20 research outputs found

    Influence of lipoproteins at dry-off on metabolism of dairy cows during transition period and on postpartum reproductive outcomes

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    High-yielding dairy cows are metabolically challenged during transition, when intense mobilization and hepatic oxidation of lipids is achieved, thus leading to fatty infiltration, ketosis and generalized inflammation. The condition is associated to periparturient diseases and poor fertility. The aim of this study was to assess whether serum lipoprotein concentrations in the dry period could influence the occurrence of postpartum diseases and reproductive performance in dairy cows. The study was carried out on 30 multiparous Holstein Friesian cows. Blood samples were collected at dry-off ( 1260 days), 30 days after dry-off and within 12 h after parturition for biochemical and serum lipoprotein assays. From 10 to 60 days after parturition milk was collected twice weekly after feeding, for milk whey progesterone assay. The Optimal Cutpoint package identified a threshold of 89% for serum High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) concentration at the beginning of the dry period with 95% of confidence interval. Cows with serum HDL greater than 89% (High group, n = 10) showed better reproductive performance when compared to those with low values (Low group, n = 18). The odds ratio for reproductive disorders in High group was 0.6875, however, differences were not significant probably due to both the reduced number of animals per group and overall low incidence of postpartum reproductive disease. First postpartum luteal activity occurred around day 23, while the second one between days 40 and 48. The average calving to first AI interval was 64.00 \ub1 3.95 days and 94.50 \ub1 12.32 days in High and Low group, respectively (P 89% at dry-off could be suggestive of improved liver adaptation to the transition, and probably of enhanced fertility in High group

    Dose and Time Dependent Effect of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Supplementation on In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocytes

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    In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process that is exposed to high oxygen concentration (20%) resulting in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a potent free radical scavenger. However, it is reported that NAC supplementation during IVF has no or detrimental effect on oocyte development. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of different concentrations of NAC supplemented at different stages of in vitro culture of bovine oocytes on fertilization rate and polyspermy. In Experiment 1, NAC was added at a fixed concentration (1.25 mM) to IVM medium (Group NAC IVM+/IVF-), to the fertilization medium (Group NAC IVM-/IVF+) and in both mediums (Group NAC IVM+/IVF+). In experiment 2, NAC was added only to the IVF medium at higher concentrations (5mM and 10mM). The control group were processed without the addition of NAC in mediums.In the present work, NAC (1.25mM) negatively influenced the rate of fertilized oocytes only in a NAC IVM+/IVF+ Group, while in Groups NAC IVM+/IVF- and IVM-/IVF+ a significant greater rate of normal fertilized oocytes has been recorded.In conclusion from the results of the present study we can state that addition of low doses of NAC (1.25 mM) to the IVM or IVF medium has positive effects on the quality of the fertilized oocytes by reducing polyspermic rates, while doses greater than 5 mM in IVF medium demonstrated a detrimental effect on the fertilization rate

    In vitro folliculogenesis in mammalian models: a computational biology study

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    In vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) has been proposed as an emerging technology to support follicle growth and oocyte development. It holds a great deal of attraction from preserving human fertility to improving animal reproductive biotechnology. Despite the mice model, where live offspring have been achieved,in medium-sized mammals, ivF has not been validated yet. Thus, the employment of a network theory approach has been proposed for interpreting the large amount of ivF information collected to date in different mammalian models in order to identify the controllers of the in vitro system. The WoS-derived data generated a scale-free network, easily navigable including 641 nodes and 2089 links. A limited number of controllers (7.2%) are responsible for network robustness by preserving it against random damage. The network nodes were stratified in a coherent biological manner on three layers: the input was composed of systemic hormones and somatic- oocyte paracrine factors; the intermediate one recognized mainly key signaling molecules such as PI3K, KL, JAK-STAT, SMAD4, and cAMP; and the output layer molecules were related to functional ivF endpoints such as the FSH receptor and steroidogenesis. Notably, the phenotypes of knock-out mice previously developed for hub.BN indirectly corroborate their biological relevance in early folliculogenesis. Finally, taking advantage of the STRING analysis approach, further controllers belonging to the metabolic axis backbone were identified, such as mTOR/FOXO, FOXO3/SIRT1, and VEGF, which have been poorly considered in ivF to date. Overall, this in silico study identifies new metabolic sensor molecules controlling ivF serving as a basis for designing innovative diagnostic and treatment methods to preserve female fertility

