13 research outputs found

    Environmentalism and education

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o velice aktuálním tématu ekologie a vzdělávání, neboli environmentální výchově. Ta je součástí života nejen všech lidí, ale každé živé bytosti této planety, ať už na vědomé nebo nevědomé úrovni. Těžištěm této práce jsou vybraná základní a průlomové témata objasňující rozsáhlou problematiku environmentálního vzdělávání, výchovy a osvěty, jednak celosvětově, jednak na příkladu České republiky. Práce popisuje problematiku od legislativních povinností a podmínek až po metodické možnosti, jež dnes mají organizace zajímající se o implementaci ekologie do vzdělávání. Tato práce je teoretická, nicméně obsahuje příklady programů v praxi už zaběhlých a také nejaktuálnějších, teprve se připravujících. Poskytuje základní informace o dané problematice na nadnárodní, národní, krajské i individuální úrovni.This thesis deals with a very current topic of ecology and education, or environmental education.This is not just part of life for all people, but every living creature on this planet, whether conscious or unconscious level. The focus of this work, the selected basic and pioneering themes explaining broad issues of environmental education and awareness, both globally and also on the Czech Republic. Describe the topic of legislative obligations and conditions to the methodological possibilities that today organizations are interested in the implementation of ecology in education. This work is theoretical, however, contains examples of programs already in practice, groovy and most recent, it remains to be preparing. Provides basic information about the problems of transnational, national, regional and individual level.Department of Adult Education and Personnel ManagementKatedra andragogiky a personálního řízeníFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Quercetin-induced changes in femoral bone microstructure of adult male rabbits

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    Flavonoids are a group of plant metabolites with antioxidant effects. One of the most abundant flavonoids in the human diet is quercetin. It is found widely in fruits, vegetables and has a lot of beneficial effects on human health. Quercetin has a positive pharmacological effect on bone metabolism and it prevents the organism against bone loss. However, its impact on the size of basic structural units of the compact bone is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of present study was to investigate the impact of the quercetin on femoral bone microstructure in 5-month-old male rabbits. Five rabbits of Californian broiler line were randomly divided into two groups. In the experimental group (E group; n=3), animals were intramuscularly injected with quercetin at dose 1000 μg.kg-1 body weight (bw) for 90 days, 3 times per week. Two rabbits without quercetin administration served as a control group (C group). According to our results, intramuscular application of quercetin had an insignificant effect on cortical bone thickness in male rabbits. In these rabbits, changes in qualitative histological characteristics were present in the middle part of the compacta, where primary vascular longitudinal bone tissue was present and expanded there from the periosteum. Also, a lower number of secondary osteons was found in these animals. From the histomorphometrical point of view, significantly decreased sizes of primary osteons' vascular canals and secondary osteons (p <0.05) were found in rabbits administered by quercetin. Our findings indicate that subchronic administration of quercetin at the dose used in our study had considerable impact on both qualitative and quantitative histological characteristics of the compact bone in adult male rabbits

    The assessment of the semicircular canals and cochlea of the human bony labyrinth using imaging techniques

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    The human bony labyrinth is an inner ear structure located inside the pyramid of the temporal bone that encloses the organs of sound perception and balance. As one of the most resistant skeletal elements in human body, the pyramid is frequently uncovered in a good state of preservation. Until recently, research of the human bony labyrinth had been restricted exclusively to irreversibly invasive techniques. Due to this invasiveness, literature on morphological variation has been scarce and many questions regarding population, age or sex-related differences are yet to be answered. The studied sample of pyramids originated from Dětkovice - Za zahradama Site (Czech Republic) dated to 1000’s and 1100’s A.D. All elements were examined using an X-ray Carestream Xtreme device and a cone-beam CT unit. In digital X-ray images, linear distance of the semicircular canals and cochlear diameter were measured in ImageJ program. CT images were first processed to generate 3D digital models, which were subsequently studied using a newly established PC-aided approach employing measuring functionalities available in GOM Inspect program. Altogether 39 variables were proposed in order to describe shape and size variation in the semicircular canals. Acquired measurements were confronted and tested against individual's demographic data determined based on corresponding skeletal elements and burial attributes. The results showed small to none sex-related and body side-specific differences. Still, statistically significant differences were shown between sub-adults and adults. They were particularly evident in size variables of the lumens of the lateral and posterior semicircular canal, where larger values for adults were provided. This indicates a widening of the canals during growth by the resorption in the vicinity of the canals. The acquired results contribute to our comprehension of the development of inner ear structures and demonstrate the potential of the employment of non-invasive approaches when examining human skeletal remains

