12 research outputs found

    Acurácia do diagnóstico clínico de lesões orais malignas em um Centro de Referência do Nordeste Brasileiro

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a acuráciadodiagnósticoclínico comparando com o diagnóstico histopatológicodelesõesmalignasanalisadasnoLaboratóriodePatologiaOraldoCentrodeReferênciasdeLesõesOraisdaUniversidadeEstadualdeFeiradeSantana.Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo de validade de diagnóstico em uma amostracompostapor 1.926casosqueforamsubmetidosàbiópsias oraisnoperíodode 2005 a 2017.Resultados: Observou-sequeasensibilidadedodiagnósticoclíniconadetecçãodelesõesmalignasfoide 75% eaespecificidadefoide 97%. Ovalorpreditivopositivofoide 77% eovalorpreditivonegativofoide 95%. Ovalordaacuráciafoide 95%, correspondendo assimaumaacuráciaalta. Os indivíduos com lesões malignas eram dosexomasculino (65,9%) e acima de 40 anos (93,2%). Ao analisar as características clínicas das lesões, foi observado que a localização mais frequente foi a língua (29,4%), com coloração vermelha (54,9%), sendoaúlcera (50%) alesãofundamentalmaiscomum. Aslesõesseapresentarammaioresque 10cm(72,7%) e54,4% daslesõesestiverampresenteshá maisde 12 mesesna cavidadeoral.Conclusões: O exame clínico demonstrou uma alta precisão na identificação de lesões malignas em cavidade oral, demonstrando assim a importância do conhecimento prévio das características das lesões por estudantes e profissionais da Odontologia. Entretanto, apesar de sua validade, não se deve abrir mão do exame histopatológico para a confirmação da suspeita clínica

    Avaliação da adesão ao pré-natal do parceiro: impacto no trinômio / Evaluation of partner prenather membership: impact on the trinomy

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    Durante o pré-natal as parturientes costumam ir desacompanhadas, tornando-se responsável por ir em busca dos serviços de saúde, como os exames de rotina e as orientações recebidas, no entanto a PNAISH tem como objetivo estabelecer a inserção do cuidado paterno ao pré-natal do parceiro com ações voltadas para qualificação do parceiro na atenção ao ciclo gravídico. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência referente à inserção e adesão do parceiro nas consultas de pré-natal. No decorrer da realização das consultas de pré-natal observou-se que a participação periódica dos companheiros traz inúmeros benefícios, tais como segurança, confiança, conforto, favorecendo a parternidade ativa. Evidenciou-se a necessidade da implementação de estratégias em educação em saúde para desmitificar questões culturais e socioeconômicas, fortalecendo a construção de vinculo entre profissional e família. 

    Sensitivity of different DNA extraction methods and PCR to detect resistance in patients with leprosy stratified by the bacilloscopic index

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    Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance in leprosy is an emerging problem, and the quantitative impact of low bacilloscopic indexes (BIs) on the sensitivity of molecular tests is unknown. We aimed to evaluate the sensitivity of gene sequencing for the detection of mutations related to antimicrobial resistance in Mycobacterium leprae in patients with low BIs using an analytical model. Methods: Patients with leprosy were included and divided into two groups depending on their BIs (≥ 2+ and < 2+). The sensitivities of the two DNA extraction methods were compared after amplifying and sequencing the repetitive element (RLEP), folP1, rpoB and gyrA in M. leprae. Results: We included 56 patients with leprosy: 35 had BIs less than 2+ (22 had negative slitskin smear [SSS] results) and 21 patients had BIs greater than or equal to 2+. The sensitivity of the amplification of the RLEP target and the gene sequencing of folP1, rpoB and gyrA was 50 to 70% lower in patients with a BI less than 2+ and was significantly reduced in patients with lower BIs for all targets (p < 0.001). One patient had a mutation in the folP1 gene, and 14 patients had mutations in the gyrA gene, but no mutations related to antimicrobial resistance were found. Conclusions: We can conclude that the sensitivity of molecular tests is directly related to the BI, but these tests can still detect up to 20% of the targets in patients with BIs < 2+. New strategies to improve the sensitivity for detecting antimicrobial resistance in leprosy patients and reasonable clinical criteria for follow-up and the introduction of alternative treatments must be developed


