260 research outputs found

    Les effets de l’infection périnatale au virus HIV sur le développement du comportement d’adaptation

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    La présente étude porte sur le développement des fonctions d'adaptation chez neuf enfants séropositifs et neuf enfants séronégatifs, dont l'âge allait de trois mois à six ans et neuf mois. Les deux groupes montraient un développement normal du comportement d'adaptation avant l'âge de deux ans ; après cet âge, le groupe séropositif était handicapé dans tous les aspects du fonctionnement. Les résultats de l'enquête sont examinés dans l'optique des besoins des enfants atteints et de leurs familles.This study examined the development of adaptive functioning in nine HIV-positive and nine HIV-negative children ranging in age from 3 months to 6 years, 11 months. Both groups showed normal development of adaptive behaviour prior to two years of age; after this time the HIV-positive group was impaired in all areas of functioning. The results are discussed in terms of the program needs of the HIV-infected children and their families

    Closing an on-going clinical trial: when is it betrayal of participants?

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    Seizure freedom improves health-related quality of life after epilepsy surgery in children.

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    AIM: To determine whether epilepsy surgery improved health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and whether seizure freedom after surgery mediated the improvement in HRQoL. METHOD: This multicenter cohort study compared HRQoL after epilepsy surgery to pharmacological management in children with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). HRQoL was measured using the Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy (QOLCE) questionnaire at baseline and 1-year follow-up. The mediator between treatment type and HRQoL was seizure freedom. RESULTS: Two hundred and thirty-seven patients were recruited (surgery group: n=147 [92 males, 45 females]; pharmacological group: n=90 [53 males, 37 females]). Mean age at seizure onset was 6 years (SD 4y 4mo) in the surgical group and 6 years 1 month (SD 4y) in the pharmacological group. The odds ratio of seizure freedom was higher for the surgery versus pharmacological group (β=4.24 [95% confidence interval {CI}: 2.26-7.93], p INTERPRETATION: Greater seizure freedom achieved through epilepsy surgery mediated the improvement in HRQoL compared to pharmacological management in children with DRE. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: Seizure freedom is higher after pediatric epilepsy surgery compared to pharmacologically managed epilepsy. Surgery indirectly improves health-related quality of life (HRQoL) mediated by seizure freedom compared to pharmacological management. Surgery has a direct effect on improving social function relative to pharmacological management. Baseline HRQoL was an important predictor of HRQoL after treatment

    Estudio de viabilidad de una planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia

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    [Resumen] En este proyecto se lleva a cabo un estudio de viabilidad económica de la instalación de variadores de frecuencia, en los ventiladores, y un autómata programable en una planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia. En primer lugar, se analiza el contexto de las aletas de tiburón y su procesado,centrándose en proceso de secado, ya que es donde se centrará el estudio de viabilidad por la implantación de los dispositivos considerados, en este proceso. A continuación, se realiza un estudio de las instalaciones y el caso concreto de la planta objeto de estudio en este proyecto. En base a ello, se definen las distintas alternativas de estudio que se considerarán. Una vez definidas las alternativas, se elabora un presupuesto para cada una de ellas, que determinará la inversión inicial necesaria. Se calculará el ahorro de energía y de coste, de la implantación de las distintas instalaciones considerada en cada alternativa, teniendo en cuenta las consideraciones oportunas en cada caso concreto. Por último, se lleva a cabo el análisis económico de las alternativas mediante el cálculo del Valor Actual Neto (VAN), la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) y el periodo de recuperación, y se realizará un estudio de sensibilidad para determinar cuáles son los aspectos del proyecto que más influyen sobre el resultado final.[Resumo] Neste proxecto lévase a cabo un estudo de viabilidade económica da instalación de variadores de frecuencia, nos ventiladores, e un autómata programable nunha planta de procesado de aletas de tiburón en Galicia. En primeiro lugar, analízase o contexto das aletas de tiburón e o seu procesado, centrándose no proceso de secado, xa que é onde se centrará o estudo de viabilidade pola implantación dos dispositivos considerados, neste proceso. A continuación, realízase un estudo das instlacións e o caso concreto da planta obxecto de estudio neste proxecto. En base a iso, defínense as distintas alternativas de estudo que se considerarán. Unha vez definidas as alternativas, elabórase un presuposto para cada unha delas, que determinará o investimento inicial necesario. Calcularase o aforro de enerxía e de coste, da implantación das distintas instlacións consideradas en cada alternativa, tendo en conta as consideracións oportunas en cada caso concreto. Por último, lévase a cabo o análise económico das alternativas mediante o cálculo do Valor Actual Neto (VAN), a TASA Interna de Retorno (TIR) e o periodo de recuperación, se realizaráse un estudo de sensibilidade para determinar cales son os aspectos do proxecto que máis inflúen sobre o resultado final.[Abstract]: In this project an economic feasibility study of the installation of frequency inverters, in the fans, and a programmable automaton in a shark fin processing plant in Galicia is carried out. First, the context of shark fins and their processing is analyzed, focusing on the drying process, since this is where the feasibility study will focus on the implementation of the considered devices, in this process. Next, a study of the facilities and the specific case of the plant object of study in this project is carried out. Based on this, the different study alternatives that will be considered are defined. Once the alternatives have been defined, a budget is drawn up for each of them, which will determine the initial investment required. The energy and cost savings of the implementation of the different facilities considered in each alternative will be calculated, taking into account the appropriate considerations in each specific case. Finally, the economic analysis of the aforementioned alternatives is carried out by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV), the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the payback period, and a sensitivity analysis is made to determine which aspects of the project have a greater influence on the final result.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría en tecnoloxías industriais. Curso 2018/201

