721 research outputs found

    A parallel-plate flow chamber to study initial cell adhesion on a nanofeatured surface

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    Cells in the human body come across many types of information, which they respond to. Both material chemistry and topography of the surface where they adhere have an effect on cell shape, proliferation, migration, and gene expression. It is possible to create surfaces with topography at the nanometric scale to allow observation of cell-topography interactions. Previous work has shown that 100-nm-diameter pits on a 300-nm pitch can have a marked effect in reducing the adhesion of rat fibroblasts in static cultures. In the present study, a flow of cell suspension was used to investigate cell adhesion onto nanopits in dynamic conditions, by means of a parallel-plate flow chamber. A flow chamber with inner nanotopography has been designed, which allows real-time observation of the flow over the nanopits. A nanopitted pattern was successfully embossed into polymethylmethacrylate to meet the required shape of the chamber. Dynamic cell adhesion after 1 h has been quantified and compared on flat and nanopitted polymethylmethacrylate substrates. The nanopits were seen to be significantly less adhesive than the flat substrates (p<0.001), which is coherent with previous observations of static cultures


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    The purpose of this study is to find out how the marketing strategy is applied by Dm Coffea Nusantara in increasing consumer purchasing decisions. The population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics that are determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions drawn. Meanwhile, this study examines marketing strategies in increasing purchasing decisions at Pamella One supermarkets. So that the object of this research is the person responsible for Dm Coffea Nusantara which consists of management. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, it can be concluded that the success of the marketing mix of Dm Coffea Nusantara, namely the efforts made by Dm Coffea Nusantara in terms of providing the products provided, namely by maintaining product quality, from ingredients to the production process. With targets for all groups, Dm Coffea Nusantara must maintain the quality of its products so that consumers are not tempted by other batik products. DM Coffea Nusantara's efforts to set prices are according to the target market. Because this target applies to all people, so provide affordable prices with estimated expenses but by emphasizing costs on the products offered so that the prices that have been set even though they are cheap but still make a profit and can be used for business playback Dm Coffea Nusantara. &nbsp

    Identification of D179H, a novel missense GJB2 mutation in a Western Sicily family

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    The main purpose of this study was to describe a novel missense mutation (p.D179H) found in a Western Sicily family and to examine the genetic and audiologic profiles of all family members by performing a GJB2 and GJB6 mutations analysis and a complete audiologic assessment. The proband was a 3-month-old infant with a congenital profound sensorineural hearing loss; direct sequencing of the GJB2 revealed the presence of a c.35delG mutation in the heterozygous state and a heterozygous G[C transition at nucleotide 535 in trans; this novel mutation, called p.D179H, resulted in an aspartic acid to histidine change at codon 179. It was also evidenced in the heterozygous state in two members of this family, both with normal hearing. No GJB6 mutations were evidenced in all subjects studied. Considering the genotypic and phenotypic analysis of all family members, we suggest, differently from the p.D179 N mutation previously reported, a recessive mode of inheritance. Functional studies on p.D179H have to be performed to confirm our hypothesis

    Management of laryngeal precancerous lesions

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    Objective: The identification of precancerous lesions is the basis of an early diagnosis, and of a treatment that allows, in the great part of cases, the preservation of organ functions. The aims of this study were: the evaluation of the less invasive treatment for precancerous lesion of the larynx to minimize the recurrences, the estimation of number of further operation required. Methods: A prospective study was clone on patients with clinical diagnosis of laryngeal precancerosis. The patients were treated by a transoral endoscopic approach with direct microlaryngoscopy (DML) doing an excision-biopsy with cold blade, consisting in excision of the whole visible lesion with vocal ligament preservation. Results: A recurrence of a clinically evident precancerous lesion was present in 13.2% of patients that had a laryngeal intraepithelial lesion (LIN) 1 lesion and in 28.95% of patients that had a LIN 2 lesion. Conclusion: In order to achieve a control of a precancerous lesion, we suggest: excisional biopsy/subepithelial cordectomy (type 1 cordectomy) for LIN 1 lesions and subligament cordectomy (type 2 cordectomy) in case of LIN 2 cases. In case of recurrences of LIN 1 lesion we suggest directly a type 2 cordectomy

    A novel two-stage kinetic model for surface DBD simulations in air

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    In this work, a novel 0D model for the evaluation of O-3 and NO2 produced by a surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) in a closed environment is presented. The model is composed by two coupled sub-models, a discharge sub-model and an afterglow one. The first one, simulating the discharge regime and consequently including electron impact reactions, aims to calculate the production rates of a set of key species (atomic oxygen, excited states of molecular oxygen and molecular nitrogen). These latter are the input of the afterglow sub-model, that simulates the afterglow regime. We introduce a methodology to relate the production rates of the above mentioned species to the input power of the SDBD reactor. The simulation results are validated by a comparison with experimental data from absorption spectroscopy. The experimental measurements are carried out as follows. First, the discharge is turned on until the NO2 number density reaches steady state. Then, the discharge is turned off for several minutes. Finally, the discharge is turned on again to observe the effects of the NO2 concentration on ozone dynamics. The entire process is done without opening the box. The system operating in all the above-listed conditions is simulated for three different levels of input power

    The role of thermal effects in plasma medical applications: Biological and calorimetric analysis

