23 research outputs found

    Differentiated neuroblastoma F-11 cells as an alternative in-vitro model to dorsal root ganglion neurons

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    We induced differentiation in F-11 cells to verify if they could show similarities with sensory neurons, in order to develop an alternative to animal models for research studies in the biomedical field

    Atypical “seizure-like” activity in cortical reverberating networks in vitro can be caused by LPS-induced inflammation: a multi-electrode array study from a hundred neurons

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    We show here that a mild sterile inflammation induced by the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), in a neuron/astrocyte/microglial cortical network, modulates neuronal excitability and can initiate long-duration burst events resembling epileptiform seizures, a recognized feature of various central nervous neurodegenerative, neurological and acute systemic diseases associated with neuroinflammation. To study this action, we simultaneously analyzed the reverberating bursting activity of a hundred neurons by using in vitro multi-electrode array (MEA) methods. ~5 hours after LPS application, we observed a net increase in the average number of spikes elicited in engaged cells and within each burst, but no changes neither in spike waveforms nor in burst rate. This effect was characterized by a slow, two-fold exponential increase of the burst duration and the appearance of rarely occurring long-burst events that were never seen during control recordings. These changes and the time-course of microglia-released proinflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), were blocked by pre-treatment with 50 nM minocycline, an established anti-inflammatory agent which was inactive when applied alone. Assay experiments also revealed that application of 60 pM exogenous TNF-α after 12-15 h, produced non-washable changes of neuronal excitability, completely different from those induced by LPS, suggesting that TNF-α release alone was not responsible for our observed findings. Our results indicate that the link between neuroinflammation and hyperexcitability can be unveiled by studying the long-term activity of in vitro neuronal/astrocyte/microglial networks

    Orchestration of “Presto” and “Largo” Synchrony in Up-Down Activity of Cortical Networks

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    It has been demonstrated using single-cell and multiunit electrophysiology in layer III entorhinal cortex and disinhibited hippocampal CA3 slices that the balancing of the up-down activity is characterized by both GABAA and GABAB mechanisms. Here we report novel results obtained using multi-electrode array (60 electrodes) simultaneous recordings from reverberating postnatal neocortical networks containing 19.2 ± 1.4% GABAergic neurons, typical of intact tissue. We observed that in each spontaneous active-state the total number of spikes in identified clusters of excitatory and inhibitory neurons is almost equal, thus suggesting a balanced average activity. Interestingly, in the active-state, the early phase is sustained by only 10% of the total spikes and the firing rate follows a sigmoidal regenerative mode up to peak at 35 ms with the number of excitatory spikes greater than inhibitory, therefore indicating an early unbalance. Concentration-response pharmacology of up- and down-state lifetimes in clusters of excitatory (n = 1067) and inhibitory (n = 305) cells suggests that, besides the GABAA and GABAB mechanisms, others such as GAT-1-mediated uptake, Ih, INaP and IM ion channel activity, robustly govern both up- and down-activity. Some drugs resulted to affect up- and/or down-states with different IC50s, providing evidence that various mechanisms are involved. These results should reinforce not only the role of synchrony in CNS networks, but also the recognized analogies between the Hodgkin–Huxley action potential and the population bursts as basic mechanisms for originating membrane excitability and CNS network synchronization, respectively

    Local and global calcium signals associated with the opening of neuronal alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors

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    Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are Ca(2+)-permeable ligand-gated channels widely expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system. One of the most Ca(2+) selective isoform is the homopentameric alpha7-nAChR implicated in schizophrenia. The activity of alpha7-nAChRs is usually recorded electrophysiologically, which limits the amount of information obtained. Here, we used fluorescence imaging to record Ca(2+) transients associated with activation of the alpha7-nAChR in neuroblastoma cells stably expressing human alpha7-nAChRs. Application of nicotine (50 microM) consistently evoked transient (30s), stereotyped Ca(2+) responses that were inhibited by the selective alpha7-nAChRs antagonists methyllycaconitine (MLA) and alpha-bungarotoxin, and greatly increased and prolonged by the allosteric modulator PNU-120596 (1 microM). Unexpectedly, brief (1-5s), repetitive Ca(2+) transients of sub-micrometric dimension were observed in filopodia of cells expressing alpha7-nAChR. PNU-120596 increased the frequency and slowed the decay kinetics of these miniature Ca(2+) elevations, which were insensitive to ryanodine, preserved during hyperpolarisation, and prevented by MLA, alpha-bungarotoxin, or Ca(2+) removal. Global Ca(2+) responses were also recorded in ganglion cells of embryo chicken retina during co-application of PNU-120596 and nicotine, together with whole-cell currents and brief current bursts. These data demonstrate that Ca(2+) signals generated by alpha7-nAChRs can be recorded optically both in cell lines and in intact tissues. The possibility to image miniature Ca(2+) signals enables to map the location of functional alpha7-nAChR channel clusters within cells and to analyze their single channel properties optically. Deciphering the rich pattern of intracellular Ca(2+) signals generated by the activity of the alpha7-nAChRs will reveal the physiological role of these receptor-channels

