449 research outputs found

    Analisis Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Ketersediaan Sumberdaya Air di DAS Konaweha Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Phenomena of depleting of water resources and increasing water demand have been occurring in Konaweha watershed. Combine with other degraded conditions, Konaweha watershed have been categorized as priority watershed in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Land use change is the main factor to influence water balance that indicated by the increasing maximum discharge in rainy seasons and decreasing minimum discharge in dry seasons. The objective of this research were (1) to analize the effects of land use changes onwater resources of Konaweha watershed; (2) to analize the availability of water resources to meet water demand as well as minimum proportion of forest cover in the watershed to ensure sustainable water resources in Konaweha watershed. This research was conducted in Konaweha watershed for 7 months from July 2011 to February 2012. The result of this research showed that forest, swamp, plantation and bush area tended to decline exponentially year by year. The decline of forest area have significantly decreased minimum discharge of Konaweha River in dry seasons and increased maximum discharge in rainy seasons. These condition have caused a significant deficit of water resources in dry seasons since period of 2004 to 2010 eventhough there was no deficit of annual water resources

    Exploring Acceptance of Using an Online Platform to Teach Parents of Children with Autism Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

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    Background and Purpose of the Study: A diagnosis of autism can lead to lifelong struggles for parents and children. These families face profound difficulties in coping with stress while seeking out early interventions and managing imperative service needs. Parents are increasingly turning to the internet for information, advice, and even formal training. Breakthroughs in technology have made the internet more accessible and more sophisticated. The involvement of parents in applying intervention strategies to help their autistic children has long been advocated as a useful approach. Enabling parents as interventionists provides renewed confidence and reduced stress for parents as well as developmental improvements for the child. Conversely, issues of time, cost, and travel restrict accessibility for parents in need of such training. For these cases, utilizing online programs is explored as an alternative option. Methods: The study design was descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational, utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to determine behavioral intention to use an online ABA training program. The sample consisted of 161 participants who identified as parents or primary caregivers of a child with autism. Results: The demographic characteristics of parents and caregivers of children with autism were predominantly females in their 30s and 40s, college educated with a Bachelors or Masters, and rated themselves as very comfortable with using computers and similar technology devices. Multiple regression analysis revealed that 10% of the variability in behavioral intention to use an online ABA program is accounted for by education level. Education was the only statistically significant predictor having an inverse relationship with the interest in adopting ABA online programs. Hierarchical regression revealed that computer skills, laptop skills, tablet skills, and mobile/smartphone skills account for 5% of the variance in interest to use an online ABA program. However, when UTAUT variables are included, performance expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions account for 47% of the variance in the interest to use an online ABA program. All results were statistically significant at the alpha level of 0.05 Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that parents and caregivers are more likely to use a system if: (1) they feel it will improve their performance in managing their child’s behavior, (2) others around them such as family, friends, and their community support their use of the system and, (3) certain infrastructure (tech support) exists to assist in their use of the system. At the same time, parents and caregivers are less likely to use a system if they are highly educated. Further research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the motivational factors that drive acceptance and behavioral intention to adopt online ABA intervention training for parents and caregivers of children with autism. Implications, practical application, theoretical relevance and future direction are further discussed

    Exploring Acceptance of Using an Online Platform to Teach Parents of Children with Autism Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

