16 research outputs found

    Quantitative evaluation of protocorm growth and fungal colonization in Bletilla striata (Orchidaceae) reveals less-productive symbiosis with a non-native symbiotic fungus

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    Quantitative evaluation of symbiotic cells in Pecteilis radiata protocorm. (a) Symbiotic cells with hyphal coils in P. radiata protocorm. Scale bars, 50 Οm. (b) Ratio of the number of symbiotic cells at each stage in a symbiotic protocorm. Each value represents the average number of symbiotic cells in ten protocorms. The experiments were repeated six times with similar results. (PDF 959 kb

    Large N limit of SYM theories with 16 supercharges from superstrings on Dp-brane backgrounds

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    We investigate the holographic correspondence between (p+1)-dimensional (0p40\le p\le 4) SYM theories with 16 supercharges and superstring theories on the near-horizon limit of Dp-brane backgrounds. Following an approach based on the tunneling picture, we study Euclidean superstring semi-classically along null geodesics which connect two points on the boundary of the spacetime. We extend the analysis of hep-th/0308024 and study the fermionic sector of the superstring. For p3p\ne 3, we do not have world-sheet supersymmetry, and the energies of bosonic and fermionic fluctuations do not match. By interpreting the superstring amplitudes as correlators of gauge theory operators with large R-charge J, we obtain gauge theory two-point functions including those of fermionic operators. Our approach yields results consistent with the previous supergravity analysis for the D0-branes, including the subleading part in J. Our prediction from holography is that the two-point functions for the supergravity modes are power-law behaved, even for the non-conformal (p3p\ne 3) SYM theories.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure; v2: discussion on the consistency with a known result of supergravity analysis adde

    PP-Wave Holography for Dp-Brane Backgrounds

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    As an extension of the so-called BMN conjecture, we investigate the plane-wave limit for possible holographic connection between bulk string theories in non-conformal backgrounds of Dpp-branes and the corresponding supersymmetric gauge theories for p<5p<5. Our work is based on the tunneling picture for dominant null trajectories of strings in the limit of large angular momentum. The tunneling null trajectories start from the near-horizon boundary and return to the boundary, and the resulting backgrounds are time-dependent for general Dpp-branes except for p=3p=3. We develop a general method for extracting diagonalized two-point functions for boundary theories as Euclidean (bulk) S-matrix in the time-dependent backgrounds. For the case of D0-brane, two-point functions of supergravity modes are shown to agree with the results derived previously by the perturbative analysis of supergravity. We then discuss the implications of the holography for general cases of Dpp-branes including the stringy excitations. All the cases (p3,p<5p\ne 3, p<5) exhibit interesting infra-red behaviors, which are different from free-field theories, suggesting the existence of quite nontrivial fixed-points in dual gauge theories.Comment: 43 pages, corrected typos, version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Additional file 7: of Quantitative evaluation of protocorm growth and fungal colonization in Bletilla striata (Orchidaceae) reveals less-productive symbiosis with a non-native symbiotic fungus

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    Quantitative evaluation of symbiotic cells in a protocorm under conditions with high concentrations of oatmeal. (a) The number of symbiotic cells per one protocorm under 2×- and 4×-strength oatmeal conditions for four weeks after seeding. (b) Ratio of the number of symbiotic cells at each stage in a symbiotic protocorm under 2×- and 4×-strength oatmeal conditions. Error bars represents the standard error of the mean in ten protocorms. The experiments were repeated three times with similar results. (PDF 140 kb

    Severity of eczema and mental health problems in Japanese schoolchildren: The ToMMo Child Health Study

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    Background: The association between eczema and mental health problems in schoolchildren has been underexplored. We aimed to investigate this association with the validated questionnaires. Methods: Of 46,648 invited children, we analyzed 9954 (21.3%) in the 2nd to the 8th grades from the ToMMo Child Health Study conducted in 2014 and 2015, a cross-sectional survey in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. We defined eczema status as “normal,” “mild/moderate,” or “severe,” based on the presence of persistent flexural eczema and sleep disturbance, according to the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Eczema Symptom Questionnaire. Clinical ranges of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) total difficulties scores and four SDQ subcategories of emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, and peer problems were defined as scores ≥16, ≥5, ≥5, ≥7, and ≥5, respectively. Results: The mean SDQ total difficulties score significantly increased as eczema status worsened (all P ≤ 0.004 for trend). The OR of scores in the clinical range for SDQ total difficulties were 1.51 (95% CI, 1.31–1.74) for mild/moderate eczema and 2.63 (95% CI, 1.91–3.63) for severe eczema (P < 0.001 for trend), adjusted for sex, school grade, current wheeze, and disaster-related factors, using normal eczema as a reference. The association between severity of eczema and four SDQ subcategories showed a similar trend (all P ≤ 0.017 for trend). Conclusions: We found a significant association between severity of eczema and mental health problems. The presence of eczema was associated with four SDQ subcategories. Keywords: Atopic dermatitis, Cross-sectional survey, ISAAC, Sleep disorders, Strengths and difficulties questionnair

    Total Synthesis of Fusaramin, Enabling Stereochemical Elucidation, Structure–Activity Relationship, and Uncovering the Hidden Antimicrobial Activity against Plant Pathogenic Fungi

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    Fusaramin (1) was isolated as a mitochondrial inhibitor. However, the fungal producer stops producing 1, which necessitates us to supply 1 by total synthesis. We proposed the complete stereochemical structure based on the biosynthetic pathway of sambutoxin. We have established concise and robust total synthesis of 1, enabling us to determine the complete stereochemical structure and to elucidate the structure–activity relationship, and uncover the hidden antiplant pathogenic fungal activity