860 research outputs found

    Оптимизация вычисления обратного БПФ на многоядерном процессоре

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    The article describes the method of calculating the inverse FFT N-point sequence with a N-point complex FFT, also the implementation of similar approach for computing on multi-core computing architecture. The main quality parameters of similar organization such as speedup and efficiency of computing resources were analyzed

    Neuroinflammation by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes impairs retrograde axonal transport in an oligodendrocyte mutant mouse

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    Mice overexpressing proteolipid protein (PLP) develop a leukodystrophy-like disease involving cytotoxic, CD8+ T-lymphocytes. Here we show that these cytotoxic T-lymphocytes perturb retrograde axonal transport. Using fluorogold stereotactically injected into the colliculus superior, we found that PLP overexpression in oligodendrocytes led to significantly reduced retrograde axonal transport in retina ganglion cell axons. We also observed an accumulation of mitochondria in the juxtaparanodal axonal swellings, indicative for a disturbed axonal transport. PLP overexpression in the absence of T-lymphocytes rescued retrograde axonal transport defects and abolished axonal swellings. Bone marrow transfer from wildtype mice, but not from perforin- or granzyme B-deficient mutants, into lymphocyte-deficient PLP mutant mice led again to impaired axonal transport and the formation of axonal swellings, which are predominantly located at the juxtaparanodal region. This demonstrates that the adaptive immune system, including cytotoxic T-lymphocytes which release perforin and granzyme B, are necessary to perturb axonal integrity in the PLP-transgenic disease model. Based on our observations, so far not attended molecular and cellular players belonging to the immune system should be considered to understand pathogenesis in inherited myelin disorders with progressive axonal damage

    Pathology of a mouse mutation in peripheral myelin protein P0 is characteristic of a severe and early onset form of human Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1B disorder

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    Mutations in the gene of the peripheral myelin protein zero (P0) give rise to the peripheral neuropathies Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1B disease (CMT1B), Déjérine-Sottas syndrome, and congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy. To investigate the pathomechanisms of a specific point mutation in the P0 gene, we generated two independent transgenic mouse lines expressing the pathogenic CMT1B missense mutation Ile106Leu (P0sub) under the control of the P0 promoter on a wild-type background. Both P0sub-transgenic mouse lines showed shivering and ultrastructural abnormalities including retarded myelination, onion bulb formation, and dysmyelination seen as aberrantly folded myelin sheaths and tomacula in all nerve fibers. Functionally, the mutation leads to dispersed compound muscle action potentials and severely reduced conduction velocities. Our observations support the view that the Ile106Leu mutation acts by a dominant-negative gain of function and that the P0sub-transgenic mouse represents an animal model for a severe, tomaculous form of CMT1B

    Holocene soil erosion in Eastern Europe-land use and/or climate controlled? The example of a catchment at the Giant Chalcolithic settlement at Maidanetske, central Ukraine

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    The Younger Quaternary erosion history was reconstructed in a catchment close to the Chalcolithic giant settlement Maidanetske, central Ukraine based on dated sediment sequences. Four trenches and a long percussion drill-core were analyzed in a valley grading from a Loess covered plateau towards the Talianky River. The sediments were dated by a combination of radiocarbon dating, optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) and embedded artifacts. Although there is some weakness of numerical dating so far, a non-coincidence between phases of soil erosion and the local and regional settlement history over long periods of the Holocene is indicated. This, viewed in the light of the geographical setting of the site in the climate sensitive forest-steppe borderland, suggests climatically driven erosion processes. The detected phases of erosion coincide with global (cal 27.6 ± 1.3 kyrs BP, 12.0 ± 0.4 kyrs BP), northern hemispheric (cal 8.5 ± 0.3 kyrs BP), Mediterranean (cal 3.93 ± 0.1 kyrs BP) as well as western to central European (2700 to 2000 cal BP) climate anomalies. Increased occurrences of heavy precipitation events, probably during phases of a weakened vegetation cover, could explain the observed record. Investigations at additional sites in Eastern Europe are needed to verify the representativeness of the presented record from central Ukraine at a regional level.The composition of the sediments indicates changes of the slope-channel connectivity during the deposition history. Whereas the glacial to early Holocene and modern times sediments were derived from the whole catchment area, during the mid- to late-Holocene a tendency to lower slope storage of colluvial material and valley incision is indicated

    Microglia-mediated demyelination protects against CD8+ T cell-driven axon degeneration in mice carrying PLP defects