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    Background and Purpose of the Study: A diagnosis of autism can lead to lifelong struggles for parents and children. These families face profound difficulties in coping with stress while seeking out early interventions and managing imperative service needs. Parents are increasingly turning to the internet for information, advice, and even formal training. Breakthroughs in technology have made the internet more accessible and more sophisticated. The involvement of parents in applying intervention strategies to help their autistic children has long been advocated as a useful approach. Enabling parents as interventionists provides renewed confidence and reduced stress for parents as well as developmental improvements for the child. Conversely, issues of time, cost, and travel restrict accessibility for parents in need of such training. For these cases, utilizing online programs is explored as an alternative option. Methods: The study design was descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational, utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to determine behavioral intention to use an online ABA training program. The sample consisted of 161 participants who identified as parents or primary caregivers of a child with autism. Results: The demographic characteristics of parents and caregivers of children with autism were predominantly females in their 30s and 40s, college educated with a Bachelors or Masters, and rated themselves as very comfortable with using computers and similar technology devices. Multiple regression analysis revealed that 10% of the variability in behavioral intention to use an online ABA program is accounted for by education level. Education was the only statistically significant predictor having an inverse relationship with the interest in adopting ABA online programs. Hierarchical regression revealed that computer skills, laptop skills, tablet skills, and mobile/smartphone skills account for 5% of the variance in interest to use an online ABA program. However, when UTAUT variables are included, performance expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions account for 47% of the variance in the interest to use an online ABA program. All results were statistically significant at the alpha level of 0.05 Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that parents and caregivers are more likely to use a system if: (1) they feel it will improve their performance in managing their child’s behavior, (2) others around them such as family, friends, and their community support their use of the system and, (3) certain infrastructure (tech support) exists to assist in their use of the system. At the same time, parents and caregivers are less likely to use a system if they are highly educated. Further research is needed to gain a deeper understanding of the motivational factors that drive acceptance and behavioral intention to adopt online ABA intervention training for parents and caregivers of children with autism. Implications, practical application, theoretical relevance and future direction are further discussed

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Kartu Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 6 Palu

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    The use of instructional media could help teachers to develop and deepen in teaching and learning process in the classroom. This study aims to determine the effect of using atomic structure card media and periodic systems toward learning outcome of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 6 Palu. The population in this study was all of the eleventh grade students on Science Program of SMA Negeri 6 Palu in the academic year 2013/2014 which consists of 3 classes. The sample in this study was 30 students of Science Program 1 as the experimental class and 32 students of Science Program 2 as the control class. Testing research data used statistical analysis of the t test (right) with the prerequisite test, test for normality, and homogeneity. The data analysis result obtained for the average score in the experiment class X1 = 68.03 with deviation standard = 10.50 and the control class X2 = 54.75 with deviation standard = 9.57. Based on the testing result of hypothesis by statistical t-test values obtained right side of tcounted> ttable is 5.37 > 1.67 with a confidence level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom = 60. From the results of hypothesis testing, then, Ho was rejected so it can be concluded that there is a better influence in using atomic structure card media and periodic system toward learning outcome of the leventh grade students of SMA Negeri 6 Palu

    Performance analysis of negative group delay network using MIMO technique

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    This study introduces comparative consequences that determine the bit error rate enhancements, resultant from adopting a proposed MIMO wireless model in this study. The antenna configurations for this model uses new small microstrip slotted patch antenna with multiple frequency bands at strategic operating frequencies of 2.4, 4.4, and 5.55 respectively. The S11 response of the proposed antenna for IEEE802.11 MIMO wireless network has been highly appropriate to be adopted with MIMO antenna system. The negative group delay (NGD) response is the most significant feature for projected MIMO antenna. The NGD stands for a counterintuitive singularity that interacts time advancement with wave propagation. These improvements are employed for increasing a reliability of instantly conveyed data streams, enhance the capacity of the wireless configuration and decrease the bit error rate (BER) of adopted wireless system. In addition to antenna scattering response, the enhancements have been analysed in term of BER for different MIMO topologies

