98 research outputs found

    A study of social change in Kuwait with special reference to the status of women

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    This thesis is based on a series of personal interviews conducted in 1971 among 126 girl students of the University of Kuwait and the Teacher Training College, and on a questionnaire handed out to a stratified random sample of 200 Kuwaiti nationals. Whilst the personal interviews were intended to yield information about the educated young women's attitudes towards education, career, marriage and related issues, the questionnaire was designed to supply additional data about the attitudinal and behavioural changes of both old and young Kuwaitis of both sexes in regard to family, religion, politics, and in particular the education and employment of women. The findings were analysed by means of a model of Kuwaiti society which fully recognised the importance of family status. A division into Royal Family, Upper Class Families and Higher and Lower Status Families of the Middle class was proposed. It has been shown that the impact of modem education has caused a considerable rift between the older and the younger generation of Kuwaitis. The responses of the former group have been far more homogeneous and were carried by a concern for the maintenance of the traditional values and mores. Among the young people this decidedly conservative attitude was found to be characteristic only of the respondents from the Upper Class Families, whereas the respondents from the Higher and Lower Status Families appeared to be more open to social and ideological innovation. The most progressive group was composed of those individuals mainly from the Higher Status Families who had received a higher education abroad. In the course of this investigation it has become evident that the Kuwaiti youth has only half-emerged from the traditional patterns of a typical Middle-Eastern society, and that possibly one of the chief impediments to further development is the young men's entirely negative attitude towards female education and employment, with its implicit perpetuation of the segregation of the sexes and insistence on male superiority

    Incidence of Orchiectomy in Patients with Testicular Torsion Treated in the Urology Department in Hilla Teaching Hospital

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         التواء الخصية الحاد، حيث تدور الخصية فجأة في كيس الصفن مما يؤدي الى التواء الأوعية الدموية المجهزة للخصية مؤدية الى تقليل ثم منع تدفق الدم الى الخصية هو السبب الأكثر شيوعا من اسباب ظهور الألم المفاجئ في جانب واحد من كيس الصفن. تقدر البحوث أن حوالي 4,5 لكل 100000 من الذكور و الذين تقل اعمارهم عن25 سنة يعانون من التواء الخصية في كل  السنة. والهدف من هذه الدراسة هو الحصول على إحصاءات حول المرضى الذين يعانون من التواء الخصية و الذين تم علاجهم في مركزنا، مع التركيز على المرضى الذين انتهى بهم العلاج مع استئصال الخصية. اشتملت الدراسة على 25 مريض ممن راجعو شعبة جراحة المسالك البولية في المستشفى. بعد أخذ التاريخ المرضي الكامل واجراء فحص كيس الصفن، أرسل جميع المرضى إلى فحص كيس الصفن بالموجات فوق الصوتية الملونة للتأكد من التشخيص ولتقييم الأوعية الدموية، وبعد ذلك خضع جميع المرضى لاستكشاف كيس الصفن من خلال شق الصفن. تم اجراء عملية تثبيت او استئصال الخصية اعتمادا على حيوية الخصية. تم إجراء عملية تثبيت الخصية المقابلة في جميع المرضى.  تم اجراء استئصال الخصية في 40% من المرضى، كان معدل استئصال الخصية أعلى في المرضى الذين يعيشون في المناطق الريفية) 70% ) وكان هناك أيضا علاقة قوية بين الطقس البارد  و معدل حدوث استئصال الخصية. وكان العامل الأكثر أهمية في الكشف عن امكانية انقاذ الخصية هو المدة الزمنية بين ضهور الأعراض واجراء العمليةAcute torsion of the testicle(s) is one of the common emergencies in the field of urology; it results in either decrease or complete disruption of testicular blood flow, it affects about 4.5/100000 less than 25 years male. The golden period of testicular saving intervention is the first 6 – 8 hours from the onset of symptoms. The aim of this study is to obtain a statistic about patients with testicular torsion treated at our center,  concentrating on patients ended with orchiectomy. A total number of 25 patients presented to our center during the study period (2 years). After taking a full history and scrotal examination, all patients sent to Doppler scrotal ultrasonography to confirm the diagnosis and assess vascularity, and then all patients un- derwent scrotal exploration through a scrotal incision. Orchiopexy or orchiectomy was done depending on viability of the testis. Contralateral orchiopexy was done in all patients. Forty percent of our patients ended with orchiectomy, the incidence of orchiectomy was higher in patients lived in rural areas (70 %), there also was strong relationship between cold weather and the incidence of orchiectomy. The most important factor in detecting testis salvageability was the duration of symptoms before the presentation

    Elucidating the effect of iron acquisition systems in Klebsiella pneumoniae on susceptibility to the novel siderophore-cephalosporin cefiderocol

