32 research outputs found

    Analisis Sistem Antrian di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Karawang

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    This study aims to clarify the phenomenon of the use of service facilities and find the level of optimization of the queuing system and total costs. The queuing system is a process related to waiting for people to get services efficiently. The study was conducted at the birth certificate registration queue system using 2 (two) facilities at the Karawang Regency Population and Civil Registry Office using the multiple lane queue model (M / M / S). the population in this study were visitors who came to the birth certificate registration counter. The data collection time for one month is July 2019 at 10:00 - 11:00 WIB. Based on the results of research, simulations, and discussion it can be concluded that the actual condition queuing system in the Karawang Regency's Population and Civil Registration Service uses 2 (two) lane facility counters, the optimal queuing system at the Karawang Regency's Population and Civil Registration Service uses 3 (three) counter facilities following the M / M / S queuing model. the cost efficiency obtained is Rp. 75,531, - per hour or Rp. 13,897,667 per month with a percentage of 75%.

    Analisis Pengaruh Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Cofeeshop Café In Karawang

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of price on purchases at coffeeshop cafe.in Karawang. This research method uses descriptive and verification with a quantitative approach. The sample used in this study was 140 respondents. The validity of the data in this study consisted of validity, reliability and classical assumption tests consisting of normality tests. The data analysis used in this research is Simple Regression Analysis. The results of this study are Price and Purchase Decisions have a correlation of 0.89 which means there is a very strong relationship. Price also affects purchasing decisions at the Café.in Karawang cofeeshop where the price variable gives an indication of 89% influencing purchasing decisions and the remaining 11% is influenced by other factors that are not examine

    The Influence of Online Customer Reviews and Online Customer Ratings on Purchasing Decisions Product electronics in the Shopee marketplace for the Karawang Regency Community

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    This research aims/objectives of this research are to find out, analyze, explain online customer reviews about selling electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, online customer ratings about selling electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, purchasing decisions of electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, the relationship between online customer reviews with online customer ratings on selling electronic products in the shoppee marketplace, the effect of partial online customer reviews on purchasing decisions of electronic products in the shopee marketplace, the effect of stimulants between online customer reviews and online customer ratings on buying electronic product decisions in the shoppee marketplace. This research was conducted using quantitative methods with descriptive and verification approaches and sampling using the Malhotra sampling technique which resulted in a sample of 115 respondents. The analysis technique used is the Likert scale analysis technique and path analysis with the help of the sequential interval method (MSI), Microsoft Office, and SPSS version 26. 0. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, this research proves that. The correlation coefficient between the variables Online Customer Review and Online Customer Rating obtained a value of 0.661 which means that it is quite strong, positive and significant between online customer reviews and online customer ratings. the partial effect of online customer reviews on purchasing decisions has a value of 27.8%. The effect of online customer ratings on purchasing decisions has a value of 42.0%. The simultaneous effect of online customer review and online customer rating is 69.8% while the remaining 30.2% is another variable not examined.Penelitian ini bertujuan/tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, menganalisis, menjelaskan ulasan pelanggan online tentang penjualan produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee, penilaian pelanggan online tentang penjualan produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee, keputusan pembelian produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee, hubungan antara review pelanggan online dengan penilaian pelanggan online pada penjualan produk elektronik di marketplace shopee, pengaruh review pelanggan online parsial terhadap keputusan pembelian produk elektronik di marketplace shopee, pengaruh perangsang antara review pelanggan online dan penilaian pelanggan online pada keputusan membeli produk elektronik di marketplace shoppee. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan verifikatif serta pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Malhotra sampling yang menghasilkan sampel sebanyak 115 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis skala Likert dan analisis jalur dengan bantuan metode sequential interval (MSI), Microsoft Office, dan SPSS versi 26.0. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, penelitian ini membuktikan itu. Koefisien korelasi antara variabel Online Customer Review dan Online Customer Rating diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,661 yang artinya cukup kuat, positif dan signifikan antara online customer review dan online customer rating. pengaruh parsial ulasan pelanggan online terhadap keputusan pembelian memiliki nilai sebesar 27,8%. Pengaruh peringkat pelanggan online terhadap keputusan pembelian memiliki nilai sebesar 42,0%. Pengaruh simultan antara online customer review dan online customer rating adalah sebesar 69,8% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 30,2% merupakan variabel lain yang tidak diteliti

