712 research outputs found

    Agroecologia, consumo sustentável e aprendizado coletivo no Brasil.

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    O que acontece quando consumidores e produtores agroecológicos adotam uma prática econômica alternativa ao consumo convencional? O presente artigo analisa e qualifica as comunidades aprendentes existentes no âmbito desse tipo de prática econômica. O estudo de caso do grupo de consumo coletivo de produtos agroecológicos Trocas Verdes, situado em Campinas (SP), no contexto da agricultura familiar no Brasil, mostrou que as trocas econômicas são também trocas de saberes. Além disso, tais trocas constituem uma práxis em educação ambiental. As três dimensões da sustentabilidade - econômica, social e ambiental - são as categorias de análise utilizadas para determinar o potencial pedagógico existente na articulação de uma prática de consumo coletivo. A partir da metodologia da pesquisa participante, observou-se que, na venda direta de produtos agroecológicos a grupos de consumidores organizados de forma autônoma ou que funcionam em regime de autogestão, essa prática econômica também caracteriza um processo de educação ambiental crítica, pois possibilita que se apreenda coletivamente a realidade socioeconômica dos atores envolvidos. As dinâmicas socioeconômicas são objeto de aprendizado dos consumidores e pesquisadores atuantes nas compras e, assim, conclui-se que esse tipo de prática promove um aprendizado coletivo. O presente estudo confirma que um importante fator para a existência de comunidades aprendentes é a autogestão da organização social

    Desafios para a pesquisa sobre as dimensões humanas das mudanças ambientais globais: um olhar latino-americano

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    The environmental field has developed slowly within social sciences in Latin America. However, the last two decades have been marked by the expansion of research and teaching activities in the environmental area. In this sense, the likely impact of global environmental changes have rapidly penetrated the contemporary debates on environment and society, primarily in developed countries and later on in developing countries, including Latin America. This paper seeks to contribute to the discussion by providing an overview and identifying the challenges for the development and consolidation of the research on the human dimensions of global environmental change. Based on the assessment and systematization of the intellectual production, this paper seeks to understand this field in Latin America, building upon the contribution of authors such as D.J. Hogan and L.C. Ferreira. The paper argues that although it is possible to identify an emergent body of literature in the region, the involvement of Latin American social science in the human dimension research is still timid and tentative

    tales from two global cities in Brazil

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    Climate change poses not only a local place-based problem, but also cross- scale challenge. Addressing this unprecedented challenge requires actions at different levels (multilevel) raging from conventions and treaties at the global level to climate protection measures at the city level. The relationship between cities and climate change is usually based on a complex balance between vulnerability and responsibility. By mitigation cities can substantially reduce their environmental impact and consequently transform their infrastructure and the behavior and consumption patterns of their dwellers improving the global environment. By adaptation cities can become resilient to the impacts of climate change and reduce risks from climate change and variability. It is also particularly important to focus on global cities that are engines of economic growth, centers of innovation for the global economy and important areas of population concentration and growth. Building on that, this paper analyses the factors shaping climate policies in two global cities in Brazil through a multilevel perspective: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It explores how climate change is being framed and how local governments are responding to it in terms of policy strategies and instruments. We argue that the participation in transnational networks of subnational governments has been crucial for promoting and supporting climate change actions in both cities. However, the organization, steering and implementation of these measures rely heavily on a landscape formed by multiple actors with a variety of interests, capacities, and challenges often spanning several sectors. This fragmented landscape of actors, interests and sectors combined with structural governance problems pose significant challenges for the advancement of these efforts in the two cities. We discuss the governing of climate change action and analyze the factors that can constrain or undermine these actions

    "Avaliação da qualidade fisiologica de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha durante o armazenamento"