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    BACKGROUND: Cefiderocol (CFDC) is a novel siderophore-cephalosporin, effective against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. As it has a siderophore side chain, it can utilize iron acquisition systems for penetration of the bacterial outer membrane. We aimed to elucidate the role of siderophores and iron uptake receptors in defining Klebsiella pneumoniae susceptibility to CFDC. METHODS: Initially, 103 K. pneumoniae strains were characterized for susceptibility to different antibiotics including CFDC. CFDC minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined in iron-depleted and iron-enriched conditions. Iron uptake genes including siderophores, their receptors, ferric citrate (fecA) and iron uptake (kfu) receptors were detected by PCR in all the strains. For 10 selected strains, gene expression was tested in iron-depleted media with or without CFDC treatment and compared to expression in iron-enriched conditions. RESULTS: CFDC exhibited 96.1% susceptibility, being superior to all the other antibiotics (MIC50: 0.5 and MIC90: 4 μg/ml). Only three strains (2.9%) were intermediately susceptible and a pandrug resistant strain (0.97%) was resistant to CFDC (MIC: 8 and 256 μg/ml, respectively). The presence of kfu and fecA had a significant impact on CFDC MIC, especially when co-produced, and if coupled with yersiniabactin receptor (fyuA). CFDC MICs were negatively correlated with enterobactin receptor (fepA) expression and positively correlated with expression of kfu and fecA. Thus, fepA was associated with increased susceptibility to CFDC, while kfu and fecA were associated with reduced susceptibility to CFDC. CFDC MICs increased significantly in iron-enriched media, with reduced expression of siderophore receptors, hence, causing less drug uptake. CONCLUSION: Iron acquisition systems have a significant impact on CFDC activity, and their altered expression is a factor leading to reduced susceptibility. Iron concentration is also a major player affecting CFDC susceptibility; therefore, it is essential to explore possible ways to improve the drug activity to facilitate its use to treat infections in iron-rich sites

    Salivary microRNA 155, 146a/b and 203: A pilot study for potentially non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers of periodontitis and diabetes mellitus

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    Dysregulated expression of MicroRNAs (miRNAs) plays substantial role in the initiation and progression of both diabetes and periodontitis. The aim of the present study was to validate four miRNAs in saliva as potential predictive biomarkers of periodontal disease among patients with and without diabetes mellitus (DM). MiRNAs were extracted from the saliva of 24 adult subjects with DM and 29 healthy controls. Each group was subdivided into periodontally healthy or having periodontitis. In silico analysis identified 4 miRNAs (miRNA 155, 146 a/b and 203) as immune modulators. The expression of miRNAs-146a/b, 155, and 203 was tested using quantitative PCR. The expression levels in the study groups were compared to explore the effect of diabetes on periodontal status and vice versa. In our cohort, the four miRNAs expression were higher in patients with periodontitis and/or diabetes. miRNA-155 was the most reliable predictors of periodontitis among non-diabetics with an optimum cut-off value of < 8.97 with accuracy = 82.6%. MiRNA 146a, on the other hand, was the only reliable predictor of periodontitis among subjects with diabetes with optimum cut-off value of ≥11.04 with accuracy = 86.1%. The results of the present study concluded that MiRNA-146a and miRNA155 in saliva provide reliable, non-invasive, diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers that can be used to monitor periodontal health status among diabetic and non-diabetic patients

    The use of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Bark) for Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is common, yet no curative treatment identified. Cinnamon is a herbal substance, which has many applications in medicine. AIM: The aim of the study was to study the effect of cinnamon on patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. METHODS: Sixty patients with documented CP/CPPS randomized into two groups during 2018 and 2019 in Baghdad. The first group received 60 capsules each contained 1 g of cinnamon. The other group received 60 capsules each contained 1 g of sugar powder (placebo). All the patients instructed to take one capsule twice daily for 1 month. National Institutes of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) was reported for both groups at baseline and after 1 month of treatment. The primary outcome was a patient perceivable improvement defined as a reduction of the NIH-CPSI by 6 or more points after 1 month, whereas improvement of sub-scores of NIH-CPSI (pain, urinary symptoms, and quality of life) considered as a secondary outcome, and adverse reactions reported. RESULTS: Thirteen patients (43.3%) of the cinnamon group have 6 or more points of reduction in the total NIH-CPSI compared to four patients (13.3%) of the control groups (p = 0.01). The improvement in total NIH-CPSI score was mainly due to improvement in pain sub-score, whereas in urinary symptoms, there was marginal change with no significant change in the quality of life score. The only reported side effect was gastric upset in one patient. CONCLUSION: The study concluded that cinnamon improves NIH-CPSI in patients with CP/CPPS. REGISTRATION: The study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov with the ID: NCT03946163

    Fostering Ethical Behavior in Omani Undergraduates: The Role of Self-Transcendence and Ethics Education

