4,604 research outputs found

    A constitutive model for analyzing martensite formation in austenitic steels deforming at high strain rates

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    This study presents a constitutive model for steels exhibiting SIMT, based on previous seminal works, and the corresponding methodology to estimate their parameters. The model includes temperature effects in the phase transformation kinetics, and in the softening of each solid phase through the use of a homogenization technique. The model was validated with experimental results of dynamic tensile tests on AISI 304 sheet steel specimens, and their predictions correlate well with the experimental evidence in terms of macroscopic stress–strain curves and martensite volume fraction formed at high strain rates. The work shows the value of considering temperature effects in the modeling of metastable austenitic steels submitted to impact conditions. Regarding most of the works reported in the literature on SIMT, modeling of the martensitic transformation at high strain rates is the distinctive feature of the present paper.The researchers of the University Carlos III of Madrid are indebted to the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Project CCG10-UC3M/DPI-5596)) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (Project DPI/2008-06408) for the financial support received which allowed conducting part of this work. The authors express their thanks to Mr. Philippe and Mr. Tobisch from the company Zwick for the facilities provided to perform the tensile tests at high strain rates

    A constitutive model for analyzing martensite formation in austenitic steels deforming at high strain rates

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    This study presents a constitutive model for steels exhibiting SIMT, based on previous seminal works, and the corresponding methodology to estimate their parameters. The model includes temperature effects in the phase transformation kinetics, and in the softening of each solid phase through the use of a homogenization technique. The model was validated with experimental results of dynamic tensile tests on AISI 304 sheet steel specimens, and their predictions correlate well with the experimental evidence in terms of macroscopic stress–strain curves and martensite volume fraction formed at high strain rates. The work shows the value of considering temperature effects in the modeling of metastable austenitic steels submitted to impact conditions. Regarding most of the works reported in the literature on SIMT, modeling of the martensitic transformation at high strain rates is the distinctive feature of the present paper.The researchers of the University Carlos III of Madrid are indebted to the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Project CCG10-UC3M/DPI-5596)) and to the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (Project DPI/2008-06408) for the financial support received which allowed conducting part of this work. The authors express their thanks to Mr. Philippe and Mr. Tobisch from the company Zwick for the facilities provided to perform the tensile tests at high strain rates

    Computational and analytical studies of the harmonic index on Erdös-Rényi models

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    A main topic in the study of topological indices is to find bounds of the indices involving several parameters and/or other indices. In this paper we perform statistical (numerical) and analytical studies of the harmonic index H(G), and other topological indices of interest, on Erdos-Rényi (ER) graphs G(n, p) characterized by n vertices connected independently with probability p ∈ (0, 1). Particularly, in addition to H(G), we study here the (−2) sum-connectivity index χ−2(G), the modified Zagreb index MZ(G), the inverse degree index ID(G) and the Randic index R(G). First, to perform the statistical study of these indices, we define the averages of the normalized indices to their maximum value: {H(G)}, {χ−2(G)}, {MZ(G)}, {ID(G)}, {R(G)}. Then, from a detailed scaling analysis, we show that the averages of the normalized indices scale with the product ξ ≈ np. Moreover, we find two different behaviors. On the one hand, hH(G)i and hR(G)i, as a function of the probability p, show a smooth transition from zero to n/2 as p increases from zero to one. Indeed, after scaling, it is possible to define three regimes: a regime of mostly isolated vertices when ξ 10 (H(G), R(G) ≈ n/2). On the other hand, hχ−2(G)i, hMZ(G)i and hID(G)i increase with p until approaching their maximum value, then they decrease by further increasing p. Thus, after scaling the curves corresponding to these indices display bell-like shapes in log scale, which are symmetric around ξ ≈ 1; i.e. the percolation transition point of ER graphs. Therefore, motivated by the scaling analysis, we analytically (i) obtain new relations connecting the topological indices H, χ−2, MZ, ID and R that characterize graphs which are extremal with respect to the obtained relations and (ii) apply these results in order to obtain inequalities on H, χ−2, MZ, ID and R for graphs in ER models.J.A.M.-B. acknowledges financial support from FAPESP (Grant No. 2019/ 06931-2), Brazil, CONACyT (Grant No. 2019-000009-01EXTV-00067) and PRODEP-SEP (Grant No. 511-6/2019.-11821), Mexico. J.M.R. and J.M.S. acknowledge financial support from Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-106433GB-I00/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033), Spain

