123 research outputs found

    Prevalence, etiology, and characteristics of patients with type-2 acute myocardial infarction

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    AbstractBackgroundIn clinical practice, type-1 (coronary thrombosis) and type-2 (imbalance between oxygen demand and supply) acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are not clearly differentiated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and etiology of type-2 AMI and compare its profile with that of type-1 AMI.MethodsPatients admitted with ST-segment elevation AMI (STEMI)<12hours of symptom onset, and referred for coronary angiography, from 2009 to 2013, were analyzed.ResultsThere were 1,960 patients included; 1,817 were analyzed, of whom 1,786 (98.3%) had type-1 AMI, and 31 (1.7%), type-2. All patients with type-2 AMI showed no significant coronary lesions, and 36% of the cases had apical dyskinesia. Type-2 AMI patients had, in general, a clinical and laboratory profile that was similar to those with type-1, except for the younger age, lower levels of myocardial necrosis markers, higher probability of having pre-TIMI 3 flow and higher left ventricular ejection fraction. At 30 days, mortality (3.2 vs. 9.0%; p=0.23) and the occurrence of death, reinfarction, or need for target-vessel revascularization (3.2 vs. 13.0%; p=0.09) were numerically lower in type-2 AMI.ConclusionsFew patients with STEMI were classified as type-2; they had structural abnormalities, isolated or associated with the absence of significant lesions; showed little difference regarding the clinical and laboratory profile, and similar clinical outcomes at 30 days, when compared to patients with type-1 AMI

    Evaluation of agressiveness and genetic diversity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in tabaco in southern Brazil

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    A cultura do tabaco tem enfrentado crescentes problemas com doenças nas lavouras do sul do Brasil nos últimos anos. Dentre elas, o mofo branco, causada por Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, tem se destacado. O perfil genético do patógeno ou de seus níveis de agressividade, assim como de resistência em genótipos de tabaco, são ainda escassos. Assim, avaliou-se o perfil genético de 33 isolados de S. sclerotiorum de diferentes municípios dos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná e São Paulo, e da agressividade de 10 isolados em cinco genótipos de tabaco. A agressividade foi testada em casa de vegetação, inoculando-se micélio do fungo em hastes de plantas de tabaco mediante perfuração com palito de dente estéril. O perfil genético dos 33 isolados foi avaliado pela técnica de microssatélites. Isolados do fungo e genótipos de tabaco apresentaram diferentes perfis de agressividade e resistência, respectivamente. Foram detectados 114 alelos com média de 11 alelos por locus e clones não foram observados. Alguns marcadores apresentaram alelo nulo em alguns genótipos, em especial o marcador 99, o qual foi nulo em 14 isolados. Alelos exclusivos foram observados para 61% dos isolados. A análise da informação do conteúdo de polimorfismo (PIC) foi altamente informativa para todos os marcadores. Os isolados provenientes de diferentes Estados do Sul do Brasil não formaram grupos distintos, indicando que o local não foi um fator determinante da variabilidade. A análise de Cluster indicou que as populações menores, originárias do Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul não diferem geneticamente da população maior de Santa Catarina.Tobacco has faced rising problems due to diseases in Southern Brazil in recent years. Among the main diseases, the white mold caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum has significant impact. Information about the genetic profile of the pathogen, its level of aggressiveness, as well as the resistance of tobacco genotypes is still scarce. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the genetic profile of 33 isolates of S. sclerotiorum from different places in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo, and the aggressiveness of 10 isolates in five tobacco genotypes. Aggressiveness was tested by inoculating fungus celium on stalks of tobacco plants in a greenhouse. The genetic profile of the 33 isolates was assessed by microsatellite technique. Fungus isolates and tobacco genotypes showed different profiles of aggressiveness and resistance, respectively. A total of 114 alleles were detected with an average of 11 alleles per locus and no clones were observed. Some markers showed null allele in some genotypes, particularly marker 99, which was null in 14 isolates. Unique alleles were found for 61% of the isolates. The analysis of polymorphism information content (PIC) was highly informative for all markers. Isolates from different States of Southern Brazil did not form distinct groups, indicating that the origin site was not a determining factor of variability. The Cluster analysis indicated that smaller populations from Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul do not differ genetically from the larger population from Santa Catarina