    Trajectories of health-related quality of life in children with epilepsy: A cohort study

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    Purpose Little is known about subgroups of children with epilepsy who may experience less favorable outcomes over time. The objectives of this study were to document trajectories of health-related quality of life (HRQL) and to identify predictors of the trajectory group in children with new-onset epilepsy. Methods Data were obtained from the Health Related Quality of Life in Children with Epilepsy Study, a prospective multisite study of children 4-12 years old with new-onset epilepsy followed for 24 months. Health-related quality of life was measured using the Quality of Life in Childhood Epilepsy questionnaire. Trajectories of HRQL were investigated using latent class trajectory modeling. Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify child, parent, and family predictors of HRQL trajectories. Key Findings A total of 374 families responded at baseline and 283 (76%) completed the study. Five HRQL trajectories were observed: low-increasing (4%), moderate-decreasing (12%), moderate-increasing (22%), high-increasing (32%), and high-stable (30%). Many children in the low-increasing, moderate-increasing, high-increasing, and high-stable had clinically meaningful improvements in HRQL: 82%, 47%, 63%, and 44%, respectively. In contrast, the majority of children in the moderate-decreasing group (56%) experienced clinically meaningful declines in their HRQL. Factors predicting trajectories were number of antiepileptic drugs prescribed, presence of comorbid behavior or cognitive problems, parent depression, and family functioning and demands. Significance Results suggested that children with epilepsy are not homogenous but rather consist of groups with different trajectories and unique predictors of HRQL. Problems associated with child behavior and cognition were the strongest predictors identified. Given that several risk factors are modifiable, it is important to examine these as potential targets within a family-centered framework to improve HRQL of children with new-onset epilepsy. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2013 International League Against Epilepsy

    Quality of life in children with new-onset epilepsy; A 2-year prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To assess health-related quality of life (HRQL) over 2 years in children 4-12 years old with new-onset epilepsy and risk factors. Methods: Data are from a multicenter prospective cohort study, the Health-Related Quality of Life Study in Children with Epilepsy Study (HERQULES). Parents reported on children\u27s HRQL and family factors and neurologists on clinical characteristics 4 times. Mean subscale and summary scores were computed for HRQL. Individual growth curve models identified trajectories of change in HRQL scores. Multiple regression identified baseline risk factors for HRQL 2 years later. Results: A total of 374 (82%) questionnaires were returned postdiagnosis and 283 (62%) of eligible parents completed all 4. Growth rates for HRQL summary scores were most rapid during the first 6 months and then stabilized. About one-half experienced clinically meaningful improvements in HRQL, one-third maintained their same level, and one-fifth declined. Compared with the general population, at 2 years our sample scored significantly lower on one-third of CHQ subscales and the psychosocial summary. After controlling for baseline HRQL, cognitive problems, poor family functioning, and high family demands were risk factors for poor HRQL 2 years later. Conclusions: On average, HRQL was relatively good but with highly variable individual trajectories. At least one-half did not experience clinically meaningful improvements or declined over 2 years. Cognitive problems were the strongest risk factor for compromised HRQL 2 years after diagnosis and may be largely responsible for declines in the HRQL of children newly diagnosed with epilepsy. © 2012 by AAN Enterprises, Inc

    Discerning the clinical relevance of biomarkers in early stage breast cancer

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    Purpose Prior data suggest that breast cancer patients accept significant toxicity for small benefit. It is unclear whether personalized estimations of risk or benefit likelihood that could be provided by biomarkers alter treatment decisions in the curative setting. Methods A choice-based conjoint (CBC) survey was conducted in 417 HER2-negative breast cancer patients who received chemotherapy in the curative setting. The survey presented pairs of treatment choices derived from common taxane- and anthracycline-based regimens, varying in degree of benefit by risk of recurrence and in toxicity profile, including peripheral neuropathy (PN) and congestive heart failure (CHF). Hypothetical biomarkers shifting benefit and toxicity risk were modeled to determine whether this knowledge alters choice. Previously identified biomarkers were evaluated using this model. Results Based on CBC analysis, a non-anthracycline regimen was the most preferred. Patients with prior PN had a similar preference for a taxane regimen as those who were PN naïve, but more dramatically shifted preference away from taxanes when PN was described as severe/irreversible. When modeled after hypothetical biomarkers, as the likelihood of PN increased, the preference for taxane-containing regimens decreased; similarly, as the likelihood of CHF increased, the preference for anthracycline regimens decreased. When evaluating validated biomarkers for PN and CHF, this knowledge did alter regimen preference. Conclusions Patients faced with multi-faceted decisions consider personal experience and perceived risk of recurrent disease. Biomarkers providing information on likelihood of toxicity risk do influence treatment choices, and patients may accept reduced benefit when faced with higher risk of toxicity in the curative setting

