1,602 research outputs found

    Coded aperture imaging

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    This thesis studies the coded aperture camera, a device consisting of a conventional camera with a modified aperture mask, that enables the recovery of both depth map and all-in-focus image from a single 2D input image. Key contributions of this work are the modeling of the statistics of natural images and the design of efficient blur identification methods in a Bayesian framework. Two cases are distinguished: 1) when the aperture can be decomposed in a small set of identical holes, and 2) when the aperture has a more general configuration. In the first case, the formulation of the problem incorporates priors about the statistical variation of the texture to avoid ambiguities in the solution. This allows to bypass the recovery of the sharp image and concentrate only on estimating depth. In the second case, the depth reconstruction is addressed via convolutions with a bank of linear filters. Key advantages over competing methods are the higher numerical stability and the ability to deal with large blur. The all-in-focus image can then be recovered by using a deconvolution step with the estimated depth map. Furthermore, for the purpose of depth estimation alone, the proposed algorithm does not require information about the mask in use. The comparison with existing algorithms in the literature shows that the proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art performance. This solution is also extended for the first time to images affected by both defocus and motion blur and, finally, to video sequences with moving and deformable objects

    Innovative Algorithm for Washing Machine: Unbalance and Inertia Detection

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    Flexural fatigue of pre-cracked fibre reinforced concrete: experimental study and numerical modelling

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    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is recognized as suitable material for structural applications. The number of national codes that have approved it is an evidence. Structures where FRC is generally used can be subjected to fatigue loads and are expected to resist millions of cycles during their service life. Cyclic loads affect significantly the characteristics of materials and can cause fatigue failures. The most demanded cross-sections being cracked under tensile stresses due to direct loads or imposed deformations. Commonly, publications report fatigue behaviour of concrete under compression and are valid for uncracked sections. Imprecision in fatigue prescriptions are reflected through formulation of models that contemplate a probabilistic approach, or an introduction of high safety coefficients within construction codes. The aim of the present doctoral thesis is to perform a structural design oriented analysis on the behaviour of pre-cracked FRC subjected to flexural fatigue loads. FRC with steel and polypropylene fibre with different volume content were investigated by means of three-point bending tests, considering an initial crack width accepted in the service limit state. The mechanical behaviour of FRC were analysed in terms of applied load level, crack opening displacement (CMOD) and fatigue life. The residual flexural tensile strength was assessed after these tests to estimate the impact of the cycles in the remaining resistant capacity of the specimens. Results suggest that the mechanism of crack propagation is independent of the fibre type and content and the monotonic load-crack opening displacement curve might be used as deformation failure criterion for FRC under flexural fatigue loading. The conducted probabilistic approach allows predicting the fatigue strength of concrete reinforced with steel fibres. The findings postulate the proposal of a model to predict the evolution of the crack-opening and the remaining resistant capacity. An optimisation procedure is proposed to derive the model parameters using a limited number of initial load cycles. This doctoral thesis provides knowledge and data that may aid further research and contribute to the future development of design recommendations.El hormigón reforzado con fibra (FRC) se reconoce como material adecuado para aplicaciones estructurales. El número de normativas que lo han aprobado es una evidencia. Las estructuras donde generalmente se usa FRC pueden estar sujetas a cargas de fatiga y se espera que resistan millones de ciclos durante su vida útil. Las cargas cíclicas afectan significativamente a las características de los materiales y pueden causar roturas por fatiga. Las secciones transversales más demandadas se fisuran bajo tensión debido a cargas directas o deformaciones impuestas. Comúnmente, las publicaciones informan del comportamiento de fatiga del hormigón bajo compresión y son válidas para secciones no fisuradas. La imprecisión de las recomendaciones se refleja a través de la formulación de modelos que contemplan un enfoque probabilístico o la introducción de altos coeficientes de seguridad dentro de los códigos de construcción. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es realizar un análisis orientado al diseño estructural sobre el comportamiento del FRC pre-fisurado sometido a cargas de fatiga por flexión. Se investigaron FRC con fibras de acero y polipropileno con diferentes contenidos de fibras mediante pruebas de flexotracción a tres puntos, considerando un ancho de fisura inicial aceptado en el estado límite de servicio. El comportamiento mecánico del FRC se analizó en términos de nivel de carga aplicada, desplazamiento de apertura de fisura (CMOD) y vida útil bajo fatiga. La resistencia residual a flexotracción se evaluó después de los ciclos de fatiga para estimar el impacto de los ciclos en la capacidad de resistencia restante de las muestras. Los resultados sugieren que el mecanismo de propagación de fisuras es independiente del tipo y contenido de fibra y la curva monotónica de CMOD podría ser utilizada como criterio de falla de deformación para FRC bajo carga de fatiga por flexotracción. El enfoque probabilístico realizado permite predecir la resistencia a la fatiga del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero. Los resultados postulan la propuesta de un modelo para predecir la evolución de la apertura de fisura y la capacidad resistente remanente. Se propone un procedimiento de optimización para derivar los parámetros del modelo utilizando un número limitado de ciclos de carga inicial. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona conocimiento y datos que pueden ayudar a futuras investigaciones y contribuir al desarrollo futuro de recomendaciones de diseño.Postprint (published version

