7,509 research outputs found

    The spanish influenza pandemic: a lesson from history 100 years after 1918

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    In Europe in 1918, influenza spread through Spain, France, Great Britain and Italy, causing havoc with military operations during the First World War. The influenza pandemic of 1918 killed more than 50 million people worldwide. In addition, its socioeconomic consequences were huge. "Spanish flu", as the infection was dubbed, hit different agegroups, displaying a so-called "W-trend", typically with two spikes in children and the elderly. However, healthy young adults were also affected. In order to avoid alarming the public, several local health authorities refused to reveal the numbers of people affected and deaths. Consequently, it was very difficult to assess the impact of the disease at the time. Although official communications issued by health authorities worldwide expressed certainty about the etiology of the infection, in laboratories it was not always possible to isolate the famous Pfeiffer's bacillus, which was, at that time, deemed to be the cause of influenza. The first official preventive actions were implemented in August 1918; these included the obligatory notification of suspected cases and the surveillance of communities such as day-schools, boarding schools and barracks. Identifying suspected cases through surveillance, and voluntary and/or mandatory quarantine or isolation, enabled the spread of Spanish flu to be curbed. At that time, these public health measures were the only effective weapons against the disease, as no vaccines or antivirals were available. Virological and bacteriological analysis of preserved samples from infected soldiers and other young people who died during the pandemic period is a major step toward a better understanding of this pandemic and of how to prepare for future pandemics

    Penerapan Active Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Apresiasi Musik Nusantara Pada Siswa Kelas VIII a SMP Negeri 7 Pemalang

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    This study examines the implementation of active learning strategy by using Have Student Question type, aiming to increase students interest and appreciation towards national music, especially on the basis of national competence. The approach used for the research , which is implemented with two cycles, and each cycle consists of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted in Pemalang Junior High School 7. The data collection techniques used in this research was quantitative and qualitative data which includes the test results of students learning, the observation of students and the implementation of the learning process, as well as students interest questionnaire. The results shows significant increase in interest and appreciation of national music learning outcomes in the eighth grade students of Pemalang Junior High School 7, academic year of 2012-2013. This is proven from the results of student learning on the pre cycle which was only 37.5%, then increased to 65% on the first cycle, and finally reached 82.5% on the second cycle. The improvement was highly visible, from 10% on the pre cycle, 50% on the first cycle, and 80% on the second cycle .To improve students learning outcomes and students interest in learning, the teachers need to prepare in advance: ( a) Lesson Plan, (b) learning materials, (c) the methods or strategies that will be used, (d) tools or instructional media, (e) control of classroom management, (f) evaluation sheet

    Deglaciation stages of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Canada and related glaciomarine and glaciolacustrine deposits. Review of selected features

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    Durante la deglaciación de los mantos de hielo se genera una gran cantidad de agua de fusión, una gran parte de la cual queda retenida en grandes lagos en los bordes de los glaciares. Un ejemplo es el Manto de Hielo Laurentido que cubrió una gran extensión de Norteamérica y dio lugar a vastos lagos en las distintas etapas de su deglaciación. Restos de estos ambientes son los Grandes Lagos de Norteamérica así como otros lagos en el centro y noroeste de Canadá. También se formaron mares glaciales poco profundos, desecados en parte a causa del levantamiento isostático postglacial. El legado de estos ambientes son vastas planicies, actualmente fértiles áreas agrícolas en su mayor parte, situadas sobre arenas y arcillas glaciolacustres y glaciomarinas. Los sedimentos depositados en los lagos y mares glaciales adquieren características específicas que son fácilmente preservadas en el registro geológico. Los emplazamientos glaciolacustres y glaciomarinos se caracterizan por su reletivamente amplia distribución y por la complejidad de los depósitos deltaicos, costeros y de aguas profundas. Las ritmitas son facies formadas por decantación diferencial en verano (fusión) e invierno (bajo cobertura de hielo), o por flujos turbios procedentes de los rios glaciales. Igualmente típicos son los depósitos de sedimentos gruesos de origen fluvial depositados en aguas profundas, generalmente en el frente sumergido de los glaciares, en los puntos de descarga de corrientes glaciales canalizadas. Otros depósitos de material grueso de aguas profundas son los generados por materiales transportados por bloques de hielo estacional o icebergs. El tipo de sedimentos y los paisajes a que han dado lugar tienen importantes implicaciones para los usos del suelo. Los ambientes deltaicos y costeros constituyen valiosas fuentes de áridos, mientras las areas predominantemente limo-arcillosas son generalmente excelentes áreas agrícolas. Sin embargo, los depósitos de arcillas marinas son muy inestables y pueden dar lugar a deslizamientos, como ocurre con las arcillas de la formación Leda en el sureste de Canadá. Además algunas llanuras de ortigen lacustre, topográficamente bajas, en el centro de Canadá suelen inundarse durante la primavera

