79 research outputs found

    Effects of Nutrient Solution Concentration on Cut Flower Yield, Quality and Characteristics of Seasonal Nutrient Absorption of Spray Carnation Grown by Cultivation in Drip Fertigation

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    Effects of nutrient solution concentration on cut flower yield, quality and characteristics of seasonal nutrient absorption of spray carnation ‘Barbara’ grown by cultivation in drip fertigation were investigated. 'Barbara' was grown with a nutrient solution (N:15%, P:6.5%, K:12.5%, Ca:3.6%, Mg:0.9%), at three concentration levels which were high concentration (1,000 times), middle concentration (1,500 times) and low concentration (3,000 times). The daily amount of nutrient solution was ranged from 0.0mm to 13.9mm. The total cut flower yield of middle concentration and high concentration were bigger than that of low concentration. The weight of the second cut flower of low concentration was decreased as compared to that of middle concentration and high concentration. Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) in the plant nutrient ratio were decreased as the increase of dry matter and phosphorus (P) was increased at autumn and spring. With a reduction in the soil nutrient contents, Nitrogen and potassium in the plant nutrient ratio of low concentration were decreased. Nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil nutrient contents of high concentration were increased at the end of cultivation. In the total nutrient absorbed amount of middle concentration, 2,807.9 mg nitrogen, 493.5 mg phosphorus, 3,667.4 mg potassium, 1,615.8 mg calcium (Ca) and 320.9 mg magnesium (Mg) were absorbed per plant. In spring, the ratio of nitrogen absorbed amount to nutrients absorbed amount was increased 1.3 times. Phosphorus ratio and phosphorus absorbed amount in spray carnation were fewer than that of standard carnation. There were no differences in total nitrogen, potassium, calcium and magnesium absorption between spray carnation and standard carnation.スプレーカーネーションのかん水同時施肥法における養分吸収特性を‘バーバラ’で調査した.窒素:リン(P):カリウム(K):カルシウム(Ca):マグネシウム(Mg)の含有率(%)が15:6.5:12.5:3.6:0.9の液肥を,低濃度(3,000倍),中濃度(1,500倍),高濃度(1,000倍)の3水準で,毎日0.0~13.9㎜ずつ点滴給液した.切り花収量は中濃度区と高濃度区が多く,切り花品質は2番花において低濃度区の切り花重が減少した.植物体の窒素およびカリウム含有率は乾物増加量が増大するにつれて低下し,リンは秋期と春期に減少した.低濃度区の窒素,カリウムの含有率は土壌養分含有量の減少にともない,低下した.高濃度区では土壌の窒素およびリン含有量が栽培終了時に大幅に増大した.中濃度での給液における1株当たりの総養分吸収量は窒素が2,807.0㎎,リンが493.5㎎,カリウムが3,667.4㎎,カルシウムが1,615.8㎎,マグネシウムが320.9㎎であった.リン,カリウム,カルシウム,マグネシウムの窒素に対する吸収割合はいずれも春期に約1.3倍に上昇した.スタンダードカーネーションとの比較では,スプレーカーネーションでは,ややリンの植物体含有率と吸収量が少ないが,窒素,カリウム,カルシウム,マグネシウムの植物体含有率および吸収量には,ほとんど差がなかった

    Ultrasmall all-optical plasmonic switch and its application to superresolution imaging

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    Because of their exceptional local-field enhancement and ultrasmall mode volume, plasmonic components can integrate photonics and electronics at nanoscale, and active control of plasmons is the key. However, all-optical modulation of plasmonic response with nanometer mode volume and unity modulation depth is still lacking. Here we show that scattering from a plasmonic nanoparticle, whose volume is smaller than 0.001 μm3, can be optically switched off with less than 100 μW power. Over 80% modulation depth is observed, and shows no degradation after repetitive switching. The spectral bandwidth approaches 100 nm. The underlying mechanism is suggested to be photothermal effects, and the effective single-particle nonlinearity reaches nearly 10−9 m2/W, which is to our knowledge the largest record of metallic materials to date. As a novel application, the non-bleaching and unlimitedly switchable scattering is used to enhance optical resolution to λ/5 (λ/9 after deconvolution), with 100-fold less intensity requirement compared to similar superresolution techniques. Our work not only opens up a new field of ultrasmall all-optical control based on scattering from a single nanoparticle, but also facilitates superresolution imaging for long-term observation

    Muscle-specific deletion of BDK amplifies loss of myofibrillar protein during protein undernutrition

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    Ishikawa, T., Kitaura, Y., Kadota, Y. et al. Muscle-specific deletion of BDK amplifies loss of myofibrillar protein during protein undernutrition. Sci Rep 7, 39825 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep3982

    Ultrasensitive human prion detection in cerebrospinal fluid by real-time quaking-induced conversion.

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    The development of technologies for the in vitro amplification of abnormal conformations of prion protein (PrP(Sc)) has generated the potential for sensitive detection of prions. Here we developed a new PrP(Sc) amplification assay, called real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QUIC), which allows the detection of ≥1 fg of PrP(Sc) in diluted Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) brain homogenate. Moreover, we assessed the technique first in a series of Japanese subjects and then in a blind study of 30 cerebrospinal fluid specimens from Australia, which achieved greater than 80% sensitivity and 100% specificity. These findings indicate the promising enhanced diagnostic capacity of RT-QUIC in the antemortem evaluation of suspected CJD

    Principle of Operation and Simulation Result of AC-AC Current Source Converter Using Coupled Inductor

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    This paper proposes AC-AC current source converter using a coupled inductor,which is derived from the circuit of the matrix converter using AC inductor. The proposed circuit has the bidirectional AC-AC power conversion ability,providing step-up and step-down operation in each direction and can switch the direction of the power conversion during operation. This paper describes the principle of operation and the simulation results of the proposed circuit