    Transportadores de ácidos orgânicos na tolerância ao alumínio tóxico em trigo

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    Aluminum (Al) toxicity in plants is seen in about 15% of the soils worldwide, restraining yields in arable land. In Brazil, acidic soils limit production of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and other cereals. Al is toxic for most winter cereals when its concentration increases and soil pH is below 5. One of the main concerns with acidic soil is the increase in the mobility of Al3+ions. Al binds to cell walls in roots, preventing meristematic elongation in sensitive species, causing damage to the root system and results in lower yields. Al3+ forms highly stable complexes with phosphorus (P), limiting its availability to plants, as well as reducing cell division and elongation. To deal with Al toxicity, plants have developed strategies such as organic acid (OA) exudation by roots; this mechanism of detoxification has been well-characterized. OAs, in turn, chelate ions Al3, forming non-toxic compounds that do not penetrate the root system. Some genes responsible for Al tolerance in wheat have been identified, particularly TaALMT1 and TaMATE1B that transport malate and citrate OAs, respectively. In this review, we discussed the mechanisms by which Al damages roots those by which plants are protected, primarily through two genes. We also described the interaction of the ALMT1 gene with P and iron (Fe).A toxicidade do alumínio (Al) às plantas é observada em cerca de 15% dos solos no planeta, sendo um fator restritivo à produtividade em terras cultiváveis. No Brasil, os solos ácidos são limitantes à produção de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) e outros cereais. O Al é tóxico para a maioria dos cereais de inverno, quando a sua concentração aumenta e o pH do solo atinge valores inferiores a 5. Uma das principais preocupações sobre o solo ácido é o aumento da mobilidade dos íons Al3+. O Al pode se ligar as paredes celulares das raízes e, como consequência, impedir o alongamento meristemático em espécies sensíveis, provocando danos ao sistema radicular, que resulta em menor desempenho agronômico das plantas. O Al3+ é também capaz de formar complexos altamente estáveis com fósforo (P), limitando sua disponibilidade para as plantas, e também reduzindo a divisão e o alongamento celular. Para lidar com a toxicidade ao Al, as plantas desenvolveram algumas estratégias como a exsudação de ácido orgânicos (AOs) pelas raízes, sendo este mecanismo de destoxificação bem caracterizado. Os AOs, por sua vez, quelam ions Al3+ formando compostos não tóxicos que não penetram no sistema radicular. Alguns genes responsáveis pela tolerância ao Al em trigo foram identificados, com ênfase para TaALMT1 e TaMATE1B, que exsudam os AOs malato e citrato, respectivamente. Nesta revisão, discutimos os mecanismos pelos quais Al danifica raízes, bem como plantas protegem-se, através de dois genes principalmente. Também apresentamos a interação do gene ALMT1 com P e ferro (Fe)

    Hepatitis C among former athletes: association with the use of injectable stimulants in the past

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    This study was performed with the purpose of testing the hypothesis that the high prevalence of hepatitis C among former athletes is associated with their past use of injectable stimulants. The study involved the participation of 208 former professional and amateur soccer and basketball players from the region of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, who answered a questionnaire regarding their exposure to risk factors, including the use of injectable stimulants in the time they were engaged in sporting activities. ELISA tests were used to detect infection by the hepatitis C virus, and confirmed with PCR and genotyping for the positive cases. It was observed that the former use of injectable stimulants was a practice disseminated among the participants (24.5%), reaching 50.8% in the professionals. The overall prevalence for hepatitis C was 7.2%, with values of 11% among professionals and 5.5% among amateurs. In both categories, the presence of infection was markedly higher among those who admitted past use of injectable stimulants when compared to those who denied such practice (36% and 0.8% among amateurs; 21.9% and 0% among professionals, respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that the use of those substances was the only variable associated with the risk of hepatitis C. This confirms previous observations, performed with reduced sample sizes and without comparison groups, which indicated that the use of injectable vitamins was a risk factor of hepatitis C among former athletes.CNPqUSP - FAEP

    Long-term follow-up of patients with chronic hepatitis C with sustained virologic response to interferon

