28 research outputs found

    Short communication:Intra- and inter-individual milk microbiota variability in healthy and infected water buffalo udder quarters

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    The concept that ruminant mammary gland quarters are anatomically and physiologically unrelated has been recently challenged by immunological evidence. How this interdependence reflects on individual quarter milk microbiota is unknown. The aim of the present study was to cover this gap by investigating the interdependence of quarters among the same mammary gland at the milk microbiota level using next-generation sequencing of the V4\u201316S rRNA gene. A total of 52 samples were included in this study and classified as healthy or affected by subclinical mastitis. Extraction of DNA, amplification of the V4\u201316S rRNA gene, and sequencing using Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) were carried out. We found that the intra-individual variability was lower than the inter-individual one. The present findings further support at milk microbiota level the hypothesis of the interdependence of quarters, as previously demonstrated following immunological studies, suggesting that individual factors (e.g., immunity, genetics) may have a role in modulating milk microbiota

    First serological evidence of SARS-CoV-2 natural infection in small ruminants : Brief report

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    : Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in late December 2019 and spread worldwide, quickly becoming a pandemic. This zoonotic coronavirus shows a broad host range, including wildlife and domestic animals. Small ruminants are shown to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 but, to date, no natural infection has been reported. Herein, we performed a survey for SARS-CoV-2 among sheep and goats in the Campania region of Italy using an indirect multispecies ELISA. Next, positive sera were submitted to virus serum neutralization for the quantification of specific neutralizing antibodies. Out of 612 sheep and goats, 23 were found ELISA positive (3.75%) and 1 of them showed 1:20 neutralizing antibodies titer. No significant difference was found between the two species, as well as between male and female, geographical location and age. Our findings demonstrate that natural infection can occur in flocks in a field situation. Moreover, low susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 is reported for sheep and goats, nevertheless, the continuous mutations of this virus open new scenarios on viral host range and tropism, highlighting the importance of investigating animal species that could represent ongoing or future possible hosts

    Intradermal Tuberculin Test in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Experimental use of Mycobacterial Antigens for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis

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    The study aims to evaluate the potential use of mycobacterial ESAT6 and CFP10 antigens, Early Secretory Proteins (ESP) in the Skin Test used for bovine tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in Water Buffalo. A pilot study was performed on 21 buffaloes from a TB outbreak and 11 buffaloes from a TB-free herd. Three concentrations of ESAT6-CFP10 (10, 20, and 30 mg) and two of ESP (50 and 100 ”g) were inoculated in the Skin Test, along with PPDB, PPDA, and PBS as a negative control. Skin thickness was measured with calipers before the test and every 24 hours for 4 days. Then, to evaluate the specificity of the antigens, a field study was conducted, and 100 buffaloes from a TB-free herd were inoculated using the best antigens concentration derived from the pilot study. In the positive buffaloes, the strongest skin response was to PPDB at 24h, with some subjects becoming inconclusive at 72 and 96 h. A peak response to PPDA at 48 hours was detected, followed by a slight decrease. The response to ESP-100 ”g remained high at 24 and 48 h, then decreased, remaining positive at 72 h. In the 100 TB-free buffaloes, the best specificity was observed using ESAT6-CFP10 and ESP. ESP yielded the best results, showing higher reactivity in infected animals and no reactivity in the healthy ones at 72 h. Therefore, ESP could be an excellent candidate for further extensive studies in the buffalo species to improve Skin Test performance

    Resistive Switching Memory from Dielectric Lignin for Sustainable Electronics

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    Organic materials are currently at the forefront of research within the field of nanoelectronics, aiming to offer a sustainable alternative to existing technologies across a variety of applications, including memory storage. Lignin, a waste of the paper manufacturing industry, is usually destined to be combusted to feed other industrial processes. Nonetheless, lignin is part of the emerging class of organic materials, serving as a complementary component in devices. This paper details the electrical characterization of a device featuring interdigitated electrode patterns shorted by lignin. The device exhibits butterfly-shaped current–voltage characteristics with significant hysteresis, delineating two distinct resistive states that suggest its potential use for memory applications. Current–voltage characteristics, measured at different temperatures and pressures, are analysed as a function of the applied voltage to conclude that spacecharge limited current and hopping are the main conduction mechanisms. As a memristor, the lignin-based device shows good stability and endurance after numerous read–write cycles as well as long data retention. Additionally, electrical impedance spectroscopy is applied to investigate the dielectric response and its influence on the memory effect. This study shed light on the electric properties of lignin and opens the way to a variety of applications, like demonstrated one in the memristor domain

