1,037 research outputs found

    La Diplomacia Corporativa

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    Màster en Diplomàcia i Funció Pública Internacional, Centre d'Estudis Internacionals, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Jordi SellarésLa motivación del presente trabajo surge de la observación durante los últimos años de cómo la actividad diplomática irrumpía en el ámbito privado, específicamente, en el de las empresas multinacionales (EMs). La Diplomacia es propia de los Estados, es decir, del ámbito público, encargada de desarrollar las relaciones internacionales entre un Estado (representado por la figura del embajador) frente a los diferentes Estados con los que mantiene dichas relaciones, las cuales pueden ser de muy distinto tipo: relaciones económicas, financieras, de cooperación, no económicas, etc., constituyendo el canal de comunicación oficial entre los distintos Estados. El surgimiento de la Diplomacia Corporativa (DC) es el resultado del proceso de globalización económica mundial, que ha provocado que cada vez más empresas fragmenten los procesos productivos desarrollando en diferentes países las diversas actividades o tareas que acaban conformando las “global value chains” –o cadena de valor global– (basándose en la idea que lanzó A. Smith1, en que los procesos productivos si se realizaban en cadena, atribuyendo a cada persona una tarea dentro de este proceso, se ganaba eficacia). Esto ha sido así puesto que uno de los objetivos principales de las empresas es el de producir reduciendo costes y obteniendo el máximo beneficio, lo cual les lleva a buscar nuevos lugares dónde producir de forma más económica, dividiendo estos procesos productivos entre distintos países y continentes..

    Optimització d'un mètode d'anàlisis de microcontaminants orgànics en aigües residuals

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    L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és optimitzar un mètode d’extracció per tal d’analitzar els microcontaminants orgànics que es troben en aigües residuals. En aquest estudi s’ha partit d’aigües residuals de la depuradora de Manresa. Es fan servir dos tipus d’extraccions: la de fase sòlida i la líquid –líquid. El primers capítols (2, 3, 4) de la memòria del projecte estan centrats en l’explicació tècnica dels conceptes necessaris relacionats amb el tema que s’estudia. A continuació, bé la part experimentals (5) i per últim els casos pràctics (6) on s’hi expressen els resultats i les conclusions extretes en aquest estudi. En la part experimental (5) s’hi mostra totes les proves que s’han realitzat per tal d’optimitzar l’extracció, sigui en fase sòlida o bé líquid –líquid. S’ha treballat amb quatre mostres de diferents punts de la depuradora d’aigües de Manresa: sortida del decantador primari (DP), sortida de la bassa anòxica (BA), sortida de la bassa òxica (BO) i per últim la sortida del decantador secundari (ST)

    Strengths and weaknesses of computer science degrees: The perception from European students

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    Purpose: The following investigation aims to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the computer science degree from the part of students. Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents the results of a quantitative investigation that sheds light on student’s motivations to pursue or reject computer science. Findings: The study identified the reasons that cause this rejection and suggest them as opportunities to enhance the domain in the future. Practical implications: This study is a preliminary phase of a larger research goal which aims to identify the strategies presented to computer science education using technology to foster interest in the domain among students and professionals in Europe. Originality/value: The declining number of computer science students in Europe is producing negative consequences in the technology field that affect other sectors like the economic and educational ones. In order to analyze this situation and in view of providing solutions to stop the decline, it is primordial to understand the reasons that retain students to choose this domain of study or that attract and retain them in the field.Peer Reviewe

    La gramàtica: un entrebanc, una píndola, una eina...?