    Independência funcional do Tribunal de Contas

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.Este trabalho monográfico apresenta fatores relacionados com a independência funcional do Tribunal de Contas. No começo, explica a importância da atividade financeira do Estado na realização dos interesses da sociedade, e do controle, para garantir seu bom desempenho. Depois, aborda a responsabilidade da Administração pelo patrimônio público, e destaca a prestação de contas enquanto importante instrumento para fiscalizar a gestão de bens por terceiros, inclusive os de natureza pública, que aqui merecem maior cuidado. Ainda, aborda o sistema constitucional de controle financeiro, suas características, com ênfase na atuação do Poder Legislativo. Por fim, trata do Tribunal de Contas enquanto órgão indispensável no controle das finanças públicas, seu histórico e elementos que lhe permitem exercer a função de controle com autonomia

    Measurement error in income and schooling, and the bias for linear estimators

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    Transfers from College to One Ontario University: A Four-Year Outcome Study

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    In this follow-up study, college students who transferred to one Ontario university in 2008–2009 were compared to non-transfer students using several different measures of academic success at university. When compared to non-transfer students, college transfer students earned fewer credits each year, had lower GPAs, and were less able to earn credits from course attempts. The differences were small for students’ first and second years but larger in years three and four. Despite the lower GPA, college transfer students were not more likely than non-transfer students to be eligible for academic suspension. College transfer students also attempted fewer courses and were much less likely to persist to Year 4. By spring 2012 (after four years of university), the college transfer students were more likely than non-transfer students to have graduated, but their degree of choice was a 15-credit three-year degree (as opposed to a 20-credit four-year honours or non-honours degree). Policy implications are discussed.  Cette étude de suivi compare selon divers critères de réussite universitaire des étudiants d’une autre université qui se ont inscrits à une université ontarienne en 2008-2009 et des étudiants qui ne provenaient pas d’une autre université. Comparativement aux étudiants ne provenant pas d’une autre université, les étudiants qui en provenaient ont obtenu chaque année moins de crédits, ont obtenu une plus faible moyenne pondérée cumulative (MPC) et ont moins été en mesure d’obtenir des crédits dans les cours qu’ils ont entrepris. Les différences étaient minimes pour la première et la deuxième années, mais plus importantes pour les troisième et quatrième années. Malgré leur MPC inférieure, les étudiants provenant d’une autre université n’étaient pas plus susceptibles que les étudiants ne provenant pas d’une autre université d’être frappés d’une exclusion des cours. Ils s’inscrivaient également à moins de cours et tendaient beaucoup moins à persévérer jusqu’à la quatrième année. Au printemps 2012 (après quatre années d’études universitaires), les étudiants provenant d’une autre université étaient plus susceptibles d’obtenir leur diplôme que les étudiants ne provenant pas d’une autre université, mais ils avaient choisi plus souvent un programme de trois ans leur donnant 15 crédits qu’un programme de quatre ans, spécialisé ou non, leur donnant 20 crédits. L’article analyse les répercussions dans le domaine des politiques

    Garantia da qualidade dos exames de fenotipagem ABO e RhD: revisão de escopo

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    Entre os 43 sistemas de grupos sanguíneos já descritos, que contemplam 345 antígenos eritrocitários, apenas os antígenos do sistema ABO e o antígeno RhD do sistema Rhesus (Rh) são rotineiramente avaliados para a seleção dos hemocomponentes devido às características dos seus respectivos anticorpos. O objetivo deste estudo foi sintetizar os critérios para a garantia da qualidade dos exames de fenotipagem ABO e RhD. Foi realizada uma revisão narrativa descritiva da literatura, com abordagem dos temas relacionados à técnica, à evolução dos reagentes e às especificações da qualidade. A determinação laboratorial do fenótipo ABO/RhD se mostra harmonizada internacionalmente, utilizando reagentes que detectam a presença ou ausência dos antígenos/anticorpos eritrocitários através de reações sorológicas de hemaglutinação por diferentes técnicas. A substituição dos reagentes policlonais por monoclonais tem proporcionado testes com anticorpos de alta qualidade, mais potentes e específicos. As normativas preconizam, em vários países, a avaliação dos reagentes antes do uso, sendo no Brasil especificada para cada lote/remessa recebida. Controles internos, durante o uso, e externos da qualidade também são preconizados aos serviços de hemoterapia brasileiros, europeus, britânicos, australianos e neozelandeses. Assim, foi observada robustez na legislação brasileira quanto à garantia da qualidade dos exames imuno-hematológicos

    Are Transfer Students Different? An Examination of First-Year Grades and Course Withdrawals

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    Using data from several introductory-level courses at one Canadian university, community college transfer students were compared to transfer students from other universities and to non-transfer students on a number of measures of academic success. The three groups did not differ significantly in terms of course withdrawal rates, and final course grades for college transfer students were not significantly different from those of non-transfer students. However, students who had transferred from other universities received higher final grades. Mid-course grades and gender comparisons are discussed, as are policy implications and suggestions for future research.  Au moyen de données provenant de plusieurs cours d’introduction dispensés dans une université canadienne, des mesures de réussite académique ont été comparées entre des étudiants de collèges communautaires provenant de différentes institutions académiques, ainsi qu’avec des étudiants qui ne sont pas en transfert. Les trois groupes ne présentaient pas de différences substantielles entre eux en ce qui concerne les taux d’abandon de cours. En outre, les notes finales des étudiants provenant d’autres universités ne présentaient pas de différences notables devant celles des étudiants qui n’étaient pas en transfert. Cependant, les étudiants provenant d’autres universités ont obtenu des notes finales plus élevées que les étudiants qui n’étaient pas en transfert. L’article aborde les résultats de mi-parcours et compare ceux-ci entre les hommes et les femmes; on y présente également les incidences politiques et des suggestions pour de futures recherches
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