    Impact of intramammary inoculation of inactivated Lactobacillus rhamnosus and antibiotics on the milk microbiota of water buffalo with subclinical mastitis

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    Water buffalo mastitis represents a major issue in terms of animal health, cost of therapy, premature culling and decreased milk yeld. The emergence of antibiotic resistance has led to investigate strategies to avoid or reduce antibiotics' based therapies, in particular during subclinical mastitis. The use of Generally Regarded As Safe bacteria (GRAS) such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus to restore the unbalance in mammary gland microbiota could provide potential corrective measures. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in milk microbiota after the intramammary treatment with inactivated cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus of mammary gland quarters naturally affected by subclinical mastitis as compared to antibiotic therapy.A number of 43 quarters affected by subclinical mastitis with no signs of clinical inflammation and aerobic culture positive for pathogens were included in the study. The experimental design was as follows: 11 quarters were treated with antibiotics, 15 with inactivated cultures of Lactobacillus rhmnosus and 17 with PBS as negative control, by means of intrammary injection. Samples were collected at eight time points, pre- (T-29, T-21, T-15, T-7, T0 days) and post- treatment (T1, T2, and T6 days). Microbiological culture and Somatic Cell Count (SCC) were perfomed on all the samples, and microbiota was determined on milk samples collected at T0 and T6 by amplifying the V4 region of 16S rRNA gene by PCR and sequencing using next generation sequencing technique. Treatment with Lactobacillus rhamnosus elicited a strong chemotactic response, as determined by a significant increase of leukocytes in milk, but did not change the microbiological culture results of the treated quarters. For what concerns the analysis of the microbiota, the treatment with Lactobacillus rhamnosus induced the modification in relative abundance of some genera such as Pseudomonas and 5-7N15. As expected, antibiotic treatment caused major changes in microbiota structure with an increase of Methylobacterium relative abundance. No changes were detected after PBS treatment. In conclusion, the present findings demonstrated that the in vivo intrammmary treatment with Lactobacillus rhamnosus has a transient pro-inflammatory activity by increasing SCC and is capable to modify the microbiota of milk after six days from inoculation, albeit slightly, even when the bacterial cultures were heat inactivated. Further studies are necessary to assess the potential use of this GRAS as supportive therapy against mastitis

    Determination of 20 Endocrine-Disrupting Compounds in the Buffalo Milk Production Chain and Commercial Bovine Milk by UHPLC–MS/MS and HPLC–FLD

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) and some of its analogues are well known as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), i.e., compounds that can affect the physiological hormonal pathways in both animals and humans, causing adverse health effects. The intake of these substances through diet represents a public concern, compounded by the scarce data in the literature about contamination levels in food. In the framework of a research project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health, we determined the contamination levels of BPA and 19 EDCs in the production chain of buffalo milk, analysing feed, drinking water, buffalo milk, and blood sera. Overall, 201 feed, 9 feed additive, 62 drinking water, 46 milk, and 190 blood serum samples were collected from 10 buffalo farms in the Campania region, Southern Italy, between 2019 and 2020, and analysed. Moreover, 15 retail bovine milk samples packaged both in Tetra Pak and in PET were analysed to further evaluate consumers’ exposure to EDCs. The results of our work showed no contamination by EDCs in drinking water samples, whereas in 43% of all of the other samples from the farms at least one bisphenol was detected. The most abundant bisphenol detected was BPA (32% of the samples from the farms and 80% of the retail milk samples), thus proving that this compound is still widely used for plastic production

    Assessment of Different Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Marker Vaccines in Calves

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    Three commercially available infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) live marker vaccines were evaluated for their ability to provide clinical protection to vaccinated calves against wild-type (wt) Bovine alphaherpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1) challenge and their possible effect on wt BoHV-1 latency reactivation following the challenge. On 35 post-vaccination days (PVDs), all animals were challenged with wt BoHV-1. Only the calves in the control group developed severe forms of IBR. The reactivation of latent BoHV-1 was induced by dexamethasone (DMS) treatment on 28 post-challenge days (PCDs). All animals showed IBR clinical signs on three post-DMS treatment days (PDTDs). On PVD 14, all vaccinated animals developed neutralizing antibodies (NAs), whereas in control animals, the NAs appeared post-challenge. The positivity for glycoprotein-B (gB) was detected using real-time polymerase chain reactions in all animals from PCDs 1 to 7. In contrast, the gB-positivity was observed in the immunized calves from PDTDs 3 to 10. Positive expression of gD and gE was observed in nasal swabs of all calves on PDTD 7. These findings suggested that the IBR marker vaccines evaluated in this study protected against wt BoHV-1-induced disease but not against wt BoHV-1-induced latency reactivation, indicating the necessity of developing new products to protect animals from wt BoHV-1-induced latency

