691 research outputs found

    A Debordian Analysis of Facebook

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    What is the reason for the huge success of Facebook? Facebook, in this very sense, realizes what Guy Debord calls the invasive forces of the \u27spectacle\u27 - a social relation between people that is mediated by images (Debord, 1992).Therefore, Facebook is an alternative tool able to amplify an individual\u27s alienation and narcissism, which, according to Debord are more than an emotive description or an aspect of individual psychology: rather, they are a consequence of the mercantile form of social organization which has reached its climax in capitalism

    Virality : notes on a concept crossing disciplines

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    Virus and virus-related terms were much-abused concepts before the COVID pandemic, and they have become even more so during the pandemic. Such concepts stemming from microbiology are now used in a wide range of areas, such as the media, and even in computing language. In this paper, I map out how these concepts have spread across disciplines

    Felt index, source parameters and ground motion evaluation for earthquakes at Mt. Vesuvius

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    Results of non-instrumental surveys carried out on the recent and past seismicity at Vesuvius fave been retaken in order to propose new analyses regarding source mechanisms and causative faults. We present the results of the October 9, 1999 earthquake, the most intense event since the 1944 eruption

    Analysis of historical and present earthquakes at Vesuvius for seismic hazard evaluation

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    Introduction At Vesuvius about 600,000 people live on the volcano and the risk associated to a large eruption is very high, but its complete evaluation includes also the potential damage due to earthquakes accompanying eruptions. Moreover low-moderate energy earthquakes are also observed in volcanic active areas during quiescent periods. Generally such events are shallow and produce high intensities in the epicentral area. Today at Vesuvius the high housing density and economic value exposed make the area of considerable importance for mitigating seismic risk. To evaluate the effects of the earthquakes at Vesuvius, data are required on the location, source mechanism and damage levels of historical earthquakes, in addition to understanding how Vesuvius works. A damage map of the maximum earthquake recorded is proposed

    Felt index, source parameters and ground motion evaluation for earthquakes at Mt. Vesuvius

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    Results of non-instrumental surveys carried out on the recent and past seismicity at Vesuvius fave been retaken in order to propose new analyses regarding source mechanisms and causative faults. We present the results of the October 9, 1999 earthquake, the most intense event since the 1944 eruption

    Analysis of historical and recent earthquakes at Campi Flegrei caldera for seismic hazard evaluation

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    Introduction At Campi Flegrei about 500,000 people live on caldera and the risk associated to an eruption is very high, but its complete evaluation includes also the potential damage due to earthquakes accompanying eruptions. Moreover low-moderate energy earthquakes are also observed in volcanic active areas during quiescent periods. Generally such events are shallow and produce high intensities in the epicentral area. Today at Campi Flegrei the high housing density and economic value exposed make the area of considerable importance for mitigating seismic risk. To evaluate the effects of the earthquakes at Campi Flegrei, data are required on the location, source mechanism and damage levels of earthquakes, in addition to understanding how dynamic processes occur. A damage map of the maximum earthquake expected is proposed

    Digital Natives in a Knowledge Economy: will a new kind of Leadership Emerge?

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    The aim of this paper is to understand whether digital natives will need a different approach to leadership development. The authors discuss that in knowledge economies extrinsic and explicit knowledge (knowing that) learning approaches are more important than traditional learning methods based on the idea that knowledge has a value per se and it is transferred tacitally (knowing how). In conclusion, authors do acknowledge the importance of extrinsic and explicit knowledge in digital natives learning; but, if they wish to become leaders, digital natives still have not only to turn their explicit knowledge into an implicit one (internalization) in order to intuitively use what they are learning but also natives need to learn more about social skills. Keywords: digital natives, digital immigrants, leadership, knowledge economy, internalization.The aim of this paper is to understand whether digital natives will need a different approach to leadership development. The authors discuss that in knowledge economies extrinsic and explicit knowledge (knowing that) learning approaches are more important than traditional learning methods based on the idea that knowledge has a value per se and it is transferred tacitally (knowing how). In conclusion, authors do acknowledge the importance of extrinsic and explicit knowledge in digital natives learning; but, if they wish to become leaders, digital natives still have not only to turn their explicit knowledge into an implicit one (internalization) in order to intuitively use what they are learning but also natives need to learn more about social skills. Keywords: digital natives, digital immigrants, leadership, knowledge economy, internalization.Uninvited Submission

    A representação visual dos géneros: uma análise a partir das revistas de segmento masculino

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    Este e-working paper integra o debate acerca da diversidade de identidades de género a partir da análise das diferentes formas de representação visual dos corpos veiculadas em algumas das revistas de segmento masculino a circular em Portugal (Maxmen, FHM, Men’s Health e GQ). O trabalho começa por apresentar alguns dados indicativos do surgimento e evolução das vendas das revistas de segmento masculino em Portugal, bem como do perfil dos seus leitores. Posteriormente e a partir das imagens que integram estas publicações desenha-se, então, uma reflexão acerca das diferentes concepções de género associadas às revistas. This e-Working Paper incorporates a debate on the diversity of gender identities through the analysis of different ways of visually representing the body carried in some of the male magazines circulating in Portugal (Maxmen, FHM, Men’s Health and GQ). The work begins by presenting some data regarding the emergence and market evolution of male magazines in Portugal, as well as the reader’s profile. Therefore, through the diversity of images that integrate these publications, there will be a discussion on the different conceptions of gender