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    Axon degeneration and functional decline in myelin diseases are often attributed to loss of myelin but their relation is not fully understood. Perturbed myelinating glia can instigate chronic neuroinflammation and contribute to demyelination and axonal damage. Here we study mice with distinct defects in the proteolipid protein 1 gene that develop axonal damage which is driven by cytotoxic T cells targeting myelinating oligodendrocytes. We show that persistent ensheathment with perturbed myelin poses a risk for axon degeneration, neuron loss, and behavioral decline. We demonstrate that CD8(+) T cell-driven axonal damage is less likely to progress towards degeneration when axons are efficiently demyelinated by activated microglia. Mechanistically, we show that cytotoxic T cell effector molecules induce cytoskeletal alterations within myelinating glia and aberrant actomyosin constriction of axons at paranodal domains. Our study identifies detrimental axon-glia-immune interactions which promote neurodegeneration and possible therapeutic targets for disorders associated with myelin defects and neuroinflammation. Demyelination is often suggested to cause axonal degeneration. Here, the authors study mice carrying distinct PLP defects and reveal how persistent ensheathment with perturbed myelin poses a risk for CD8+T cell-driven axon loss and behavioral decline

    Local expression of SOD1G93A mutant protein triggers neuromuscular junction dismantlement

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    The alteration of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) homeostasis plays a causal role in several chronic pathology such as aging and neurodegenerative diseases like Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Although it is recognized that axon and synapses are first cellular sites of degeneration in ALS disease, controversy exists on whether pathological events initially begin at the NMJs and then, in a dying back phenomena, contribute to motor neuron degeneration. Moreover, the precise molecular mechanisms of pathology-associated deterioration in neuromuscular system have remained elusive (1). Here we provide evidences that muscle specific accumulation of SOD1G93A in the transgenic mice model MLC/SOD1G93A (2) induces mitochondria dysfunction and triggers NMJ dismantlement. Further, we demonstrate that treatment of MLC/SOD1G93A mice with Trolox, a potent antioxidant, is sufficient to rescue mitochondria and NMJ defects in the MLC/SOD1G93A mice, stabilizing muscle-nerve connection. The analysis of potential molecular mechanisms that mediate the toxic activity of SOD1 revealed the activation of specific Protein Kinase as a downstream player of NMJ dismantlement. Overall our data demonstrate that muscle specific expression of SOD1G93A mutation causes mitochondrial impairment and NMJ dismantlement, suggesting that muscle defects and NMJs alteration precede motor neuron degeneration rather than resulting from it

    Clinically approved immunomodulators ameliorate behavioral changes in a mouse model of hereditary spastic paraplegia type 11

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    We have previously demonstrated that neuroinflammation by the adaptive immune system acts as a robust and targetable disease amplifier in a mouse model of Spastic Paraplegia, type 11 (SPG11), a complicated form of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP). While we identified an impact of neuroinflammation on distinct neuropathological changes and gait performance, neuropsychological features, typical and clinically highly relevant symptoms of complicated HSPs, were not addressed. Here we show that the corresponding SPG11 mouse model shows distinct behavioral abnormalities, particularly related to social behavior thus partially reflecting the neuropsychological changes in patients. We provide evidence that some behavioral abnormalities can be mitigated by genetic inactivation of the adaptive immune system. Translating this into a clinically applicable approach, we show that treatment with the established immunomodulators fingolimod or teriflunomide significantly attenuates distinct behavioral abnormalities, with the most striking effect on social behavior. This study links neuroinflammation to behavioral abnormalities in a mouse model of SPG11 and may thus pave the way for using immunomodulators as a treatment approach for SPG11 and possibly other complicated forms of HSP with neuropsychological involvement

    Prevalence of age-related hearing loss in Europe: a review

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    Populations are becoming progressively older thus presenting symptoms of diminished organ function due to degenerative processes. These may be physiological or caused by additional factors damaging the organ. Presbyacusis refers to the physiological age-related changes of the peripheral and central auditory system leading to hearing impairment and difficulty understanding spoken language. In contrast to epidemiological data of other continents, the prevalence of age-related hearing loss (ARHL) in Europe is not well defined, due in part to the use of different classification systems. We performed a systematic literature review with the aim of gaining a picture of the prevalence of ARHL in Europe. The review included only population and epidemiological studies in English since 1970 with samples in European countries with subjects aged 60 years and above. Nineteen studies met our selection criteria and additional five studies reported self-reported hearing impairment. When these data were crudely averaged and interpolated, roughly 30% of men and 20% of women in Europe were found to have a hearing loss of 30 dB HL or more by age 70 years, and 55% of men and 45% of women by age 80 years. Apparent problems in comparing the available data were the heterogeneity of measures and cut-offs for grades of hearing impairment. Our systematic review of epidemiological data revealed more information gaps than information that would allow gaining a meaningful picture of prevalence of ARHL. The need for standardized procedures when collecting and reporting epidemiological data on hearing loss has become evident. Development of hearing loss over time in conjunction with the increase in life expectancy is a major factor determining strategies of detection and correction of ARHL. Thus, we recommend using the WHO classification of hearing loss strictly and including standard audiometric measures in population-based health surveys