9 research outputs found

    Examination of the psychometric properties of the persian version of the COVID-19-impact on Quality of Life Scale

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    Introduction As a result of high transmission and mortality rates, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a worldwide health crisis, isolation, and widespread fear, therefore negatively influencing people's quality of life (QOL). The goal of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of the Persian version of the COVID-19-Impact on Quality of Life (COV19-QoL) scale. Methods After translating the scale using the forward-backward method, face and content validly was qualitatively assessed. Then the scale was distributed to 488 individuals from the general population via online platforms. Construct validity was assessed using exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis. In addition, internal consistency was examined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and McDonald's omega, relative stability was assessed using interclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and absolute stability was calculated through examination of standard error of measurement. Results The EFA revealed one factor that explained 55.96% of the total variance of the scale. Internal consistencies of 0.823 and 0.882 were found using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and McDonald's omega, respectively. In addition, an ICC of 0.837 (with a two-week interval) was found. Covid-19 had a greater impact on the QOL of healthy participants than that of those with underling conditions (p = 0.004), and also on the QOL of single participants than that of married ones (p = 0.032). Conclusion The Persian version of the COV19-QoL is a valid and reliable instrument that can be used to examine the impact of Covid-19 on QOL

    Foot Care Performance and Foot Self-Care Behaviors in Iranian Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: A diabetic foot ulcer is one of the preventable complications of diabetes that can lead to amputation, morbidity, and mortality and increase treatment costs. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-care behaviors, demographic-clinical variables and, foot care performance in patients with diabetes. Materials and methods: This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 191 patients with type 2 diabetes in Asadabad (Hamadan province) in 2021. The demographic-clinical information form, the diabetic foot care performance scale, and the diabetic foot self-care behavior scale were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (multiple linear regression). Data analysis was performed using R software version 4.1.0. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 50.58 ± 11.87 years, and the duration of diabetes was 8.55 ± 9.07 years. There was a significant relationship between foot self-care behavior and age (p = 0.027), primary and secondary education compared to university education (p=0.042), insulin use compared to use of oral agents and insulin (p = 0.014), the logarithm of the duration of diabetes (p = 0.0001), foot care performance (p = 0.010). Conclusions: The status of self-care behaviors in patients with diabetes is unfavorable, and it is necessary to provide the necessary training to these patients to improve self-care and foot care

    Evaluation of survival rate, bone loss and post operative complication in fixed retained prosthesis with All-on-4 technique: review article

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    Background and Aims The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival rate, mean bone loss and post operative complication of implants inserted in All-on-4 technique .   Materials and Methods: The literature was searched using keywords angled implant, All-on-4, tilted implant and graftless technique in the last 10 years (2001 to 2011) and clinical trial article that evaluated survival rate and mean bone loss around axial and tilted implants in All-on-4 technique was selected and evaluated.   A total of 73 articles were found by searching. After evaluation of titles and abstracts, finally 10 clinical trial, that were fully consistent with including criteria such as mean of bone loss and survival rate was selected and evaluated.   Conclusion: Results showed that the survival rate (96-100%) and mean bone loss (0.34-1.9 mm) with All-on-4 technique in immediate loading is comparable with other implant support treatment plan. Comparison of implant survival and bone loss in axial and tilted implant in All-on-4 system is shown this treatment plan has consistent result with other conventional implant support prosthesis. Also, postoperative complication including fractures of the acrylic temporary prosthesis, detachment of the teeth, abutment or prosthesis screw loosening have been reported with All-on-4 technique

    بررسی تأثیر استرس ابتلا به کرونا بر جو اخلاقی و بهزیستی روان‌شناختی پرستاران بیمارستان شهید دکتر بهشتی اردستان با میانجی‌گری تاب‌آوری

