.4 Also in the UK, lymphatic drainage is not merely introduced as a kind of medical approach to patients, but this treatment is also applied to offer purposes than medical treatments

    環境配慮型生活における生活質感評価法の研究I : 生活モデル模索への覚書

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    The present thesis reports of the activities of a Team project“ Assessment Project for Criteria for Human Life Quality”, established by several members of the Department of Life Environmental Sciences. Preliminary research was mainly conducted in areas of consumer products use, housing facilities, as well as the cultivation of public opinion and attitudes towards low energy life. The high accumulation of systems and functions, the rational and rigid differentiations of tasks and areas, typical of city life, aggravate the alienation of the individual and accelerate the consumption rate of material and energy resource. Further research is necessary, therefore, to relocate the areas in which the needs for privacy and property can be reformulated to embrace a more organic and cyclic concept of life