66 research outputs found

    Learn as you walk. The role of physical activity in the development of life skills

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the educational potential of the many forms of walking, specifically investigating the role that this form of movement can play in the development of life skills. Walking is not only the simplest and most spontaneous way that human beings have to move from one place to another, but it is an action that can take on a series of meanings from both an anthropological-philosophical and a pedagogical point of view. Indeed, walking is one of the most accessible and cost-effective physical activities, a slow and alternative type of travel, a form of sustainable mobility, and an original means to facilitate learning. This paper, by referring to some experimental projects that focus on various ways of walking, will attempt to explore the specific value that each of them may have in the person's educational and self-developmental process. Apprendere camminando. Il ruolo dell'attività motoria nello sviluppo delle life skills. L'articolo si pone l'obiettivo di analizzare le potenzialità formativo-educative delle molteplici declinazioni del cammino, approfondendo nello specifico il ruolo che tale forma di movimento può avere nello sviluppo delle life skills. Camminare non è solamente il modo più semplice e spontaneo che l'uomo ha per spostarsi da un luogo ad un altro, bensì è un'azione che può assumere una serie di significati sia da un punto di vista antropologico-filosofico che pedagogico. Il cammino si configura, infatti, come una delle attività motorie più accessibili ed economiche, come lenta ed alternativa tipologia di viaggio, come forma di mobilità sostenibile, come un originale dispositivo per agevolare l'apprendimento. Il presente contributo, facendo riferimento ad alcuni progetti sperimentali incentrati sui variegati modi di camminare, cercherà di esplorare il valore specifico che ognuno di essi può avere nel processo formativo ed autoformativo della persona

    Pedagogist: His Profession, His Practice and His Toolbox

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    Pedagogy, as a human and social science and as a profession, has a history that has its roots in classical Greece. It has had a particularly significant evolution as Sozialpädagogik in the eighteenth-century Mitteleuropa, as was the case for other social or psychological sciences and related professions. Today, it presents itself as an autonomous science, which is also a field of transposition and integration of inputs from other sciences and other forms of knowledge, to turn everything into specifically educational purposes. The profession, in turn, takes place at the level of the intermediate applicability between theory and practice and is highly compatible with other social and health professions and open to dialogue and teamwork. With these assumptions, it is able to respond positively to the specific and new educational problems that contemporary complexity urgently poses by calling this profession into question. The chapter offers an essential, rigorous, and organic presentation of one of the new branches of General Pedagogy: Professional Pedagogy. The pedagogist carries out a higher intellectual profession whose focus is education in all social domains, and in all ages of life. A solid theoretical and methodological basis allows the pedagogist to treat individual cases using lexicon, techniques, procedures, and conceptual and operational tools of a strictly specific nature

    ED-B fibronectin expression is a marker of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in translational oncology

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    Fibronectin is a component of the extracellular matrix that links collagen fibers to integrins on the cell's surface. The splicing isoforms, containing the ED-B domain, are not expressed in adult tissues but only in tumor stroma or during embryonic development. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells express ED-B fibronectin during angiogenesis. Also cancer cells can synthetize ED-B fibronectin, but its function in tumor growth needs to be further elucidated. We evaluated the expression of ED-B fibronectin in prostate cancer cell lines: PC3 and DU145. Using TGF-β, we induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition in culture and observed an increase of ED-B fibronectin expression. Thereafter, we evaluated the expression of ED-B fibronectin in multipotent mesangiogenic progenitor cells, and in mesenchymal stromal cells. The expression of ED-B fibronectin was much higher in mesenchymal than prostate cancer cells even after the epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition is a key step for tumor progression contributing to the metastatic spread. Therefore, circulating cancer cells could seed into the metastatic niche taking advantage from the ED-B fibronectin that secrete their own

    ED-B-Containing Isoform of Fibronectin in Tumor Microenvironment of Thymomas:A Target for a Theragnostic Approach

