6 research outputs found


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    Inclusive education in Ukraine at the legislative level started more than 10 years ago, but analytical monitoring studies indicate that the level of education for children with SEN is unsatisfactory. The lack of an inclusive learning strategy andlow level of teachers` readiness to carry out the educational process for children with SEN together with their peers may be factors in this situation. The purpose of the study is to develop and implement an algorithm for enhancing the competence of teachers of inclusive classes.We conducted a training program in eight educational institutions (10 IEP teams), aimed at increasing the level of team interaction and inclusive competence of specialists.To assess the process of inclusive competence`s formation before and after the training program, we used Org-EIQ methodology, motivational orientation test, and teacher self-assessment method «Professional Development ToolforImprovingthe Quality of Practice in Primary School». As a result, all teachers have achieved a significant increase in the effectiveness of interdisciplinary support for children with special needs, which have reflected in the positive changes that have occurred in teachers at the professional, interpersonal and personal levels.

    Family-Professional Collaboration in Early Childhood Education and Care in Ukrainian Policy

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    The reform of the education system has been an ongoing effort in Ukraine since its independence in 1991. In this chapter, these reforms, focused on early childhood education system and especially on family-professional collaboration with families of children with special educational needs (SEN) are described closer. This is done to reveal how the collaboration with families of children with SEN is defined in the education policy. For this chapter, textual policy document data was used for analysis. Ukrainian policy documents guiding the education system between 1991 and 2022 were analysed with the help of systematic content analysis. The results were then divided into three main categories. These were 1) values in collaboration 2) Roles in the collaboration and 3) Activities in collaboration. Findings can be shortly presented her

    The use of the English article system by Russian learners

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    This study is a corpus based cross-sectional research on article use and acquisition by Russian learners. The data for my investigation is retrieved from the Russian part of the International Corpus of Learner English (RICLE). Such investigation is significant because article use is the most difficult to acquire for those learners whose first language lacks articles ([-Art] speakers). The aim of my study is to get a better insight into article use by the [-Art] group of speakers. To estimate article acquisition order for Russian learners I apply two measure systems: Supplied in Obligatory Contexts (SOC) and Target Like Use (TLU). The first one estimates article accuracy relative to obligatory contexts and the second relative to obligatory and non-obligatory contexts. The theoretical framework used in the study is Huebner's classification (1983) who proposed four basic NP contexts that determine article use:Type 1. [−SR, +HK]: Generics; Type 2. [+SR, +HK]: Referential Definites: Type 3. [+SR, −HK]: Referential Indefinites; Type 4. [−SR, −HK]: Non-Referentials. In order to compare article use and acquisition by Russian and Chinese learners I make use of what has been termed Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (CIA)

    Beetles and nematodes associated with wither Scots pines

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    This study focused on the occurrence of xylophagous beetles and nematodes in the different parts of Pinus sylvestris L. trees of different health condition in the pure stands in Zhytomyr region (Central Polissya). Stem fragments with thin, thick and transitional bark, branches and twigs were examined in each of 12 model trees. Xylophagous beetles were identified by adults or by galleries. Nematodes were isolated from wood samples in the laboratory using the Baermann method and identified by morphometric characteristics. Among 10 species of xylophagous beetles, Ips acuminatus (frequency 16.7%; dominance 17.9%) and I. sexdentatus (frequency 11.1%, dominance 54.6%) dominated, which prefer the fragments with thin and thick bark respectively. No xylophagous beetle was found in the healthy and slightly weakened trees. Among 15 nematode species, 40% were saproxylic, 33.3% entomophilic, 13.3% phytophagous, and by 6.7% predators and species associated with fungi. An entomophilic nematodes Cryptaphelenchus macrogaster f. acuminati was common in all parts of stem and branches (frequency of occurrence 25–33.3%). An entomophilic nematodes Parasitorhabditis acuminati and a predator Fuchsia buetschlii acuminati had the highest frequency of occurrence (41.7%) under the thin bark and in the branches. The frequency of these species in colonized with xylophagous insects stem fragments with thin bark was significantly higher than in respective not colonized fragments