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    Orientador: Antonio Augusto do LagoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia AgricolaResumo: As informações disponíveis sobre uma adequada avaliação da qualidade fisiológica e armazenabilidade das sementes de gramíneas forrageiras de distribuição tropical e sub-tropical, como as do gênero Brachiaria, ainda são insuficientes. Com o objetivo de fornecer informações adicionais a produtores, comerciantes e usuários desse insumo, dez lotes de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha tiveram sua qualidade fisiológica avaliada no início e a cada dois meses, durante doze meses de armazenamento em condições não controladas de armazém, na região de Campinas-SP. No início do armazenamento (mes zero) foram feitas as seguintes avaliações: germinação (apenas KN03 0,2% no substrato), germinação após pré-aquecimento a 400C por sete dias, envelhecimento acelerado a 420C por 60 horas, teste de frio modificado, a 100C por sete dias, tetrazólio (TZ) 1 (vigor), TZ1+2 (vigor) e TZ1+2+3 (viabilidade). Os quatro primeiros tipos de avaliações foram efetuados sem e com escarificação com ácido sulfúrico concentrado por 15 minutos, e as contagens foram feitas aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após semeadura. As determinações bimestrais foram as de germinação, germinação após pré-aquecimento a 400C por sete dias e TZ1, TZ1+2 e TZ1+2+3.O delineamento estatístico foi o completamente casualizado, com comparação de médias entre avaliações, lotes e períodos de armazenamento. Foi estudada também a previsão da armazenabilidade dos dez lotes por meio de correlaçãoe regressão simplesentre as diversas determinações iniciaise as de germinaçãoapós pré-aquecimentoseguido de tratamento ácido e as de TZ1+2+3 (viabilidade) realizadas dos dois aos doze meses de armazenamento. Os resultados mostraram que as sementes exibiramexpressiva dormência durante todo o períodode armazenamento e a escarificaçãocomácido sulfúrico concentrado produziu efeito muito positivo na sua superação. O préaquecimento a 40°C por sete dias proporcionouum aumento na germinação das sementes nos períodos iniciais,quando a dormênciafoi mais intensa. O processo mais eficaz para obtenção da germinação máxima foi o do pré-aquecimento a 40°C por sete dias seguido de escarificação com ácido sulfúricoconcentrado por 15 minutos; nessa combinação de tratamentos, o efeito mais relevante foi o causado pela escarificação ácida. O envelhecimento acelerado a 42°C por 60 horas e o teste de frio modificado (10°C) por sete dias produziram efeitos favoráveis na superação da dormência das sementes. Em todos os períodos de armazenamento não ocorreram diferenças substanciais entre os resultados obtidos pelo pré-aquecimentoseguido de escarificação ácida e os de viabilidade pelo tetrazólio.Adeterioração das sementes não foi expressiva durante os doze meses de armazenamento. A viabilidade pelo tetrazólio foi, no geral, a determinação inicialmais eficiente para a previsão da qualidade fisiológicados lotes de sementes nos diversos períodos de armazenamentoAbstract: The available informationsconceming an adequateevaluation of the physiological quality and storability of seeds of forage grasses of tropical and subtropical distribution,suchasthose of the Brachiariagenus,are still insufficient. Aiming to provide additionalinformationsto producers,dealers and users of this input, ten lots of Brachiaria brizantha seeds had their physiological quality evaluated at every two months,during twelve monthsof storage in uncontrolled warehouseconditionsin the Campinasregion, State of São Paulo, Brazil. At the beginning of storage (zero month) the following evaluations ware made: germination Oust0,2% KN03 in the substrate), germination after preheating at 40°C for evendays,acceleratedaging at 42°Cfor 60 hours, modifiedcold test at 10°C for seven days, tetrazolium (TZ) 1 (vigor),TZ1+2 (vigor) and TZ1+2+3 (viability). The first four types of evaluations ware carried out with and without scarification with concentratedsulphuric acid for 15 minutes, and the countings ware made at 7, 14 and 21 days after seeding. The determinationsat every two months ware germination,germinationafter preheating at 40°C for seven days, TZ1,TZ1+2 and TZ1+2+3.The experimentaldesign was completelyrandomized, with mean comparisons among evaluations, lots and storage periods. The prediction of the storability of the ten seed lots was also studied by simple correlationand regression between the severa I initialdeterminationsand those of germinationafter preheating followedby acid treatmerit,and ofTZ1+2+3(viability) performed trom two to twelve months of storage. The results showad that the seeds exhibiteddeep dormancyduringthe whole storage period,and scarification with concentrated sulphuric acid produced very positive effect in breaking this dormancy. Preheating at 400e for seven days caused an increase in germination in the initialperiods, 'Nhendormancywas deepest. The most effectiveprocess for obtainingthe maximumgerminationwas preheating followedby acid scarification; in this combinationof treatments, the most important effect was that caused by acid scarification.Accelerated aging at 42°C for 60 hours and the modifiedcold test at 100e for seven days produced favorable effects in breaking seed results obtained by preheating followed by acid scarification and those of tetrazolium viability.Seed deterioration was not expressive during the twelve months of storage. Tetrazoliumviabilitywas, in general, the most efficient initial evaluation for predicting the physiological quality of seed lots at the severa I storage periodsMestradoPre-Processamento de Produtos AgropecuariosMestre em Engenharia Agrícol

