12 research outputs found

    The Harmonization of Law in Regulating the Rights of Customary Community over Natural Resources in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the harmonization of law that regulates the rights of customary community over natural resources in Indonesia. The legal problem arises from the conflict of interests in regulating the protection of the rights of customary community. The protection is regulated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 18 B Paragraph (2) and Article 28 I Paragraph (3). The state has, actually, an obligation according to Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia to manage the natural resources of the country for the greatest prosperity of the people. This means that the state has a substantial role in a number of policies on resources that have great impacts on the continuity of customary community. A number of regulations related to the protection of indigenous and tribal peoples and their sectoral policies appear to overlap interests that ultimately override indigenous and tribal peoples. This conflict draws willingness to investigate through the concept of harmonization of law. The study used normative juridical research method and based on the legislations and the concepts which are related to the field of study. The research results show that there is no alignment in a number of laws that regulates the rights of customary law community over natural resources if the concept of harmonization of law approach is applied. This is because the integration of all aspects that support the harmony of the regulation has not yet been taken into account in the preparation and implementation of sectoral policies on natural resources. Keywords: Harmonization of law, Regulation, Customary community rights, Natural resource

    Implementation Model of Share Farming Agreements of Customary Land in Bali (A Study on Indigenous People’s Legal Culture)

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    This study aims to elaborate which in the long run can contribute to the policy model for the existence of the legal culture of the profit sharing agreement for the management of village-owned land in Bali. The realization is by tracing the procedures and contents of the share farming agreement on the management of customary or village-owned land in Bali, which in its use is based on the values of local wisdom and strengthens it into a legal culture. The method used is an empirical legal research method, namely legal research that analyzes and reviews existing data relating to the legal behavior of individuals or indigenous peoples in accordance with what is deemed appropriate by the rules and order of the legal value of the community concerned. The data source used is primary data, namely data obtained from direct sources in the research field, especially in the indigenous community of Bali and this research focuses on the profit sharing agreement for the management of village-owned land. Another approach to enriching information and analyzing data obtained is a comparison approach. Based on the research it can be stated that the implementation of the share farming agreement for village-owned land in general still exists in accordance with the rules of Balinese customary law through verbal meetings/agreements despite the dynamics of the procedures and contents of the agreement. This reflects that customary law as a living law is conceptualized as a legal system that is formed and originates from empirical experience that is deemed appropriate and has gained legitimacy from the customary authorities of local customs. Based on that fact, it can be concluded that the implementation of the agreement for the cultivation of customary land in Bali is built by compliance and legal awareness that is inherent and built by a positive and strong legal culture. As well as being cultivated in such a way that the aspects of legal culture appear to be well preserved in the indigenous community of Bali. Keywords : Legal Culture, Share farming Agreement, Cultivation, Village Owned Land DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/85-04 Publication date:May 31st 2019

    The Fulfilling Right to Education for Rohingya Refugee Children in Indonesia

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    The results of data collection conducted by the United Nations for Refugee Affairs (UNHCR) revealed that out of a total of 1,001 Rohingya ethnic refugees from Myanmar scattered in several refugee camps in Aceh, Indonesia, there were 374 child refugees, of whom were children without pa the principle of universality of human rights states that all humans have the same rights without discrimination, including the granting of the right to education to children of asylum seekers in transit countries. Furthermore, for Rohingya refugees who are already in Indonesia, they are given humanitarian protection, including fulfilling the right to education for Rohingya refugee children, even though Indonesia is not yet a state party to the 1951 convention on refugee status and the 1967 protocol, and does not yet have a system for determining refugee status. The research results show, the Fulfilling Right to Education for Rohingya Refugee Children in Indonesia, based on Law no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights which has standards from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while for the protection of refugee children it is confirmed by Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection which is the signing and ratification of Covention on the Right of the Child and Presidential Regulation No. 125 of 2016 concerning the Handling of Refugees from Abroad which specifically regulates refugees, ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child into Decisions President Number 26 of 1990, then Indonesia has directly agreed to the entire contents of the convention in all actions against children in Indonesia such as the state's obligation to protect children who are within its jurisdiction. The provisions of Government Regulation no. 78 of 2021 concerning Special Protection for Children, in Article 6. Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture Circular Letter No. 752553/A.A4/HK/2019 concerning Fulfillment of the Right to Education for Children of Foreign Refugees, has opened the way for school-age children of foreign refugees to pursue formal education in educational institutions. The policy of the Indonesian government to fulfill the right to education for the children of overseas refugees should be appreciated. This is because Indonesia has not ratified the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees.    


