4,105 research outputs found

    Contribuição ao conhecimento da flora de leguminosae da Reserva Florestal do Moju, município de Moju, Estado do Pará.

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    bitstream/item/57336/1/CPATU-PA169.pdfResumos publicados em Reunião dos Botânicos da Amazônia, 2., 1997, Salinopólis, PA. p. 17 e Seminário de Iniciação Científica da FCAP, 7.; Seminário de Iniciação Científica da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, 1., 1997, Belém, PA. p. 148

    Analysis of Visible/SWIR surface reflectance ratios for aerosol retrievals from satellite in Mexico City urban area

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    International audienceThe surface reflectance ratio between the visible (VIS) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) radiation is an important quantity for the retrieval of the aerosol optical depth (?a) from the MODIS sensor data. Based on empirically determined VIS/SWIR ratios, MODIS ?a retrieval uses the surface reflectance in the SWIR band (2.1 µm), where the interaction between solar radiation and the aerosol layer is small, to predict the visible reflectances in the blue (0.47 µm) and red (0.66 µm) bands. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the VIS/SWIR ratio is essential for achieving accurate retrieval of aerosol optical depth from MODIS. We analyzed the surface reflectance over some distinct surface covers in and around the Mexico City metropolitan area (MCMA) using MODIS radiances at 0.66 µm and 2.1 µm. The analysis was performed at 1.5 km×1.5 km spatial resolution. Also, ground-based AERONET sun-photometer data acquired in Mexico City from 2002 to 2005 were analyzed for aerosol depth and other aerosol optical properties. In addition, a network of hand-held sun-photometers deployed in Mexico City, as part of the MCMA-2006 Study during the MILAGRO Campaign, provided an unprecedented measurement of ?a in 5 different sites well distributed in the city. We found that the average RED/SWIR ratio representative of the urbanized sites analyzed is 0.73±0.06 for scattering angles a averaged from sun-photometer measurements. The use of the new RED/SWIR ratio of 0.73 in the MODIS retrieval over Mexico City led to a significant improvement in the agreement between the MODIS and sun-photometer AOD results; with the slope, offset, and the correlation coefficient of the linear regression changing from (?aMODIS=0.91?a sun-photometer+0.33, R2=0.66) to (?aMODIS=0.96 ?a sun-photometer?0.006, R2=0.87). Indeed, an underestimation of this ratio in urban areas lead to a significant overestimation of the AOD retrieved from satellite. Therefore, we strongly encourage similar analyses in other urban areas to enhance the development of a parameterization of the surface ratios accounting for urban heterogeneities

    Urban Visible/SWIR surface reflectance ratios from satellite and sun photometer measurements in Mexico City

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    International audienceThe surface reflectance ratio between the visible (VIS) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) radiation is an important quantity for the retrieval of the aerosol optical depth (?a) from the MODIS sensor data. Based on empirically determined VIS/SWIR ratios, MODIS ?a retrieval uses the surface reflectance in the SWIR band (2.1 ?m), where the interaction between solar radiation and the aerosol layer is small, to predict the visible reflectances in the blue (0.47 ?m) and red (0.66 ?m) bands. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the VIS/SWIR ratio is essential for achieving accurate retrieval of aerosol optical depth from MODIS. The heterogeneity of the surface cover in an urban environment increases the uncertainties in the estimation of the surface reflectance and, consequently, ?a. We analyzed the surface reflectance over some distinct surface covers in and around the Mexico City metropolitan area (MCMA) using MODIS radiances at 0.66 ?m and 2.1 ?m. The analysis was performed at 1.5 km×1.5 km spatial resolution. Also, ground-based AERONET sun-photometer data acquired in Mexico City from 2002 to 2005 were analyzed for aerosol optical thickness and other aerosol optical properties. In addition, a network of hand-held sun-photometers deployed in Mexico City, as part of the MCMA-2006 Study during the MILAGRO Campaign, provided an unprecedented measurement of ?a in 5 different sites well distributed in the city. We found that the average RED/SWIR ratio representative of the urbanized sites analyzed is 0.73±0.06. This average ratio was significantly different for non-urban sites, which was approximately 0.55. The aerosol optical thickness retrieved from MODIS radiances at a spatial resolution of 1.5 km×1.5 km and averaged within 10 x 10 km boxes were compared with collocated 1-h ?a averaged from sun-photometer measurements. The use of the new RED/SWIR ratio of 0.73 in the MODIS retrieval led to a significant improvement in the agreement between the MODIS and sun-photometer results; with the slope, offset, and the correlation coefficient of the linear regression changing from (?aMODIS = 0.91 ?a sun-photometer + 0.33 ,R2=0.66) to (?aMODIS = 0.96 ?a sun-photometer ?0.006, R2=0.87)

