328 research outputs found

    Examining Pre-Service Teacher Candidates’ Sources and Levels of Knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    This study was designed to identify what pre-service teacher candidates knew about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and how they had acquired that knowledge in order to design more effective preparation courses. Teacher candidates (N=87) from three teacher preparation programs completed questionnaires during, or prior to, their first special education course. The findings indicate a relationship between sources of knowledge about ASD and actual levels of knowledge. Based on the findings, the authors argue that there is a need for coursework that focuses on effective intervention strategies and utilizes direct opportunities for teacher candidates to work with students with ASD

    Understanding Practice: A Pilot to Compare Mathematics Educators’ and Special Educators’ Use of Purposeful Questions

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    Despite calls for alignment, descriptions of best practices from special education and math education researchers continues to diverge. However, there has been little discussion of how special education teacher educators and mathematics teacher educators compare in practice. This paper describes a study in which a range of teacher educators (N=51) were asked to evaluate a series of questions asked in response to a struggling student with a learning disability. The results indicate that teachers from both groups ranked initial assessment questions highly, and questions that lowered the cognitive demand of the task much lower. Differences between math education and special education teacher educators indicate that they have different approaches to reading and vocabulary, as well as providing opportunities to reason by proposing simpler, analogous problems. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed

    Exploring The Use of Witness Testimony in Special Education Due Process Hearings

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    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA) protects the rights of parents and/or guardians of children with disabilities to utilize the due process system to settle disagreements with school districts regarding their children’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). In the event that these disputes move before a due process hearing officer, it is common for each side to enlist experts to provide testimony to support one of the parties involved. In the current study, we examined the use of expert witness testimony in due process hearings in five large states throughout the United States. Findings indicated several concerning trends, such as data reporting differences between states, and parents/guardians having less attorney representation and utilizing witness testimony less frequently than school districts. In addition, we found that hearing officer decisions were most often decided in the favor of the districts. We will discuss these findings in the context of a social justice framework and suggest recommendations

    Lingin Derived Organic Matter in Georgia Coastal Waters

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    The importance of riverine- and saltmarsh-derived organic matter to the food web of Georgia coastal waters has been a focus of ecological research over the past thirty years. Studies based on energy budgets, carbon flux measurements, and stable isotope ratios have generally implicated marsh detritus as an important, although not always dominant, source of organic matter within the marshes and adjacent estuaries (Teal 1962, Odum and de la Cruz 1967, Haines 1977, Peterson and Howarth 1987). However, data on the contribution of exported marsh and riverine organic matter to productivity futher offshore, in continental shelf waters off the coast of Georgia, remains equivocal (Chalmers et al. 1985, Hopkinson 1985). Dissolved lignin-derived compounds provide molecular level markers by which to determine the presence of terrestrially-derived organic matter in marine ecosystems. Lignin is found only in vascular plants and has no known oceanic sources. Thus its presence in seawater serves as unequivocal evidence of input of marsh or riverine organic matter, and indeed such lignin-derived material has been found in open ocean water a great distance from its probable point of origin (Meyers-Schulte and Hedges 1986). In this study, we present data on concentrations and distribution of lignin phenols in seawater samples collected during October and November 1987 on the continental shelf of the southeastern U.S., between Cape Hattaras and Cape Canaveral

    A Case of Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation in Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    A 51-year-old male with known osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) (type 1) presented with symptoms and signs of infective endocarditis. Transthoracic echocardiography showed chordal rupture and free mitral regurgitation, resulting in an emergency mitral valve repair. The surgical procedure was largely uneventful but subsequent clinical course on the intensive care unit was complicated by bowel perforation requiring two laparatomies for a colonic resection and loop ileostomy formation. Histology of the excised tissue demonstrated absent musculature with no evidence of ischemia. Spontaneous non-ischemic bowel perforation as a complication of osteogenesis imperfecta is to date unreported. Our case highlights the need for a high index of suspicion of non-ischemic bowel perforation in patients with connective tissue disorders

    Distribution of Terrestrially Derived Dissolved Organic Matter on the Southeastern United States Continental Shelf

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    Dissolved lignin-derived compounds in seawater indicate the presence of organic matter originating from vascular plants and therefore from terrestrial (upland and coastal marsh) ecosystems. We used a hydrophobic resin to concentrate lignin-rich humic substances and to determine concentrations of lignin oxidation products (vanillyl lignin phenols) for waters of the continental shelf of the southeastern U.S. Lignin phenol concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 4.2µg liter‒1 and accounted for 0.002–0.13% of the total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool in continental shelf waters. Dissolved lignin concentrations were generally highest near the shore and in those areas receiving greatest river and marsh discharge. Concentrations varied on both short-term (weekly) and seasonal time scales, however, indicating that the contribution of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter to the C budget of the shelf is quite variable. Salinity (\u3e 31‰) was significantly correlated (negatively) with lignin phenol concentrations during three of four cruises, suggesting largely conservative mixing of lignin-derived material on the shelf In selected rivers and salt marshes contributing terrestrially derived organic matter to the continental shelf, lignin phenol C accounted for 0.14–1.0% of the DOC. A simple mixing model which assumes no biological or physical sinks of lignin-derived material during transport from terrestrial sources to the shelf predicts that an average of 6–36% of nearshore DOC derives from terrestrial ecosystems, depending on whether the terrestrial end-member (lignin source) is assumed to be a river or a salt marsh, while 5–26% of inner shelf DOC and 3–18% of mid- to outer-shelf DOC is of terrestrial origin
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