18,284 research outputs found

    Transport properties of strongly correlated electrons in quantum dots using a simple circuit model

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    Numerical calculations are shown to reproduce the main results of recent experiments involving nonlocal spin control in nanostructures (N. J. Craig et al., Science 304, 565 (2004)). In particular, the splitting of the zero-bias-peak discovered experimentally is clearly observed in our studies. To understand these results, a simple "circuit model" is introduced and shown to provide a good qualitative description of the experiments. The main idea is that the splitting originates in a Fano anti-resonance, which is caused by having one quantum dot side-connected in relation to the current's path. This scenario provides an explanation of Craig et al.'s results that is alternative to the RKKY proposal, which is here also addressed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Produção de madeira de progênies de segunda geração de grevílea na Região de Avaré, SP.

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    A grevílea (Grevillea robusta A. Cunn) é uma espécie utilizada para o sombreamento de cafezais e de outras culturas agrícolas, áreas de pastagens e apicultura, paisagismo e como cortina quebra-ventos. Sua madeira também é utilizada para desdobro, em serrarias. Um teste com 28 progênies de meios-irmãos de segunda geração foi instalado no Município de Avaré, São Paulo. O objetivo principal foi avaliar e selecionar o material genético mais produtivo em volume de madeira. Dados de altura e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) foram coletados na área experimental, na idade de três anos. Baseando-se nos dados estimados de volume cilíndrico com casca, as seguintes conclusões foram obtidas: em Avaré, SP, a progênie de segunda geração mais produtiva e com maior taxa de sobrevivência pertencente à procedência australiana de Boyd River (NSW). A progênie de segunda geração mais produtiva, em termos de volume cilíndrico de madeira com casca, foi 138 % superior à media geral do teste. Considerando o valor médio de volume de madeira para apenas as doze progênies de segunda geração mais produtivas, foi possível observar um aumento de 32 % em relação à média geral do experimento.Nota técnica

    Transport through quantum dots: A combined DMRG and cluster-embedding study

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    The numerical analysis of strongly interacting nanostructures requires powerful techniques. Recently developed methods, such as the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (tDMRG) approach or the embedded-cluster approximation (ECA), rely on the numerical solution of clusters of finite size. For the interpretation of numerical results, it is therefore crucial to understand finite-size effects in detail. In this work, we present a careful finite-size analysis for the examples of one quantum dot, as well as three serially connected quantum dots. Depending on odd-even effects, physically quite different results may emerge from clusters that do not differ much in their size. We provide a solution to a recent controversy over results obtained with ECA for three quantum dots. In particular, using the optimum clusters discussed in this paper, the parameter range in which ECA can reliably be applied is increased, as we show for the case of three quantum dots. As a practical procedure, we propose that a comparison of results for static quantities against those of quasi-exact methods, such as the ground-state density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method or exact diagonalization, serves to identify the optimum cluster type. In the examples studied here, we find that to observe signatures of the Kondo effect in finite systems, the best clusters involving dots and leads must have a total z-component of the spin equal to zero.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, revised version to appear in Eur. Phys. J. B, additional reference

    Micropropagation of a recalcitrant pine (Pinus pinea L.): An overview of the effects of ectomycorrhizal inoculation