    Simulating the behavior of the human brain on GPUS

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    The simulation of the behavior of the Human Brain is one of the most important challenges in computing today. The main problem consists of finding efficient ways to manipulate and compute the huge volume of data that this kind of simulations need, using the current technology. In this sense, this work is focused on one of the main steps of such simulation, which consists of computing the Voltage on neurons’ morphology. This is carried out using the Hines Algorithm and, although this algorithm is the optimum method in terms of number of operations, it is in need of non-trivial modifications to be efficiently parallelized on GPUs. We proposed several optimizations to accelerate this algorithm on GPU-based architectures, exploring the limitations of both, method and architecture, to be able to solve efficiently a high number of Hines systems (neurons). Each of the optimizations are deeply analyzed and described. Two different approaches are studied, one for mono-morphology simulations (batch of neurons with the same shape) and one for multi-morphology simulations (batch of neurons where every neuron has a different shape). In mono-morphology simulations we obtain a good performance using just a single kernel to compute all the neurons. However this turns out to be inefficient on multi-morphology simulations. Unlike the previous scenario, in multi-morphology simulations a much more complex implementation is necessary to obtain a good performance. In this case, we must execute more than one single GPU kernel. In every execution (kernel call) one specific part of the batch of the neurons is solved. These parts can be seen as multiple and independent tridiagonal systems. Although the present paper is focused on the simulation of the behavior of the Human Brain, some of these techniques, in particular those related to the solving of tridiagonal systems, can be also used for multiple oil and gas simulations. Our studies have proven that the optimizations proposed in the present work can achieve high performance on those computations with a high number of neurons, being our GPU implementations about 4× and 8× faster than the OpenMP multicore implementation (16 cores), using one and two NVIDIA K80 GPUs respectively. Also, it is important to highlight that these optimizations can continue scaling, even when dealing with a very high number of neurons.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 720270 (HBP SGA1), from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII (TIN2015-65316-P), the Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Parallels (2014-SGR-1051). We thank the support of NVIDIA through the BSC/UPC NVIDIA GPU Center of Excellence, and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 749516.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Prevalence of physical activity during leisure time in the European Union

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    PURPOSE: To estimate the prevalence of physical activity during leisure time in adults from the 15 member states of the European Union and the relationship with sociodemographic variables. METHODS: A representative sample, with approximately 1000 adults, aged 15 and upward, was selected from each member state to complete a questionnaire on attitudes to physical activity, body weight, and health by a face-to-face interview, summing a total of 15,239 subjects. The amount of leisure-time physical activity was quantified by assigning metabolic equivalents (METs) to each activity. Multiple linear regression models with MET-h.wk(-1) as the dependent variable were fitted. RESULTS: Northern European countries showed higher levels of physical activity than southern ones. The highest prevalence (91.9%) was found in Finland, and the lowest (40.7%) in Portugal. A higher percentage of men practiced any leisure-time physical activity and also showed higher mean of MET-h.wk(-1). In both genders, the multivariate models showed a significant trend to higher leisure time activity in participants with higher educational levels and in nonsmokers. Also, an inverse association between body mass index and leisure-time physical activity was found. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of any physical activity during leisure time in the adult European population was similar to the U.S. estimates. Nevertheless, the amount of activity is low, and a wide disparity between countries exists. To our knowledge, this is the first study determining the prevalence and amount of leisure-time physical activity, which is the first step to define strategies to persuade populations to increase their physical activity

    Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

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    The extraction of a clear and simple footprint of the structure of large, weighted and directed networks is a general problem that has many applications. An important example is given by origin-destination matrices which contain the complete information on commuting flows, but are difficult to analyze and compare. We propose here a versatile method which extracts a coarse-grained signature of mobility networks, under the form of a 2×22\times 2 matrix that separates the flows into four categories. We apply this method to origin-destination matrices extracted from mobile phone data recorded in thirty-one Spanish cities. We show that these cities essentially differ by their proportion of two types of flows: integrated (between residential and employment hotspots) and random flows, whose importance increases with city size. Finally the method allows to determine categories of networks, and in the mobility case to classify cities according to their commuting structure.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures +Supplementary informatio