    Equine chorionic gonadotropin as an effective fsh replacement for in vitro ovine follicle and oocyte development

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    The use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) still requires strategies through which to maximize individual fertility chances. In vitro folliculogenesis (ivF) may represent a valid option to convey the large source of immature oocytes in ART. Several efforts have been made to set up ivF cultural protocols in medium-sized mammals, starting with the identification of the most suitable gonadotropic stimulus. In this study, Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) is proposed as an alternative to Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) based on its long superovulation use, trans-species validation, long half-life, and low costs. The use of 3D ivF on single-ovine preantral (PA) follicles allowed us to compare the hormonal effects and to validate their influence under two different cultural conditions. The use of eCG helped to stimulate the in vitro growth of ovine PA follicles by maximizing its influence under FBS-free medium. Higher performance of follicular growth, antrum formation, steroidogenic activity and gap junction marker expression were recorded. In addition, eCG, promoted a positive effect on the germinal compartment, leading to a higher incidence of meiotic competent oocytes. These findings should help to widen the use of eCG to ivF as a valid and largely available hormonal support enabling a synchronized in vitro follicle and oocyte development

    Effect of culling management practices on the seroprevalence of Johne’s disease in Holstein dairy cattle in central Italy

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    A study was performed in Umbria, central Italy, to find out whether different culling strategies adopted by farms to control Johne’s disease (JD) infection exerted effects on the seroprevalence in dairy cattle. Fifty Fresian dairy herds in the Perugia and Assisi districts were visited and an audit of herd management was conducted. Among the 50 herds, 20 were selected for the consistency of management practices and, according to the culling strategy, two groups were created: group A (aggressive culling protocol, with average herd productive life <1100 days) and group B (lower culling rate, with productive life greater than 1500 days). The presence of antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) in the serum was determined using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. It was found that 3.3% (n = 14) of the cows of group B (n = 422, from 17 herds) were positive for Map antibodies, in comparison with 5.7% (n = 21) of the cows from group A (n = 366, from three herds). The odds ratio from multiple logistic regression (adjusted odds ratio 2.446, 95% confidence interval 0.412 to 14.525) showed that Johne’s disease prevalence in herds with a greater productive life was not higher than in herds with typical modern management characterized by more aggressive culling. This is a significant finding, indicating that aggressive culling may not be necessary. Current JD control recommendations are derived from data obtained in high-prevalence paratuberculosis areas (northern Europe, including northern Italy), while methods of information transfer to dairy farms in low-prevalence areas should be reassessed to ensure that the correct measures, including basic calving management and calf-rearing practices, are thoroughly implemented. Using the manufacturer’s suggested cut-off for a positive ELISA test and the sensitivity and specificity claimed, the overall true prevalence in Umbria dairy cattle was calculated as 7% (95% confidence interval 5.2% to 8.8%).European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)https://www.mdpi.com/journal/vetsciam2023Paraclinical Science

    Fiera District di Bologna: progetto di riqualificazione degli spazi pubblici e della Torre della Regione Emilia-Romagna