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    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic and systemic inflammatory autoimmune disease, with periods of exacerbation and remission, with variable symptoms, laboratory findings and prognosis. There has been an improvement in 10-year survival for patients with SLE over the past 5 decades, however SLE mortality rates remain high when compared to the general population, which is due to disease activity, treatment complications, infections or other factors. chronic comorbidities. This study aimed to describe and discuss the main cause of death and aspects sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory manifestations of patients with SLE at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Goiás (HC-UFG) and compare them with data from the literature. A retrospective, descriptive and observational study of patients with SLE who died at the HC-UFG between January 2005 and October 2019 was performed. 39 medical records were analyzed, of which 28 were validated after the exclusion criteria. DataSUS data were also collected on SLE mortality in the Midwest region in the same period for comparison. Student's T-test was used in the sociodemographic comparison between patients from the Midwest Region and patients included in the current study. Values were considered statistically significant when p&lt;0.05. During the period, 651 patients were hospitalized with SLE in the period described, of which 28 died, with a mortality rate of 4.3%. Twenty-six (92.8%) were female and 2 (7.1%) were male. The average age at death was 35 ± 15.69 years, with the most affected age group being between 20 and 29 years. DataSUS data revealed 78 deaths from SLE in the Midwest region in the period, and there was no statistical difference for sex, age and ethnicity when compared to the sample at HC-UFG. The mean age at diagnosis was 28.2 ± 13.37 years, ranging from 8 years to 69 years, and the mean time from diagnosis to death was 93.11 ± 107 months, ranging from 3 days to 24 years. The main clinical manifestations were arthralgia, arthritis, renal involvement, hematological changes and malar erythema. The main laboratory findings in the patients were Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA), Rheumatoid Factor, AntiRo, Anti-DNA and low C3 and C4. The main drugs used by the patients were corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine, pulse therapy with solumedrol and cyclophosphamide. At death, the main manifestations of the disease were hematological and renal. The main cause of death was infection, in 26 (92.8%) patients, all with sepsis, and 17 underwent procedures that predispose to infection. The other causes of death included 1 AMI and 1 due to disease activity. Mortality from SLE in the study was 4.3% and the main cause of death was infection, such as the presence of hematological and renal activity. With better control of disease activity, there has been an increase in deaths from infection, and measures are needed to improve the survival of patients with SLE, such as the judicious use of immunosuppressants and corticosteroids, encouraging vaccination and less exposure to risk situations as invasive procedures.O Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES) é uma doença autoimune inflamatória crônica e sistêmica, apresenta períodos de exacerbação e de remissão, com sintomatologia, achados laboratoriais e prognósticos variáveis. Houve melhoria na sobrevida em 10 anos para pacientes com LES nas últimas 5 décadas, entratanto as taxas de mortalidade por LES permanecem alta quando comparadas às da população em geral, o que ocorre devido à atividade da doença, complicações do tratamento, infecções ou a fatores crônicos de comorbidades. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever e discutir a principal causa de óbito e aspectos sociodemográficos, manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais dos pacientes com LES no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal de Goiás (HC-UFG) e comparálos com dados da literatura. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e observacional dos pacientes com LES que foram a óbito no HC-UFG entre janeiro de 2005 a outubro de 2019. Foram analisados 39 prontuários, dos quais 28 foram validados após os critérios de exclusão. Também coletou-se dados do DataSUS sobre a mortalidade por LES na região Centro-Oeste no mesmo período para comparação. O teste t de Student foi utilizado na comparação sociodemográfica entre pacientes da Região Centro-Oeste e pacientes do estudo. Os valores foram considerados estatisticamente significativos quando p&lt;0,05. O número de paciente internados por LES no perído foi de 651, dos quais 28 vieram a óbito, com taxa de mortalidade de 4,3%. Vinte e seis (92,8%) eram do sexo feminino e 2 (7,1%) do sexo masculino. A média de idade ao óbito foi de 35 ± 15,69 anos, sendo a faixa etária mais acometida a de 20 a 29 anos. Dados do DataSUS revelaram 78 mortes por LES na região Centro-Oeste no período, e não houve diferença estatistica para sexo, idade e etnia quando comparado com a amostra no HC-UFG. A idade média ao diagnóstico foi de 28,2 ± 13,37 anos, variando de 8 anos a 69 anos, e o tempo médio entre diagnóstico até o óbito foi de 93,11 ± 107 meses, variando de 3 dias a 24 anos. As principais manifestações clínicas foram artralgia, artrite, acometimentos renais, alterações hematológicas e eritema malar. Os principais achados laboratoriais nos pacientes foram fator antinuclear (FAN), fator reumatoide, anti-Ro, anti-DNA e C3 e C4 baixos. Os principais fármacos utilizados foram corticoide, hidroxicloroquina, pulsoterapia com solumedrol e com ciclofosfamida. No óbito, as principais manifestações da doença eram hematológicas e renais. A principal causa de óbito foi infecção, em 26 (92,8%) pacientes, todos como sepse, sendo que 17 realizaram procedimentos que predispõem a infecção. As outras causas de óbito incluíram 1 IAM e 1 por atividade da doença. A mortalidade por LES no estudo foi de 4,3% e a principal causa de óbito foi infecção, como a presença de atividade hematológica e renal. Com o melhor controle da atividade da doença, houve um aumento de mortes por infecção, e medidas são necessárias para melhorar a sobrevida dos pacientes com LES, como o uso criterioso dos imunossupressores e corticoides, o incentivo a vacinação e menor exposição à situação de risco como procedimentos invasivos