    Analisis Dampak Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Degradasi Lahan dan Pendapatan Petani di DAS Wanggu Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Tujuan penelitan adalah (1) menganalisis dampak Perubahan penggunaan lahan di DAS Wanggu Ds terhadap erosi, run off dan fluktuasi debit air, (2) mengkaji model penggunaan lahan dan agroteknologi yang mampu meningkatkan kapasitas infiltrasi tanah, menurunkan run off, fluktuasi debit air sungai dan laju erosi serta pendapatan petani, dan (3) merumuskan model perencanaan penggunaan lahan dan agrotekonologi yang tepat dalam pengelolaan DAS Wanggu berkelanjutan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2013–Desember 2013. Degradasi lahan dan kondisi hidrologi DAS Wanggu dinilai berdasarkan terhadap Perubahan penggunaan lahan, fisik tanah, erosi dan koefisien aliran permukaan serta debit sungai dengan menggunakan metode survei dan percobaan plot. Data biofisik lahan mencakup: data iklim, topografi, jenis tanah dan penggunaan lahan yang diperoleh dari hasil-hasil berbagai penelitian. Pendapatan petani dihitung berdasarkan pada produksi total, pendapatan dan biaya total yang dkeluarkan petani. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan penggunaan lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan lahannya telah menyebabkan degradasi lahan umumnya pada: (i) pertanian lahan kering, semak-belukar, pemukiman dengan erosi > ETol secara berurutan 36,3 > 21,0; 21,4 >14,9 dan 19,5 >18 t/ha/th) pada kemiringan lereng > 8%, (ii) peningkatan Qmax/Qmin 36,8 > 30), (iii) produktivitas lahan dan pendatan petani adalah rendah (pertanian lahan kering Rp11.500.000/ha/th, dan kebun campuran/agroforestry Rp21.500.000/ha/th < standar kebutuhan hidup layak (KHL) Rp22.000.000/th/KK. Model penggunaan lahan dan agroteknologi Skenario 5 dapat mencegah degradasi lahan, menurunkan Qmax/Qmin 15,2 < 30), erosi < ETol (3,5–14,5 t/ha/th < 10,6–20,0 t/ha/th), meningkatkan produktivitas tanah dan pendapatan petani yang mencapai Rp22.340.000 – Rp25.730.000 ≥ Rp22.000.000/ha/th/KK yang memenuhi standar kebutuhan hidup layak di Sulawesi Tenggara

    Dampak Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Sumber Daya Air: Studi Literatur dan Hasil Penelitian

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    The impacts of land use, from forest to non-forest (mixed garden, husbandry, and fishery), mining, urbanization, industry and infrastructure in upstream area can give negative impact on water resource environment. Its impact in Wanggu watershed during 1992-2010 were: a) increasing of erosion by 17.6 m3 per ha per year (81,9%), sediment by 2.2 m3 per ha per year, b) decreasing of infiltration capacity by 1.8 m per hour, soil permeability by 2.1 cm per hour, base flow and increasing run-off by 262.7 mm per year (48,8%), CRO by 0,13(46,6%), peak discharge (Qmax) by 114.2 m3 per second and decreasing of water available resources (Qmin) by 3.0 m3 per second and ratio Qmax-Qmin by 38.1 and c) decreasing of water quality because of pollution by TSD, nutrient (NO3-, PO4-3, SO4=), DO, BOD, COD, metal (Cu, Fe, Zn), pesticide, pathogen, salt, oil, color and change of temperature regime. Its impact was categorized as light to moderate pollution. The pollution of out-let Wanggu river was classified as serious category by DO, COD and SO4=. The impacts of land use in Batanghari River were: DO, BOD, COD, NH3, NO2, Zn, Fe and Cu with pollution category as light to moderate. Pollution categorized as serious category by waste: agriculture, urbanization, infrastructure and industry occurred in out-let of Ciliwung River Jakarta, and out-let Berantas River in Surabaya city. Decreasing of water volume and water quality also occurred in some states likes in India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Australia, United State of America and Fiji Island

    Dynamic response of reinforced concrete beams subjected to low velocity impact loads using nonlinear finite element analysis

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    The development of a nonlinear finite element method (FEM) for examining how reinforced concrete (RC) beams react to dynamic forces under the action of low-velocity impacting loads is presented in this article. The model was employed to analyze the stress distributions along with the time histories of impacting load and beam deflection, which were presented graphically. Comparisons with experimental data from previously conducted studies have been performed to verify the precision of the studied model. The findings demonstrated that the developed model was acceptable. Furthermore, the study performed a detailed parametric analysis, focusing on various factors such as replacing conventional steel bars with FRP bars, increasing concrete compressive strength, changing the impact location, using different diameters of reinforcing bars, and changing the depth of the concrete beam. According to the findings, using FRP bars resulted in 36% less peak load due to the uplift pressure caused by the FRP bars' high strength, while the maximum observed deflection of the beam reinforced with FRP bars decreased by approximately 9%. When the position of the impacting force was applied at one-third of the span of the beam, deflection was decreased by 12% when compared to the RC beam has been impacted at its midspan. In addition, the depth of the beams had a significant impact on the impacting load. These presented findings of the study may contribute to a better understanding of how a structure made of concrete responds to impacting loading
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