20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jumlah Siklum HEM (High Energy Milling) Pada Karakteristik MFC (Microfibrillated Cellulose) Dari Sekam Padi

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    MFC merupakan selulosa yang sudah mengalami proses lanjut yaitu refinerdan homogenizer sehingga ukurannya berskala nanometer (nm). Proses pembuatanMFC dapat dilakukan secara mekanik, yaitu dengan memanfaatkan refiner, highpressure homogenizer dan gelombang ultrasonic. Selain dengan metode mekanik,pembautan MFC juga dapat dilakukan dengan metode enzimatis. MFC dapatdigunakan sebagai komposit pada berbagai bidang seperti industri makanan, cat,kosmetik dan medis. Pemanfaatan selulosa sekam padi dalam pembuatan MFC belumbanyak dilakukan. Proses penting dalam pembuatan MFC sekam padi adalah prosesdelignifikasi untuk menghilangkan lignin dan silika, proses bleaching dan prosespenggilingan. Pada penelitian ini akan dikaji pengaruh konsentrasi hydrogenperoksida, temperature bleaching dan waktu penggilingan. Optimasi variabel dapatdilakukan dengan menggunakan Response Surface Metodology (RSM). Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan kondisi optimum untuk proses delignifikasi adalah padaperbandingan volume/berat sekam sebesar 9, konsentrasi H2O2 1,5% dan pH 11,5.Variabel yang signifikan terhadap kadar lignin adalah diketahui yang signifikanterhadap kadar lignin adalah pH (linier), rasio V/w (kuadratik), konsentrasi H2O2(kuadratik) dan pH (kuadratik). Proses HEM sangat berpengaruh pada karakteristikMFC. Semakin banyak siklus HEM, maka gugus aktif MFC akan semakin banyak


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berat molekul dan selanjutnya asam amino protein fosfatase SHP-1 pada ayam pedaging yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan akibat meningkatnya growth hormone (GH).Penelitian ini menggunakan ayam pedaging Lohman (MB 202 P) dari PT. Multibreeder Indonesia Tbk berjenis kelamin jantan sebanyak 10 ekor. Pada umur 21 hari ayam dipotong untuk diambil sampelnya berupa jaringan untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan berat molekul dengan metode SOS-PAGE (sodium dudecyl sulphat polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses), kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Western Blot. HasH pemeriksaan protein jaringan hepar dengan dot blot menunjukkan bahwa pada jaringan tersebut positif terdapat protein SHP1. Adanya protein SHP1 pada jaringan hepar kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan SOS-PAGE menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pita protein antara marker 55 dengan 84 kOa dengan berat molekul 68 kOa. Pita protein tersebut diduga protein SHP1 karena berat molekul SHP1 68 kOa. Untuk membuktikan pita protein yang terbentuk antara marker 55 dengan 84 kOa adalah protein SHP1 maka dilakukan pemeriksaan Western blot dengan menggunakan mouse monoclonal antibody SHP1· Hasil Western blot menunjukkan 'can'Na terbentuk pita protein yang berarti bahwa ada reaksi antara antigen protein SHP1 dengan antibodi protein SHP1, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa protein SHP1 terdapat pada jaringan hepar dengan berat moleku 68 kOa

    The Application of English Songs in Teaching Conditional Sentences through Google Classroom

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    This current research investigated the effectiveness of application English songs in teaching conditional sentences through google classroom as a variety of teaching among students to gain interest and motivation. An experimental approach with a pre-test and post-test was exploited. The data was collected through multiple choices test of conditional sentences. A small group of students as the experimental group (N= 32), and another small group as the control group (N=32). A questionnaire was also administered to measure students’ perceptions toward Google classroom in learning conditional sentences through English songs. The finding indicated that there was differences in mean score of experiment and control group although in medium level. Meanwhile, students’ perception towards implementation of GC bring positive effect to the students’ motivation in learning conditional sentences through English songs. Overall, the research presents discerning implication to the body of research on teaching conditional sentences

    Pelatihan Ekstraksi Zat Warna Alami dan Pengolahan Limbah Zat Warna Tekstil Bagi Pengrajin Batik di Banyumas

