40 research outputs found

    Joseph Georg Meinert a jeho dílo v kontextu německého kulturního života v českých zemích na konci 18. a v první polovině 19. století.

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá životem a dílem Josepha Georga Meinerta - pedagoga a badatele - v kontextu německého duchovního života v českých zemích ke konci 18. a na počátku 19. století. Cílem je analyzovat obsah Meinertových spisů napříč celým spektrem jeho tvorby, které podávají svědectví o životě tohoto německy mluvícího učence a zároveň dokreslují kulturně-historický vývoj v době, kdy se začalo prohlubovat vlastenecké a národnostní cítění obyvatel habsburské monarchie. Tato práce dělí Meinertovy texty do skupin podle žánrů a objevujících se témat a motivů, které porovnává s informacemi ze sekundární literatury a dochovanými fragmenty Meinertových deníků. Výsledky analýzy děl potvrzují, že Meinertova tvorba věrně dokumentovala historické, politické i kulturní poměry té doby. Neovlivňovala jen patriotisticky smýšlející myslitele a spisovatele v českých, rakouských a německých zemích - Meinertova publicistická činnost se zaměřovala i na méně vzdělané čtenáře. Díla byla povětšinou přijímána kladně, výjimkou byla Meinertova básnická tvorba týkající se negativně vnímaných historických událostí. Analýza děl navíc ukázala, že se původně neutrální patriotistický postoj Josepha Georga Meinerta měnil společně s dobou. V pozdějších spisech Meinert začal rozlišovat mezi obyvateli českých zemí,...The presented thesis contextualizes Joseph Georg Meinert's life and his writings in German spiritual life in the Czech lands at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. It aims to analyze the subject matter of the whole spectrum of his works. His writings attest to the life of this German-speaking teacher, tutor and professor as well as scholar. Equally, they show the cultural and historical development at the time when the patriotism in the Habsburg monarchy begun to evolve. In the thesis Mainert's texts are divided into groups according to their genres and recurring themes and motives. Next, the texts are analyzed by comparison with the information occurring in the secondary literature and the preserved fragments of Meinert's diaries. The results of the analysis confirm that Meinert's creations authentically documented the historical, political and cultural circumstances of that time. The creations influenced not only the patriotically thinking fellows and writers in the Austrian, Czech and German lands, but as an editor he also had influence on the less educated readers of his journals. Meinert's writings were mostly received positively. His poetic work related to the negatively perceived historical events can be seen as an exception. Above that, the analysis showed that...Institute of Germanic StudiesÚstav germánských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Population structure, migration and dynamics in Africa and Arabia

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    Populační historie afrického sahelu a Arábie byla kromě interakce evolučních sil ovlivněna i šířením kulturních inovací neolitu. Odrazem těchto procesů je dnes velmi složitě strukturovaná diverzita současných populací, která je v předkládané práci prezentována prostřednictvím analýz několika genetických markerů. Cílem je podat ucelený pohled na historii demografických procesů v sahelu i Arábii, a to kombinací genetických, jazykových, subsistenčních a geografických dat získaných od lokálních populací. Studie rozsáhlého souboru mtDNA sekvencí ukázala, že Arábie byla významnou křižovatkou genového toku, a ačkoliv byla kolonizována anatomicky moderními lidmi z východní Afriky, dnešní diferenciace mezi oběma regiony je vyšší než diferenciace mezi jejich lokálními populacemi. I sahel byl v minulosti významným biokoridorem. Setkáváme se zde s populacemi různých subsistenčních strategií (kočovní pastevci a usedlí zemědělci), mezi nimiž byl genový tok značně omezen. Porovnání uniparentálně děděných lokusů u obou skupin poukazuje na odlišnou migrační aktivitu východní a západní části sahelu. Ke komplexnějšímu obrazu populační historie této oblasti přispěly také analýzy Alu elementů, které naznačily inklinaci západoafrických pastevců (Fulbů) k populacím východní Afriky. Práce ukazuje, že subsistenční...In addition to the interaction of evolutionary forces, the population history of the African Sahel and Arabia has been influenced by the spread of Neolithic cultural innovations. The reflection of these processes today is a very complex structured diversity of the current populations, which is presented here through the analysis of several genetic markers. The aim is to provide a comprehensive view of the history of demographic processes in the Sahel and Arabia, by combining genetic, linguistic, subsistence and geographical data obtained from local populations. A study of a large dataset of mtDNA sequences showed that Arabia was a major crossroads in gene flow, and although it was colonized by anatomically modern humans from East Africa, today's differentiation from Africa is greater than the differentiation between local populations in these regions. Even the Sahel was an important biocorridor in the past. Today, we encounter populations of various subsistence strategies (nomadic pastoralists and settled farmers), between which gene flow has been severely restricted. A comparison of uniparently inherited loci in both groups points to different migratory activity in the eastern and western parts of the Sahel. Analyzes of Alu elements, which indicated the inclination of West African herders (Fulbs)...Katedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaDepartment of Anthropology and Human GeneticsPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Modulární syntéza N-heteroaromatických kationtů pomocí (2+2+2) cykloadice