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    The impact of the strategic factor in knowledge management projects in the consulting industry

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    Los proyectos de Gestión del Conocimiento en el sector de la consultoría se han convertido en una necesidad para conseguir ventajas competitivas sostenibles en el tiempo. Entre todos los factores que influyen en el éxito de un proyecto de Gestión del Conocimiento, los factores estratégicos tienen un peso decisivo según la literatura existente. A pesar de que muchos estudios anteriores han destacado el papel del factor estratégico para lograr el éxito de un proyecto de Gestión del Conocimiento, pocos lo han cuantificado. El objetivo de este artículo se centra, en identificar los elementos que configuran el factor estratégico y de cuantificar su contribución en la maximización de beneficios. La metodología de la investigación se basa en los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales para validar las hipótesis. Los resultados confirman la importancia de la dimensión estratégica en un proyecto de Gestión del Conocimiento en las empresas de consultoríaThe projects of Knowledge Management in the consulting industry have become a necessity to obtain sustainable competitive advantages. Between all the factors that influence in the success of a Knowledge Management project, the strategic ones have a decisive weight according to existing literature. Although many studies raise the issue of strategy’s influence on Knowledge Management success, few have measured them. This paper aims to identify the elements that configure the strategic dimension and measure its contribution in order to maximize the profit. The research methodology is based on a Structural Equation Model to validate the hypothesis. The findings highlight the huge influence of strategy in Knowledge Management project’s success in the consultancy industryPeer Reviewe

    L’educació emocional per als més petits

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    Màster en Educació Emocional i Benestar, Facultat de Pedagogia, Departament de Mètodes d’Investigació i Diagnòstic en Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2012-2013, Tutor/Tutora: Èlia López CassàLa publicació centra el seu interès en la importància de l’educació emocional, com afavoridora del creixement integral dels nens i nenes, especialment en els més petits, ajudant en l’aprenentatge del reconeixement i regulació de les pròpies emocions. A partir d’un marc teòric es planteja una sèrie d’activitats que tenen com a finalitat treballar les emocions, especialment pensades i adreçades a infants de 3 anys

    Optimització aliatges Al-Si-Cu microaliats

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    [CATALÀ] L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és fer-ne un estudi dels diferents elements d’aliatge afegits al AlSi9Cu3, també designat com EN AC 46500. Aquets elements són el Zn, Mg, Cr, Zr i el refinant de gra TiB que s’afegeixen en petites quantitats. La intenció es millorar les propietats mecàniques del material base. Es realitzen distintes colades d’aquests microaliatges, dels quals es vol saber quin és el pic de duresa més alt en un temps de maduració més curt després de realitzar-li un tractament T6. Aquest tractament tèrmic té una posta en solució de 515°C durant 6h seguit d’un tremp amb aigua i posteriorment una maduració artificial a 170°C durant vuit intervals de temps diferents. Aquests paràmetres venen definits per resultats obtinguts en estudis previs. Per comprovar l’efectivitat del T6 s’han analitzat les dureses i s’han realitzat micrografies. Amb les mostres de les dureses s’ha pogut determinar que l’aliatge AlSi9Cu3 + 3 %Zn + 2%Mg + 0,2% Cr + 0,2% Zr presenta un major pic de duresa en menys temps que la resta de les colades. Amb aquest aliatge s’ha realitzat una colada major per fer un assaig de tracció i comparar la resistència a tracció de l’aliatge modificat amb l’aliatge base. L’assaig no ha sigut satisfactori degut a les impureses (òxids i porositats) de les provetes sorgides durant la fabricació. No obstant, s’ha pogut comprovar un lleuger augment de la resistència a la tracció en l’aliatge modificat.[ANGLÈS] The main objective of this work is to realize a study of the different alloy elements added to AlSi9Cu3, also designated as EN AC 46500. These elements are Zn, Mg, Cr, Zr and the grain refiner TiB which are added in small amounts. The intention is to improve the mechanical properties of the base material. Different casts are made of these micro-alloys, which are intended to know what is the highest peak strength in a shorter aging time after performing a T6 treatment. This heat treatment has a temperature solution of 515 ° C for 6 hours followed by a quench with water and then an artificial aging at 170 ° C for eight different time intervals. These parameters are defined by results obtained in previous studies. To verify the effectiveness of the T6, the hardness has been analyzed and micrographs have been performed. With the samples of the hardness it has been possible to determine that the alloy AlSi9Cu3 + 3% Zn + 2% Mg + 0.2% Cr + 0.2% Zr presents a greater peak of hardness in less time than the rest of the casts With this alloy, a larger leakage has been performed to perform a tensile test and compare the tensile strength of the modified alloy with the base alloy. The test has not been satisfactory due to the impurities (oxides and porosities) of the test tubes produced during manufacture. However, it has been possible to check a slight increase in the tensile strength in the modified alloy