    The Lantern Vol. 21, No. 1, Fall 1952

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    • Dolly and Manny • The Man on the Stoop • Just a Plain, Simple Girl • If Damon Runyon Had Reviewed George Meredith\u27s Novel, The Ordeal of Richard Feverel • Two Before Dinner • A Treatise on the Noble Art of Warfare • My Neighbor, Zakeya • Elegy • What\u27s This Card For, Offisser? • Winter\u27s Loneliness • Birth • Of Thee I Sting • For Your Knowing • Beauty Defined • Daybreak at Home • Mood • Leaves • Love Recaptured • Awake Again • Silence • Sea-Song • The City • The Voice of Autumn Earthhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1058/thumbnail.jp

    Longitudinal Examination of Everyday Executive Functioning in Children With ASD: Relations With Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Functioning Over Time

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    Executive functioning (EF) deficits are well-documented in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), yet little is known about the longitudinal trajectory of “everyday” EF and links to social, emotional and behavioral outcomes in ASD. This study examined the profile of everyday EF utilizing parent-reported measures over 2 years, and explored whether prior estimates of EF were related to later co-morbid psychopathology and social functioning in 39 children with ASD and 34 typically developing (TD) children (ages 7–14 years). According to parent reports, children with ASD had impaired scores of EF in all domains at both time points, and showed no significant improvement across 2 years, compared to controls. Regression analyses showed that prior estimates of behavior regulation difficulties at time 1 uniquely predicted later emotional (i.e., symptoms of anxiety/depression) and behavioral (i.e., oppositionality/aggressiveness) problems in children with ASD 2 years later. Furthermore, an improvement of metacognitive skills predicted a reduction of social difficulties over 2 years in ASD. These results imply that EF may be a potential target of intervention for preventing and reducing co-morbid psychopathology and promoting social competence in youth with ASD. Furthermore, the findings that EF related to behavior is more critical for later emotional and behavioral functioning, whereas EF related to cognition is more critical for social functioning, indicates that it may be beneficial to tailor treatment. Future studies investigating the effectiveness of EF-based interventions in improving the cognitive, psychological and social outcomes in ASD are of high priority

    Prospectus, March 7, 1984

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    CONGRESS RETURNS TO A \u27MOST IMPORTANT\u27 STUDENT AID DEBATE; News Digest; Four paintings stolen from Parkland; \u27Job Training and Partnership Act\u27: JTPA \u27good opportunity for dedicated\u27; PC Happenings: TV programs for busy parents, Parkland announces registration, Polish folk arts at Parkland; Sargent talks to Lifelong Learners\u27 Club; Yaxley scholarship; Stu-Go News; \u27Planned Parenthood\u27--pro choice organization; In the Library--Paperbacks; Nolen enjoys differences; What is Sadie Hawkins Day?; Did You Know...; Scholarship news for real estate students; Tuexdo styles are changing; What did you thinnk of the Grammy Awards?; Classifieds; \u27Good looking coed\u27 hunt draws lots of photos; Urbana construction will increase; Learning to relax can kill stress; \u27Women\u27s History Week\u27 honored; Parkland Christian Fellowship to sponsor conference; Weather conditions force closing; Math contest at Parkland; Financia; aid for summer and fall; The latest in swimwear; \u27Western look\u27 changing; Creative Corner...Especially for you!!: Believe..., Creed, Dream, The End, Darkness...; All Up to Me, Listening to an old..., Father to Son, How to know just what is real..., For Larry, Hi, I\u27m crazy ...; Bite the Bullet, Answer, Why can\u27t we see?, Love sparked nu the heat of summer...,Keg, A low rumble starts..., Oh, Mothers..., Has the human race forgot to look at a sunset..., I tried to play your game..., You\u27ve let me down...; Jackson leads the way at this year\u27s Grammy awards; Dexter--valuable asset; $50,000 and silence \u27cheap way for MSU to avoid lawsuit\u27; In the Library--; Channel 12 fund drive stresses \u27TV worth paying for\u27; Woody Allen\u27s latest hilarious; \u27Foghat\u27 hits C/U March 18; Predictions for the upcoming Academy Awards; \u27Big Country\u27 to appear; \u27Full Metal Jacket\u27 talent search; \u27The Right Stuff\u27 finally opens in area; Energetic movie should do well; Baseball Schedule; Bank president--NFL referee; High School Notes; Softball Schedule; Cobra baseball to start; Women win tournament; Lake Land advances in sectional; Mens basketball scores; I.M. News; Cobra men advance to sectional; Cobras end up with last year\u27s record; Tae Kwon Do showed display; Cooper remembers 6 good years; First basketball coach tells how it was; NJCAA meethttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1984/1029/thumbnail.jp