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    5 Abstract N-Heteroaromatic cations represent a family of compounds with diverse application potentials including natural products, DNA probes, fluorescence dyes, herbicides, ionic liquids, organocatalysts, etc. The preparation of these species proceeds mainly through N-alkylation which is used mostly as a last step of the synthetic sequence. Only limited diversity of cationic substrates can be achieved with this manner, hence, searching for other methods leading to novel Nheteroaromatic cations is of great interest. Some examples of transition metal-catalyzed transformations on organic cations have appeared over the last two decades including Suzuki- Miyaura reaction, Sonogashira and Stille coupling, oxidative homocoupling, ring-closing metathesis, etc. Here, the successful construction of new N-heteroaromatic cations by [2+2+2] cycloaddition is presented. A methodology for the synthesis of novel pyridine-type organic monocations was developed using gaseous acetylene as a reaction partner in the cyclization step. Subsequently, the double [2+2+2] cycloaddition was utilized for the preparation of oligo-p-phenylenes with two to seven para connected phenylene units. Furthermore, the intramolecular version of the cyclization step led to two helical and four linear dications which can be considered as extended...5 Abstract N-Heteroaromatic cations represent a family of compounds with diverse application potentials including natural products, DNA probes, fluorescence dyes, herbicides, ionic liquids, organocatalysts, etc. The preparation of these species proceeds mainly through N-alkylation which is used mostly as a last step of the synthetic sequence. Only limited diversity of cationic substrates can be achieved with this manner, hence, searching for other methods leading to novel Nheteroaromatic cations is of great interest. Some examples of transition metal-catalyzed transformations on organic cations have appeared over the last two decades including Suzuki- Miyaura reaction, Sonogashira and Stille coupling, oxidative homocoupling, ring-closing metathesis, etc. Here, the successful construction of new N-heteroaromatic cations by [2+2+2] cycloaddition is presented. A methodology for the synthesis of novel pyridine-type organic monocations was developed using gaseous acetylene as a reaction partner in the cyclization step. Subsequently, the double [2+2+2] cycloaddition was utilized for the preparation of oligo-p-phenylenes with two to seven para connected phenylene units. Furthermore, the intramolecular version of the cyclization step led to two helical and four linear dications which can be considered as extended...Department of Organic ChemistryKatedra organické chemieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Genetic Structure of the Western and Eastern African Sahel/Savannah Belt and the Role of Nomadic Pastoralists as Inferred from the Variation of D-loop mtDNA sequences