    Dispositivos ventilatórios não invasivos em crianças portadoras de atrofia muscular espinhal tipo I / Noninvasive ventilatory devices in children with type I spinal muscular atrophy

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    Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar os estudos disponíveis na literatura referentes a utilização e eficácia do uso de dispositivos ventilatórios em crianças portadoras de AME tipo I. Material e Métodos: Realizou-se uma busca nas bases SciELO, LILACS e EBSCO, entre os anos de 2007 e 2017 com publicações nacionais e internacionais, utilizando os descritores respiração artificial, atrofia muscular espinhal. criança. atrofias musculares espinais da infância. mecânica respiratória e ventilação mecânica. Resultados: Foram identificados 50 estudos com resumos disponíveis com base nos descritores utilizados, sendo selecionados 11 artigos por se adequarem as normas de inclusão, dos quais 6 foram publicados na língua portuguesa, 1 na língua inglesa e 4 na língua espanhola. Os resultados evidenciaram que as crianças portadoras de AME Tipo I apresentam sintomas característicos da doença, afetando sua qualidade de vida, fazendo-se necessário o uso de dispositivos ventilatórios. Outro resultado obtido foi que a internação em domicílio excluí a necessidade de reinternação hospitalar, além de propiciar melhora na qualidade de vida do paciente e família. Conclusão: Entende-se que é necessário o conhecimento do uso dos dispositivos ventilatórios não invasivos (VNI) como forma de aumentar a expectativa de vida, sabendo que a VNI ocasiona menos complicações em relação aos dispositivos ventilatórios invasivos (VMI). 

    Density and behavior of capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) Amblyomma sculptum and Amblyomma dubitatum with notes on Rickettsia bellii infection: Assessing human exposure risk

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    In several urban and peri‑urban areas of Brazil, populations of Amblyomma sculptum and Amblyomma dubitatum ticks are maintained by capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris). In some of these areas, this host and these tick species are associated with Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), a lethal human disease caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii. In this work, we evaluated the risk of human exposure to these tick species using four collection techniques to discern host-seeking behavior. The study was carried out in 10 urban sites inhabited by capybaras in Uberlândia, a BSF-free municipality in southeastern Brazil. Ticks were collected in areas of 400 m2 at each site and at three seasons. Within the same municipality, the distance and speed of A. sculptum nymphs moving towards the CO2 traps were evaluated. In a sample of ticks Rickettsia DNA was investigated. During the study period, 52,953 ticks were collected. Among these, 83.4 % were A. sculptum (1,523 adults, 10,545 nymphs and 32,104 larvae) and 16.6 % were A. dubitatum (464 adults, 2,153 nymphs and 6,164 larvae). An average annual questing tick density of 4.4/m² was observed, with the highest density recorded at one site in autumn (31.8/m²) and the lowest in summer at another site (0.03/m²). The visual search yielded the highest proportion of A. sculptum larvae, constituting 47 % of the total and 63.6 % of all A. sculptum larvae. In contrast, CO2 traps collected a greater proportion of nymphs and adults of A. sculptum ticks. In the case of A. dubitatum, the CO2 trap was the most efficient technique with 57.7 % of captures of this species, especially of nymphs (94.5 % of captures) and adults (97.8 % of captures). Ticks' ambush height on vegetation (9 to 77 cm), observed by visual search 30 times, yielded a total of 20,771 ticks. Of these, 28 (93 %) were A. sculptum ticks, with only two (7 %) identified as A. dubitatum ticks. Among A. sculptum ticks, the nymph was the most attracted stage to humans and larva in the case of A. dubitatum. Amblyomma sculptum adults and nymphs were significantly more attracted to humans than those of A. dubitatum, but A. dubitatum larvae were significantly more attracted than the same stage of A. sculptum. The maximum distance and speed of horizontal displacement for A. sculptum nymphs were five meters and 2.0 m/h, respectively. The only species of Rickettsia detected in ticks, exclusively in A. dubitatum, was R. bellii. Importantly, it was observed that the higher the proportion of A. sculptum in the community of ticks, the lower the rate of infection of A. dubitatum by R. bellii. In conclusion, host-seeking behavior differed between the two tick species, as well as between stages of the same species. A greater restriction of A. dubitatum ticks to the soil was observed, while larvae and nymphs of A. sculptum dispersed higher in the vegetation. The behavior presented by A. sculptum provides greater opportunities for contact with the hosts, while A. dubitatum depends more on an active search for a host, the hunter behavior. Taken together, these observations show that a human being crossing an area infested with A. sculptum and A. dubitatum ticks will have almost exclusive contact with A. sculptum larvae and/or nymphs. Humans in a stationary position (sitting, lying or immobile) are exposed to both tick species, but they are more attractive to adults and mainly nymphs of A. sculptum compared to the corresponding stages of the tick A. dubitatum. The negative effect of A. sculptum on A. dubitatum infection by R. bellii deserves further studies

    Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper Alleviates Lung Inflammation and Enhances Bacterial Clearance during Pneumococcal Pneumonia

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    Pneumonia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. While inflammation is a host protective response that ensures bacterial clearance, a finely regulated response is necessary to prevent bystander tissue damage. Glucocorticoid (GC)-induced leucine zipper (GILZ) is a GC-induced protein with anti-inflammatory and proresolving bioactions, yet the therapeutical role of GILZ in infectious diseases remains unexplored. Herein, we investigate the role and effects of GILZ during acute lung injury (ALI) induced by LPS and Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. GILZ deficient mice (GILZ−/−) presented more severe ALI, characterized by increased inflammation, decreased macrophage efferocytosis and pronounced lung damage. In contrast, pulmonary inflammation, and damage were attenuated in WT mice treated with TAT-GILZ fusion protein. During pneumococcal pneumonia, TAT-GILZ reduced neutrophilic inflammation and prevented the associated lung damage. There was also enhanced macrophage efferocytosis and bacterial clearance in TAT-GILZ-treated mice. Mechanistically, TAT-GILZ enhanced macrophage phagocytosis of pneumococcus, which was lower in GILZ−/− macrophages. Noteworthy, early treatment with TAT-GILZ rescued 30% of S. pneumoniae-infected mice from lethal pneumonia. Altogether, we present evidence that TAT-GILZ enhances host resilience and resistance to pneumococcal pneumonia by controlling pulmonary inflammation and bacterial loads leading to decreased lethality. Exploiting GILZ pathways holds promise for the treatment of severe respiratory infections

    Retrospective Insights of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Major Latin American City, S&atilde;o Paulo, Southeastern Brazil

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    S&atilde;o Paulo is the financial center of Brazil, with a population of over 12 million, that receives travelers from all over the world for business and tourism. It was the first city in Brazil to report a case of COVID-19 that rapidly spread across the city despite the implementation of the restriction measures. Despite many reports, much is still unknown regarding the genomic diversity and transmission dynamics of this virus in the city of S&atilde;o Paulo. Thus, in this study, we provide a retrospective overview of the COVID-19 epidemic in S&atilde;o Paulo City, Southeastern, Brazil, by generating a total of 9995 near-complete genome sequences from all the city&rsquo;s different macro-regions (North, West, Central, East, South, and Southeast). Our analysis revealed that multiple independent introduction events of different variants (mainly Gamma, Delta, and Omicron) occurred throughout time. Additionally, our estimates of viral movement within the different macro-regions further suggested that the East and the Southeast regions were the largest contributors to the Gamma and Delta viral exchanges to other regions. Meanwhile, the North region had a higher contribution to the dispersion of the Omicron variant. Together, our results reinforce the importance of increasing SARS-CoV-2 genomic monitoring within the city and the country to track the real-time evolution of the virus and to detect earlier any eventual emergency of new variants of concern that could undermine the fight against COVID-19 in Brazil and worldwide

    Retrospective Insights of the COVID-19 Epidemic in the Major Latin American City, São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil

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    São Paulo is the financial center of Brazil, with a population of over 12 million, that receives travelers from all over the world for business and tourism. It was the first city in Brazil to report a case of COVID-19 that rapidly spread across the city despite the implementation of the restriction measures. Despite many reports, much is still unknown regarding the genomic diversity and transmission dynamics of this virus in the city of São Paulo. Thus, in this study, we provide a retrospective overview of the COVID-19 epidemic in São Paulo City, Southeastern, Brazil, by generating a total of 9995 near-complete genome sequences from all the city’s different macro-regions (North, West, Central, East, South, and Southeast). Our analysis revealed that multiple independent introduction events of different variants (mainly Gamma, Delta, and Omicron) occurred throughout time. Additionally, our estimates of viral movement within the different macro-regions further suggested that the East and the Southeast regions were the largest contributors to the Gamma and Delta viral exchanges to other regions. Meanwhile, the North region had a higher contribution to the dispersion of the Omicron variant. Together, our results reinforce the importance of increasing SARS-CoV-2 genomic monitoring within the city and the country to track the real-time evolution of the virus and to detect earlier any eventual emergency of new variants of concern that could undermine the fight against COVID-19 in Brazil and worldwide