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    Abstract: Plasma Medicine tools exploit the therapeutic effects of the exposure of living matter to plasma produced at atmospheric pressure. Since these plasmas are usually characterized by a non-thermal equilibrium (highly energetic electrons, low temperature ions), thermal effects on the substrate are usually considered negligible. Conversely, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS), UV radiation and metastables are thought to play a major role. In this contribution, we compare the presence of thermal effects in different operational regimes (corresponding to different power levels) of the Plasma Coagulation Controller (PCC), a plasma source specifically designed for accelerating blood coagulation. In particular, we analyze the application of PCC on human blood samples (in vitro) and male Wistar rats tissues (in vivo). Histological analysis points out, for the highest applied power regime, the onset of detrimental thermal effects such as red cell lysis in blood samples and tissues damages in in-vivo experiments. Calorimetric bench tests performed on metallic targets show that the current coupled by the plasma on the substrate induces most of measured thermal loads through a resistive coupling. Furthermore, the distance between the PCC nozzle and the target is found to strongly affect the total power

    Post laryngectomy speech rehabilitation outcome in elderly patients

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    The aim of our work has been to evaluate the different options of tracheoesophageal voice rehabilitation in over 70-year-old patients, who had undergone laryngectomy, assessing advantages and drawbacks of this method of vocal recovery. A retrospective study has been carried out. This has included 40 subjects, all aged more than 70 years old, who have been referred to tracheoesophageal voice rehabilitation. It has been realized a phonatory fistula between trachea and esophagus with prosthesis positioning by means of a primary puncture in 18 cases and it has been realized a secondary puncture in 22 cases. The results gathered in these patients were compared with data obtained from a group made of 39 patients, less than 70 years of age that therefore represented our control group. In primary tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP), the short-term success was 67 %, while in the 22 cases who underwent secondary TEP, the short-term success was 64 %. After 2 years from TEP, the long-term success was 82.5 %. In the control group, the short-term success was 65 % in primary TEP and 73 % in secondary TEP. After 2 years from TEP, the long-term success was 77 %. The evaluation of the results has shown the absence of a statistically significant difference both as regards complications incidence, during and after surgery (p > 0.9) and as regards overall success ratio of prosthesis implants between the two groups (p > 0.7). The possibilities of tracheoesophageal recovery of elderly patients do not show dissimilarities in comparison with the results in younger subjects

    Alcohol abuse and insomnia disorder: Focus on a group of night and day workers

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    The sleep-wake cycle plays a fundamental role in maintaining the physiological balance of our body. Its alteration favours the genesis of several organic alterations and diseases including sleep disorders and the consumption of several substances of abuse. It has been reported that the work activity, especially that carried out during the night, is able to influence the sleep-wake cycle, promoting the development of insomnia, which, in turn, would subject the worker to a stressful condition such as to encourage adverse behaviour such as the use/abuse of psychotropic substances. Based on the above premises, the aim of our research was to evaluate, in night workers: (i) the pattern of consumption of alcoholic beverages; (ii) the presence of insomnia; and (iii) the possible correlation between alcohol consumption and insomnia disorder. We used the AUDIT-C test (the abbreviated version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) and the Insomnia Severity Index to assess alcohol consumption and insomnia disorder, respectively. All questionnaires were completed by workers of both sexes belonging to different types of work activities, exclusively day or night. The results of our research show a higher propensity of night workers to consume alcoholic beverages than those who work during daytime hours, often in binge-drinking mode. In addition, an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed was found to be related to insomnia disorder, especially in night workers. This study provides further awareness of the importance of the negative impact of alcohol consumption on sleep quality in night workers

    Oct analysis in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis during fingolimod therapy: 2-year longitudinal retrospective study

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    Many studies have demonstrated the usefulness of some optical coherence tomography (OCT) parameters, like total macular volume (TMV) and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL-T), for monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, there are no real-world, long-term studies on patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RR-MS) treated with fingolimod. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe retinal changes associated with fingolimod therapy during a two-year follow-up while considering previous episodes of optic neuritis (ON). Patients diagnosed with RR-MS and treated with fingolimod (46 in total) underwent a two-year follow-up. Based on previous ON history, we identified 16 ON+ and 30 ON− patients. The ophthalmological evaluations, including visual field (VF) examination and OCT, were performed at a baseline at 3–6, 12 and 24 months to evaluate the progression rate for each parameter. When analyzing the whole sample, OCT showed no cases of macular edema. Instead, we observed a significant reduction rate in the central retinal thickness (CRT) (p<0.001), TMV (p < 0.001) and RNFL (p < 0.05). Moreover, we observed a significant difference in the progression rate between ON+ and ON− patients, relative to the VF and RNFL (p < 0.05) examinations. OCT highlighted a significant progression rate of retinal damage in MS patients despite fingolimod therapy, especially in MS ON+ patients

    To what extent can dynamical models describe statistical features of turbulent flows?

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    Statistical features of "bursty" behaviour in charged and neutral fluid turbulence, are compared to statistics of intermittent events in a GOY shell model, and avalanches in different models of Self Organized Criticality (SOC). It is found that inter-burst times show a power law distribution for turbulent samples and for the shell model, a property which is shared only in a particular case of the running sandpile model. The breakdown of self-similarity generated by isolated events observed in the turbulent samples, is well reproduced by the shell model, while it is absent in all SOC models considered. On this base, we conclude that SOC models are not adequate to mimic fluid turbulence, while the GOY shell model constitutes a better candidate to describe the gross features of turbulence.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, in press on Europhys. Lett. (may 2002