    urbanisation, vulnerability and adaptive capacity on the northern coast of the São Paulo State, Brazil

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    This paper examines how exposure to both socio-economic and environmental stressors and the interaction between the two affect the population of the Northern coast of the São Paulo State, Brazil. It provides a useful way to examine the multiple and overlapping processes of environmental and social- economic change. Pathways to increased vulnerability are multidimensional, so that socio-economic conditions may mediate the impacts of environmental change, but changing environmental conditions may also alter socio-economic capacities to maintain particular livelihood strategies. By analysing the region, this paper argues that the adaptive capacity is, in general, largely determined by the socio-economic context and the social vulnerability. The finding indicates that socio-economic change brought about in the last four decades due to intense urbanisation, tourism exploitation and increasingly economic activities have deepened social and environmental problems, increasing the vulnerability of particular groups to climate variability and change. The cross-scale nature of the problems and the cross-level interactions of these processes pose significant challenges for governance structures and institutions in place in the region that fail to address the root causes of vulnerability and the consequences of a changing environment and climate

    Universidade e transformação social: a perenidade de Paulo Freire

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    O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre como, ao longo dos anos, o pensamento de Paulo Freire, que guarda uma concepção especifica de universidade, se fez hegemônico também na Extensão da Universidade de Brasília. Apresenta ainda a maneira ritualizada como suas ideias e valores creditados à educação são atualizados nos meios acadêmicos, fazendo compreender a força que guardam na constituição do nosso ethos, nosso eidos e nossa hexis. Abstract: This article presents a reflection on how, along the years, Paulo Freire`s thought , which owns such an specific conception of university, also became hegemonic in the Extension of the University of Brasília. It still presents the ritualized way as its ideas and values credited to the education are updated in academic area, making understandable the force that holds in the constitution of our “ethos”, our “eidos” and our “hexis”

    Assessment of Dietary Vitamin D, Vitamin K and Calcium Intake of Portuguese Women of Childbearing age living in Switzerland

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    Background: The lack of sun plays a major role in vitamin D deficiency, particularly among vulnerable groups, including migrants and women. Vitamin D and calcium are crucial nutrients for optimal bone health, heart function and muscle contraction. Recent studies suggest that the two micronutrients alone do not appear to be as beneficial as when their intake is coupled with vitamin K. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent their deficiencies. To this date, we observe a deficit of culturally sensitive methods for assessing dietary intake. The aim of this study was to estimate the dietary vitamin D, vitamin K and calcium intake among Portuguese women of childbearing age living in Switzerland. Methodology: A food frequency questionnaire was developed and dministrated. A comparative method, a 24-hour dietary recall, was applied twice, over two non-consecutive days. The same methodology was applied to and compared with two control groups: Portuguese women living in Portugal and Swiss women living in Switzerland. Data were analysed using Microsoft Excel® version 15.0, 2013, Nutritional. Software® version 1.32.44, 2012 and IBM SPSS®, version 24.0, 2016 for windows. Results: Portuguese in Switzerland had the lowest vitamin D intake (6.04 μg /day) from food. When dietary supplements were considered, significant differences were found between the Swiss (11.1 μg) and Portuguese groups (7.04 μg) (p = 0.004). Regarding vitamin K, the focus group had the lowest intake (102.20 μg/day). Concerning calcium, the Swiss group was the only one achieving the daily recommendations (1355.14 mg) and significant differences were found between the Swiss and the Portuguese groups (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In the present study the three participant groups had a deficient intake of vitamin D and only the Swiss group had an adequate calcium intake. Vitamin K intake did not seem to be a concern in terms of dietary deficiencies for all the groups of participants

    Continuing Educational Needs and Preferences for Swiss Registered Dietitians: Lessons Learned.