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    The regulation on community rights to land ownership is worth investigating considering that the development of law and policy issues of national land is apparently in line with the strategic value of land in the development. Thus, the reconstruction on state law and customary law in the regulation of community rights over the land is important so that the community rights are not neglected by the dominance of the right to control the land by the state. The management of village land in Bali (the land owned by the village called as druwe) is a concrete example that can be mentioned as the subject of land rights. Without having a clear law reference, it is then possible for the customary community to face difficulties in the control of their rights to the land owned by the customary village (desa pakraman). The community also does not have the legal protection that is strong enough to be used to defend their rights. This study is a normative juridical research that makes all of the problems are referred to judicial review as a system of norms that are used to give the prescriptive justification concerning the legal event. Results of the research showed that the land policy concerning the customary law community is governed by Article 3 of Act No. 5 of 1960 on the Basic Rules of Agrarian involving the recognition of indigenous peoples' rights although it is still limited. There is, even, a denial of the right to the land by other regional regulations related to land and natural resources. The rights of indigenous peoples, including druwe village land in Bali is set in accordance with to the concept of state law and customary law complementary without dominating one another. State law can be resolved all problems through the legal structure. Based on the theoretical aspects, settlement of land issues in the conception of state law and customary law can be thoroughly observed by putting the appropriate concepts and principles of the national land law that is still based customary law. Keywords: land ownership, customary villag

    The Fulfilling Right to Education for Rohingya Refugee Children in Indonesia

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    The results of data collection conducted by the United Nations for Refugee Affairs (UNHCR) revealed that out of a total of 1,001 Rohingya ethnic refugees from Myanmar scattered in several refugee camps in Aceh, Indonesia, there were 374 child refugees, of whom were children without pa the principle of universality of human rights states that all humans have the same rights without discrimination, including the granting of the right to education to children of asylum seekers in transit countries. Furthermore, for Rohingya refugees who are already in Indonesia, they are given humanitarian protection, including fulfilling the right to education for Rohingya refugee children, even though Indonesia is not yet a state party to the 1951 convention on refugee status and the 1967 protocol, and does not yet have a system for determining refugee status. The research results show, the Fulfilling Right to Education for Rohingya Refugee Children in Indonesia, based on Law no. 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights which has standards from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while for the protection of refugee children it is confirmed by Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection which is the signing and ratification of Covention on the Right of the Child and Presidential Regulation No. 125 of 2016 concerning the Handling of Refugees from Abroad which specifically regulates refugees, ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child into Decisions President Number 26 of 1990, then Indonesia has directly agreed to the entire contents of the convention in all actions against children in Indonesia such as the state's obligation to protect children who are within its jurisdiction. The provisions of Government Regulation no. 78 of 2021 concerning Special Protection for Children, in Article 6. Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture Circular Letter No. 752553/A.A4/HK/2019 concerning Fulfillment of the Right to Education for Children of Foreign Refugees, has opened the way for school-age children of foreign refugees to pursue formal education in educational institutions. The policy of the Indonesian government to fulfill the right to education for the children of overseas refugees should be appreciated. This is because Indonesia has not ratified the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees.    

