21 research outputs found

    Respons Imun terhadap Infeksi Strongyloides stercoralis

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    Abstrak Strongyloides stercoralis adalah nematoda usus yang mempunyai siklus hidup yang sangat kompleks, berbeda dari nematoda lain. Perbedaannya adalah cacing ini mempunyai siklus hidup bebas dan parasit yang bisa menyebabkan autoinfeksi. Manifestasi klinis terbanyak adalah asimtomatik tetapi dapat berubah menjadi penyakit fulminan yang fatal tergantung sistem kekebalan tubuh hospes. Respons imun seluler dan humoral adalah pertahanan tubuh yang sangat berperan terhadap infeksi cacing ini. Respons imun yang terjadi dapat memberikan gambaran klinis yang berbeda-beda mulai dari asimtomatis, ringan sampai berat seperti sindroma hiperinfeksi dan infeksi diseminata. Hal itu terbukti pada penderita imunosupresi akibat pemakaian steroid jangka panjang dan penderita HIV. Respons imun hospes juga dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosis infeksi akibat cacing ini. Kata kunci: Strongyloides stercoralis, Respons imun seluler, Respon imun humoral. Abstract Strongyloides stercoralis is an intestinal nematode which has a very complex life cycle. It has a free and parasitic life cycle which could cause autoinfection. Its infection mostly asymptomatic, however, it can change to a catastrophic fulminant disease, depends on the host immune system’s condition.The cellular and the humoral immune system has an important role in the defends mechanism against strongiloides’infection. The immune response could give different kinds of clinical manifestations, beginning with asymptomatic, with asymptomatic, mild up to catastrophic condition such as hyperinfection syndrome and disseminated infection. It could be proved among the immunosuppression patient due to the long term application of steroid and the HIV patient. The host immune responds could be used as the diagnosis tool of the Strongiloides’ infection. Key words: Strongyloides stercoralis, strongyloidiasis, cellular immune responds, humoral.immune responds. &nbsp

    E-Reading Vs Traditional Reading: Can Internet, Social media and Gadgets Bridge the Gap between Reading and Learning among Medical Students?

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    Membaca menjadi dasar dalam belajar dan dengan perkembangan teknologi komunikasi informasi (TIK), membaca secara modern sekarang ini menjadi pengalaman yang lebih menarik dibanding sebelumnya ( misalnya membaca secara tradisional); akibat ketersediaan bahan bacaan elektronik di internet. Meski terdapat potensi efek yang tidak diinginkan, hampir tidak mungkin membatasi penetrasi TIK dalam hidup keseharian kita. Pilihannya lebih kepada kendali atas efek yang tidak dibutuhkan dan disisi lain memaksimalisasi potensi e-reading di internet untuk keuntungan pembaca. Kata kunci: literatur, interaktif, user-friendly, telepon selular, moder

    Anemia and Other Blood Symptoms Related Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis: An Internet Approach of Systematic Literature Study Reported Across Indonesia

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    ackground/Aim: Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis (STH) is still a global major problem, affecting billion vulnerable people of marginalized and unfortunate communities from low to middle level social economic countries. Poor personal hygiene and sanitary practice facilitates its transmission. Children and pregnant women are the most vulnerable group. It causes spectrum of clinical conditions from completely asymptomatic to severe, but anemia and nutritional derangement are the most prominent. Anemia related STH itself was already a huge problem, especially when affected susceptible individuals. In the internet, the data on Indonesia’s prevalence of anemia and other blood symptom related STH with its contributing factors are always considered sparse and incomplete. The aim of this systematic literature study was to provide that data by doing the internet literature searching on Indonesia’s electronic data regarding this condition. Methods: A systematic review was done using popular search engine in the internet. All kind of research study, no matter the design (cross sectional, case control or prospective cohort), that fit with inclusion criteria which is anemia or other blood related symptoms (e.g. eosinophilia) related to STH were included. Result: There were 37 studies found on this issues, from 2001 until 2020. Most studies reported anemia that developed during the course of the disease with the clinical spectrum varies from asymptomatic to severe form. Intestinal parasite, epidemiology, neglected tropical disease, iron deficiency, chronic, hemoglobi

    Anisakiasis Pada Ikan Laut Di Indonesia: Prevalensi, Sebaran Dan Potensi Patogenitasnya Pada Manusia

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    ABSTRACT Nematode worm Anisakis sp is the causative agent of anisakiasis, a zoonosis which continues to be a health problem in humans, globally. Its clinical spectum varies from mild to very severe and always connected with sea fishes, one important source of nutrition for the community that cannot be ignored. In addition, consumer’s behavior and lifestyle in processing and consuming sea fishes also have has the potency as the predisposing factor for its transmission and clinical manifestations. This review article aimed to describes recent global data on anisakiasis and its occurrence in marine fishes of Indonesian waters and the risk of transmission in the community

    Delicious to the Last Piece: Why Ectoparasite Prefer Human Skin

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    The interaction of ectoparasite in correlation to its host’s skin is important. The extent of interaction somewhat makes these parasites able to survive in the harsh conditon of the host’s skin. Their existence mostly in the context of gaining their nutrition and perhaps continue its regeneration. Because these diseases caused by ectoparasite are easility transmitted, widespread, and the state of polyparasitism is often took place in a single vulnerable host, and significant primary and secondary morbidity and or complication occurs, which can worsen the course of the inital disease. This minireview aim to discuss about the interlinkage of some EPSD agents in correlation to its host’s skin, their interaction and what makes these endoparasites able to survive in the skin in the context of gaining their nutrition. Keywords: Arthropods; vulnerable; food seeking behavior; human louse; myasis; ectoparasite; human skin

    Infestasi Soil Tranmitted Helminths dan Perilaku Higiene pada Murid Kelas I Sekolah Dasar di Pesisir Sungai Siak Kecamatan Rumbai Kota Pekanbaru

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    Soil transmitted helminths (STH) infestation still become health problem in Indonesia. Specieses of STH which usually infested humans are Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale. One of STH infestation factor is a bad hygiene. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between infestation of STH with hygiene on elementary students grade I in pesisir Siak River Kecamatan Rumbai Pekanbaru. This research was cross sectional analitic study which was done in November 2014. For determine the relationship between infestation of STH with hygiene from 61 sampels, assessed with Chi square test to test alternatives Fisher. From research in laboratory 16 students (26.2%) are infested with soil transmitted helminths and from questionnaire 1 student (1.63%) has bad hygiene. From the analysis data there is no significant relationship between infestation of STH with hygiene (p value = 0,262)

    The Comparison of Larvacidal Effects of Ethanol Extract of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Burmanni) and Temephos Against Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by Dengue Virus through Aedes aegypti mosquito vector with rapid deployment and be able to cause death.. The use of chemical insecticides to suppress cases in the comunity when used continuously for a long time have a detrimental impact, because of that it is necessary to find an alternative way wich is form of botanical larvacides, such as cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmanni). The aim of this research was to find out the comparison of larvacidal effects of ethanol extracts of cinnamon and temephos against Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. This was the experimental research with three repetitions that each concentration was containing 10 larvae. The analysis of research result use the analysis regresi probit wich was gotten LC50 was 85,727 ppm, LC90 was 135,180 ppm, LC99 was 175,497 ppm and temephos with 1 ppm concentration kills 100% larva. It can be concluded that temephos was better than the extract of cinnamon as larvacide

    Deteksi Parasit Malaria pada Darah Donor di Unit Donor Darah Palang Merah Indonesia Cabang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Provinsi Riau

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    Malaria is one of transfusion-transmitted disease. Transfusion-transmittedmalaria has a high potential risk in endemic area. One of endemic area in RiauProvince is Indragiri Hilir Regency. This research was descriptive study withcross sectional design to detect malaria parasites in blood donors at BloodDonors Unit of Indonesian Red Cross Society of Indragiri Hilir Regency. Thesamples were 45 and they were choiced by simple random sampling techniquewhen blood donation activity by mobile unit and regular service schedule ofBlood Donors Unit of Indonesian Red Cross Society of Indragiri Hilir Regency.The detection of malaria parasites used antigen detection with Inostic test kit andmicroscopic examination method with thin and thick smears with Giemsastaining. Detection of malaria parasites showed frequency of malaria positive andfrequency of malaria based on species and stage in blood donors were 0 (0%)

    Gambaran Profil dan Infeksi Cacing Usus pada Pekerja di Tiga Rumah Potong Hewan Provinsi Riau

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    Background: Intestinal worm infestation is still a health problem in Indonesia that is often neglected. This disease is chronic in nature and is strongly influenced by factors of environmental hygiene and sanitation. Slaughterhouses are places where animals in the form of cows, goat/ sheep and pigs are slaughtered to be distributed to meat sellers or to reataurants. This study aims to determine the profil description and incidence of intestinal worm infestations in workers in three slaughterhouses in Riau Province.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study in August – October 2020 in three slaughterhouses in Riau Province ( Pekanbaru, Duri and Dumai city). Stool examination was carried out using the Kato Katz Method at the Parasitology Laboratory Medical Faculty, Universitas Riau. Result: Do A total 37 workers who were examined found 35 men, age range 21 – 30 yo as much as 38% with latest education 46% was high school, length of work 1 – 5 years as much as 57% and as much as 41% have normal nutriotional status. Six workers found positive for intestinal worm infections (16%), there were three hookworm infections and one each to Trichuris trichiura, Oxyuris vermicularis and Hymenolepis diminuta.Conclusion : There were still intestinal worm infections among workers in the three slaughterhouses. Intestinal worm infection usually occurs in children and rarely occurs in adults and if it occurs in adults this may be due to poor hygiene and sanitation of the slaughterhouse workers

    Hubungan Faktor Risiko dengan Infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis pada Anak Panti Asuhan di Kota Pekanbaru

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        Pedikulosis kapitis dikategorikan sebagai penyakit yang terabaikan dan masih menjadi masalah kesehatan. Infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis dengan mudah ditularkan melalui hubungan langsung antar individu atau benda pribadi yang digunakan bersama. Pedikulosis kapitis memiliki berbagai faktor risiko yang dapat meningkatkan terjadinya infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis. Penyakit ini menyerang semua usia terutama usia muda dan cepat meluas dalam lingkungan hidup yang padat seperti asrama dan panti asuhan. Gejala klinis yang khas berupa gatal disertai adanya bekas garukan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko dengan infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis pada anak panti asuhan di kota Pekanbaru. Anak panti asuhan yang diperiksa berjumlah 127 orang dari 3 panti asuhan di Pekanbaru. Hasil pemeriksaan didapatkan infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis pada perempuan lebih tinggi (87,1%), infestasi berdasarkan kelompok usia lebih banyak terjadi pada usia 6-12 tahun (65,9%), infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis menurut karakteristik rambut tertinggi pada keriting (81,8%). Anak yang memiliki panjang rambut sebahu adalah 91,3%. Kebiasaan anak yang selalu memakai alat rambut dan tidur bersama memiliki infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis sebesar 57,5% dan infestasi Pediculus humanus capitis untuk anak yang mencuci rambut 3 kali seminggu adalah 58,3%. Jenis kelamin dan karakteristik rambut memiliki hubungan yang signifikan mempengaruhi kejadian pedikulosis kapitis dengan nilai p<0,05