    Waste from Industrial Productions and Technologies - Petrochemical Industry

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    Import 11/07/2012Tématem mé bakalářské práce jsou Odpady z průmyslových výrob a technologií. Tato práce je zaměřena především na odpady vzniklé na petrochemických výrobnách a při výrobě vodíku. Vzhledem k tomu, že tyto odpady představují obrovský problém a na jejich likvidaci jsou vynakládány vysoké finanční prostředky, neustále se hledá optimální řešení pro využití těchto odpadů.The topic of my thesis are wastes from industrial production and technology. This work is focused on waste arising from petrochemical production plants and hydrogen production. Given that these wastes pose big problem, and their disposal are incurred substantial financial resources, constantly looking for the optimal solution for the use of such waste.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    A Study of Carbon Black Chezacarb as Environmental Application Sorbent

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    Import 05/08/2014Tématem mé diplomové práce je Studium vlastností sazí Chezacarb, jako sorbentu pro environmentální aplikace. Tato práce je zaměřena především na petrochemické saze Chezacarb a jejich převedení na aditivované sorbenty, které jsou využitelné k deodorizaci čpavku v bioplynu, a tím je možné omezit nežádoucí účinky na životní prostředí a ekologii.The topic of my diploma work is the study of properties of carbon black Chezacarb as sorbent for environmental applications. This work is focused on the petrochemical carbon black Chezacarb and converts the doped sorbents that can be used to deodorize ammonia in biogas, and it is possible to limit the adverse effects on the environment and ecology.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    Composition of the Separated Green Waste in Rural and Urban Area

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    The municipalities in Slovakia have a duty to separate biodegradable municipal waste (BDMW) from family houses. This duty can be achieved by home composting or by collection of green waste in bio-bins, which are regularly emptied by a collection company. The collected waste is recycled in a composting plant. The conducted research was focused on identifying the composition of the collected green waste and comparing the environmental behaviour of residents in villages and towns. The analyses conducted showed that the separated BDMW from the urban population has a higher rate of contamination, but a lower rate of compostable kitchen waste compared to the residents in villages

    The Use of Virtual Reality Resources to Increase Safety in the Training of Fire and Rescue Corps Units

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    The work of fire departments is influenced by various factors that bring risks. The security of fire fighters is the most important thing when performing their job. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure their security by identifying risks and eliminating them in advance. Virtual reality resources help to increase the safety of firefighters during professional training activities. These activities are conducted with the usage of simulators, practical exercises and simulations; however, these exercises can only partly get them closer to reality. We claim that virtual reality is a huge aid for firefighters, and that by using this tool, efficient protection of life and health as well as property can be provided. The submitted article discusses the current state of virtual reality resources and their use in the professional training of fire brigades and rescue units. It also discusses the benefits of virtual reality use

    Water Regime Monitoring of the Royal Walnut (<i>Juglans regia</i> L.) Using Sap Flow and Dendrometric Measurements

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    Changes in the distribution of annual rainfall totals, together with the increase in temperature over the last 40 years, are causing more frequent periods of drought, and plants are more often exposed to water stress. The aim of this study was to monitor the effect of different water regimes (irrigated and non-irrigated) of individuals of walnut tree (Juglans regia L.) in a private orchard located in the West of Slovakia. Our research was focused on dendrometric and sap flow measurements in the period from 28 March to 2 June 2019. The results showed differences in the sap flow of walnut trees during the budbreak period: when trees were irrigated, sap flow in the diurnal cycle was around 130 g·h−1 (20.48%), higher than in the non-irrigated treatment. Dendrometric differences between the irrigated and non-irrigated treatments were not significant. The sap flow data in the flowering period of the irrigated variant were slightly higher at 150 g·h−1 (35.62%) than non-irrigated. Dendrometric differences were more significant when the difference between the variants was more than 1.5 mm. Continuation of this research and analysis of the data obtained in the coming years will allow us to evaluate the effects of the environment on fruit trees in the long term

    Implementation of project method of teaching in security education in the subject of technical security equipment

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    Článok bude pojednávať o projektovom vyučovaní a jeho aplikácii v predmete Technické bezpečnostné prostriedky vyučovaného na Vysokej škole bezpečnostného manažérstva v Košiciach. Uplatňovanie projektového vyučovania pomáha zvyšovať efektivitu a kvalitu vyučovacieho procesu, motivuje a aktivuje študentov. Projektové vyučovanie podporuje individuálnu aktivitu, tvorivosť, vzájomnú komunikáciu, zodpovednosť a schopnosť začleniť daný problém do rôznych oblastí.The article will discuss the project method of teaching and its application in the subject of Technical Security Equipment taught at the University of Security Management in Košice. The application of project method of teaching helps increase the efficiency and quality of the teaching process, motivates and activates students. Project method of teaching encourages individual activity, creativity, mutual communication, responsibility and the ability to incorporate the issue into different area

    Safety Risks Assessment and Security Evaluation of Manufacturing Entities

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    The article deals with security as a scientific discipline dealing with the assessment of the technical condition of machineries, hazards identification and risks assessment which could lead to fatal consequences. Article highlights the importance of using methods of risk assessment as well as the importance of the security evaluation in manufacturing companies. This article provides an overview of the most widely used risk assessment methods and specifically referred to point method, which is one of the most widely used risk assessment methods