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: تفشي جائحة کرونا وإصابة الأفراد بهذا المرض أو الخوف من الإصابة به یمکن أن یؤثر علی کافة جوانب الحیاة وأداء الفرد علی المستوی الفردي والإجتماعي والمهني. لهذا یصبح الإستمداد من رأس المال النفسي والطاقات الفردیة مثل الجانب النفسي یؤدي دوراً بارزاً في مواجهة الظروف العصیبة وحالات الإضطراب. لهذا تسعی هذه الدراسة من خلال البحث في تأثیر القلق من الإصابة بکورونا علی الأداء الأخلاقي والنفسي وکیفیة إنعکاسه علی العاملین في سلك التمریض في مستشفی الشهید بهشتي في مدینة أردستان وتأثیر المرونة والتأقلم علی هذه الحالة في تحسین أداء هذه الفئة. منهجية البحث: اعتمدت الدراسة علی المنهج الوصفي - الإرتباطي. اما الجمعیة الإحصائیة فقد شملت جمیع العاملین في قطاع التمریض في مستشفی الشهید بهشتي في أدرستان والذین بلغ عددهم 200 فرداً شارکوا في الدراسة واختیر منهم 131 عبر منهج أخذ العینات المتاحة. کما اعتمدت دراسة في جمع المعطیات علی استبیان الخصائص الدیمقرافیة، واستبیان إضطراب الإصابة بکورونا لدی علیبور والزملاء، واستبیان المناخ الأخلاقي لفیکتور وکالن، واستبیان الصحة النفسیة لریف، واستبیان مرونة کانر ودیفیدسون. ولتحلیل المعطیات اعتمدت الدراسة علی اختبار معامل الإرتباط وتطبیق اسمارت PLS. یُذکر أنه تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإنّ مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تضارب في المصالح. المعطیات: اظهرت النتائج أن الإضطراب من الإضابة بکورونا تؤثر بشکل ملحوظ علی المناخ الأخلاقي، والصحة النفسیة والمرونة في أداء المهام. الاستنتاج: یجب علی العاملین في قطاع التمریض السیطرة علی أداءهم والحفاظ علی الهدوء والثقة بالنفس وعدم التخوّف من سلبیات وأخطار هذه الجائحة؛ لتحسین أداءهم والعمل علی خفض مستوی القلق والإضطراب والضغط النفسي.Background and Objective: During the Corona epidemic, the anxiety associated with contracting this disease can affect many aspects of a person's performance, such as job performance. Therefore, promotion and utilization of psychological capital such as psychological well-being and resilience play an important role in dealing with stressful situations. Based on this, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of the Corona anxiety on the ethical climate and psychological well-being of nurses in Ardestan Hospital with the mediation of resilience. Methods: This was an applied study in terms of purpose and it was descriptive and survey-based in terms of method. The statistical population of this study was 200 nurses of Ardestan Shahid Beheshti Hospital and the sample size was determined to be 131 using Cochran's formula and the sampling method was convenience sampling. Data collection tools in this study were demographic characteristics questionnaire, Covid Anxiety questionnaire (Alipour et al.), Ethical Atmosphere questionnaire (Victor & Cullen), Psychological Well-being questionnaire (Reef) and Resiliency questionnaire (Connor & Davidson). In order to test the hypotheses, correlation tests and structural equations using PLS software, and partial least squares were used. In the present study, all ethical considerations were observed and the authors reported no conflict of interests. Results: The results showed that the corona disease anxiety had an inverse effect on ethical atmosphere, psychological well-being and resilience. Conclusion: Nurses should be alert and calm, and give themselves enough self-confidence so that they can overcome problems without focusing on the risks related to their profession, and gradually reduce the amount of anxiety and mental pressure.سابقه و هدف: در دوران همه‌گیری بیماری کرونا، استرس ابتلا به این بیماری می‌تواند بر بسیاری از جنبه‌های عملکرد فرد نظیر عملکرد شغلی تأثیرگذار باشد. ازاین‌رو ارتقا و بهره‌گیری از سرمایه‌های روان‌شناختی مانند بهزیستی روان‌شناختی و تاب‌آوری نقش مهمی در مقابله با شرایط استرس‌زا ایفا می‌کند. بر این اساس پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تأثیر استرس ابتلا به کرونا بر جو اخلاقی و بهزیستی روان‌شناختی پرستاران بیمارستان شهید دکتر بهشتی اردستان با میانجی‌گری تاب‌آوری انجام شده است. روش کار: پژوهش حاضر از نوع توصیفی - همبستگی است. جامعۀ پژوهش تمامی پرستاران بیمارستان شهید دکتر بهشتی اردستان به تعداد 200 نفر بودند که 131 نفر از آنان به‌روش نمونه‌گیری دردسترس انتخاب شدند. ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات پرسش‌نامۀ ويژگي‌هاي جمعیت‌شناختی، پرسش‌نامۀ اضطراب کرونای علیپور و همکاران، پرسش‌نامۀ جو اخلاقی ویکتور و کالن، پرسش‌نامۀ بهزیستی روان‌شناختی ریف و پرسش‌نامۀ تاب‌آوری کانر و دیویدسون بود. برای تحلیل داده‌ها از آزمون همبستگی و معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم‌افزار اسمارت پی‌ال‌اس استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که استرس ابتلا به کرونا بر جو اخلاقی، بهزیستی روان‌شناختی و تاب‌آوری تأثیر معکوس و معنی‌داری داشت. نتیجه‌گیری: پرستاران باید با هوشیاري و حفظ آرامش به خود اعتماد به نفس کافی بدهند تا بتوانند بدون تمرکز بر خطرات مربوط به حرفۀ خود، بر مشکلات غلبه کنند تا به‌تدریج از میزان استرس و فشارهاي روحی آنان کاسته شود