    From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities

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    Pervasive infrastructures, such as cell phone networks, enable to capture large amounts of human behavioral data but also provide information about the structure of cities and their dynamical properties. In this article, we focus on these last aspects by studying phone data recorded during 55 days in 31 Spanish metropolitan areas. We first define an urban dilatation index which measures how the average distance between individuals evolves during the day, allowing us to highlight different types of city structure. We then focus on hotspots, the most crowded places in the city. We propose a parameter free method to detect them and to test the robustness of our results. The number of these hotspots scales sublinearly with the population size, a result in agreement with previous theoretical arguments and measures on employment datasets. We study the lifetime of these hotspots and show in particular that the hierarchy of permanent ones, which constitute the "heart" of the city, is very stable whatever the size of the city. The spatial structure of these hotspots is also of interest and allows us to distinguish different categories of cities, from monocentric and "segregated" where the spatial distribution is very dependent on land use, to polycentric where the spatial mixing between land uses is much more important. These results point towards the possibility of a new, quantitative classification of cities using high resolution spatio-temporal data.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Distribution and determinants of sedentary lifestyles in the European Union

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    Background Many studies have shown the health burden of a sedentary lifestyle. The main goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles in the 15 Member States of the European Union (EU) and to identify the main correlates of a sedentary lifestyle. Methods Nationally representative samples (n ≈ 1000 subjects in each country; >15 years) completed a questionnaire concerning attitudes to physical activity, body weight, and health; in total 15 239 subjects. Sedentary people were defined in two ways: (1) those expending less than 10% of their leisure time expenditure in activities involving ≥4 metabolic equivalents (MET). (2) Those who did not practice any leisure-time physical activity and who also were above the median in the number of hours spent sitting down during leisure time. Logistic regression models were fitted to analyse the association between sedentary lifestyles and gender, age, body mass index (BMI), educational level, weight change in the last 6 months, and marital and smoking status. Results Percentages of sedentary lifestyles across European countries ranged between 43.3% (Sweden) and 87.8% (Portugal) according to the first definition. According to both definitions, a lower prevalence of sedentary lifestyle was found in Northern countries (especially Scandinavian countries) as compared with Mediterranean countries, whereas the prevalence was higher among older, obese, less educated, widowed/divorced individuals, and current smokers. Similar relative differences between countries and socio-demographic groups were found independently of the method used to define a sedentary lifestyle. Conclusion Prevalence of sedentary lifestyle in the EU is high, especially among inhabitants of some Mediterranean countries, obese subjects, less-educated people, and current smokers. This high prevalence involves important public health burdens and preventive strategies are urgently needed

    Changes in UCP mRNA expression levels in brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle after feeding a high-energy diet and relationships with leptin, glucose and PPARgamma

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    Brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle are known to be important sites for nonshivering thermogenesis. In this context, it is accepted that uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are involved in such process, but little is known about the physiological regulation of these proteins as affected by the intake of a high-energy (cafeteria) diet inducing fat deposition. In this study, the UCP messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) and skeletal muscle was assessed to evaluate the influence of a dietary manipulation on energy homeostasis regulation. We report a statistically significant increase in mRNA levels of iBAT UCP1 and UCP3 and a statistical marginal rise in skeletal muscle UCP3 mRNA expression after feeding a high-energy diet, whereas no changes in UCP2 expression were found in either tissue. Furthermore, significant positive associations between iBAT UCP1 and UCP3 mRNA levels with serum leptin were found. Although the expression of the b3 adrenoceptor (b3AR) was about 50% in the lean controls compared with the obese group in iBAT, no statistically significant changes were observed concerning peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g2 (PPARg2) mRNA levels in muscle or iBAT. We conclude that feeding a diet inducing weight and fat gain produces different outcomes on iBAT and skeletal muscle UCP mRNA expression, revealing a tissue-dependent response for the three UCPs. Results suggest that the regulation of UCP expression in both tissues under these specific dietary conditions may be related to leptin circulating levels