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    Stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) is an economically important forest species in some regions of Iberian Peninsula. Portugal and Spain have nearly 500,000 ha of stone pine stands, representing 85% of worldwide distribution. The main use of this species is for the production of seeds (pinion) for food industry. In addition to its enormous profitability as a producer of seeds, it has beneficial impact on soil protection, dunes fixation and is a pioneer species particularly for cork and holm oaks degraded ecosystems. Stone pine plantations are today a major source of income for forestry holdings. Investments have targeted breeding, reforestation, forest management and harvesting. The maternal inheritance of desirable characteristics such as cone weight, number of seeds per cone and seed length is considerably high in this species thus encouraging the selection of seeds from “plus” trees. The selected trees have been propagated by grafting and micropropagation. However, grafting generates high variability due to scion-rootstock interaction that varies production levels. The production of clonal plants from selected seeds by micropropagation techniques has advanced very slowly due to the recalcitrance of this species in tissue culture and particularly to adventitious rooting of microshoots. Due to the tremendous importance of developing a reproducible tissue culture method for clonal propagation, a study has been carried out for over a decade to enhance rooting and acclimation. During this period of time, continuous increments in the multiplication rate and rooting frequency were achieved by introducing variations in culture media composition and conditions. Auxins, carbohydrates, light quality and duration, temperature at different concentrations and levels as well as compounds such as coumarin; salicylic acid, polyamines, etc. were tested for induction and expression phases of adventitious rooting. Despite these efforts, microshoots regenerated through organogenesis from mature embryo cotyledons failed to root or to have sustained root growth. At this point, an in vitro co-culture technique of stone pine microshoots with ectomycorrhizal-fungi was introduced to overcome the adventitious root growth cessation in vitro and improve root development during acclimation phase. An overview of the results showing the positive effect of fungal inoculation in promoting root growth in vitro and on plantlet survival during acclimation will be presented. Preliminary results of biochemical signals between Pinus pinea/Pisolithus arhizus during early steps of in vitro culture detected by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry that might be responsible for the positive effect on root growth will be also presented

    The Structure of Conserved Charges in Open Spin Chains

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    We study the local conserved charges in integrable spin chains of the XYZ type with nontrivial boundary conditions. The general structure of these charges consists of a bulk part, whose density is identical to that of a periodic chain, and a boundary part. In contrast with the periodic case, only charges corresponding to interactions of even number of spins exist for the open chain. Hence, there are half as many charges in the open case as in the closed case. For the open spin-1/2 XY chain, we derive the explicit expressions of all the charges. For the open spin-1/2 XXX chain, several lowest order charges are presented and a general method of obtaining the boundary terms is indicated. In contrast with the closed case, the XXX charges cannot be described in terms of a Catalan tree pattern.Comment: 22 pages, harvmac.tex (minor clarifications and reference corrections added

    A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies

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    We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density r_0*rho_0 galaxy dark matter halos, where r_0 and rho_0 are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves of about 1000 spiral galaxies, mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality rotation curves and, galaxy-galaxy weak lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that log(r_0*rho_0) = 2.15 +- 0.2, in units of log(Msol/pc^2). We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 magnitudes, belonging to different Hubble Types, and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of rho_0*r_0 is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including rho_0 and central stellar surface density.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 9 pages, 4 figure

    Frictional sliding without geometrical reflection symmetry

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    The dynamics of frictional interfaces play an important role in many physical systems spanning a broad range of scales. It is well-known that frictional interfaces separating two dissimilar materials couple interfacial slip and normal stress variations, a coupling that has major implications on their stability, failure mechanism and rupture directionality. In contrast, interfaces separating identical materials are traditionally assumed not to feature such a coupling due to symmetry considerations. We show, combining theory and experiments, that interfaces which separate bodies made of macroscopically identical materials, but lack geometrical reflection symmetry, generically feature such a coupling. We discuss two applications of this novel feature. First, we show that it accounts for a distinct, and previously unexplained, experimentally observed weakening effect in frictional cracks. Second, we demonstrate that it can destabilize frictional sliding which is otherwise stable. The emerging framework is expected to find applications in a broad range of systems.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures + Supplementary Material. Minor change in the title, extended analysis in the second par

    A Gender Recognition System Using Facial Images with High Dimensional Data

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    Gender recognition has been seen as an interesting research area that plays important roles in many fields of study. Studies from MIT and Microsoft clearly showed that the female gender was poorly recognized especially among dark-skinned nationals. The focus of this paper is to present a technique that categorise gender among dark-skinned people. The classification was done using SVM on sets of images gathered locally and publicly. Analysis includes; face detection using Viola-Jones algorithm, extraction of Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Rotation Invariant LBP (RILBP) features and trained with SVM classifier. PCA was performed on both the HOG and RILBP descriptors to extract high dimensional features. Various success rates were recorded, however, PCA on RILBP performed best with an accuracy of 99.6% and 99.8% respectively on the public and local datasets. This system will be of immense benefit in application areas like social interaction and targeted advertisement