    Ciclos de vida comparados de Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) do semiárido da Paraíba.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar os ciclos de vida entre amostras de populações de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) coletadas em dez municípios localizados no semiárido paraibano. Os ciclos de vida foram estudados a uma temperatura de 26 ± 2ºC, umidade relativa de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Diariamente foram avaliados os períodos de desenvolvimentos e as viabilidades das fases de ovo, larva e pupa, bem como a razão sexual, longevidade, tamanho e fecundidade dos adultos. Foi realizada uma análise de agrupamento, utilizando-se uma matriz de distância euclidiana através do método da média não-ponderada. As durações e viabilidades para as fases de ovo, larva e pupa apresentaram respectivamente, uma variação média de 3,7 a 4,7 dias e 82,8% a 97,7%, 9,1 a 10,8 dias e 91,2% a 99,2% e de 2,1 a 2,5 dias e 93,5% a 98,4%. O comprimento alar foi de 5,13 a 5,34 mm para as fêmeas e de 4,18 a 4,25 mm para os machos. A menor fecundidade (153,6 ovos/fêmea) ocorreu na população de A. aegypti oriunda de Pedra Lavrada, enquanto que a maior fecundidade (310,6 ovos/fêmea) foi constatada para A. aegypti de Campina Grande. A análise de agrupamento com base na similaridade dos dados biológicos revelou a formação de dois grandes grupos distintos, onde as populações de A. aegypti de Serra Branca e Cuité apresentam maior similaridade entre si. As diferenças de ciclos biológicos verificadas entre as populações de A. aegypti demonstra a capacidade dessa espécie de sofrer variações na sua biologia e se adaptar às diferentes condições ambientais, favorecendo a permanência deste inseto nessas áreas com aumento do risco de transmissão do vírus da dengue

    Drying kinetics of pineapple agro-industrial residues: a new approach / Cinética de secagem de resíduos agro-industriais de abacaxi: uma nova abordagem

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    Drying kinetics of pineapple agro-industrial residues was studied using thin-layer of product at , ,  and , and airflow rate of . The diffusion model was modified and fitted to experimental data of moisture ratio of pineapple residue to estimate the diffusion coefficient as function of temperature, and a good fitting of Arrhenius equation was obtained, with a variance explained of  Values of diffusion coefficients varied in the range from  to , approximately. A modification was implemented in the Page’s equation to include the diffusion effects explicitly, leading to a less empirical and simpler model to describe drying kinetics of pineapple residue. The model presented in this work proved to be adequate to predict drying ratio of pineapple residue, if the material layer thickness is , under the drying conditions used

    Analysis of expressed sequence tags from Musa acuminata ssp. burmannicoides, var. Calcutta 4 (AA) leaves submitted to temperature stresses.

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    In order to discover genes expressed in leaves of Musa acuminata ssp. burmannicoides var. Calcutta 4 (AA), from plants submitted to temperature stress, we produced and characterized two full-length enriched cDNA libraries. Total RNA from plants subjected to temperatures ranging from 5°C to 25°C and from 25°C to 45°C was used to produce a COLD and a HOT cDNA library, respectively. We sequenced 1,440 clones from each library. Following quality analysis and vector trimming, we assembled 2,286 sequences from both libraries into 1,019 putative transcripts, consisting of 217 clusters and 802 singletons, which we denoted Musa acuminata assembled expressed sequence tagged (EST) sequences (MaAES). Of these MaAES, 22.87% showed no matches with existing sequences in public databases. A global analysis of the MaAES data set indicated that 10% of the sequenced cDNAs are present in both cDNA libraries, while 42% and 48% are present only in the COLD or in the HOT libraries, respectively. Annotation of the MaAES data set categorized them into 22 functional classes. Of the 2,286 high-quality sequences, 715 (31.28%) originated from full-length cDNA clones and resulted in a set of 149 genes

    Tipificação do café conilon produzido no Estado do Espírito Santo - safra 98/99.

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    O Espírito Santo cultiva as espécies de café arábica e conilon, sendo a altitude de 450m o seu divisor. O conilon é utilizado, além da exportação como café verde, para a indústria do solúvel e para o mercado interno. Visando monitorar a qualidade do café conilon no estado, foram amostrados 13 municípios, em março/2000, sendo as amostras referentes à safra 98/99, realizadas no café em estoque na propriedade rural. Quantificou-se o número de grãos sadios, pretos, verdes, ardidos, brocados e quebrados, calculando-se o tipo e a freqüência de ocorrência dos defeitos, por região. Observou-se que os maiores índices de defeitos foram observados na região Centro-Serrana, seguida de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Vitória e Colatina. Os defeitos mais freqüentes foram grãos ardidos, brocados, quebrados, verdes e pretos, em ordem decrescente. 17% das amostras apresentaram tipo 6 e superiores. A maior incidência foi de amostras tipo 7 e 7/8