77 research outputs found

    Using polyacrylamide with sprinkler irrigation to improve infiltration

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    Center-pivot irrigation systems often apply water at rates greater than the soil infiltration rate. Applying high molecular weight, water-soluble, anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) to the soil can improve infiltration and reduce soil erosion The objective of this study was to determine whether single and multiple PAM applications with sprinkler irrigation improved infiltration under field conditions. A two-year study conducted near Kimberly, Idaho, used a solid-set sprinkler system, and a one-year study conducted in Monte dos Alhos near Alvalade do Sado, Portugal, used a center pivot. At Kimberly, applying PAM with four irrigations (total applied PAM was 2.1 kg ha-1 in 2000 and 3.0 kg ha-1 in 2001) significantly reduced total measured runoff, from 5.9 mm (2000) and 9.2 mm (2001) for the control to 2.0 and 2.1 mm. Total measured soil erosion was also reduced from 52 and 34 kg ha 1 for the control to 21 and 5 kg ha 1 for the multiple PAM treatment. Applying similar or greater amounts of PAM with a single irrigation reduced erosion, but not runoff, compared with the control. In the Monte dos Alhos study, runoff was reduced by applying a total of 0.3 kg PAM ha 1 with a single irrigation (43 mm runoff) or three irrigations (65 mm runoff) compared with the control (111 mm runoff). Measured soil erosion was not significantly different among treatments. Applying PAM with multiple irrigations extended its effectiveness as long as the application rate was great enough to adequately stabilize the soil surface during the first irrigation

    Evolution of electronic and ionic structure of Mg-clusters with the growth cluster size

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    The optimized structure and electronic properties of neutral and singly charged magnesium clusters have been investigated using ab initio theoretical methods based on density-functional theory and systematic post-Hartree-Fock many-body perturbation theory accounting for all electrons in the system. We have systematically calculated the optimized geometries of neutral and singly charged magnesium clusters consisting of up to 21 atoms, electronic shell closures, binding energies per atom, ionization potentials and the gap between the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals. We have investigated the transition to the hcp structure and metallic evolution of the magnesium clusters, as well as the stability of linear chains and rings of magnesium atoms. The results obtained are compared with the available experimental data and the results of other theoretical works.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Particle Acceleration in Pulsar Wind Nebulae: PIC modelling

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    We discuss the role of particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations in unveiling the origin of the emitting particles in PWNe. After describing the basics of the PIC technique, we summarize its implications for the quiescent and the flaring emission of the Crab Nebula, as a prototype of PWNe. A consensus seems to be emerging that, in addition to the standard scenario of particle acceleration via the Fermi process at the termination shock of the pulsar wind, magnetic reconnection in the wind, at the termination shock and in the Nebula plays a major role in powering the multi-wavelength signatures of PWNe.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figures, to appear in the book "Modelling Nebulae" edited by D. Torres for Springer, based on the invited contributions to the workshop held in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), June 14-17, 201

    Characterization of the Brazilian continental shelf adjacent to Rio Grande do Norte state, NE Brazil

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    This study focuses on the analysis of high-resolution seismic profiles, integrated with sedimentological, echosounder, SRTM and satellite image datasets, of the Brazilian continental shelf adjacent to the Rio Grande do Norte State, NE Brazil. Located in the northeast of Brazil, the State of Rio Grande do Norte is bounded by two main coastal and shelf systems: the eastern coastal-shelf, from the Sagi River to the Touros High, and the northern coastal-shelf, extending from Touros High to Tibau. This shelf represents a modern, highly dynamic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system characterized by reduced width and shallow depths as compared with other parts of the Brazilian shelf. It has an average width of 40 km, the shelf-break lying at a depth of ~ 60 m. This shelf is subject to the full strength of the westerly South Equatorial current combined with high winds and moderate to high tides and waves. A sharply defined stratigraphic boundary, probably between the Pleistocene and Holocene deposits, is clearly to be observed in the seismic record. Incised-valleys extending from the main river mouths (e.g.the Potengi, Açu, and Apodi) to the shelf break dominate the area investigated and may indicate periods of lower sea level.Este estudo estĂĄ direcionado ao conhecimento da plataforma continental brasileira adjacente ao Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, NE do Brasil, atravĂ©s da analise de perfis sismicos de alta resolução integrados a dados sedimentolĂłgicos, batimĂ©tricos, SRTM e imagens de satĂ©lites. O Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, localizado no nordeste do Brasil, apresenta dois sistemas costeiros-plataformais: Setor Este, do Rio Sagi (divisa PB-RN) ao Alto de Touros e Setor Norte, do Alto de Touros a Tibau (divisa RN-CE). Esta plataforma representa um sistema plataformal moderno misto (carbonĂĄtico-siliciclĂĄstico), altamente dinĂąmico. É caracterizado por sua reduzida largura e ĂĄguas rasas, quando comparado com outras partes da plataforma brasileira. A plataforma apresenta largura mĂ©dia de 40 km e a sua quebra encontra-se a profundidades mĂ©dias de 60 m. A plataforma Ă© sujeita a ação da corrente sul equatorial, combinada a ventos fortes e variação de marĂ© moderada a alta e/ou ondas. Um limite estratigrĂĄfico fortemente definido, provavelmente entre os depĂłsitos PleistocĂȘnicos e HolocĂȘnicos, pode ser bem observado e vales incisos, estendendo-se a partir dos principais rios (como por ex., Potengi, Açu e Apodi) dominam a ĂĄrea investigada

    Effects of cholinergic stimulation with pyridostigmine bromide on chronic chagasic cardiomyopathic mice

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    The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of an anticholinesterase agent, pyridostigmine bromide (Pyrido), on experimental chronic Chagas heart disease in mice. To this end, male C57BL/6J mice noninfected (control:Con) or chronically infected (5 months) with Trypanosoma cruzi (chagasic:Chg) were treated or not (NT) with Pyrido for one month. At the end of this period, electrocardiogram (ECG); cardiac autonomic function; heart histopathology; serum cytokines; and the presence of blood and tissue parasites by means of immunohistochemistry and PCR were assessed. In NT-Chg mice, significant changes in the electrocardiographic, autonomic, and cardiac histopathological profiles were observed confirming a chronic inflammatory response. Treatment with Pyrido in Chagasic mice caused a significant reduction of myocardial inflammatory infiltration, fibrosis, and hypertrophy, which was accompanied by a decrease in serum levels of IFN\u3b3 with no change in IL-10 levels, suggesting a shift of immune response toward an anti-inflammatory profile. Lower nondifferent numbers of parasite DNA copies were observed in both treated and nontreated chagasic mice. In conclusion, our findings confirm the marked neuroimmunomodulatory role played by the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system in the evolution of the inflammatory-immune response to T. cruzi during experimental chronic Chagas heart disease in mice
