5 research outputs found

    The impact of internal service quality on job satisfaction in the hotel industry

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    Service quality is a key factor for success in any hotel. Many researchers have conducted studies on service quality, but only a few studies have been conducted on internal service quality (ISQ) in general, and in the hotel industry in particular. Since there is no general agreement among researchers on the measurement of ISQ, many studies have used SERVQUAL instrument to measure the employees’ perceptions of ISQ. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ISQ on employee’s job satisfaction in five-star hotels in Jordan. The current study was carried out by measuring the data gathered through a seven-point Likert scale. The quantitative survey method was applied, and therefore the SERVQUAL instrument was used to measure ISQ, and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) was used to measure job satisfaction. Data obtained from a sample of 238 respondents drawn from 14 five-star hotels in Jordan were analysed with the SPSS software based on descriptive statistics. The study’s findings indicated that the ISQ of five-star hotels in Jordan has a significantly positive influence on an employee’s job satisfaction. These findings support the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between ISQ in the hotel industry and industry employees’ job satisfaction.Keywords: hotels, internal service quality, job satisfactio

    The Impact of Total Quality Management Implementation on Employees’ Service Recovery Performance in Five-Star Hotels in Jordan

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of total quality management (TQM) implementations on employees’ service recovery performance in five-star hotels in Jordan. TQM implementations and service recovery performance have received significant attention in previous research. However, the impact of TQM on service recovery performance has remained unexplored research area. A 67-item questionnaire, measuring TQM implementations and service recovery, was distributed to 400 employees in 12 five-star hotels in Jordan with a 63.5 response rate. Principle Component Analysis was utilized to determine the factor structure for both TQM and service recovery and Regression Analysis to determine the impact of TQM implementations on service recovery performance. The result revealed that the TQM implementations in five-star hotels in Jordan was  implemented effectively and thus, have a positive impact on employees’ service recovery performance. This result is attributed to be unique and this is due to the fact that previous studies have focused on manufacturing sector not on hotel sector in measuring either TQM implementations or service recovery performance. This paper suggests replicating the study in additional settings to determine if similar results will be obtained outside five-star-hotels in Jordan. Many of the previous studies on TQM and service recovery performance have been conducted in the context of western economies and very little research has been done in the Middle East in general and Jordan in particular. As such, there is a need to examine, from the employees’ perspective, the levels of implementing TQM that are being encouraged in the hospitality industry and it is effect on service recovery performance among employees towards their both employers and customers. The present paper contributes to filling the gap in the literature by measuring the TQM implementations and service recovery as a whole in a new context. Keywords: Total Quality Management (TQM), Service Failure, Service Recovery Performance, Hotels, Jordan

    Food Safety Training: A Study of Food Handlers Working in Hotels in the North of Jordan

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    In spite of decenniums of advancement, a numerous foodborne outbreaks continue to occur each year; these were mostly happening due to malpractices of employees working in foodservices. This study aims to investigate the role of food safety training in improving food handlers' practices through the application of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) model. Primary data were collected using a self-completed questionnaires that were collected from 100 Food and Beverage (F&B) employees working in hotels at the north of Jordan. Findings confirmed the role of food safety training in increasing F&B employees’ knowledge which positively correlates with their food handling practices. Furthermore, this study explored work environment elements affecting the transformation of learned knowledge into proper food handling practices; these include management motivation, availability of necessary resources and facilities and reinforcement programs. The study contributed to knowledge by employing the aforementioned variables to produce an adapted version of the KAP model

    Adapting performance and emotional support feedback to cultural differences

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    This paper investigates adaptation of feedback to learners' cultural backgrounds. First, we investigate how to portray the cultural background of a learner. Second, we present a qualitative focus-group study, investigating how participants from different cultures believe culture affects the kind of feedback given to a learner. Finally, we present an empirical study on how humans adapt feedback based on the cultural background of learners to inspire an algorithm. Our investigations resulted in a set of stories which can be used to reliably portray a person's culture when investigating cultural adaptation in indirect experiments and user as wizard studies. They also provided insights into the adaptations people make to cultural differences

    Lograr la recuperación del servicio a través de la innovación del servicio: El papel crítico del empoderamiento del empleado

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    Research in service recovery and service innovation has attracted significant attention in recent years but few studies have focused on achieving service recovery through service innovation. The current study aims to bridge this gap in research – to investigate the effect of service innovation on service recovery. Additional emphasis is also given to examining whether employee empowerment serves as a mediator between service innovation and service recovery in the hotel industry. A quantitative survey method was applied by using a 60-item questionnaire and data collected from a sample of 381 employees from five-star hotels in Jordan. The findings confirmed the hypotheses, revealing a direct effect of service innovation on employee empowerment which, in turn, had a significant influence on service recovery. Additionally, this study proposed a model of influence of service innovation in service recovery, whereby employee empowerment fully mediates this relationship. The current study contributes to the existing literature on service innovation and service recovery as it identifies the role of service innovation in enhancing service recovery performance in hotelsLa investigación en recuperación de servicios e innovación de servicios ha atraído una atención significativa en los últimos años, pero pocos estudios se han centrado en lograr la recuperación de servicios a través de la innovación de servicios. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo cerrar esta brecha en la investigación, para investigar el efecto de la innovación de servicios en la recuperación de servicios. También se hace hincapié en examinar si el empoderamiento de los empleados sirve como mediador entre la innovación y la recuperación del servicio en la industria hotelera. Se aplicó un método de encuesta cuantitativa utilizando un cuestionario de 60 ítems y datos recopilados de una muestra de 381 empleados de hoteles de cinco estrellas en Jordania. Los hallazgos confirmaron las hipótesis, revelando un efecto directo de la innovación en el servicio sobre el empoderamiento de los empleados que, a su vez, tuvo una influencia significativa en la recuperación del servicio. Adicionalmente, este estudio propuso un modelo de influencia de la innovación en el servicio en la recuperación del servicio, en el que el empoderamiento de los empleados media plenamente en esta relación. El estudio actual contribuye a la literatura existente sobre innovación de servicios y recuperación de servicios, ya que identifica el papel de la innovación de servicios en la mejora del desempeño de recuperación de servicios en hotele