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: The durability of the sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients with chronic hepatitis C after treatment and the ideal follow-up time for these patients remains undefined. The objective of the study was to evaluate the durability of the virologic response in patients with chronic hepatitis C followed up for at least 12 months after SVR at HCFMRP-USP. METHODS: The study was conducted on 174 patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with different antiviral regimens who had achieved SVR. Qualitative serum HCV-RNA was determined by the commercial kit (COBAS AMPLICOR HCV, v2.0). RESULTS: There was predominance of male (73%) with a mean age of 45.6 ± 10 years. Liver cirrhosis was present in 16.1% of the study subjects. Mean follow-up time after SVR was 47 months (12-156 months). Twenty-two patients received monotherapy with interferon; 94 received interferon plus ribavirin, and 58 received pegylated interferon plus ribavirin. A total of 134 patients (77.0%) received one treatment course, 29 (16.7%) received two courses, and 11 (6.3%) received three courses. The distribution of HCV genotypes was: genotype 1 (40.2%), genotype 3 (40.8%) and genotype 2 (10.3%). Genotype was undetermined in 8.7% of cases. None of the 174 patients had recurrence of HCV infection. Two cirrhotic patients developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with SVR there was no recurrence of HCV infection or evidence of liver disease progression in any patient followed up for a mean of 47 months after SVR, except for patients with advanced hepatic disease before treatment, who may develop HCC despite SVR. Therefore, one can assume that SVR is associated with long term good prognosis.(FAEPA) Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino Pesquisa e Assistênci

    Habilidades Sociais e o Abuso de Drogas no Contexto Familiar

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    O presente artigo é uma revisão bibliográfica que objetiva relacionar os temas: habilidades sociais, família e abuso de drogas. Para a realização da pesquisa foi feita uma busca nas bases de dados Scielo, Pepsic e BVS, bem como consultados livros referentes à temática abordada. Pode-se dizer que em todos os tempos e civilizações o abuso de drogas esteve presente, sendo assim, não se pode pensar em uma sociedade sem drogas em função da busca pelos efeitos múltiplos que as substâncias podem proporcionar aos indivíduos, entre eles, a luta contra algum sofrimento decorrente de relações insatisfatórias. Neste contexto, a família se torna extremamente importante, visto que as relações familiares necessitam de competências interpessoais de seus membros para que desenvolvam convivências satisfatórias, oferecendo um ambiente de proteção diante de eventos ameaçadores. Palavras-Chave: Habilidades sociais, drogas, família

    Effect of glazing application side and mechanical cycling on the biaxial flexural strength and Weibull characteristics of a Y-TZP ceramic

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    Glaze application on monolithic zirconia (Y-TZP) can be a practical approach to improve the mechanical properties of this material. Objective: Our study evaluated the effect of glazing side and mechanical cycling on the biaxial flexure strength (BFS) of a Y-TZP. Methodology: Eighty sintered Y-TZP discs (Ø:12 mm; thickness: 1.2 mm - ISO 6872) were produced and randomly assigned into eight groups (n=10), according to the factors “glazing side” (control – no glazing; GT – glaze on tensile side; GC – glaze on compression side; GTC – glaze on both sides) and “mechanical aging” (non-aged and aged, A – mechanical cycling: 1.2×106, 84 N, 3 Hz, under water at 37°C). Specimens were subjected to BFS test (1 mm/min; 1,000 Kgf load cell) and fractured surfaces were analyzed by stereomicroscopy and SEM. Hsueh’s rigorous solutions were used to estimate the stress at failure of glazed specimens. Two-way ANOVA, Tukey’s test (5%), and Weibull analysis were performed. Results: The “glazing side”, “mechanical aging” and the interaction of the factors were significant (p&lt;0.05). Groups GC (1157.9±146.9 MPa), GT (1156.1±195.3 MPa), GTC (986.0±187.4 MPa) and GTC-A (1131.9±128.9 MPa) presented higher BFS than control groups (Tukey, 5%). Hsueh’s rigorous solutions showed that the maximum tensile stress was presented in the bottom of zirconia layer, at the zirconia/glaze interface. Weibull characteristic strength (σo) of the GC was higher than all groups (p&lt;0.05), except to GT, GTC-A and GTC, which were similar among them. The fractography showed initiation of failures from zirconia the tensile side regardless of the side of glaze application and fatigue. Conclusion: Glazing zirconia applied on both tensile and compression sides improves the flexural strength of Y-TZP, regardless the mechanical aging