    Neoglycosylated Collagen: Effect on Neuroblastoma F-11 Cell Lines

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    The regeneration of the nervous system is a challenging task. Currently, regenerative medicine approaches that exploit nature-inspired cues are being studied and hold great promise. The possibility to use protein-based matrices functionalized with small oligo- and monosaccharides is of interest since these can be finely tuned to better mimic the native environment. Collagen has been selected as a promising material that has the potential to be further tailored to incorporate carbohydrates in order to drive cell behavior towards neuroregeneration. Indeed, the grafting of carbohydrates to collagen 2D matrices is proved to enhance its biological significance. In the present study, collagen 2D matrices were grafted with different carbohydrate epitopes, and their potential to drive F-11 neuroblastoma cells towards neuronal differentiation was evaluated. Collagen functionalized with α-glucosides was able to differentiate neuroblastoma cells into functional neurons, while sialyl α-(2→6)-galactosides stimulated cell proliferation

    Plant Polyphenols and Exendin-4 Prevent Hyperactivity and TNF-α Release in LPS-Treated In vitro Neuron/Astrocyte/Microglial Networks

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    Increasing evidence supports a decisive role for neuroinflammation in the neurodegenerative process of several central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Microglia are essential mediators of neuroinflammation and can regulate a broad spectrum of cellular responses by releasing reactive oxygen intermediates, nitric oxide, proteases, excitatory amino acids, and cytokines. We have recently shown that also in ex-vivo cortical networks of neurons, astrocytes and microglia, an increased level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) was detected a few hours after exposure to the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Simultaneously, an atypical “seizure-like” neuronal network activity was recorded by multi-electrode array (MEA) electrophysiology. These effects were prevented by minocycline, an established anti-inflammatory antibiotic. We show here that the same inhibitory effect against LPS-induced neuroinflammation is exerted also by natural plant compounds, polyphenols, such as curcumin (CU, curcuma longa), crocin (CR, saffron), and resveratrol (RE, grape), as well as by the glucagon like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist exendin-4 (EX-4). The drugs tested also caused per-se early transient (variable) changes of network activity. Since it has been reported that LPS-induced neuroinflammation causes rearrangements of glutamate transporters in astrocytes and microglia, we suggest that neural activity could be putatively increased by an imbalance of glial glutamate transporter activity, leading to prolonged synaptic glutamatergic dysregulation

    Prussian Blue Nanoparticle-Mediated Scalable Thermal Stimulation for In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation

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    Heating has recently been applied as an alternative to electrical stimulation to modulate excitability and to induce neuritogenesis and the expression of neuronal markers; however, a long-term functional differentiation has not been described so far. Here, we present the results obtained by a new approach for scalable thermal stimulation on the behavior of a model of dorsal root ganglion neurons, the F-11 cell line. Initially, we performed experiments of bulk stimulation in an incubator for different time intervals and temperatures, and significant differences in neurite elongation and in electrophysiological properties were observed in cultures exposed at 41.5 °C for 30 min. Thus, we exposed the cultures to the same temperature increase using a near-infrared laser to irradiate a disc of Prussian blue nanoparticles and poly-vinyl alcohol that we had adhered to the outer surface of the petri dish. In irradiated cells, neurites were significantly longer, and the electrophysiological properties (action potential firing frequency and spontaneous activity) were significantly increased compared to the control. These results show for the first time that a targeted thermal stimulation could induce morphological and functional neuronal differentiation and support the future application of this method as a strategy to modify neuronal behavior in vivo

    Maltose conjugation to PCL: Advanced structural characterization and preliminary biological properties

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    The emerging trends in regenerative medicine rely among others on biomaterial-based therapies, with the use of biomaterials as a central delivery system for biochemical and physical cues to manipulate transplanted or ingrowth cells and to orchestrate tissue regeneration. Cell adhesion properties of a biomaterial strongly depend on its surface characteristics. Among others poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) is a biocompatible and biodegradable material with low cytotoxicity that is widely adopted as synthetic polymer in several applications. However, it is hydrophobic, which limits its use in tissue engineering. In order to improve its hydrophilicity and cellular compatibility, PCL surface was grafted with maltose through a two-step procedure in which controlled aminolysis of PCL ester bonds by hexanediamine was followed by reductive amination with the carbohydrate reducing end. The modified PCL surface was then characterized in detail by x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Near Edge x-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopies. In addition, the biocompatibility of the proposed biomaterial was investigated in preliminary biological assays

    Neoglucosylated collagen matrices drive neuronal cells to differentiate.

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    9Despite the relevance of carbohydrates as cues in eliciting specific biological responses, glycans have been rarely exploited in the study of neuronal physiology. We report thereby the study of the effect of neoglucosylated collagen matrices on neuroblastoma F11 cell line behavior. Morphological and functional analysis clearly showed that neoglucosylated collagen matrices were able to drive cells to differentiate. These data show for the first time that F11 cells can be driven from proliferation to differentiation without the use of chemical differentiating agents. Our work may offer to cell biologists new opportunities to study neuronal cell differentiation mechanisms in a cell environment closer to physiological conditions.noneRusso, L.; Sgambato, A.; Lecchi, M.; Pastori, V.; Raspanti, M.; Natalello, A.; Doglia, S.M.; Nicotra, F.; Cipolla, L.Russo, L.; Sgambato, A.; Lecchi, M.; Pastori, V.; Raspanti, Mario; Natalello, A.; Doglia, S. M.; Nicotra, F.; Cipolla, L