309 research outputs found

    Les professionnels de l'information en France: de la formation initiale Ă  la formation continue jusqu'Ă  la certification professionnelle

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    OĂč en est la formation des professionnels de l’information en France ? Le systĂšme de formation initiale est en pleine transformation avec le passage au systĂšme europĂ©en de diplĂŽmes (LMD) ; de ce fait on assiste Ă  une reconstruction des formations et des programmes en gestion de l’information allant dans le sens d’une plus grande lisibilitĂ©, d’un regroupement et d’une simplification des diplĂŽmes.La formation continue, rĂ©gie jusque lĂ  par la loi de 1971, assurant une obligation de financement de la formation continue par les entreprises, va, elle aussi, connaĂźtre des bouleversements puisqu’une nouvelle loi vient d’ĂȘtre votĂ©e le 9 avril 2004 crĂ©ant le droit individuel Ă  la formation hors temps de travail, ce qui implique pour les entreprises un vĂ©ritable investissement dans la qualification professionnelle de leurs salariĂ©s.Enfin, les responsables d’organisations ou d’entreprises sont de plus en plus Ă  la recherche de compĂ©tences « prĂȘtes Ă  l’emploi ». Les certifications professionnelles sont une rĂ©ponse Ă  cette demande d’expĂ©rience : aujourd’hui une association, comme l’ADBS, propose une certification professionnelle en information et documentation appuyĂ©e sur un rĂ©fĂ©rentiel europĂ©en des compĂ©tences. Elle participe, dans le cadre du programme Leonardo, au projet CERTIDoc (certification europĂ©enne des professionnels de l’information -documentation) appuyĂ© sur un consortium de partenaires europĂ©ens et qui devrait ĂȘtre mis en oeuvre en janvier 2005.On peut penser que les certifications professionnelles vont permettre de crĂ©er un lien fort entre la formation initiale et la formation continue et le marchĂ© du travail

    The “Health Benefit Basket” in France

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    The French “Health Benefit Basket” is defined principally by positive lists of reimbursed goods and services; however, global budget-financed hospital-delivered services are more implicitly defined. The range of reimbursable curative care services is defined by two coexisting positive lists/fee schedules: the Classification Commune des Actes MĂ©dicaux (CCAM) and the Nomenclature GĂ©nĂ©rale des Actes Professionnels (NGAP). The National Union of Health Insurance Funds has been updating these positive lists since August 2004, with the main criterion for inclusion being the proposed procedure’s effectiveness. This is assessed by the newly created High Health authority (replacing the former ANAES). In addition, complementary health insurers are consulted in the inclusion process due to their important role in French healthcare financing

    Planification et gouvernance : influence sur le périurbain ? Monographies du Nord Stéphanois et de l'Ouest Lyonnais

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    Deux conceptions de la planification et de la gouvernance s'opposent sur ces deux exemples de périurbanisation.Dans le Nord Stéphanois, une périurbanisation territorialement éparpillée s'est juxtaposée à une planification tronquée et limitée à l'aménagement de zones d'activités. L'organisation urbaine de ce territoire s'en est trouvée largement affectée.L'Ouest Lyonnais est parvenu au contraire à se doter d'une organisation politique et d'outils de planification propres qui ont permis un développement local harmonieux.A l'avenir, ces territoires seront confrontés à des enjeux comme celui de la desserte ferroviaire du Nord Stéphanois et à celui de la poursuite de la périurbanisation liée à une nouvelle possibilité de franchissement de la Loire par les automobiles. Dans l'Ouest lyonnais, les enjeux seront surtout ceux de l'annonce puis de la réalisation de deux infrastructures de niveau national (COL et A45) Finalement, la nature et l'articulation entre planification et gouvernance paraissent tenir à l'imbrication étroite entre l'économique et le territoire, c'est à dire la dimension géo-économique du développement urbain

    Lower Cretaceous cephalopod biostratigraphy of the western Tethys : recent developments, regional synthesis, and outstanding problems