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    Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) in Switzerland offers continuing educational programs for registered dietitians. In order to initialize effective changes to maximize attendance, the promotors and barriers influencing the participation of Swiss registered dietitians to continuing education classes were identified. A survey was conducted from December 2013 to January 2014 and sent to 630 registered members of the Swiss Association of Registered Dietitians (SVDE). The questionnaire was developed on the web-based software Survey Monkey® and included 37 open- and closed-ended questions. Evaluation questions were based on a four-point Likert scale and space for individual comments was ensured. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and chi-squared tests. The final sample included 202 dietitians, the majority being female (96%), between 25 and 54 years old (90%) and 45% worked in clinical settings. Almost 70% had participated in a BFH continuing education course. Respondents were overall very satisfied with parameters including course registration, organisation, content, professional competence of teachers, and practical relevance. Preferred course format were short courses (1-2 days). The lecturer’s limited practical experience, no interest to the subject matter, and no cost coverage by employer were mentioned as the main barriers for attending courses. Based on lessons learned from this evaluation, the following aspects should be considered in order to secure the attractiveness of such programs: Favouring shorter more intensive courses and having them taught by lecturers with a strong practical experience, and hence with more insightful approach. Topics should be established based on the audience’s expectations and needs, possibly through an inquiry among professional societies. In addition, overlapping fields as for example nutritional psychology, gerontology, and transdisciplinary approaches could be further included to broaden the dietitians’ perspectives and encourage a more holistic approach. Finally, the registration process and quality of teaching environment should be seamless, in order to avoid negative influences on the course. Keywords Continuing education; Dietetics; Nutritionists; Needs assessmen

    Dormancy performance of Brachiaria brizantha seeds submitted to thermal and chemical treatments

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos de tratamentos térmicos e químicos sobre a dormência em sementes de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. Sementes com taxas de dormência superiores a 25% e pureza física acima de 98% foram submetidas a temperaturas de 40, 55, 70 e 85°C durante 5, 10 e 15 horas, à imersão em H2SO4 (98%, 36N) por 15 minutos, e a substrato de germinação umedecido com KNO3 (0,2%). No início e ao final do armazenamento de nove meses, conduzido em ambiente não-controlado de laboratório, as sementes foram avaliadas por meio dos testes de germinação, de viabilidade (tetrazólio), de danificações nas glumelas (lema e pálea), de primeira contagem de germinação, de comprimento da parte aérea das plântulas, de emergência das plântulas e do índice de velocidade de emergência. Foi verificado que tratamentos térmicos específicos reduzem a taxa de dormência das sementes; aquecimentos a 70°C por 10 e 15 horas, além de reduzirem a taxa de dormência, apresentam efeitos imediatos positivos no desempenho das sementes, sem gerar deterioração fisiológica latente. As aplicações de 85°C e de H2SO4, apesar de proporcionarem redução na dormência e efeitos imediatos positivos no desempenho das sementes, promovem deterioração fisiológica latente.The objective of this research was to study the effects of thermal and chemical treatments on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu seeds, in relation to dormancy. Seeds showing dormancy indices superior to 25%, and physical purity above 98%, were submitted to temperatures of 40, 55, 70 and 85°C for periods of 5, 10 and 15 hours, to immersion in sulphuric acid (98%, 36N) for 15 minutes, and to germination on substrate moistened with an aqueous solution of potassium nitrate 0,2%. At the beginning and at the end of storage for nine months under uncontrolled laboratory conditions, seeds were evaluated in relation to germination, tetrazolium viability, damages on lemma and palea, first count of germination, seedling shoot length, seedling emergence and speed of emergence index. Thermal specific treatments reduce the dormancy index of seeds; heating at 70°C for 10 and 15 hours, besides reducing the dormancy index, also causes immediate positive effects on the performance of seeds without producing latent physiological deterioration. Application of 85°C and immersion in sulphuric acid, although causing reduction in dormancy and immediate positive effects on performance of seeds, also promote latent physiological deterioration