    Daya Tetas Telur Aedes aegypti pada Berbagai PH Air Limbah Domestik

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    Vector control of the Aedes aegypti mosquito in the pre-imago stage is strategy to reduce dengue infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the difference domestic sewage water pH to the hatchability of Ae. aegypti. This was an experimental study with a posttest only control group design. Independent variables  were domestic sewage water media with pH of 6.5, pH of 7.5, pH of 8.5, and pH of 9.5 and dependent variable was egg hatchability of Ae. aegypti. The results showed that the most average number of Ae. aegypti eggs hatched into larvae was at pH 7.5 with  40.68% and the lowest at pH 5,5 with 0%. The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that there were differences in the pH of domestic sewage water to the hatchability of eggs of Ae. aegypti (p = 0.001). The results of the Mann–Whitney U test showed that there was a significant difference between the number of egg hatched in the pH of domestic sewage water at pH of 5,5. Research proves that the eggs of Ae. aegypti is able to hatch in domestic liquid waste media with  pH range at pH of 6,5 – pH of 9,5. In the future Aedes aegypti mosquito control program is not only focus on clean water container water but also on the environment, especially drainage which has the potential to become a breeding place for Ae aegyptiKeyword : Hatchability, Ae. aegypti, Domestic Sewage Wate

    Radioluminescence of synthetic and natural quartz

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    The effect of X-ray irradiation and thermal treatments on the radio-luminescence emission spectrum of both a natural pegmatitic quartz and a synthetic one was investigated. All the emission spectra could be deconvolved into the same set of five Gaussian components. Among the identified RL bands, a blue emission at 2.53 eV (480 nm) is enhanced under X-ray irradiation. A strong correlation with the sensitization of the so called "110 degrees C" TSL peak (in our measurements seen at lower temperature due to the lower heating rate) was proved, suggesting that the recombination centers associated with the 2.53 eV band are produced under X-ray irradiation and are involved in both RL and TSL luminescence mechanisms. When each irradiation was followed by heating up to 500 degrees C a strong sensitization of the RL band emitting at 3.44 eV and of the 110 degrees C TSL peak were observed. A perfect correlation between the RL and TSL emissions suggests that the recombination centers involved in the RL and TSL emissions are the sam

    A note on the relationship between rational and trigonometric solutions of the WDVV equations

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    Legendre transformations provide a natural symmetry on the space of solutions to the WDVV equations, and more specifically, between different Frobenius manifolds. In this paper a twisted Legendre transformation is constructed between solutions which define the corresponding dual Frobenius manifolds. As an application it is shown that certain trigonometric and rational solutions of the WDVV equations are related by such a twisted Legendre transform

    Perencanaan Suksesi Pada Perusahaan Keluarga Di Kota Denpasar

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    The main objective of this study was to determine the succession planning a family business in the city of Denpasar . This research was conducted at the family business in Denpasar Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using a Likert scale and to determine the factors that influence succession planning in family business were analyzed with multiple linear regression using SPSS . The results found that succession planning in family business in the city of Denpasar has done well based on considerations mean value of 4:07 per cent . Values and characteristics successor positive effect on corporate succession planning families business in the city of Denpasar