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    Géologie alpine. Mémoire HS n° 20Papers from the 1st and 2nd workshops of the Working Group on Lower Cretaceous Cephalopod (IGCP Project 262) held in Digne (July, 1990) and Mula (July, 1992). - Contributions en français ou en anglais ; résumés en anglais et françai

    The microRNA Signature in Response to Insulin Reveals Its Implication in the Transcriptional Action of Insulin in Human Skeletal Muscle and the Role of a Sterol Regulatory Element–Binding Protein-1c/Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2C Pathway

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Factors governing microRNA expressions in response to changes of cellular environment are still largely unknown. Our aim was to determine whether insulin, the major hormone controlling whole-body energy homeostasis, is involved in the regulation of microRNA expressions in human skeletal muscle. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We carried out comparative microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles in human skeletal muscle biopsies before and after a 3-h euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, with TaqMan low-density arrays. Then, using DNA microarrays, we determined the response to insulin of the miRNA putative target genes in order to determine their role in the transcriptional action of insulin. We further characterized the mechanism of action of insulin on two representative miRNAs, miR-1 and miR-133a, in human muscle cells. RESULTS: Insulin downregulated the expressions of 39 distinct miRNAs in human skeletal muscle. Their potential target mRNAs coded for proteins that were mainly involved in insulin signaling and ubiquitination-mediated proteolysis. Bioinformatic analysis suggested that combinations of different downregulated miRNAs worked in concert to regulate gene expressions in response to insulin. We further demonstrated that sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1c and myocyte enhancer factor 2C were involved in the effect of insulin on miR-1 and miR-133a expression. Interestingly, we found an impaired regulation of miRNAs by insulin in the skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic patients, likely as consequences of altered SREBP-1c activation. CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrates a new role of insulin in the regulation of miRNAs in human skeletal muscle and suggests a possible implication of these new modulators in insulin resistance

    Grape polyphenols decrease circulating branched chain amino acids in overfed adults

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    Introduction and aims: Dietary polyphenols have long been associated with health benefits, including the prevention of obesity and related chronic diseases. Overfeeding was shown to rapidly induce weight gain and fat mass, associated with mild insulin resistance in humans, and thus represents a suitable model of the metabolic complications resulting from obesity. We studied the effects of a polyphenol-rich grape extract supplementation on the plasma metabolome during an overfeeding intervention in adults, in two randomized parallel controlled clinical trials. Methods: Blood plasma samples from 40 normal weight to overweight male adults, submitted to a 31-day overfeeding (additional 50% of energy requirement by a high calorie-high fructose diet), given either 2 g/day grape polyphenol extract or a placebo at 0, 15, 21, and 31 days were analyzed (Lyon study). Samples from a similarly designed trial on females (20 subjects) were collected in parallel (Lausanne study). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics was conducted to characterize metabolome changes induced by overfeeding and associated effects from polyphenol supplementation. The clinical trials are registered under the numbers NCT02145780 and NCT02225457 at ClinicalTrials.gov. Results: Changes in plasma levels of many metabolic markers, including branched chain amino acids (BCAA), ketone bodies and glucose in both placebo as well as upon polyphenol intervention were identified in the Lyon study. Polyphenol supplementation counterbalanced levels of BCAA found to be induced by overfeeding. These results were further corroborated in the Lausanne female study.Conclusion: Administration of grape polyphenol-rich extract over 1 month period was associated with a protective metabolic effect against overfeeding in adults

    SETHI / RAMSES-NG: New performances of the flexible multi-spectral airborne remote sensing research platform

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    International audienceSETHI is an airborne SAR/GMTI system developed by the French Aerospace Lab. ONERA, and integrating various sensors. In 2016 ONERA invested in upgrade and improvement of all SETHI components. The microwave ones cover from VHF-UHF to X Band, full polarimetric and very high resolution, along track and cross track interferometry and very high precision multi-baseline capacity for interferometry and tomography applications. The optronic sensors offer very high spatial resolution visible images and fine spectral scene analysis in VNIR and SWIR bands. This paper presents the upgrade and new performances of this flexible platform and the qualification campaign results with various sensor configurations