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    The objective of this study is to provide deeper knowledge of the maternal genetic structure and demographic history of the human population of the dynamic Sahel/Savannah belt, the extensive region lying between the Sahara and tropical rainforests, spanning from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea coast. The study aims to confirm or disconfirm archaeological and linguistic data indicating that the region’s populations underwent diversification as a result of the spread of agropastoral food-producing subsistence lifestyles, over time dividing the region into separate areas of nomadic pastoralism on the one hand, and sedentary farming on the other. In order to perform both descriptive and coalescence analyses from the Sahel/Savannah belt’s entire region, including western and eastern rather than just central populations studied previously, we generated a new mtDNA dataset not only having almost 2,000 samples (875 of which were newly collected); but also encompassing whole mtDNA D-loop segment rather than only the previously studied HVS-1. While comparing our analyses with previous results from the Lake Chad Basin (central Sahel/Savannah Belt) we revealed similar intra-population diversity measures (i.e., lower values of measures in pastoralists than farmers). However, the new dataset pointed to significant differences in mating strategies between western as compared to the eastern pastoralists: our results suggest higher gene flow between the Arabic pastoralists and neighboring farmers in the eastern than between the Fulani pastoralists and their sedentary neighbors in the western part of the Sahel/Savannah Belt. The findings are discussed in the light of archaeological and linguistic data, allowing us to postulate that the genetic differentiation of Fulani pastoralists from the common western African agropastoral gene pool occurred at around the same time as the arrival of the Arabic pastoralists to eastern Africa. However, it seems that while the process of divergence of the Fulani pastoralists in the west was accompanied by a loss of Fulani females to other populations, the Arab pastoralists’ immigration to the Sahel/Savannah belt conversely resulted in some gain of local females into this Arab population

    The genetic links around the Red Sea as revealed by the mtDNA

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    The Red Sea region is one of the important places that allow us to uncover traces of the evolution of anatomically modern humans. Besides the questions related to its expansion out of Africa, this region is also important in terms of the mutual influence between populations of Africa and Arabia that after a long period of isolation and genetic differentiation related to climate change in the Pleistocene and subsequent development of seaways and land routes in the Holocene began to contact with each other more frequently. Number of genetic analyzes has been done but some issues concerning on the later development still remain inadequately answered, mainly because of insufficient material. This work is focused on the analysis of 200 mtDNA sequences of four Sudanese populations - two populations of nomadic herdsmen Rashaida and Beja living in the close neighborhood around the city of Kassala and speaking different languages and two populations of the Nile Valley with settled way of life. Analysis of the intrapopulation level revealed much higher diversity of the sedentary populations (in this work the sedentary populations are represented by the Nubians and Arabs). Interpopulation variability and genetic distances within other 46 populations of the Red Sea showed that although Rashaida and Beja people..

    The genetic links around the Red Sea as revealed by the mtDNA

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    Okolí Rudého moře je jedním z důležitých regionů, které nám umožňují poodkrýt stopy evoluce anatomicky moderního člověka. Kromě otázek souvisejících s jeho šířením z Afriky je tato oblast významná i z hlediska vzájemného vlivu afrických a arabských populací, které se po delším období vzájemné izolace a genetické diferenciace související s klimatickými změnami v pleistocénu a následným rozvojem námořních i pozemních tras v holocénu začaly dostávat do stále častějšího kontaktu. Ačkoliv byla v rámci této oblasti provedena již řada archeogenetických analýz, některé otázky týkající se pozdějšího vývoje zůstávají dosud nedostatečně zodpovězené, především z důvodu nedostatečného materiálového zastoupení. Tato práce je zaměřena na analýzu 200 sekvencí mtDNA čtyř súdánských populací - dvou populací kočovných pastevců Rašajda a Bedža žijící v těsném sousedství v okolí města Kassala a hovořící odlišnými jazyky a dvou populací z údolí Nilu žijící usedlým způsobem života. Prostřednictvím intrapopulační analýzy byla zjištěna mnohem vyšší diverzita u usedlých populací (v této práci jsou reprezentovány Núbijci a Araby). Při hodnocení interpopulační variability a genetických vzdáleností v rámci dalších 46 populací z oblasti Rudého moře bylo dále zjištěno, že ačkoliv žijí Rašajdové a Bedžové v současné době v těsném...The Red Sea region is one of the important places that allow us to uncover traces of the evolution of anatomically modern humans. Besides the questions related to its expansion out of Africa, this region is also important in terms of the mutual influence between populations of Africa and Arabia that after a long period of isolation and genetic differentiation related to climate change in the Pleistocene and subsequent development of seaways and land routes in the Holocene began to contact with each other more frequently. Number of genetic analyzes has been done but some issues concerning on the later development still remain inadequately answered, mainly because of insufficient material. This work is focused on the analysis of 200 mtDNA sequences of four Sudanese populations - two populations of nomadic herdsmen Rashaida and Beja living in the close neighborhood around the city of Kassala and speaking different languages and two populations of the Nile Valley with settled way of life. Analysis of the intrapopulation level revealed much higher diversity of the sedentary populations (in this work the sedentary populations are represented by the Nubians and Arabs). Interpopulation variability and genetic distances within other 46 populations of the Red Sea showed that although Rashaida and Beja people...Department of Anthropology and Human GeneticsKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    The genetic links around the Red Sea as revealed by the mtDNA