    Increasing the Competence of Teachers in the Formation of Socio-Emotional Skills of Inclusive Classes Pupils

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    The article presents a study aimed at increasing the competence of teachers in the formation of social-emotional skills of inclusive classes pupils. Preliminary study showed a low level of teachers’ awareness of strategies to influence the social-emotional sphere of pupils and the lack of purposeful and consistent action in this direction. The proposed program of increasing the competence of teachers was based on the stages of consistent development of social-emotional skills. The conducted training program demonstrated a significant improvement in the ability of teachers to meaningfully develop social-emotional skills of inclusive classes pupils, which is an important factor for their success in social interaction and life in general

    Mokytojų, ugdančių specialiųjų poreikių vaikus, bendradarbiavimas inkliuzinės aplinkos kūrimo kontekste

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    This article reveals the features of effective teamwork (teachers, specialists, parents) in management, training in working with children with special needs, in a general education school. To achieve positive results when working with children with special needs in mainstream schools, educators must have sufficient teamwork skills. The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical, and psychological program for the optimization of command control and interaction.Šio tyrimo aktualumą lemia tai, kad pastaruoju metu vis daugiau tėvų, auginančių specialiųjų poreikių vaikus, dažniau renkasi ne specialiąsias, o bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas. Vis dėlto dauguma mokytojų, dirbančių su šiais vaikais, dėl žinių stokos susiduria su sunkumais. Tyrimo tikslas – parengti ir aprobuoti ugdymo proceso dalyvių – pedagogų, specialistų, tėvų – darbo komandoje kompetencijų optimizavimo programą, dirbant su specialiųjų poreikių vaikais bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose. Tyrime dalyvavo keturių miestų 17 ugdymo įstaigų 152 pedagogai. Respondentai atrinkti atsitiktinės atrankos metodu. Didžioji dalis tiriamųjų (121; 79,6 proc.) buvo pedagogai: vieni turėjo darbo su specialiųjų poreikių vaikais patirtį, kiti žinojo, kad tokie vaikai artimiausiu metu ateis į jų klases. Šis tyrimas parodė, kad efektyvus komandinis darbas (mokytojai, specialistai, tėvai) yra veiksminga priemonė sprendžiant iškilusias problemas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Buvo vykdoma socialinė-psichologinė švietimo programa„Mokytojų, dirbančių inkliuzinėje aplinkoje, komandinio darbo bendradarbiavimo strategijos“. Ši programa pagrįsta Hackman efektyvios organizacijos valdymo modelio teorija. Šiuo atveju tikslas buvo įsisavinti sėkmės etapus padedant specialiųjų poreikių mokiniams mokytis ir tobulėti. Gauti rezultatai patvirtina sukurtų sociologinių-psichologinių priemonių rinkinio, skirto optimizuoti komandinį valdymą, sąveiką ir didina inkliuzinių ugdymo įstaigų pedagogų pasirengimo bendradarbiauti naudą. Buvo įrodyta, kad pedagogai gali sėkmingai padėti vaikams, turintiems specialiųjų poreikių, pritaikydami sėkmingo komandinio bendradarbiavimo modelį bei pasitelkdami konsultuojamojo ugdymo mokymus. Taip pat buvo nustatyta, kad inkliuzinių mokyklų mokytojai, norėdami sėkmingai padėti specialiųjų poreikių vaikams, turi būti komandinio bendradarbiavimo strategijų valdymo meistrai. Kita vertus, savo įgytomis kompetencijomis jie sukūrė patikimą palaikymo komandą, kuriai vadovavo koordinatorius, padėjęs kryptingai, nuosekliai kurti inkliuzinę aplinką mokymo(si) procese. Bendra visų komandos narių veikla ir partnerystė padėjo pagerinti mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, mokymąsi ir tobulėjimą, psichologinis klimatas klasėse tapo komfortiškesnis, išaugo ugdymo proceso dalyvių darbo komandoje kompetencijų lygis