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    A student should understand and uphold the greatest moral and ethical standards in their community and society through education. The student will eventually intuitively acquire these moral and ethical principles from schools and universities. This research explores the impact of four personal values (openness to change, self-transcendence, conservation, and self-enhancement) on the ethical behavior of undergraduate students in Oman. The study used a quantitative methodology, analyzing data from a questionnaire using descriptive statistics. Data was submitted by Omani university students in the Ad Dakhlia region of Oman. One hundred seventy-nine undergraduate students were chosen using simple random techniques. Partial least squares (PLS) techniques and structural equation modeling were employed in the study to evaluate the research variables. The results showed that ethical training and self-transcendence significantly affect students' moral behavior. However, personal values such as conservation, openness to change, and self-enhancement have no significant effect on students' ethical behavior. Integrating ethics education into curricula could foster integrity. It can be concluded that the significance of moral principles and practical applications-focused ethics education programs—especially those that emphasize self-transcendence—is imperative. Potential outcomes of this research include increased moral behavior among Oman's students through effective moral education and awareness of ethical principles to support moral decision-making in various cultural circumstances. This article makes both theoretical and practical contributions. In particular, support HEIs in developing customized ethics education programs for Oman. Theoretically, highlighting ethical education and principles like self-transcendence helps to understand critical ethical factors and directs future research at this connection

    Antibacterial Activity of Small Molecules Which Eradicate Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Persisters

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    The serious challenge posed by multidrug-resistant bacterial infections with concomitant treatment failure and high mortality rates presents an urgent threat to the global health. We herein report the discovery of a new class of potent antimicrobial compounds that are highly effective against Gram-positive bacteria, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The compounds were efficiently synthesized in one-pot employing a cascade of Groebke-Blackburn-Bienayme and aza-Michael addition reactions. Phenotypic screening of the pilot library against various bacterial species including methicillin-sensitive and MRSA strains, has identified potent chemotypes with minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 3.125-6.25 mu g/ml. The most potent compounds were fast-acting at eradicating exponentially growing MRSA, with killing achieved after 30 min of exposure to the compounds. They were also able to kill MRSA persister cells which are tolerant to most available medications. Microscopic analysis using fluorescence microscope and atomic force microscope indicate that these compounds lead to disruption of bacterial cell envelopes. Most notably, bacterial resistance toward these compounds was not observed after 20 serial passages in stark contrast to the significant resistance developed rapidly upon exposure to a clinically relevant antibiotic. Furthermore, the compounds did not induce significant hemolysis to human red blood cells. In vivo safety studies revealed a high safety profile of these motifs. These small molecules hold a promise for further studies and development as new antibacterial agents against MRSA infections.This work was supported by the generous grants from the IsDB-Transformers Fund and the Research Funding Department, University of Sharjah, UAE (CoV19-0306)

    Outcomes of Operative Management of 96 Cases with Traumatic Retroperitoneal Hematoma: A Single-Institution Experience

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    AIM: To analyse our experiences in the management of traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma (RPH), highlighting the various challenges faced and to report on the outcome of these patients. METHODS: From May 2014 to May 2017, all patients with traumatic RPH who underwent surgical treatment were retrospectively analysed. The kind of injury, intraoperative findings, sites of hematoma, postoperative morbidity and the overall outcomes were recorded. RESULTS: Ninety-six patients; 53 with blunt trauma and 43 with penetrating injury, were included in this study. The centre-medial hematoma was observed in 24 (25%) patients, lateral hematoma in 46 (47.9%) patients, pelvic hematoma in 19 (19.8%) patients, and multiple zone hematomas in 7 (7.3%) patients. All cases were managed surgically. Exploration of the retroperitoneal space was done in 72 cases. Thirty-three patients died, and the overall death rate was 34.4%. CONCLUSION: Surgical exploration should be done in RPH caused by penetrating injury, but the need for urgent exploration in blunt injury is not so high, and it depends on the anatomical site of hematoma, concomitant organ injury and the hemodynamic status of patients

    Antimicrobial activity of nature-inspired molecules against multidrug-resistant bacteria

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    Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections present a serious challenge to global health. In addition to the spread of antibiotic resistance, some bacteria can form persister cells which are tolerant to most antibiotics and can lead to treatment failure or relapse. In the present work, we report the discovery of a new class of small molecules with potent antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and moderate activity against Gram-negative drug-resistant bacterial pathogens. The lead compound SIMR 2404 had a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2 μg/mL against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus (VISA). The MIC values against Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Actinobacteria baumannii were between 8–32 μg/mL. Time-kill experiments show that compound SIMR 2404 can rapidly kill tested bacteria. Compound SIMR 2404 was also found to rapidly kill MRSA persisters which display high levels of tolerance to conventional antibiotics. In antibiotic evolution experiments, MRSA quickly developed resistance to ciprofloxacin but failed to develop resistance to compound SIMR 2404 even after 24 serial passages. Compound SIMR 2404 was not toxic to normal human fibroblast at a concentration of 4 μg/mL which is twice the MIC concentration against MRSA. However, at a concentration of 8 μg/mL or higher, it showed cytotoxic activity indicating that it is not ideal as a candidate against Gram-negative bacteria. The acceptable toxicity profile and rapid antibacterial activity against MRSA highlight the potential of these molecules for further studies as anti-MRSA agents