210 research outputs found

    Bibliografi över judaistisk forskning i Norden 1986–1988 / Bibliography of Jewish studies in Scandinavia 1986–1988

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    Bibliografin sammanställdes av FM Björn Dahla inom ramen för den bibliografiska verksamhet som bedrivs i Donnerska institutet för religionshistorisk och kulturhistorisk forskning i Åbo. TD Nils Martola kompletterade bibliografin och genomförde klassifikationen i enlighet med det klassifikationssystem som används i Institutum Judaicum Aboense, och vilken är en tillämpning av David H. Elazar & Daniel J. Elazars A classification system for libraries of Judaica (2 uppl. 1979).] [The bibliography was compiled by FM Björn Dahla in the course of the bibliographical activity carried on in the Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History in Åbo. TD Nils Martola completed the bibliography, and carried through the classification in accordance with the system used in Institutum Judaicum Aboense, and which is an application of David H. Elazar & Daniel J. Elazar's A classification system for libraries of Judaica (2nd ed. 1979).

    Från enspråkig till tvåspråkig ordbok

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    Compiling a bilingual dictionary on the basis of a monolingual one means enormous advantages. There are, however, also problems attaching to it. When the languages involved are two as structurally different languages as Finnish and Swedish, there are probably more problems than if the languages are structurally close to each other. This article desclibes some ofthe problems we have had on the macrostructural level duling our work on a new !arge Finnish-Swedish dictionary

    Den tvåspråkiga ordboken – ett absurt åtagande

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    Översättningsmodeller i en ordbok? En liten användarundersökning

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    In the new Finnish-Swedish bilingual dictionary published in 1997 there are models for how to translate certain types of Finnish words. The models are part of the front matter and from the entries there are references to the models. The word types in question are derivatives that have no equivalents at all in Swedish, or the equivalents of which cannot be constituents of the same type of syntactical constructions as the Finnish words. In order to find out whether this concept seems to work I have carried out user research where students were asked to translate sentences containing these types of construcions whith the help of our models. A control group got another text about translating instead. The test persons were also asked to evaluate the models. Even if the differences between the two groups were not very big, the result was not entirely discouraging

    Finlandssvenska, finsk-svensk tvåspråkslexikografi och korpusar

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    There is a need for a reasonably large corpus as a tool for the research into the Swedish language as it is used in Finland and as a basis of dictionary compiling. Actually, a corpus of the Swedish used in Finland already exists. It was created by the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature of the University of Helsinki and it consists of different types of texts from the early nineties, in other words quite modern language. However, the corpus is far too small, only about two and a half million words, which means that it needs to be enlarged. Such a project will be carried out by the Swedish Department of the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland, if possible in collaboration with the Department of Scandina-vian languages and literature of the University of Helsinki. Unfortunately the re-sources for the project are quite limited, but as it is possible to use partly automatic tagging, an aim of twenty million words is not unrealistic. As for the types of texts, the outlines for the European PAROLE-project will be followed. Other text types will be included in a later phase.Another corpus project to be carried out is the creation of a parallel corpus with the same texts in Swedish (preferably Standard Swedish) and Finnish. It should consist of Finnish texts with translations into Swedish, Swedish texts with trans-lations into Finnish and, finally, translations from other languages into both Finnish and Swedish. This corpus will be used for finding Swedish correspondences of certain types of Finnish words and constructions that are problematic for the lexi-cographer

    Angivelse av verbkonstruktioner i svenska ordböcker

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    In this study I analyze how verb valency is treated in five Swedish monolingual dictionarieswith the preposition åt (‘to; for; at’) as example. I also look at the presentation ofphrasal verbs with åt. Initially I examine how prepositional particles are classified as lemmas,and I can establish that in most dictionaries they are looked upon as adverbs.As to the valency information the differences between the dictionaries are considerable,but in general one can say that the larger dictionaries, not unexpectedly, coververb valencies better than the shorter ones. The larger dictionaries also give more explicitinformation while the shorter dictionaries give valency information only in the form of(causal) examples.The most problematic items are the phrasal verbs. In two of the analyzed dictionariesthe treatment is good, though. The phrasal verbs are given as sublemmas after the verbentry with their own descriptions. The other three dictionaries subsume phrasal verbs inthe verb article, and it is not always clear whether åt is a valency preposition or a particlein the given examples. One of the dictionaries even mix prepositions and particles in theformal constructional information

    Översättarhjälp i en ordbok

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    Arbetet med Finsk-svensk ordbok: Normeringsproblem visavi finlandssvenskan

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    En finsk-svensk ordbok som skall kunna användas i Finland kan inte bortse från fmlandssvenskan. Att på ett smidigt sätt beskriva två varianter av målspråket är många gånger problematiskt. i all synnerhet som det får den ena varianten saknas en generell enspråkig beskrivning. Artikeln redogör för vilka problem man konfronteras med och hur vi inom finsk-svenska ordboksprojektet har försökt lösa dem

    Den trettonde upplagan av SAOL

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    Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska språket. Trettonde upplagan.(SAOL 13). Redaktion: Martin Gellerstam (huvudredaktör), Sture Berg,Emma Sköldberg, Daniel Berg. Dataansvarig: Christian Sjögreen. Utgivare:Svenska Akademien. Förlag: Norstedts Akademiska förlag.Stockholm 2006

    SAOL Plus – SAOL 13 på cd-rom

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    SAOL Plus. (Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska språket, cd-version.) Utg. av Svenska Akademien. Redaktion: Sture Berg, Louise Holmer, Anki Hult, Daniel Berg, Susanne Lindstrand, Sven-Göran Malmgren. Programdesign och handbok: Oribi AB och Språkdata vid Göteborgs universitet. Grafisk formgivning av handbok: Omnia Minima och Norstedts Akademiska Förlag. Stockholm och Lund 2007