138 research outputs found

    Dissociation of Exact and Approximate Calculation in Severe Global Aphasia

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    We report a 68-year-old patient with severe global aphasia secondary to a large left hemisphere infarction including the parietal lobe. In addition to language and neuroradiological evaluation, the patient was given specifically designed arithmetic and clock tasks requiring either exact calculation or approximate calculation. Despite severe language impairment, the patient showed relatively well-preserved abilities for numerical comprehension and arithmetic operations. Further analyses using specifically designed arithmetic and clock tasks demonstrated a clear dissociation of the patient’s abilities between impaired exact calculation and well-preserved approximate calculation. The results support the notion that numerical and arithmetic abilities are heterogeneous in that rote verbal arithmetic facts and quantitative numerical knowledge can be separable. Implications of the present findings for neural correlates of numerical and arithmetic processing suggest that the right hemisphere plays a crucial role in approximate calculation

    Acute- or Subacute-Onset Lung Complications in Treating Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    AbstractRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common systemic disease that manifests as inflammatory arthritis of multiple joints and produces a wide variety of intrathoracic lesions, including pleural diseases, diffuse interstitial pneumonia, rheumatoid nodules, and airway disease. Patients treated for RA can have associated lung disease that commonly manifests as diffuse interstitial pneumonia, drug-induced lung injury, and infection. The purpose of this pictorial review is to illustrate the radiographic and clinical features of lung complications of acute or subacute onset in patients treated for RA and to show the computed tomography features of these complications


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    Currently, to measure the elbow varus torque during baseball pitching, it is necessary to attach markers and sensors to the body. The purpose of this study is to develop the method for estimating elbow varus torque by only a baseball with an embedded sensor, and examine the accuracy. Eight baseball pitchers threw a four-seam fastball with maximum effort. The varus torque was estimated using one-link-segment model by an accelerometer and gyro sensor placed in the baseball. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficients between the maximum values of the varus torque calculated by the proposed method and the values calculated by the motion capture system was high (ICC(3,1) = 0.73).This result indicates that proof of concept by one-link model is success and warrants future research to potentially develop a system with greater accuracy

    Turbo-Brayton Refrigerator of Yokohama HTS Cable Project

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    The operational stability and long term reliability of a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cable system combined with a liquid nitrogen cooling system was verified in the demonstration test performed in a real grid. The test was successfully implemented from October 29, 2012 till December 25, 2013. The HTS cable system reliability has been verified in the test, but some problems related to the refrigerators have also been revealed. To handle some problems we develop a refrigerator with a high efficiency and a long maintenance interval. Target characteristics we set are a maintenance interval of 30,000 hours, a COP of 0.1 and a cooling capacity of 5 kW. These target values were achieved using a reverse Brayton cycle and high performance turbo compressor and turbo expander units. Our cooling system utilizing this refrigerator has proved to be stable for long operation. This Turbo-Brayton refrigerator Neon gas was chosen as coolant based on its density and speed of sound. This refrigerator includes a three stage turbo compressor and a turbo expander. The heat of compression is removed by water through a heat exchanger. The heat exchanger for regeneration is set at the front of the turbo expander, while the heat exchanger for heat exchanging between neon gas and liquid nitrogen is located at the back of the expander. The mass flow rate of neon gas is controlled via a buffer tank to maintain the pressure of the system at the rated value especially when system operation is started or stopped. In second phase of Yokohama project, we installed the cooling system including Turbo-Brayton refrigerator in TEPCO\u27s network, Asahi S/S, and its demonstration test have started from March 31, 2017. The demonstration test will be continued for one year. Progress of the demonstration test is possible to review the web site of SEI, http://www.sei.co.jp/super/cable/jissho.html. The Turbo-Brayton refiregetaror we developed and project progress of which are discussed in detail in this presentation

    A new digital control DC-DC converter with peak current -injected control

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    This paper presents a new digital control circuit which is able to detect the peak switch current of the high frequency switching dc-dc converter. In this proposed digital control circuit, the peak current-injected control is realized using the combination of the simple dual pulse width modulation analog-to-digital signal converter and the programmed delay circuit. In 100kHz digitally controlled dc-dc converter, it is seen in simulation that the proposed method has no overshoot of the output voltage and the convergence time that the output voltage is settled to steady-state is only 30μs. The difference between the transient time of the proposed circuit and that of the conventional method is an order of magnitude. Furthermore, the ratio of resolution of the DPWM generator against the output voltage is 0.27% and is satisfied to apply the commercial power supply unit.INTELEC 2008 - 2008 IEEE 30th International Telecommunications Energy Conference : San Diego, CA, 2008.09.14-2008.09.1