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    The Red Sea region is one of the important places that allow us to uncover traces of the evolution of anatomically modern humans. Besides the questions related to its expansion out of Africa, this region is also important in terms of the mutual influence between populations of Africa and Arabia that after a long period of isolation and genetic differentiation related to climate change in the Pleistocene and subsequent development of seaways and land routes in the Holocene began to contact with each other more frequently. Number of genetic analyzes has been done but some issues concerning on the later development still remain inadequately answered, mainly because of insufficient material. This work is focused on the analysis of 200 mtDNA sequences of four Sudanese populations - two populations of nomadic herdsmen Rashaida and Beja living in the close neighborhood around the city of Kassala and speaking different languages and two populations of the Nile Valley with settled way of life. Analysis of the intrapopulation level revealed much higher diversity of the sedentary populations (in this work the sedentary populations are represented by the Nubians and Arabs). Interpopulation variability and genetic distances within other 46 populations of the Red Sea showed that although Rashaida and Beja people..

    Demographic development of the parish Heřmanův Městec from the mid-17th to the mid-18th century

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    Práce je věnována demografickému vývoji farnosti Heřmanův Městec v letech 1656-1749, se zaměřením na tři hlavní ukazatele - sňatečnost, porodnost a úmrtnost. Pro tuto práci bylo využito anonymní excerpce dat. Celý výzkum je doplněn kojeneckou úmrtností, sezónním pohybem a historií farnosti.The thesis deals about demographic development of the parish Heřmanův Městec in the period from 1656 to 1749, with focused on three main indicaters- nuptality, natality and mortality. For this thesis was used anonymus excerptions.The research is accompanied by infant mortality, seasonal movements and history of the parish.Fakulta filozofickáStudentka seznámila komisi s obsahem své badatelské práce a s průběhem její přípravy. Adekvátním způsobem reagovala na oba posudky. V následné diskusi prokázala dobrou orientaci v pramenné základně k vymezenému tématu.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Joseph Georg Meinert and His Work in the Context of the German Cultural Life in the Czech Lands at the End of the 18th and in the First Half of the 19th Century.

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    The presented thesis contextualizes Joseph Georg Meinert's life and his writings in German spiritual life in the Czech lands at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. It aims to analyze the subject matter of the whole spectrum of his works. His writings attest to the life of this German-speaking teacher, tutor and professor as well as scholar. Equally, they show the cultural and historical development at the time when the patriotism in the Habsburg monarchy begun to evolve. In the thesis Mainert's texts are divided into groups according to their genres and recurring themes and motives. Next, the texts are analyzed by comparison with the information occurring in the secondary literature and the preserved fragments of Meinert's diaries. The results of the analysis confirm that Meinert's creations authentically documented the historical, political and cultural circumstances of that time. The creations influenced not only the patriotically thinking fellows and writers in the Austrian, Czech and German lands, but as an editor he also had influence on the less educated readers of his journals. Meinert's writings were mostly received positively. His poetic work related to the negatively perceived historical events can be seen as an exception. Above that, the analysis showed that..

    Stereotypes of Central European Nations: Czech Current Perspective in Intergenerational Comparison. Bachelor thesis. Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, 63 p.

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    The thesis deals with stereotypes of nations in Central Europe from the perspective of selected sample of the Czech population. The aim of this thesis is to map the stereotypical opinions that prevail in Czech society in seven Central European political nations. The thesis also points out the presence of geographical factors which are associated with the occurrence of stereotypes. The research part of this thesis is based on a questionnaire survey through which respondents were asked, among other things, about their attitudes or knowledge towards the monitored nations. The collected data were analysed in a comprehensive manner with an emphasis on curiosity and geographical context. In the part of synthesis, the data were divided according to the set generations and then compared with the aim of discovering what differences or similarities between the generations exist