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    Banyumas merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Tengah sebagai sentra pengrajin batik dalam bentuk usaha kecil dan menengah (UMKM). Proses pewarnaan batik tradisional di Kabupaten Banyumas pada umumnya menggunakan pewarna sintetis. Keunggulan pewarna batik sintetis adalah warnanya yang cerah dan tahan lama. Akan tetapi pewarna batik sintetis memiliki kelemahan, yaitu limbahnya dapat mencemari lingkungan karena tidak bisa terdegradasi.  Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk memberi pengetahan dan praktek teknik-teknik ekstraksi zat warna alami dan pengoalahn limbah zat warna kain batik. Peserta pelatihan adalah para pengrajin batik di kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa 95% peserta memiliki skore diatas 80, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan yang diberikan telah meningkatkan pemahaman dan ketrampilan dalam ekstraksi zat warna alami dan pengolahan limbah

    Peningkatan Pendapatan Komunitas Serayu Network Banjarnegara Melalui Produksi Susu Kambing Bubuk

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    ABSTRAKPermasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Komunitas Serayu Network adalah pemasaran susu kambing yang dihasilkan. Susu kambing dalam bentuk cair, harus segera dikonsumsi agar rasanya masih segar. Susu kambing cair dapat diawetkan dengan disimpan dalam pendingin, akan tetapi rasanya akan berubah. Oleh karena itu perlu teknologi pengawetan susu kambing agar rasanya tidak berubah, salah satunya dengan pembuatan susu bubuk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi analisis sumber daya, desain dan pengadaan peralatan spray dryer, pelatihan dan praktek pembuatan susu kambing bubuk, dan feasibility study susu bubuk kambing. Proses pembuatan susu kambing bubuk dapat menjadi solusi untuk pemasaran hasil susu kambing cair yang diproduksi oleh komunitas Serayu Network. Produk susu kambing bubuk dapat meningkatkan pendapatan komunitas Serayu Network. Kandungan protein susu kambing bubuk cukup tinggi mencapai 10,48 g/100g. Berdasarkan feasibility study, bisnis produksi susu kambing  bubuk cukup menjanjikan dan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat yang tergabung dalam komunitas Serayu Network.ABSTRACTThe problem faced by the Serayu Network Community is marketing the goat's milk produced. Goat's milk in liquid form must be consumed immediately so that it still tastes fresh. Liquid goat's milk can be preserved by storing it in the refrigerator, but the taste will change. Therefore, technology for preserving goat's milk is needed so that the taste does not change, one of which is by making powdered milk. Methods for implementing activities include resource analysis, design and procurement of spray dryer equipment, training and practice in making goat's milk powder, and feasibility study of goat's milk powder. The process of making powdered goat's milk can be a solution for marketing liquid goat's milk produced by the Serayu Network community. Powdered goat milk products can increase the income of the Serayu Network community. The protein content of powdered goat's milk is quite high, reaching 10.48 g/100g. Based on the feasibility study, the powdered goat's milk production business is quite promising and can increase the income of people who are members of the Serayu Network community

    Identifikasi asam amino protein SHP yang berperan dalam terminasi signaling protein Signal Transducers and Avtivators of Transcription (STAT)

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    Growth hormone diketahui mengaktifkan STAT I, 3, 5A dan 58. Aktifnya protein STAT akan mempengaruhi pola ekspresi dari gen target. Untuk mengakiri signaling protein STAT yang diaktifkan GH temyata diperlukan suatu protein fosfatase SHP-I dan SHP-2. Dua fosfatase tersebut sangat berperan sebagai regulator negatif signaling yang diaktifkan GH. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berat molekul protein SHP 2 sebagai dasar untuk mengetahui susunan asam amino protein fosfatase SHP pada ayam pedaging yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan akibat meningkatnya growth hormone (GH). Ayam dipelihara dalam kandang mulai umur 1-21 hari, ayam mendapat pakan dua kali sehari yaitu pukul 06.00 WIB dan 18.00 WIB dengan jumlah 10 % lebih kecil dari standar. Pada umur 21 hari ayam dipotong untuk diambil sampelnya berupa jaringan hepar untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan sebagai berikut (l) Isolasi protein fosfatase SHP-2 dari jaringan hepar ayam pedaging, (2) Analisis protein fosfatase SHP-2 darijaringan hepar ayam pedaging dengan menggunakan metode SDS-PAGE (sodium dudecyl sulpha! polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses), (3) Identifikasi berat molekul protein fosfatase SHP-2 dengan metode blotting yaitu teknik Western Blot dengan menggunakan protein yang diuraikan secara elekJrophoreses dari gelpolyacrylamide

    The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2023: Brain MR Image Synthesis for Tumor Segmentation (BraSyn)