    Explaining the experience of prenatal care and investigating the association between psychological factors with self-care in pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel global public health emergency. Prenatal care (PNC) providing institutes should identify the needs and demands of pregnant women by optimizing the means of PNC services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study aims to: a) explain prenatal care experiences; b) assess the factors affecting self-care, and c) present a prenatal care guideline and Strategies to improve the PNC. METHODS: This mixed-methods study with a sequential explanatory design consists of three phases. The first phase is a qualitative study exploring the prenatal care experiences among pregnant women. In this phase, the subjects will be selected through purposive sampling; moreover, in-depth individual interviewing will be used for data collection. Finally, the conventional content analysis approach will be employed for data analysis. The second phase is quantitative and will be used as a cross-sectional approach for assessing the association between psychological factors of self-care. In this regard, a multistage cluster sampling method will be used to select 215 subjects who will be visited in health care centers of Tabriz, Iran. The third phase will be focusing on developing a prenatal care guideline and Strategies, using the qualitative and quantitative results of the previous phases, a review of the related literature, and the nominal group technique will be performed among experts. DISCUSSION: The present research is the first study to investigate the prenatal care experiences and factors influencing self-care among pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic. For the purposes of the study, a mixed-methods approach will be used which aims to develop strategies for improving health care services. It is hoped that the strategy proposed in the current study could lead to improvements in this regard

    Prevalence of needlestick and sharps injuries in the healthcare workers of Iranian hospitals: an updated meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Needlestick and sharps injuries (NSIs) are critical occupational risk among health care workers (HCWs), which is extremely worrying due to the potential risk of transmitting bloodborn pathogens (BBPs). This study was carried out to evaluate the prevalence of NSIs among Iranian HCWs. Methods In this systematic review and meta-analysis, the key terms percu* injur*, needle* stick injur*, needlestick* injur*, or sharp* injur* were searched in the Scientific Information Database (SID), MagIran, IranMedex, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and Scopus. A prefabricated checklist, including variables: first author, publication year, study population, sample size, gender, total prevalence of needlestick in each gender, type of questionnaire, region, and type of hospitals, was used to extract data from the selected articles included which were published between 2003 and 2016. Results The analysis showed that the prevalence of NSIs in the Iranian HCWs was 42.5% (95% CI 37–48). Moreover, the prevalence of NSIs was more in women (47%; 95% CI 36–58) compared to men (42%; 95% CI 26–58). Conclusion Given the high prevalence of NSIs, it is necessary to supply safe needles and instruments, hold training programs focused on new methods of using sharp objects safely, observe safety principles and standards, reinforce the practical skills of personnel, and pay more attention to reporting and improving occupational behaviors like avoiding needle recapping in order to reduce the prevalence of NSIs and consequently reduce potential risk of transmission of BBPs

    Psychometric Evaluation of the Farsi Version of the Body Image Concerns During Pregnancy Scale

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    Background: Body image is a multifaceted construct comprised of cognitive, affective, perceptual, and behavioral components that may change during pregnancy.Objectives: The present study aimed to translate the Body image concerns during pregnancy scale (BICPS) into Farsi and examine its psychometric properties.Methods: The study sample included 500 pregnant women referred to obstetrics and gynecology clinics in Sanandaj, Asadabad, and Hamadan in Iran. Face and content validity were examined. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted on half of the participants, and Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) on the other half. Internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and McDonald’s omega, and relative and absolute stability was assessed using interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and standard error examination.Results: In the EFA, five factors, including dissatisfaction with body parts and social concerns, concerns about weight and appearance, concerns about skin changes, concerns about abdominal obesity, and concerns about the future were extracted that together explained 53.86% of the total variance of body image concerns during pregnancy. Floor and ceiling effects were zero percent. Internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and McDonald's omega was above 0.7. The goodness of fit indices of the CFA was within the acceptable range.Conclusion: The Farsi version of the Body image concerns during pregnancy scale (F-BICPS) is a valid and reliable instrument to measure pregnant women’s concerns about their body image

    sj-docx-1-sjp-10.1177_14034948221119641 – Supplemental material for The prevalence of intimate partner violence among Iranian pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-sjp-10.1177_14034948221119641 for The prevalence of intimate partner violence among Iranian pregnant women: a systematic review and meta-analysis by Yosra Raziani, Leila Hasheminasab, Reza Ghanei Gheshlagh, Pegah Dalvand, Vajiheh Baghi and Marzieh Aslani in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health</p