    The impact of employee empowerment on organisational performance: The mediating role of employee engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour

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    Purpose: This study assesses the mediating role of employee engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour in the relationship between employee empowerment (structural, psychological) and organisational performance in non-commercial banks in Ghana.Design/methodology: A structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the proposed hypothesis based on 304 employees selected from eight non-commercial banks in the Bono Region, Ghana.Findings: Neither structural nor psychological empowerment are a direct contributor to organisational performance but they positively influence organisational citizenship behaviour and employee engagement. Employee engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour show no effect on organisational performance. Organisational citizenship behaviour was also found to be a significant mediator in the relationship between employee empowerment (structural and psychological) and organisational performance but employee engagement is not a significant mediator.Practical implications: The study offers managers information to help deal with absenteeism, increase employee psychological health, promote better home life, improve employee retention and increase job satisfaction. Practitioners are offered insights to help involve their employees in decision-making and offer them the freedom to act on their own. Finally, practically, the results reveal the need to retain employees who have organisational citizenship behaviour to improve performance.Originality/value: The study serves two purposes: as a confirmatory and as a hypothesised model. The confirmatory model entails goodness of fit and chi-square test. The hypothesised model relies on examining the interactions among structural and psychological empowerment, organisational citizenship behaviour, employee engagement and organisational performance in a developing econom

    How Reliable are Administrative Reports of Paid Work Hours?

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    This paper examines the quality of quarterly records on work hours collected from employers in the State of Washington to administer the unemployment insurance (UI) system, specifically to determine eligibility for UI. We subject the administrative records to four “trials,” all of which suggest the records reliably measure paid hours of work. First, distributions of hours in the administrative records and Current Population Survey outgoing rotation groups (CPS) both suggest that 52–54% of workers work approximately 40 hours per week. Second, in the administrative records, quarter-to-quarter changes in the log of earnings are highly correlated with quarter-to-quarter changes in the log of paid hours. Third, annual changes in Washington’s minimum wage rate (which is indexed) are clearly reflected in year-to-year changes in the distribution of paid hours in the administrative data. Fourth, Mincer-style wage rate and earnings regressions using the administrative data produce estimates similar to those found elsewhere in the literature

    Work-life balance and its relationship with organizational pride and job satisfaction

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    Purpose – The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between job autonomy, work-life balance, organizational pride and job satisfaction. When evaluating employee worklife balance the present paper takes into consideration both employer and employee support. Design/methodology/approach – To verify the hypothesis proposed a questionnaire survey in a Spanish pharmaceutical organisation was used to collect data. 374 responses were obtained. The STATA and EQS statistical programs were used for the data analysis. Findings – Regarding the causal model proposed, the data confirm the relationship between the constructs analysed. Results support the hypothesized influences of employer work-life balance support and autonomy on employee work-life balance support to other employees. As well, employee work-life balance is positively related with organizational pride, and finally, related to job satisfaction. Practical implications – This study provides a useful measurement model that employers and employees can use to evaluate and improve work-life balance. Companies should pay attention to job autonomy and work-life balance in order to enhance organizational pride and job satisfaction. Our research tries to help companies more effectively use their human capital resources. Originality/value – The article addresses gaps in the current literature in work-life, organizational pride, and job satisfaction. Results may serve as the criteria for managers to better enhance employee work-life balance in organizations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft