108 research outputs found

    Synthetic and Herbal Drugs Registered in Clinical Trials on COVID-19: a Review on Recent Research

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    COVID-19 emerged as a widespread worldwide ailment in 2019, with a continued breakdown of novel gamma and lambda variants. Given the high incidence of COVID-19 even in the vaccinated people, research is in progress to develop convenient used drugs to control coronavirus disease. Herein, to review the effectiveness and safety of the recent antiviral, antibacterial, and herbal medication utilized to treat COVID-19, electronic databases including Scopus, PubMed, and Cochrane Library were compiled from papers registered in clinical trials on COVID-19 from January 2021 to February 2022. Oseltamivir, remdesivir, ivermectin, casirivimab, imdevimab, sotrovimab, Tocilizumab, sarilumab, dexamethasone, methylprednisolon, paxlovid, fluvoxamine, molnupiravir, ruxolitinib, tofacitinib, baricitinib, favipiravir, molnupiravir, azithromycin, niclosamide, nitazoxanide, and tetracyclines are the most commonly used antiviral and antibiotics to control mild to severe COVID-19 illnesses in the clinic. Despite the efficacy of drugs solely and in combination, medicinal herbs and natural products were considered in some clinical trials due to the high cost and unwanted side effects. However, no substantial evidence has been reported to confirm the significant anti-COVID-19 impact of synthetic and herbal medicines. This scenario opens an exciting new perspective for the elucidation of convenient therapeutic pipelines

    Active Role of the Necrotic Zone in Desensitization of Hypoxic Macrophages and Regulation of CSC-Fate: A hypothesis

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    Fast-proliferating cancer cells in the hypoxic region face a shortage of oxygen and nutrients, undergo necrotic cell death, and release numerous signaling components. Hypoxia-induced chemo-attractants signal for macrophages/monocytes to clear debris and return the system to steady state. Accordingly, macrophages arrange into pre-necrotic positions, where they are continuously exposed to stress signals. It can thus be hypothesized that gradual alteration of gene expression in macrophages eventually turns off their phagocytic machinery. Uncleared cell corpses within the hypoxic region potentially provide a rich source of building blocks for anaerobic metabolism of cancer stem cells via macropinocytosis, and are conceivably implicated in tumor progression and invasion

    Isolation and Identification of an Alkaliplilic Thermo-tolerant Protease producing Bacillus sp. from Dehloran Hot Spring: Production Optimization and Investigation of the Activity and Stability of the Enzyme

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    Introduction:Thermophilic proteases can be used in various industries, including detergents, pharmaceuticals, food, etc. These enzymes are produced by thermophilic microorganisms, includingbacteria. Materials and methods: Sampling was carried out from Dehloran hot springs in Ilam province in the west of Iran to find new protease producing bacteria. Then, the effect of pH, temperature and finally the effect of different heating time on the production of protease enzyme were evaluated. Then, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to detect the strain. Protease was purified through anion exchange using DEAE-sepharose column and its molecular weight was estimated using SDS-PAGE technique. Then, activity and stability of the enzyme were investigated in temperature and pH range. Results: Among isolated strains, bacteria Bacillus sp. DEM07 (registered in the World Gene Bank with access number KY392988) with the highest diameter of the protease clear zone, was selected to produce thermo tolerant alkaline protease. The maximum production of the alkaline protease enzyme was observed at 50 ° C, pH 7 and 48 hours after culture. The protease enzyme was purified by anionic chromatography and its molecular weight was estimated to be about 27.5 kDa after purification. The enzyme was active and stable at the temperature range of 30 to 55 ° C and the optimum temperature of the enzyme activity was observed at 50 ° C. The pH range for activity and its stability was from 4 to 11, and the optimum activity of the enzyme was observed at pH 10. Discussion and conclusion: In this study, the protease enzyme purified from Bacillus sp. DEM07 is a thermo tolerant alkalophilic protease. On the other hand, by creating the optimal conditions for achieving high production of thermo-tolerant alkalophilic protease, this enzyme has a high potential for use in various industries

    Superiority of Bayesian Model Averaging to Stepwise Model in Selection of Factors Related to the Incidence of Type II diabetes in Pre-diabetic Women

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    Introduction:  The world prevalence of type 2 diabetes and its related increment mortality rate which needs high controls cost has attracted high scientific attention. Early detection of individuals who face this disease more than the others can prevent getting sick or at least reduce the disease consequences on public health. Regarding the costs and limitations of diagnostic tests, a statistical model is presented that helps predict the time of diabetes incidence and determines its risk factors. Furthermore, this model determines the significant predictor variables on response and considers them as model equation parameters.Materials and Methods: In this study, 803 pre-diabetic women in the age range of more than 20 years were selected from Tehran lipid and glucose study (TLGS) to examine the predictor variables on time of diabetes incidence. They were entered into the study in the phases 1 and 2 and were followed up to the phase 4. The predictor variables selection was performed using the Stepwise Model (SM) and the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). Then, the predictive discrimination was used to compare the results of both models. The Log-rank test was performed and the Kaplan-Meier Curve was plotted. The statistical analyses were performed using R software (version 3.1.3).Results: The Backward Stepwise Model (BSM), the Forward Stepwise Model (FSM) and the BMA have used 9, 10 and 6 variables, respectively. Although the BMA selected predictor variables number is much lower than the SM, the prediction ability remains nearly constant.Conclusions: The BMA has averaged on the supported models using dataset. This model has shown nearly constant accuracy despite the selection of lower predictor variables number in comparison to the SM

    Dietary Administration of Yeast β 1,3 1,6 Glucan on Immunity and Survival Rate of White Indian Shrimp, Fennerpenaeus indicus Challenged with White Spot Syndrome Disease

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    The potency of dietary β 1,3 1,6 glucan (BG), derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in stimulating the non-specific immunity of white Indian shrimp, Fennerpenaeus indicus (Milne-Edwards, 1837) and improving its resistance to white spot syndrome disease were investigated. F. indicus (11.32±1.20 g) were fed for 20 days on a series of treatment diets containing graded levels of BG (blank control, 0 as control, 2, 10, 20 g kg-1 feed) and were then challenged by injection of WSSV virus. Total haemocyte count (THC), total plasma protein (TPP), phagocytic activity (PA) and Bacterial Clearance activity (BC) were measured at days 0, 7, 14, 21 after BG feeding, and shrimp survival rate was also recorded daily after challenge. THC, TPP, PA and BC of the 10 and 20 g kg-1 BG treatments were significantly higher (P<0.05) by day 14 than control and 2 g kg-1 treatment shrimp. Survival rate of shrimp fed with the diet containing 10 and 20 g kg-1 BG after 21 days, were 53.32±5.77 and 48.32±5.77%, respectively. Accordingly, oral administration of BG at an optimal level of 10 g kg-1 diet for 20 days efficaciously stimulate the immune defense and improve the survival rate of WSV-infected F. indicus

    Evaluation of the Effect of Knowledge Concerning Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Science on the Knowledge Development Approach

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    Background: Nutrition can be regarded as an important part of any preparation program, as well as an important part of life. It seems essential to develop nutritional science and improve eating habits with the purpose of developing a healthy diet and avoiding the outcomes that arise from a lack of nutrition. Proper nutrition is one of the important factors for the development of health. Lack of sufficient awareness about nutrition can result in improper eating habits. Objectives: The present study evaluated the effect of knowledge about healthy nutrition and nutrition science on the knowledge development approach. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, the statistical population consisted of 190 experts and other scholars in the area of nutritional science. A questionnaire based on demographic details, nutritional science, nutrition education, research, proper solutions to individuals’ nutritional problems, and a culture of nutrition was used for data collection. Results: A relatively strong positive correlation was found between the knowledge development approach, nutritional science, nutrition education and research, and proper solutions for individual nutritional problems and a culture of nutrition (P < 0.001). Conclusions: 1) Effective enhancement and participation in an academic community will be important in the future of food and nutrition security; however, major gaps and weaknesses also exist in this context; 2) The main weaknesses in relation to the lack of clear policies and procedures include focusing on only Tehran, Iran; the need to overcome bureaucracy; and problems related to motivation, capital, and international communications; 3) Qualitative and quantitative improvement of research is not possible without access to skilled experts and researchers; 4) To solve these problems, it will be beneficial to pay more attention to the role of universities, facilitate intellectual communication among professors in Tehran and other provinces, ensure that Iranian professors are employed abroad, develop educational and research cooperation with foreign countries, and ensure that facilities for international cooperation put in place by united nations (UN) agencies are used. Keywords: Nutritional Science, Knowledge Management, Foo

    Review on saprolegniasis in propagation and cultivation of cold water fish center emphasis on national and international investigation on prevention, control and treatment

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    Saprolegnia sp. is the most important pathogenic fungi in fish. Saprolegnia parasitica, S. diclina, S. ferax and S. hypogina are the most abundance of the fungi that caused saprolegniasis in fish and hatcheries.They have global distributions and their percences were reported from cold water fish farms of the world. It has been amazingly shown, 1 in 10 hatched salmon raised in fish farms die as a result of S. parasitica infection. Saprolegniasis caused mortality not only in cultivated cold water fish but also in wild cold water fish and the disease were killed up to 22% of wild salmon. Up till 2002, Saprolegnia infections in aquaculture were kept under control with malachite green, an organic dye that is very efficient at killing the pathogen. However, the use of malachite green has been banned worldwide due to its carcinogenic and toxicological effects and this has resulted in a dramatic re-emergence of Saprolegnia infections in aquaculture. The economical losses of Saprolegniasis are so high and many investigations were conducted on identification, virolence and predisposing factors, prevention and control of saprolegniasis in the world. This study has been focused on the last data about ofn physiological characteristic, identification methods, and pathogenicity of Saprolegnia sp., virulence parameters, predisposing factors, prevention and control of saprolegniasis

    Evaluation of Sulfonamide Antibiotic Residues of Honey Samples Produced in Different Regions of Qazvin Province by ELISA

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    Honey is a unique food product containing bioactive compounds derived from bees and plants Nowadays, animal food products that may contain antibiotic residues have caused a lot of concern for the consumers. The presence of antibiotic residues in honey may be harmful to human health. One of the most important risks of antibiotic residues in food products is the occurrence of drug resistance in pathogenic bacteria in the body. Regarding the complications caused by these residues, the present research has investigated sulfonamide antibiotic residues in the honey samples consumed in Qazvin province. The present research is a cross-sectional study performed in different regions of Qazvin province in 2019. For this purpose, 80 honey samples were collected from different regions of Qazvin. The samples were transferred to the food safety laboratory of the Health Faculty under proper conditions. First, the samples were tested to check the sulfonamide antibiotic residue by the semi-quantitative ELISA assay. The data were recorded in SPSS 23, and data analysis was done by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and (post hoc) Tukey test at the significant level of P˂0.05. According to the results of the ELISA assay, 10-120 ng of sulfonamide antibiotic residue was found in 23.75% (19 samples) of the samples. The findings showed that the highest and the lowest sulfonamide concentrations were respectively reported as 30.81 and 6.26 ppb, and the average sulfonamide residue was obtained as 14.50 ppb. According to the results, more than 75% of the honey samples collected from Qazvin province are free of sulfonamide or contain a little sulfonamide concentration. The research showed that most of the honey samples collected from different regions of Qazvin province are free of sulfonamide or contain a little sulfonamide concentration. Regarding the important role of honey consumption in health and the wide use of antibiotics in beehives, it is necessary to take the necessary actions to control the quality of this product