    Intradermal Tuberculin Test in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Experimental use of Mycobacterial Antigens for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis

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    The study aims to evaluate the potential use of mycobacterial ESAT6 and CFP10 antigens, Early Secretory Proteins (ESP) in the Skin Test used for bovine tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in Water Buffalo. A pilot study was performed on 21 buffaloes from a TB outbreak and 11 buffaloes from a TB-free herd. Three concentrations of ESAT6-CFP10 (10, 20, and 30 mg) and two of ESP (50 and 100 ”g) were inoculated in the Skin Test, along with PPDB, PPDA, and PBS as a negative control. Skin thickness was measured with calipers before the test and every 24 hours for 4 days. Then, to evaluate the specificity of the antigens, a field study was conducted, and 100 buffaloes from a TB-free herd were inoculated using the best antigens concentration derived from the pilot study. In the positive buffaloes, the strongest skin response was to PPDB at 24h, with some subjects becoming inconclusive at 72 and 96 h. A peak response to PPDA at 48 hours was detected, followed by a slight decrease. The response to ESP-100 ”g remained high at 24 and 48 h, then decreased, remaining positive at 72 h. In the 100 TB-free buffaloes, the best specificity was observed using ESAT6-CFP10 and ESP. ESP yielded the best results, showing higher reactivity in infected animals and no reactivity in the healthy ones at 72 h. Therefore, ESP could be an excellent candidate for further extensive studies in the buffalo species to improve Skin Test performance.Ministry of Health (Italia)European CommissionDepto. de Sanidad AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Evaluation of Hematological Profiles and Monocyte Subpopulations in Water Buffalo Calves after Immunization with Two Different IBR Marker Vaccines and Subsequent Infection with <i>Bubaline alphaherpesvirus</i>-1

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    Bubaline alphaherpesvirus-1 (BuAHV-1) and Bovine alphaherpesvirus-1 (BoAHV-1) are respiratory viruses that can cause an infection known as “Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis” (IBR) in both water buffalo and bovine species. As the main disease control strategy, vaccination can protect animals from clinical disease through the development of specific humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. In the present study, the time-related circulatory kinetics of hematological profile and bubaline monocyte subsets have been investigated in vaccinated buffalo calves after challenge infections with BuAHV-1. Thirteen buffalo calves were selected and grouped into the VAX-1 group, which received an IBR-live-attenuated gE-/tk-deleted marker vaccine; the VAX-2 group, which received an IBR-inactivated gE-deleted marker vaccine; the CNT group, which remained an unvaccinated control. Fifty-five days after the first vaccination, the animals were infected with 5 × 105.00 TCID50/mL of wild-type BuAHV-1 strain via the intranasal route. Whole blood samples were collected at 0, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 30, and 63 days post-challenge (PCDs) for the analysis of hematological profiles and the enumeration of monocyte subsets via flow cytometry. The analysis of leukocyte compositions revealed that neutrophils were the main leukocyte population, with a relative increase during the acute infection. On the other hand, a general decrease in the proportion of lymphocytes was observed early in the post-infection, both for the VAX-1 and VAX-2 groups, while in the CNT group, the decrease was observed later at +30 and +63 PCDs. An overall infection-induced increase in blood total monocytes was observed in all groups. The rise was especially marked in the animals vaccinated with an IBR-live-attenuated gE-/tK-deleted marker vaccine (VAX-1 group). A multicolor flow cytometry panel was used to identify the bubaline monocyte subpopulations (classical = cM; intermediate = intM; and non-classical = ncM) and to investigate their variations during BuAHV-1 infection. Our results showed an early increase in cMs followed by a second wave of intMs. This increase was observed mainly after stimulation with live-attenuated viruses in the VAX-1 group compared with the animals vaccinated with the inactivated vaccine or the non-vaccinated animal group. In summary, the present study characterized, for the first time, the hematological profile and distribution of blood monocyte subsets in vaccinated and non-vaccinated water buffalo in response to experimental infection with BuAHV-1. Although not experimentally proven, our results support the hypothesis of a linear developmental relationship between monocyte subsets