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    Simple Summary The extra-domain B fibronectin (ED-B FN) is highly expressed in thymic epithelial tumors (TETs), as demonstrated by in vivo targeting using 131I-labeled L19 small immunoprotein (131I-L19-SIP) and immunohistochemistry with a predominant expression by stromal cells of a thymoma microenvironment rather than epithelial cells. Such high expression derived from the induction of stromal cells shifts FN production to the ED-B subtype. Our results suggest that Radretumab radioimmunotherapy (R-RIT) inefficacy is not related to low TET ED-B expression but to multifactorial aspects including patients' inherent characteristics, the pattern expression of the target, the biological characteristics of the tumor, and the format of the target agent, which contribute to the resistance of tumor cells to treatment. Aim: to exploit tissue-specific interactions among thymic epithelial tumor (TETs) cells and extra-domain B fibronectin (ED-B FN). Material and methods: The stromal pattern of ED-B FN expression was investigated through tumor specimen collection and molecular profiling in 11 patients with recurrent TETs enrolled in prospective theragnostic phase I/II trials with Radretumab, an ED-B FN specific recombinant human antibody. Radretumab radioimmunotherapy (R-RIT) was offered to patients who exhibited the target expression. Experiments included immunochemical analysis (ICH), cell cultures, immunophenotypic analysis, Western blot, slot-blot assay, and quantitative RT-PCR of two primary thymoma cultures we obtained from patients' samples and in the Ty82 cell line. Results: The in vivo scintigraphic demonstration of ED-B FN expression resulted in R-RIT eligibility in 8/11 patients, of which seven were treated. The best observed response was disease stabilization (n = 5/7) with a duration of 4.3 months (range 3-5 months). IHC data confirmed high ED-B FN expression in the peripherical microenvironment rather than in the center of the tumor, which was more abundant in B3 thymomas. Further, there was a predominant expression of ED-B FN by the stromal cells of the thymoma microenvironment rather than the epithelial cells. Conclusions: Our data support the hypothesis that thymomas induce stromal cells to shift FN production to the ED-B subtype, likely representing a favorable hallmark for tumor progression and metastasis. Collectively, results derived from clinical experience and molecular insights of the in vitro experiments suggested that R-RIT inefficacy is unlikely related to low target expression in TET, being the mechanism of R-RIT resistance eventually related to patients' susceptibility (i.e., inherent characteristics), the pattern expression of the target (i.e., at periphery), the biological characteristics of the tumor (i.e., aggressive and resistant phenotypes), and/or to format of the target agent (i.e., 131I-L19-SIP)

    Positron emission tomography response and minimal residual disease impact on progression-free survival in patients with follicular lymphoma. A subset analysis from the FOLL05 trial of the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze the prognostic role of combined PET and BCL2/IGH analysis, performed at the EOT, in a subset study of the phase III trial FOLL05 (NCT00774826), in which patients with FL were randomized to R-CVP (rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone), R-CHOP (rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone) or R-FM (rituximab plus fludarabine and mitoxantrone).6 This study was conducted in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki, was approved by the appropriate research ethics committee, and required each patient to provide written informed consent

    A rare case of de novo CD5+ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in leukemic phase and positive for CD13

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    We report a case of de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in leukemic phase, positive for both CD5 and CD13. Morphologic evaluation, flow cytometric immunophenotyping, karyotyping and polymerase chain reaction studies were performed. Neoplastic lymphocytes appeared as blast-like cells, positive for CD19, CD20, CD5, CD13, CD79a, HLADR, and with restriction for surface immunoglobulin K light chains. Rearrangement of IgH gene, BCL2/IgH translocation and complex karyotype were found. The patient was treated with RCOMP regimen and achieved complete remission. However, only one month after the first restaging of disease, the patient presented with symptoms attributable to central nervous system involvement and her clinical conditions worsened rapidly. While both CD5 expression and leukemic presentation are uncommon findings in DLBCL, positivity for CD13 is very rare. The outcome of our patient shows the poor prognosis of CD5+ DLBCL with leukemic presentation. The possible role of CD13 coexpression is discussed

    Prove di campo e analisi degli effetti del compost sulla coltura di frumento tenero e sul microbioma rizosferico ad essa associata

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    Il presente volume presenta le attività e i risultati ottenuti dal Gruppo Operativo “ABRIOPACK”, nato dalla collaborazione tra aziende agricole marchigiane, imprese agroindustriali, università, enti di ricerca pubblici, consulenti ed aziende private leader nel settore della produzione di bioplastiche. Grazie ad una sperimentazione durata quattro anni, il gruppo ha sviluppato protocolli di allevamento avicolo che non prevedono l’uso di antibiotici ed un imballaggio alimentare biodegradabile e compostabile, riciclabile interamente (vaschetta, pellicola, etichetta e scarto organico avicolo) insieme ai rifiuti organici. Queste innovazioni consentono di far fronte a problemi estremamente sentiti in ambito zootecnico ed agroalimentare, quali quello dell’antibiotico resistenza e dell’eccessivo uso di plastica tradizionale, riducendo la produzione di rifiuti indifferenziati ed incrementando il recupero di rifiuti organici attraverso un fine vita virtuoso (compostaggio). I risultati ottenuti e presentati attraverso la presente pubblicazione sono utili alla filiera avicola, ma replicabili anche ad altre filiere agroalimentari

    Treatment of Biofilm Communities: An Update on New Tools from the Nanosized World

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    Traditionally regarded as single cell organisms, bacteria naturally and preferentially build multicellular communities that enable them to react efficiently to external stimuli in a coordinated fashion and with extremely effective outcomes. These communities are bacterial biofilms, where single cells or microcolonies are embedded in self-built Extracellular Polymeric Substance (EPS), composed of different macromolecules, e.g., polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and extracellular DNA (eDNA). Despite being the most common form in nature and having many biotechnologically useful applications, biofilm is often regarded as a life-threatening form of bacterial infection. Since this form of bacterial life is intrinsically more resistant to antibiotic treatment and antimicrobial resistance is reaching alarming levels, we will focus our attention on how nanotechnology made new tools available to the medical community for the prevention and treatment of these infections. After a brief excursus on biofilm formation and its main characteristics, different types of nanomaterials developed to prevent or counteract these multicellular forms of bacterial infection will be described. A comparison of different classifications adopted for nanodrugs and a final discussion of challenges and future perspectives are also presente
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