    Molecular identification of bacterial and fungal pathogens in certain disease-free shrimp

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    At present, the aquaculture industry to provide proper instructions in the field of health management, including production of Specific Pathogen Free shrimp (SPF), require sensitive and reliable methods for the detection and identification of pathogenic microorganisms. Molecular methods which used in the detection of microorganisms have a high discriminatory power in the taxonomy and in relation to libraries in the world. On the other hand, the accurate identification of microorganisms, providing the genetic data bank of shrimp pathogens and maintenance of these strains is the step to promote further research on the mechanisms of pathogenesis of pathogens, diagnosis, treatment, prevention of disease, identify indigenous production kits, diagnosis re emerging and emerging diseases and their origin. Therefore, in this project, by using ribotyping technique, native isolated pathogenic bacteria and fungi were identified and recorded in the gene bank database center. During sampling of shrimp and water of Specific Pathogen Free shrimp center, 40 bacterial strains were isolated, which 8 of them had the most frequency and identification based on 16S rDNA sequencing was performed. Bacteria identified are: Vibrio nigripulchritudo strain IS013(GenBank:KP843725), Vibrio brasiliensis strain IS014 (GenBank:KR186076), Vibrio rotiferianus strain IS015 (GenBank:KR186077), Vibrio azureus strain IS012 (GenBank:KJ018724.1), Vibrio owensii strain IS016 (GenBank:KR186078), Agarivorans gilvus strain IS017 (GenBank:KR186079), Vibrio brasiliensis IS018 (GenBank:KR186080) and Vibrio alginolyticus strain IS019 (GenBank:1817854), which were recorded in The World Bank genes. In this study fungal isolates were not detected

    Awareness and Attitude Towards Opioid and Stimulant Use and Lifetime Prevalence of the Drugs: A Study in 5 Large Cities of Iran

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    Background: Providing population-based data on awareness, attitude and practice of drug and stimulant use has policy implications. A national study was conducted among Iranian general population to explore life time prevalence, awareness and attitudes toward opioids and stimulant use.Methods:We recruited subjects from 5 provinces with heterogenic pattern of drug use. Participants were selected using stratified multistage cluster sampling. Data were collected using a validated self-administered questionnaire. Logistic regression model was applied to identify the variables that are associated with drug and stimulant use. Results:In total 2065 respondents including 1155 men (33.96 ± 10.40 years old) and 910 women (35.45 ± 12.21 years old) were recruited. Two-third of respondents had good awareness about adverse effects of opioid use. Corresponding figure in terms of stimulants was 81.4%. Almost 95% of participants reported a negative attitude towards either opioid or stimulant use. The lifetime prevalence of opioid use and stimulant use were 12.9% (men: 21.5%, women: 4.0%) and 7.3% (men: 9.6%, women: 4.9%), respectively. Gender (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]M/W =6.92; 95% CI: 2.92, 16.42), education (AORundergraduate/diploma or less = 0.49; 95% CI: 0.26, 0.90), and marital status (AORothers/single = 2.13; 95% CI: 1.36, 3.33) were significantly related with opioid use. With respect to stimulant use, age was negatively associated with the outcome (AOR60+/20-29 years = 0.08: 95% CI; 0.01, 0.98) and men were 2 times more likely than women to use stimulants (ORM/W=2.15: 95% CI: 0.83, 5.56). In addition, marital status (AOROthers/singles = 3.45; 95% CI: 1.09, 10.93), and awareness (AORWeak and moderate/good = 0.40; 95% CI: 0.25, 0.61) were independently correlated with stimulants use. Conclusion: While the attitude of Iranian adults toward opioid and stimulant use was negative, their awareness was not that adequate to prevent the drug use. Men and those with lower socio-economic status (SES) should be the focus of health promotion programs regarding opioid use. However, regarding stimulants use, promotion programs should target younger age groups and those with higher SES status