    Pengaturan Juru Bahasa Isyarat dalam Pembuatan Akta Otentik oleh Notaris bagi Penghadap Tunarungu

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    Penulisan bertujuan menganalisis pengaturan juru bahasa isyarat dalam pembuatan akta otentik oleh Notaris bagi penghadap tunarungu di Indonesia, menganalisis pengaturan yang relevan mengenai persoalan tersebut atas penyediaan juru bahasa isyarat oleh Notaris bagi penghadap tunarungu di masa mendatang. Manfaat penulisan memberikan pemahaman secara yuridis terkait pengaturan penyediaan juru bahasa isyarat dalam pembuatan akta otentik oleh Notaris bagi penghadap tunarungu di Indonesia serta memberikan sumbangan keilmuan dalam dimensi Hukum Kenotariatan. Kekosongan norma melandasi penulisan menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan dan perbandingan yang dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif, komparatif, argumentatif, dan preskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kewenangan Notaris membuat akta otentik termuat dalam Pasal 15 ayat (1) UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan. Pengaturan tersebut ditujukan bagi penghadap dengan kondisi non disabilitas saja karena memuat klausula “cukup jelas.” Berdasarkan studi komparasi UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan dengan UU Notaris Jepang, maka UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan belum mengatur mengenai penyediaan juru bahasa isyarat bagi penghadap tunarungu, sedangkan UU Notaris Jepang telah mengatur perihal juru bahasa isyarat. Penyelesaian urgensi atas problematika ini dengan merumuskan pengaturan juru bahasa isyarat dalam UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan dengan mengadopsi ketentuan yang termuat dalam UU Notaris Jepang


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    Secara sosiologis kita menghadapi kenyataan bahwa telah muncul masyarakat global yang sangat berpengaruh dan telah menyusup keseluruh pelosok Bali. Bali sebagai daerah tujuan wisata tidak bisa terlepas dari fenomena bahwa Bali sudah menjadi bagian dari masyarakat dunia. Oleh karena itu Bali harus dapat meyediakan fasilitas kepariwisataan  untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan. Situasi tersebut mengakibatkan Bali berkomunikasi dengan budaya luar, bahkan proses itu terjadi dengan begitu cepat tanpa melalui suatu perencanaan. Desa Pakraman sebagai salah satu komponen dalam struktur kemasyarakatan Bali juga mengalami berbagai perubahan, disamping karena dinamika internalnya, juga karena pengaruh lingkungan luar. Problematik aturan hukum (awig-awig/perarem) yang dihadapi Desa Pakraman sekarang ini dan diwaktu yang akan datang akan semakin kompleks. Persoalan-persoalan hukum di era sekarang ini serta perubahan sosial yang begitu cepat perlu direspon dan diantisipasi.Situasi Global dengan muatan pariwisatanya, secara langsung maupun tidak langsung menuntut perlunya pengkajian atau revisi terhadap  awig-awig/perarem supaya tidak ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat yang bergerak begtu cepat. Dengan demikian awig-awig/perarem akan dapat menjalankan fungsinya baik sebagai kontrol sosial, maupun sebagai rekayasa sosial. Adanya awig-awig/perarem yang sudah sesuai dengan perkembangan masyarakat dan jaman, akan dapat meminimalisir terjadinya konflik dalam masyarakat. Desa Pakraman adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum adat di Provinsi Bali, yang mempunyai hak otonomi. Salah satu isi dari otonomi desa pakraman adalah hak untuk membuat aturan (awig-awig/pererm), yang berlaku bagi masyarakat itu sendiri, baik dalam bentuk yang tertulis maupun tidak tertulis, yang lahir, hidup, tumbuh, dan berkembang, sesuai dengan rasa keadilan dan kepatutan dalam masyarakat (mempunyai sifat luwes dan dinamis). Dengan adanya sifat yang luwes dan dinamis tersebut dapat dimengerti bahwa awig-awig/perarem dimasa lalu tidak selalu sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat masa kini, dan di masa yang akan datang, karena rasa keadilan dan ukuran kepatutan juga mengalami perubahan

    Pengaturan Juru Bahasa Isyarat dalam Pembuatan Akta Otentik oleh Notaris bagi Penghadap Tunarungu