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Motor Matic Yamaha Mio Pada Dealer Jg Dawuan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of product quality and brand image on purchasing decisions for Yamaha Mio Matic motorcycles at JG Dawuan. The method used is descriptive and verification. The population of this research is the Yamaha Mio Matic Club Bekasi community, the number of which is 153. The determination of the sample is determined by the slovin formula so that the sample taken is 110 respondents. The sampling technique used is random sampling/probability using simple random sampling technique. The type of data used in the study is Primary Data which is data obtained directly from the results of interviews, observations and questionnaires. This study uses a Likert scale, the data analysis technique used to determine the effect in this study is the multiple linear technique with SPSS software. The results of this study indicate that product quality and brand image have a strong and direct relationship, and there is a simultaneous influence of product quality and brand image on purchasing decisions. There is a significant effect of product quality variables on purchasing decisions and there is a significant influence of brand image variables on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Product Quality, Brand Image, Purchase Decision Yamaha Mio Mati

    The Influence of Celebrity Endorser And Word Of Mouth On Purchasing Decisions MS Glow Skincare Products in Bekasi Regency

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    The research conducted aims to identify, analyze, and explain how the partial and simultaneous influence between celebrity endorsers and word of mouth on the decision to purchase Ms Glow Di Skincare Products Regency Bekasi. Study this use type study quantitative with method descriptive and verification. Population on study this that is visitors to MS Glow Distributor Bekasi Regency in 2022. Population year 2022 searching for use trend linear . Sample which will in test in study this amount 320 people with withdrawal sample use slovin . Study this use technique Non probability sampling with purposive technique . Data analysis techniques use analysis of the scale and range analysis path (Path analysis) with tool analysis software SPSS 21 for windows. Based on results study which conducted showing The correlation coefficient between celebrity endorser variable and word of mouth of 0.589 correlation level currently, enough strong. Influence Partial celebrities endorser to decision purchase as big 3.8% whereas word of mouth to decision purchase own contribution which more big that is as big 27.5%, in a manner simultaneous total influence celebrities endorser and word of mouth to decision purchase as big 0.436% whereas the rest as big 56.4% is influence else that no be measured on study this. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kompetensi Lulusan Peserta Pada Lembaga Pelatihan Kerja (LPK) PT. Satria Tamtama Rahayu

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    This research aims to know, analyse, and explain:  The extent of the relationship between education level and training on competency of participants graduates.  Partial influence between the level of education and training on the competence of graduates of participants.  Simultaneous influence between the level of education and training on the competence of graduates of participants. Data collection techniques using questionnaire and literature. The population in this research is a participant who graduated at PT Satria Tamtama Rahayu and has been placed in the industrial company with samples used as many as 135 respondent. Data obtained from respondents was processed using test aids using IBM SPSS 22. The results showed that:) There was an influence on the level of education on the competency of participant graduates. There is no training influence on the competency of participant graduates.  There are influences on the level of education and training on the competency of participant graduates. The value of coefficient of determination (R2) amounted to 0,662 or66,2% which means that 66,2% of participants graduates competencies are influenced by education and training levels, while the remaining 33,8% are influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: Competency Graduates participants, education level, training

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt.Tokai Texprint Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of competence and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Tokai Texprint Indonesia. The method used is descriptive verification with quantitative methods, data collection techniques using simple random sampling. The number of samples in this study amounted to 170 respondents. The data analysis technique used is Path Analysis. The results of hypothesis testing are known to Sig. F < (0.000 < 0.05) indicates that there is a simultaneous significant effect of the variables of Competence and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. In addition, it can also be seen that Sig. t < (0.000 < 0.05) indicates that there is a partially significant effect of the variables of Competence and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. The R Square value is 0.840 or 84.0%. This means that the Competence and Work Motivation variables contribute to the Employee Performance variable by 84.0%. While the remaining 16% of Employee Performance variables will be influenced by other variables that are not discussed in this study.   Keywords: Competence, Work Motivation, Employee Performanc