    Local Cooling Effectiveness Distribution of an Integrated Impingement and Pin-Fin Cooling Configuration”,

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    ABSTRACT An integrated impingement and pin-fin cooling configuration is investigated experimentally. Temperature measurements have been performed for several test pieces with various pin/hole arrangements to clarify an influence of pin/hole arrangements on cooling effectiveness. The experiment has been conducted with 673K combustion gas flow and room temperature cooling air. Reynolds number of combustion gas flow is 380000 and Reynolds number of cooling air flow is in the range from 5000 to 30000. An infrared camera is used to measure a temperature distribution on a specimen surface. The area-averaged cooling effectiveness and the local cooling effectiveness are evaluated for each specimen and compared each other. There are evidences of the existence of pins on the local cooling effectiveness at the exact location of those. But the local cooling effectiveness are independent of the hole arrangement

    Report of a study using phantom materials, and clinical experience with simultaneous radio-hyperthermotherapy.

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    Simultaneous radiohyperthermotherapy (SRH) is a combined hyperthermia-radiation therapy in which irradiation is given during heating. Mutual interference between the high energy radiotherapy system (Toshiba LMR-15A) and the 13.56 MHz capacitive heating system (Omron HEH-500C) was tested with phantom materials prior to a clinical trial with SRH. The energy and flatness of irradiation were not affected by the heating system within the range of clinical use. The high energy radiotherapy system did not affect the increase or distribution of temperature during simultaneous treatment. The results of this phantom study indicated that these apparatuses would not produce clinically significant mutual interference during SRH. A clinical trial was performed on a 57-year-old woman with postoperative recurrence of rectal cancer. This is the first reported clinical case treated with true SRH in which external irradiation was administered during mid capacitive heating. Twelve SRH treatments were performed on the recurrent lesion at a frequency of twice a week for six weeks using the apparatuses described above. There was a significant reduction in pain after treatment. The tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level decreased after treatment. On CT images taken after treatment, the tumor site became a low density area which indicated necrosis. There were no side effects. These results suggest that further clinical study of SRH should be performed to clarify its advantages.</p

    Dynamic characteristics of DC-DC converter with novel digital peak current-injected control

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    This paper presents the dynamic characteristics of the proposed digital control current mode de-de converter. In the proposed novel digital control circuit, the peak current-injected control is realized using the combination of the simple dual A-Dsignal converter and the programmed delay circuit. In 100kHz digitally controlled de-de converter, it is seen in simulation that the proposed method has no overshoot of the output voltage and the convergencetime that the output voltage is settled to steady-state is only 151J1S. The difference between the transient time of the proposed circuit and that of the conventionalmethod is an order of magnitude. Furthermore, the ratio of resolution of the DPWM generator against the output voltage is 0.27% and is satisfied to apply the commercial power supply unit.INTELEC 2009 - 2009 International Telecommunications Energy Conference : Incheon, South Korea, 2009.10.18-2009.10.2


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    市販の無簧の竪笛として金属製と竹製の2種につき振動数の測定値と十二平均律の計算値を比較した処僅少の差があった, 之は一定の気流での実験結果であるが, 実際口で吹く場合には呼気の入れ加減で多少調節が出来るから実際的には大した支障はないように思われる。又気流の圧力が大きくなれば音は幾分高くなり全補正係数及び側孔補正係数は共に幾分小さくなる


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    種々の振動数を発する発振器, マイクロフォン, 陰極線オシロスコープを用いて, リードオルガンの発する音の高さと波形及び2個乃至4個の音の和音の波形を求めた。本実験に用いたオルガンは極めて古く調律も十分でないからAを220振動/秒(実験値)として十二平均律による振動数及び音程(セント)を計算し両者を比較した。最高27.1セントの狂があった。和音の波形は単振動の波形を用いた場合に比して甚だ複雑で和音の波形の差別は中々至難である。両者を比較して類推により幾分様相を把握することが出来た。長短の二度は唸りの波形で不協和音であり, 長短の三度は唸りが消えて協和音であり, 完全四度と完全五度は協和が非常に良い。長短の六度は協和音であり, 長短の七度は動揺性があって不協和音であり, 完全八度は特に協和が良く, 1音の如くであって音楽的には協和が良過ぎて和音を楽しむ点に於ては物足らない