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    Penulisan bertujuan menganalisis pengaturan juru bahasa isyarat dalam pembuatan akta otentik oleh Notaris bagi penghadap tunarungu di Indonesia, menganalisis pengaturan yang relevan mengenai persoalan tersebut atas penyediaan juru bahasa isyarat oleh Notaris bagi penghadap tunarungu di masa mendatang. Manfaat penulisan memberikan pemahaman secara yuridis terkait pengaturan penyediaan juru bahasa isyarat dalam pembuatan akta otentik oleh Notaris bagi penghadap tunarungu di Indonesia serta memberikan sumbangan keilmuan dalam dimensi Hukum Kenotariatan. Kekosongan norma melandasi penulisan menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan dan perbandingan yang dianalisis dengan teknik deskriptif, komparatif, argumentatif, dan preskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kewenangan Notaris membuat akta otentik termuat dalam Pasal 15 ayat (1) UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan. Pengaturan tersebut ditujukan bagi penghadap dengan kondisi non disabilitas saja karena memuat klausula “cukup jelas.” Berdasarkan studi komparasi UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan dengan UU Notaris Jepang, maka UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan belum mengatur mengenai penyediaan juru bahasa isyarat bagi penghadap tunarungu, sedangkan UU Notaris Jepang telah mengatur perihal juru bahasa isyarat. Penyelesaian urgensi atas problematika ini dengan merumuskan pengaturan juru bahasa isyarat dalam UU Jabatan Notaris Perubahan dengan mengadopsi ketentuan yang termuat dalam UU Notaris Jepang


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    Kebutuhan lahan untuk menunjang investasi pariwisata di Bali ternyata telah menyasar pada pemanfaatan  tanah-tanah milik masyarakat adat. Artikel ini mengangkat isu mengenai pesatnya fenomena investasi di Bali yang selaras dengan kebijakan nasional di bidang penanaman modal serta adanya kebutuhan untuk perlindungan hukum bagi tanah-tanah milik masyarakat adat di Bali. Tulisan merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang disusun dengan maksud untuk menyajikan kajian hukum terkait kasus-kasus tanah adat di Bali sebagai dampak dari aktivitas investasi. Dapat dikemukakan bahwasanya eksistensi tanah adat akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh penetapan kebijakan negara dalam investasi tataran norma dasar, regulasi nasional  dan nasional, dan termasuk produk living law di Bali (awig-awig dan perarem). Dengan demikian, penentuan data atau tidaknya investasi dilakukan di wilayah desa adat ditentukan oleh hukum adatnya masing-masing yang tertuang di dalam awig-awigdan/atau perarem

    Analisis Hukum Peredaran Obat Tradisional: Menjaga Keamanan dan Keberlanjutan dalam Masyarakat

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    Kajian hukum tentang penggunaan obat tradisional tanpa izin edar, terutama dalam konteks obat herbal, adalah isu yang relevan dan kompleks. Isu ini dapat dipandang dari perspektif hukum pidana untuk membangun keberlanjutan dan keamanan dalam peredaran obat herbal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendalam tentang bagaimana peraturan dan hukum dapat berkontribusi secara positif terhadap pengembangan industri obat tradisional yang berkelanjutan, serta memberikan perlindungan yang memadai bagi masyarakat yang menggunakan produk-produk tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian normative. Penelitian hukum normative adalah penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka, data sekunder atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian Peraturan dan hukum yang ketat dalam industri obat tradisional memiliki peran penting dalam memastikan keamanan, kualitas, dan transparansi produk yang beredar. Proses izin edar yang ketat dan pengawasan yang tepat dapat membantu mengurangi risiko produk berkualitas rendah atau berbahaya. Peraturan dapat mewajibkan produsen dan penjual untuk memberikan informasi yang jelas dan akurat kepada konsumen melalui label produk. Hal ini membantu konsumen membuat keputusan yang bijaksana berdasarkan informasi yang mereka terima