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    A Bologna nel 1968, in seguito al fenomeno del decentramento delle funzioni amministrative, inizia la collaborazione di Kenzo Tange con l’amministrazione comunale al quale viene affidato l’incarico per la costruzione del centro direzionale nella zona nord della città, adiacente al quartiere fieristico. Dell’imponente progetto originario ne viene realizzata una minima parte, il Fiera District composto da diverse tipologie di edifici prefabbricati, di cui il Movimento metabolista ne è riferimento. Ad oggi, il distretto si presenta privo di connessioni con il resto della città e con il suo intorno, a causa della presenza di assi stradali ad alta percorrenza e alla sua vocazione monofunzionale. Gli edifici che lo compongono presentano scarse prestazioni energetiche e spazi che non sono più corrispondenti alle dinamiche lavorative odierne. La tesi propone un progetto di riqualificazione degli spazi pubblici dell’intero complesso Fiera District, ed il miglioramento funzionale ed energetico della Torre della Regione Emilia-Romagna, aumentando anche il benessere degli utenti. A scala urbana, gli interventi mirano a realizzare un’interazione più efficace con le aree limitrofe attraverso l’incremento e la messa a sistema delle aree verdi, lavorando sul miglioramento del comfort dal punto di vista ambientale e climatico, e delle infrastrutture viarie esistenti. A scala architettonica, le strategie adottate per la Torre della Regione agiscono ridefinendo gli spazi di lavoro secondo modelli basati sul concetto di flessibilità e inclusività. Il progetto interviene sull’edificio integrando la componente del verde all’architettura e sviluppando soluzioni tecnologiche volte alla riduzione dei consumi energetici, nel rispetto delle volumetrie e delle facciate. Il metodo di applicazione delle strategie è estendibile anche agli altri edifici a torre del distretto secondo gli stessi principi

    Delayed First Milking in Unassisted Overnight Calving Did Not Affect the Quality of Colostrum but Influenced Serum Brix Refractometry in Holstein Calves at Two Days of Life

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    Timely administration of good-quality colostrum represents the first farm strategy to avoid the failure of passive transfer (FPT). However, calves born during the night are likely to be fed later than recommended. Our aim was to evaluate whether night-occurring calving and delayed first milking affected colostrum quality and immune passive transfer. The dataset included 463 calvings. Four liters of colostrum were administered by an esophageal tube feeder. The mean Brix% of colostrum was 27.43%, while serum Brix% at two days of life in calves was 10.19%. According to the Generalized Linear Model, parity &ge; 4, calving months of March, April, and from September to November positively influenced the quality of colostrum. Dams carrying a male calf produced lower quality colostrum compared with those carrying a female calf (&minus;2.78 &plusmn; 1.04 Brix%, p = 0.008); heavier female calves were associated with greater colostrum quality (0.29 &plusmn; 0.05 for each kg increase, p &lt; 0.001). Night- or day-calving had no effect on the quality of colostrum. The only factor influencing the serum Brix% of female Holstein calves at two days of life was the day- or night-occurring birth (&minus;0.386 &plusmn; 0.188 Brix% in calves born during the night, p = 0.04). Our results showed that calves born overnight and fed the day after had decreased serum Total Protein concentrations as indicated by reduced Brix refractometer readings, compared with calves born during the day and fed quickly after birth. However, the administration of 4 L of high-quality colostrum likely improved their serum Brix% at two days of life. Alternatively, where the prevalence of good-quality colostrum is lower, improving calving supervision and ensuring timely feeding are important to reduce the risk of FPT

    Assessment of Sensitivity and Profitability of an Intravaginal Sensor for Remote Calving Prediction in Dairy Cattle

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    One critical point of dairy farm management is calving and neonatal first care. Timely calving assistance is associated with the reduction of calf mortality and postpartum uterine disease, and with improved fertility in dairy cattle. This study aimed to evaluate the performance and profitability of an intravaginal sensor for the prediction of stage II of labor in dairy farms, thus allowing proper calving assistance. Seventy-three late-gestating Italian Holstein cows were submitted to the insertion of an intravaginal device, equipped with light and temperature sensors, connected with a Central Unit for the commutation of a radio-signal into a cell phone alert. The remote calving alarm correctly identified the beginning of the expulsive phase of labor in 86.3% of the monitored cows. The mean interval from alarm to complete expulsion of the fetus was 71.56 &plusmn; 52.98 min, with a greater range in cows with dystocia (p = 0.012). The sensor worked correctly in both cold and warm weather conditions, and during day- or night-time. The intravaginal probe was well tolerated, as any cow showed lesions to the vaginal mucosa after calving. Using sex-sorted semen in heifers and beef bull semen in cows at their last lactation, the economic estimation performed through PrecisionTree&trade; software led to an income improvement of 119 &euro; and 123 &euro;/monitored delivery in primiparous and pluriparous cows, respectively. Remote calving alarm devices are key components of &ldquo;precision farming&rdquo; management and proven to improve animal welfare, to reduce calf losses and to increase farm incomes