    Sosialisasi Pelaksanaan Pilkada Tahun 2020 Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas

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    Abstract This community service activity focuses on the 2020 Pilkada for People with Disabilities in East Karawang District. The purpose of this service is for persons with disabilities to know and get information related to the implementation of the 2020 Karawang Regency Pilkada. Conducted with the lecture method, question and answer discussions by visiting some people with disabilities in the East Karawang area, as well as webinars for people with disabilities and village and sub-district government officials in East Karawang, a video was made that was shown to candidates with disabilities who were contesting the Pilkada . The results of the implementation of this service activity are knowing that people with disabilities who are still marginalized, with the socialization carried out providing education for persons with disabilities to be willing and not to be ashamed to participate in giving their voting rights in the 2020 Karawang elections, increasing the motivation of some people with disabilities who have never been want to come to enlightened polling stations to intend to come to give their political rights on election day. Conclusion on the implementation of this service activity is still low attention given by the government and election organizers who embrace all levels of society in terms of political participation, never directly socialization activities to the grassroots level, so this activity is felt to be very helpful for the role of the government and election administrators who only conducted one-time election dissemination for persons with disabilities only through the community of persons with disabilities. It is hoped that the impact of this activity is given motivation to persons with disabilities who have not participated so far, they are eager to come to the polling station to give their voting rights. With direct visits, persons with disabilities feel that their existence is significant in community life.   ABSTRAK Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini fokus pada Pilkada Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas 2020 di Kecamatan Karawang Timur.  Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah agar para penyandang disabilitas mengetahui dan mendapatkan informasi terkait pelaksanaan Pilkada Kabupaten Karawang tahun 2020. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi tanya jawab dengan mendatangi sebagian penyandang disabilitas yang berada di wilayah Karawang Timur, serta webinar untuk penyandang disabilitas dan aparat pemerintah desa dan kecamatan di Karawang Timur, dilakukan pembuatan video yang diperlihatkan kepada kaum disabilitas para calon yang berkontestasi dalam Pilkada. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah mengetahui bahwa para penyandang disabilitis yang masih termarginalkan, dengan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan memberikan pendidikan bagi penyandang disabilitas untuk mau dan jangan malu  berpartisipasi memberikan hak suaranya dalam Pilkada Karawang tahun 2020, meningkatkan motivasi sebagian para penyandang disabilitis yang selama ini tidak pernah mau datang ke TPS tercerahkan untuk berniat datang memberikan hak politiknya pada hari pemilihan.   Simpulan atas pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini masih rendahnya perhatian yang diberikan pemerintah dan penyelenggara Pemilu yang merangkul semua lapisan masyarakat dalam hal partisipasi politik, tidak pernah secara langsung kegiatan sosialisasi sampai pada level akar rumput, sehingga kegiatan ini dirasakan sangat membantu peran pemerintah dan penyelenggara pemilu yang hanya melakukan satu kali sosialisasi pilkada untuk penyandang disabilitas yang hanya melalui komunitas penyandang disabilitas. Dampak dari kegiatan ini diharapkan setelah diberikan motivasi kepada para penyandang disabilitas yang selama ini tidak ikut berpartisipasi, mereka bersemangat untuk datang ke TPS memberikan hak suaranya. Dengan adanya kunjungan secara langsung para penyandang disabilitas merasa keberadaannya pun berarti dalam kehidupan masyarakat. &nbsp


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    This service program aims to compile an adequate recording of internet cafe usage transactions and a computer-based billing information system at the Hafizillah Trade and Warnet business, Tanjung Atap Barat Village, Ogan Ilir Regency which has experienced problems in compiling transaction records for the use of internet cafes called Fatan. The main activity of this internet cafe business is the use of customers' internet cafes, in addition to typed printing, photo printing, binding, making banners and brochures. Due to company characteristics, billing management has become a major requirement in the smooth operation of day-to-day internet cafes. Through this Billing Information System Application (Billing), the company began to record and present billing information from internet cafe customers in a computerized manner, so that information could be more accurate and up to date