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    Automated brain tumor segmentation methods have become well-established and reached performance levels offering clear clinical utility. These methods typically rely on four input magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities: T1-weighted images with and without contrast enhancement, T2-weighted images, and FLAIR images. However, some sequences are often missing in clinical practice due to time constraints or image artifacts, such as patient motion. Consequently, the ability to substitute missing modalities and gain segmentation performance is highly desirable and necessary for the broader adoption of these algorithms in the clinical routine. In this work, we present the establishment of the Brain MR Image Synthesis Benchmark (BraSyn) in conjunction with the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2023. The primary objective of this challenge is to evaluate image synthesis methods that can realistically generate missing MRI modalities when multiple available images are provided. The ultimate aim is to facilitate automated brain tumor segmentation pipelines. The image dataset used in the benchmark is diverse and multi-modal, created through collaboration with various hospitals and research institutions.Comment: Technical report of BraSy

    The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2023: Focus on Pediatrics (CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs)

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    Pediatric tumors of the central nervous system are the most common cause of cancer-related death in children. The five-year survival rate for high-grade gliomas in children is less than 20\%. Due to their rarity, the diagnosis of these entities is often delayed, their treatment is mainly based on historic treatment concepts, and clinical trials require multi-institutional collaborations. The MICCAI Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge is a landmark community benchmark event with a successful history of 12 years of resource creation for the segmentation and analysis of adult glioma. Here we present the CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge, which represents the first BraTS challenge focused on pediatric brain tumors with data acquired across multiple international consortia dedicated to pediatric neuro-oncology and clinical trials. The BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge focuses on benchmarking the development of volumentric segmentation algorithms for pediatric brain glioma through standardized quantitative performance evaluation metrics utilized across the BraTS 2023 cluster of challenges. Models gaining knowledge from the BraTS-PEDs multi-parametric structural MRI (mpMRI) training data will be evaluated on separate validation and unseen test mpMRI dataof high-grade pediatric glioma. The CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge brings together clinicians and AI/imaging scientists to lead to faster development of automated segmentation techniques that could benefit clinical trials, and ultimately the care of children with brain tumors


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    This qualitative study explores challenges faced by teachers in teaching writing skills and evaluates the effectiveness of anchor charts in addressing them. Conducted with 20 experienced teachers from major cities in Java Island, Indonesia, through semi-structured interviews, the findings reveal common challenges, including student apathy, limited instructional time, varied abilities, organization difficulties, resource constraints, assessment struggles, and diverse genre incorporation challenges. Anchor charts emerged as a powerful instructional tool, promoting student engagement, writing organization, clarity, and coherence. Students showed increased enthusiasm and motivation, while charts facilitated improved writing structure and coherence. In conclusion, anchor charts offer a promising solution to address the challenges faced by teachers in teaching writing skills. By incorporating anchor charts in writing instruction, educators can create visually engaging and interactive learning experiences that empower students to become proficient and confident writers.The study contributes practical recommendations, aligns with cognitive process and social constructivist theories, and emphasizes the value of visual aids to foster active learning and engagement. The study suggests future research with larger samples, longitudinal and cross-cultural approaches to enrich understanding. In conclusion, anchor charts integration fosters proficient and confident writers in effective expression


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    This study investigates the impact of Differentiated Instruction (DI) in high school English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, analyzing its influence on students' perceptions, motivation, and engagement. Using mixed methods, it delivers a comprehensive assessment of DI's effectiveness. Quantitative analysis of survey data reveals a strong, positive perception of DI among EFL high school students. Each one-unit increase in students' DI perception corresponds to a 0.508 units increase in DI (t = 10.613, p < 0.001, Beta = 0.639). Engagement also significantly impacts DI; a one-unit increase in engagement yields a 0.496 units increase in DI (t = 10.512, p < 0.001, Beta = 0.653). Conversely, motivation negatively relates to DI; a one-unit increase in motivation results in a 0.353 units decrease in DI (t = -7.219, p < 0.001, Beta = -0.305). Qualitative insights from in-depth interviews resonate with the quantitative findings. Students express heightened engagement, enjoyment, and empowerment through DI, accompanied by a positive shift in their perspectives. They credit DI with accommodating diverse readiness levels, enhancing learning achievements, and reshaping their views of English as a subject. Additionally, the flexible grouping strategies within DI foster dynamic, collaborative learning environments. In sum, this research highlights the multifaceted benefits of DI in EFL high school education, offering a nuanced understanding of its implications within this context. This abstract has been expanded to 240 words to provide a more comprehensive overview of the study's findings and implications