4 research outputs found

    Kreativne mogućnosti cijanotipije

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    Cijanotipija je fotografski proces u kojemu se kao rezultat dobiva slika ā€žPrussianā€œ plave boje. Fotoosjetljiva emulzija sastoji se od amonijeva željezo citrata i kalijeva željezo cijanida, koji nakon reakcije sa svjetloŔću mijenjaju svoja kemijska svojstva, te nakon ispiranja poprimaju karakterističnu plavu boju. Kao podloga za ovaj proces najčeŔće se koriste akvarel papiri, no otisak je moguće dobiti i na tekstilu, drvetu i drugim materijalima. Osvjetljavanje se vrÅ”i kroz folije s otisnutim negativima ili pomoću raznih objekata koji služe kao motivi za dobivanje fotograma. Nakon premazivanja, nije potrebno suÅ”iti materijal, moguće je napraviti i slike metodom mokre cijanotipije, gdje se predložak izlaže na neosuÅ”enom materijalu te se dobivaju razne nijanse plave do zeleno-žute. U slučaju da plava boja nije zadovoljavajuća, moguće je tonirati otisak kako bi se dobile druge nijanse i boje. Najprije se vrÅ”i toniranje sodom-bikarbonom, koja uklanja plavu boju i otisak postaje žut. Moguće je otisak ostaviti na tomu, no toniranje se može nastaviti i raznim smjesama poput kave, zelenog ili crnog čaja, crnog vina i sličnih tekućina koje se mogu pronaći čak i u kuhinji. Cijanotipija je imala Å”iroku uporabu do sredine 20. Stoljeća, no danas se većinski koristi u umjetničke svrhe

    Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the COMPASS-31 in Croatian and Serbian patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Aim To validate and cross-culturally adapt Croatian and Serbian versions of composite autonomic symptom score- 31 (COMPASS-31) for the detection of dysautonomia in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods A total of 179 patients, 67 with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and 112 with MS, completed the COMPASS- 31 at two MS centers in Zagreb and Belgrade between April 1 and October 31, 2016. Demographic and clinical data including age, gender, MS phenotypes, and the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score were collected. Results The Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficient of COMPASS-31 total score was 0.844 for the Croatian MS sample and 0.779 for the Serbian MS sample. A joint analysis yielded Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficients ranging from 0.394 to 0.796, with values in four domains higher than 0.700. In Croatian and Serbian samples and the total study sample, the Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficient of COMPASS-31 was 0.785. Reproducibility measured by intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was acceptable (ICC = 0.795). With regard to the clinical validity, significant correlation was found between EDSS and the COMPASS-31 total score (P < 0.001). Furthermore, significant differences between MS phenotypes were detected for bladder and gastrointestinal domains and for the COMPASS-31 total score (P < 0.001, P = 0.005, and P = 0.027, respectively). Finally, significant differences between MS phenotypes in patients with score >0, which implies the existence of at least one of the symptoms investigated in each domain, were detected for secretomotor and bladder domains (P = 0.015 and P < 0.001, respectively). Conclusion COMPASS-31 represents a valid and acceptable self-assessment instrument for the detection of dysautonomia in MS patient

    High school student mobility and generic skills development

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    Erasmus+ je europski program koji omogućuje studentima, učenicima, nastavnicima i mladima da putuju, uče i surađuju s partnerima iz različitih zemalja Europe i Å”ire. Erasmus+ promovira međunarodnu razmjenu, razumijevanje različitih kultura, stjecanje novih jezičnih i međukulturalnih kompetencija te jačanje osobnog i profesionalnog razvoja. U ovom radu pokuÅ”alo se istražiti utječe li i na koji način sudjelovanje u Erasmus+ projektima mobilnosti na razvoj generičkih vjeÅ”tina učenika srednjih Å”kola. Provedeno je istraživanje kojim se ispitivala percepcija učenika iz tri srednje Å”kole u Slavonskom Brodu u kojoj mjeri je sudjelovanje u projektima mobilnosti pridonijelo razvoju njihovih generičkih vjeÅ”tina. Rezultati su pokazali da sudjelovanje u projektima mobilnosti pozitivno utječe na razvoj generičkih vjeÅ”tina učenika. Također, iz rezultata se može zaključiti da ispitanici ženskog spola primjećuju veći razvoj generičkih vjeÅ”tina od muÅ”kih ispitanika.Erasmus+ is a European program that enables students, pupils, teachers, and young people to travel, learn, and cooperate with partners from different European countries and beyond. Erasmus+ promotes international exchange, understanding of diverse cultures, acquisition of new language and intercultural competencies, and the strengthening of personal and professional development. This study aimed to investigate whether and how participation in Erasmus+ mobility projects affects the development of students' generic skills in high school. A survey was conducted to examine the perceptions of students from three high schools in Slavonski Brod regarding the extent to which participation in mobility projects contributed to the development of their generic skills. The results showed that participation in mobility projects has a positive effect on the development of students' generic skills. Also, it can be concluded that female participants notice a greater development of generic skills than male participants

    Female Identity and Race in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Voyage in the Dark

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    This paper conducts a comparative analysis of the tragic narratives in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Voyage in the Dark, focusing on themes of identity, displacement, and patriarchal oppression. Through an examination of the protagonists, Antoinette Cosway and Anna Morgan, the study explores how colonialism, racial prejudice, and gender norms contribute to their tragic fates. By comparing the experiences of Antoinette and Anna, the study reveals common challenges faced by marginalized individuals in oppressive societies. Ultimately, it highlights the profound impact of societal injustices on personal agency and resilience in navigating adversity